Tasmanian Numbered Acts
[Search this Act]
- Act 59 of 2011
- Royal Assent 15 December 2011
Long Title
PART 1 - Preliminary
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Interpretation
4. Timing of administrative actions of Commission
5. Determination of seating capacity
6. Act does not apply to personal private use of motor vehicles
7. Act does not apply to private passenger services
8. Act does not apply to incidental passenger services
9. Act binds Crown
PART 2 - Accreditation
Division 1 - Accreditation policy
10. Operator of passenger transport service must be accredited
11. What is a passenger transport service operator?
12. Operator of hire and drive passenger service must be accredited
13. What is a hire and drive passenger service operator?
14. Voluntary accreditation
15. Purpose of accreditation
16. Safety, security and related operational standards of accredited services
17. Who may be accredited?
Division 2 - Application and accreditation procedure
18. Application for accreditation
19. Determination of application for accreditation
20. Refusal of application for accreditation
21. Approval of application for accreditation
22. Accreditation certificate
23. Accreditation Register
Division 3 - Nature of accreditation
24. Duration of accreditation
25. Accreditation not transferable
26. Surrender of accreditation
27. Death of individual accredited operator
28. External accreditation
Division 4 - Management of accreditation
29. Contravention of conditions of accreditation
30. Variation of conditions of accreditation, &c.
31. Cancellation and suspension, &c., of accreditation
32. Information requirements
33. Notification requirements, &c.
PART 3 - Regular Passenger Services
Division 1 - Authorisation
34. Regular passenger service must be authorised
35. What is a regular passenger service?
36. Application for authorisation
37. Determination of application for authorisation
38. Refusal of application for authorisation
39. Approval of application for authorisation
40. Nature of authorisation
41. Contravention of conditions of authorisation
42. Variation of conditions of authorisation, &c.
43. Cancellation and suspension of authorisation
Division 2 - Operation of regular passenger services
44. Emergency operation, &c., of regular passenger services
45. Trial operation of regular passenger services
46. Operation of unprovided regular passenger services
47. Variation of independently operated regular passenger services
48. Variation of contractually operated regular passenger services
49. Term of passenger service contracts, &c.
50. Qualification of Secretary's contracting power
51. Service eligibility guidelines
Division 3 - Compensation
52. Compensation not payable
PART 4 - Review of Decisions
53. Interpretation of Part
54. Right of internal review
55. Nature of internal review
56. Application for internal review
57. Effect of application for internal review
58. Consideration of application for internal review
59. External review of decisions
PART 5 - Miscellaneous
60. Ministerial advisory committees
61. Administration and enforcement
62. Offences by bodies corporate
63. False or misleading information
64. Exemptions
65. Service of notices
66. Application procedure
67. Status and promulgation of administrative determinations, &c.
68. Regulations
69. Administration of Act
70. Savings and transitional provisions
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