(1) If a club's registration is suspended, cancelled or surrendered, the Director may authorise the relevant Council to hold a race meeting or betting-only meeting in substitution for any such meeting that the club could have otherwise held, whether allotted or not.(2) Any such authorisation (a) is to be in an approved form (but must specify which racecourse is to be used for the substitute race meeting or betting-only meeting); and(b) has effect for such period as the Director determines and specifies in the authorisation; and(c) may be rescinded before the expiration of that period if the Director, having regard to any changed circumstances, thinks it appropriate to do so.(3) For the purposes of this Act (a) a Council is, in relation to a race meeting or betting-only meeting that it holds in the place of a registered club pursuant to an authorisation under subsection (1) , taken to be the club committee of the club; and(b) the records of a Council relating to such a meeting are taken to be the accounting records of the club.(4) An authorisation under subsection (1) does not confer on a Council any right to the use or occupation of a racecourse to which it would not otherwise be entitled.