Section 4 of the Principal Act is amended as follows:(a) by omitting the definitions of the Authority , Board and Council and substituting the following definitions:Authority means the body corporate continued in existence under section 5 under the name Racing Tasmania;Board means the Tasmanian Racing Appeal Board constituted under section 25 ;Chief Electoral Officer means the Chief Electoral Officer within the meaning of the Electoral Act 1985 ;corporate plan means the corporate plan prepared under section 16E ;Council means the Tasmanian Thoroughbred Racing Council, Tasmanian Harness Racing Council or Tasmanian Greyhound Racing Council;(b) by inserting the following definitions after the definition of functions :made , in relation to any Rules of Racing, includes adopted;ministerial charter means the charter provided to the Authority under section 16B ;(c) by omitting the definition of Rules of Racing and substituting the following definitions:Rules of Racing means the Rules of Racing of a Council made and in force under this Act, including (a) the Australian Rules of Racing adopted by that Council; and(b) the local Rules of Racing made by that Council;statement of corporate intent has the meaning given by section 16G .