Section 62 of the Principal Act is amended as follows:(a) by omitting paragraphs (c) and (d) from subsection (2) and substituting the following paragraphs:(c) each member of the body corporate is (i) a registered pharmacist; or(ii) the spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, brother or sister of a registered pharmacist who is a member of the body corporate; and(d) the controlling interest in the body corporate is held by a person who is a registered pharmacist or by persons who are registered pharmacists; and(e) control and supervision of the practice, pharmacy or business, as the case may be, are vested in a person who is a registered pharmacist or in persons who are registered pharmacists.(b) by inserting the following subsection after subsection (2) :(2A) In subsection (2) , " spouse " , in relation to a registered pharmacist, includes the person who is in a significant relationship, within the meaning of the Relationships Act 2003 , with that registered pharmacist.(c) by inserting in subsection (3)(a)(ii) "or the pharmacy" after "services" ;(d) by inserting the following subparagraph after subparagraph (ii) in subsection (3)(a) :(iii) that body provided pharmacy services in this State, or held an interest in a pharmacy in this State or in the business carried on in a pharmacy in this State, before the commencement of the Pharmacists Registration Amendment Act 2004 ; and