(1) For the purposes of this Act, the Minister is to endorse guidelines in respect of the naming of places.(2) Guidelines endorsed under subsection (1) may do one or more of the following:(a) set out the principles, practices and processes to be followed in selecting, assigning, altering or discontinuing the approved name for a place;(b) require, and specify the procedures for, consultation in respect of the name for a place;(c) list the persons responsible for proposing names for, or naming, specified places under this Act;(d) specify the responsibilities of persons referred to in paragraph (c) in respect of proposing a name for, or naming, a place;(e) require such other action as is prescribed.(3) The Registrar is to ensure that guidelines endorsed under subsection (1) (a) are published in one or more of the following ways before the guidelines take effect:(i) the guidelines are made available for viewing by members of the public on a website that is accessible for free by the public;(ii) the guidelines are made available for viewing by members of the public by any other means approved by the Minister; and(b) remain so published while the guidelines remain in effect.(4) Guidelines endorsed, and in effect, under this section must be reviewed at least once in each 5-year period.