Clause 4
PART 1 - Attorney-General / Minister for Justice
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE | Admission to Courts Act 1916 | Anzac Memorial Hostel Act 1924 | Civil Process Acts 1839, 1870 and 1985 | Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 | Commercial Arbitration Act 1986 | Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981 | Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Tasmania) Code | Companies (Tasmania) Code | Companies and Securities (Interpretation and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Tasmania) Code | Companies and Securities Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1982 | Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board Act 1982 | Constitution (Legislative Council) Special Provisions Act 1997 | except in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of transferred members of the Australian Securities Commission (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | Crimes at Sea Act 1999 | Criminal Code Act 1924 | Criminal Code Amendment (Life Prisoners and Dangerous Criminals) Act 1994 | Criminal Investigation (Extra-Territorial Offences) Act 1987 | Debtors Acts 1870 and 1888 | except in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of the Director of Public Prosecutions (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | Evidence on Commission Act 2001 | Futures Industry (Tasmania) Code | Justices of the Peace (Validation) Act 2002 | Legislative Council (Division of Hobart) By-election Validation Act 1992 | Magistrates Court (Administrative Appeals Division) Act 2001 | in so far as it relates to the appointment, functions and operation of the Mental Health Tribunal and the appointment of the registrar and other officers of that Tribunal, and the appointment, functions and operation (including the provision of staff, assistance, resources and facilities) of the Forensic Tribunal (otherwise see Department of Health and Human Services under the Premier) | in so far as it relates to the Poppy Advisory and Control Board (otherwise see the Department of Health and Human Services under the Premier) | in so far as it relates to the functions and powers of the Guardianship and Administration Board in relation to enduring powers of attorney (otherwise see Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Premier) | Promissory Oaths Act 1869 | Rules Publication Act 1953 | Securities Industry (Tasmania) Code | except in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of the Solicitor-General (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | Statutory Authorities (Protection from Liability of Members) Act 1993 | Supreme Court Acts 1856, 1887 and 1959 | except in so far as it relates to the authorisation of trustee investments (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | Trustee Companies (Merger) Act 2001 | in so far as it relates to the establishment and operation of the Magistrates Court (Youth Justice Division) (otherwise see Department of Health and Human Services under the Premier) |
PART 2 - Premier
DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TOURISM AND THE ARTS | Copper Mines of Tasmania Pty. Ltd. (Agreement) Act 1999 | except in so far as it relates to the erection of dwellings for renting to eligible persons under the Homes Act 1935 (see Department of Health and Human Services under the Premier) | Tasmanian Arts Advisory Board Act 1975 | Tasmanian International Velodrome Management Authority (Winding-up) Act 2006 | Tasmanian Museum Act 1950 | Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra (Financial Assistance) Act 1987 | Theatre Royal Management Act 1986 | DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION | Education Act 1994 | Education and Training (Repeals and Transitional Provisions) Act 2008 | Education and Training (Tasmanian Academy) Act 2008 | Education and Training (Tasmanian Polytechnic) Act 2008 | Education and Training (Tasmanian Skills Institute) Act 2008 | Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Act 2003 | Vocational Education and Training Act 1994 | Youth Participation in Education and Training (Guaranteeing Futures) Act 2005 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES | Alcohol and Drug Dependency Act 1968 | Children, Young Persons and Their Families (Transitional and Savings Provisions) Act 1998 | Chiropractors and Osteopaths Registration Act 1997 | Dental Practitioners Registration Act 2001 | Dental Prosthetists Registration Act 1996 | Disability Services Act 1992 | in so far as it relates to the erection of dwellings for renting to eligible persons under the Homes Act 1935 (otherwise see Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts under the Premier) | Health Services Act 1960 | HIV/AIDS Preventive Measures Act 1993 | Homes Act 1935 | except in so far as it relates to the lending of funds for home ownership (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | Hospitals Act 1918 | Human Cloning for Reproduction and Other Prohibited Practices Act 2003 | Human Embryonic Research Regulation Act 2003 | Medical Practitioners Registration Act 1996 | Medical Radiation Science Professionals Registration Act 2000 | except in so far as it relates to the appointment, functions and operation of the Mental Health Tribunal and the appointment of the registrar and other officers of that Tribunal, and the appointment, functions and operation (including the provision of staff, assistance, resources and facilities) of the Forensic Tribunal (see Department of Justice under the Minister for Justice) | Nursing Act 1995 | Optometrists Registration Act 1994 | Perinatal Registry Act 1994 | Pharmacists Registration Act 2001 | Physiotherapists Registration Act 1999 | Podiatrists Registration Act 1995 | except in so far as it relates to the Poppy Advisory and Control Board (see the Department of Justice under the Minister for Justice) | Psychologists Registration Act 2000 | Substandard Housing Control Act 1973 | Surrogacy Contracts Act 1993 | Therapeutic Goods Act 2001 | except in so far as it relates to the establishment and operation of the Magistrates Court (Youth Justice Division) (see Department of Justice under the Minister for Justice) | DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, ENERGY AND RESOURCES | Damage by Aircraft Act 1963 | except Part 2 and Divisions 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8A and 10 of Part 3 (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | Electricity Supply Industry Restructuring (Savings and Transitional Provisions) Act 1995 | Forestry (Fair Contract Codes) Act 2001 | Gas Act 2000 | except in so far as it relates to provisions relating to the appointment, functions, powers and duties of the Director of Gas Safety (see Department of Justice under the Premier) | Gas Pipelines Act 2000 | except in so far as it relates to provisions relating to the functions, powers and duties of the Director of Gas Safety (see Department of Justice under the Premier) | Heavy Vehicle Road Transport Act 2009 | Metro Tasmania (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 1997 | Motor Vehicles Securities Act 1984 | Passenger Transport Act 1997 | Passenger Transport (Consequential and Transitional) Act 1997 | Passenger Transport (Transitional Regulations Validation) Act 2002 | Racing Regulation Act 2004 | Racing Regulation Amendment (Governance Reform) (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2008 | Racing Regulation (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2004 | Racing (Tasracing Pty Ltd) (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2009 | Rail Safety Act 1997 | Rail Safety Act 2009 | Repeal of Regulations Postponement Act 2009 | Taxi and Luxury Hire Car Industries Act 2008 | TOTE Tasmania Act 2000 | TOTE Tasmania (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2000 | Vehicle and Traffic (Transitional and Consequential) Act 1999 | DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE | Bills of Sale Act 1900 | Building Act 2000 | Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 | Consumer Credit (Tasmania) Act 1996 | Cooperatives Act 1999 | Credit (Commonwealth Powers) (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2009 | Dangerous Goods (Safe Transport) Act 1998 | Dangerous Substances (Safe Handling) Act 2005 | Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1968 | Door to Door Trading Act 1986 | Electricity Industry Safety and Administration (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 | Fair Trading Act 1990 | Fair Trading (Reinstatement of Regulations) Act 2008 | Gas Act 2000 | in so far as it relates to provisions relating to the appointment, functions, powers and duties of the Director of Gas Safety (otherwise see Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources under the Premier) | Gas Pipelines Act 2000 | in so far as it relates to provisions relating to the functions, powers and duties of the Director of Gas Safety (otherwise see Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources under the Premier) | Goods (Trade Descriptions) Act 1971 | Housing Indemnity Act 1992 | in so far as it relates to the appointment, functions and powers of the Tasmanian Industrial Commission and the appointment, duties and functions of inspectors and section 29(1C) and section 87A(1) (otherwise see Department of Premier and Cabinet under the Premier) | Local Government (Building and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1993 | Long Service Leave (Casual Wharf Employees) Act 1982 | Plumbers and Gas-fitters Registration Act 1951 | Property Agents and Land Transactions Act 2005 | Part 2 (otherwise see Forestry Corporation under the Premier) | Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993 | Sale of Hazardous Goods Act 1977 | Settled Land Acts 1884 and 1911 | Part 4 and section 46 in so far as that section relates to Part 4 (otherwise see Department of Premier and Cabinet under the Premier) | Stock, Wool, and Crop Mortgages Act 1930 | Sullivans Cove Waterfront Authority Act 2004 | Trade Measurement Act 1999 | Trade Measurement (Tasmania) Administration Act 1999 | Travel Agents Act 1987 | Unordered Goods and Services Act 1973 | Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 | DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT | except in so far as it relates to the office of Commissioner of Police (see Department of Premier and Cabinet under the Premier) | DEPARTMENT OF PREMIER AND CABINET | Administrative Arrangements (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1990 | Anglican Church of Australia Constitution Act 1973 | Burial and Cremation Act 2002 | Church of England (Rectory of St. James the Apostle) Act 1980 | Coastal and Other Waters (Application of State Laws) Act 1982 | Constitution Act 1934 | Constitution (Doubts Removal) Act 2009 | Constitution (State Employees) Act 1944 | Constitution (Validation of Taxing Acts) Act 1991 | except in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of the Governor (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | except in so far as it relates to the appointment, functions and powers of the Tasmanian Industrial Commission and the appointment, duties and functions of inspectors and section 29(1C) and section 87A(1) (see Department of Justice under the Premier) | Jim Bacon Foundation Act 2004 | Launceston Flood Protection Act 1977 | Legislative Council Elections Act 1999 | Ockerby Gardens Helipad Act 1999 | Parliamentary Privilege Acts 1858 , 1885 , 1898 and 1957 | Parliamentary Salaries, Superannuation and Allowances Act 1973 | except in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of members of Parliament (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | in so far as it relates to the office of Commissioner of Police (otherwise see Department of Police and Emergency Management under the Premier) | Presbyterian Church Acts 1896 and 1908 | Presbyterian Church of Australia Acts 1901 and 1971 | except in so far as it relates to the conditions precedent to commencing public works (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | except Part 4 and section 46 in so far as that section relates to Part 4 (see Department of Justice under the Premier) | State Policies and Projects (Validation of Actions) Act 2001 | State Service (Savings and Transitional Provisions) Act 2000 | Tasmania Together Progress Board Act 2001 | Tasmanian Early Years Foundation Act 2005 | Tsuneichi Fujii Fellowship Trust (Winding-up) Act 2008 | DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, PARKS, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT | Aboriginal Relics Act 1975 | Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1995 | Animal Farming (Registration) Act 1994 | Animal Health Act 1995 | Apple and Pear Industry (Crop Insurance) Amendment and Repeal Act 1999 | Drains Act 1954 | Egg Industry Act 2002 | Fisheries Rules (Validation) Act 1997 | Fishing (Licence Ownership and Interest) Registration Act 2001 | Inland Fisheries (Director of Inland Fisheries Validation) Act 2003 | Living Marine Resources Management (Validation of Documents) Act 2002 | Meat Hygiene Act 1985 | Plant Quarantine Act 1997 | Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Act 1987 | except in so far as it relates to the functions and powers of the Guardianship and Administration Board in relation to enduring powers of attorney (see Department of Justice under the Minister for Justice) | Division 2 and Division 3 of Part 2 (otherwise see Forestry Corporation under the Premier) | Repeal of Regulations Postponement Act (No. 2) 2009 | Rivers and Water Supply Commission Act 1999 | Seeds Act 1985 | Tasmanian Beef Industry (Research and Development) Trust Act 1990 | Vermin Control Act 2000 | except Subdivision 3 of Division 1 , Division 5 of Part 4 and sections 88 and 111 (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Treasurer) | Weed Management Act 1999 | Wesley Vale Pulp and Paper Industry Act 1961 | FOREST PRACTICES AUTHORITY | Forest Practices (Private Timber Reserves Validation) Act 1999 | FORESTRY CORPORATION | Forestry Act 1920 | except Part 2 (see Department of Justice under the Premier) | except Division 2 and Division 3 of Part 2 (see Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Premier) | HYDRO-ELECTRIC CORPORATION | MOTOR ACCIDENTS INSURANCE BOARD |
PART 3 - Treasurer
DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY AND FINANCE | Cascade Brewery Co. Ltd (Shareholders Trust) Act 1980 | Commonwealth Bank (Interpretation) Act 1954 | Consolidated Fund Appropriation <Year> Act when applicable | Consolidated Fund Appropriation <Year> Act No. 1 when applicable | Consolidated Fund Appropriation <Year> Act No. 2 when applicable | Consolidated Fund Appropriation (Supplementary Appropriation for <Year>) Act when applicable | Consolidated Fund Supply Act <Year> when applicable | in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of transferred members of the Australian Securities Commission (otherwise see Department of Justice under the Minister for Justice) | in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of the Director of Public Prosecutions (otherwise see Department of Justice under the Minister for Justice) | Part 2 and Divisions 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8A and 10 of Part 3 (otherwise see Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources under the Premier) | Employment Incentive Scheme (Payroll Tax Rebate) Act 2009 | Financial Management and Audit Act 1990 | Government Prices Oversight Act 1995 | in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of the Governor (otherwise see Department of Premier and Cabinet under the Premier) | Homes Act 1935 | in so far as it relates to the lending of funds for home ownership (otherwise see Department of Health and Human Services under the Premier) | Land Tax Acts 1995 and 2000 | Legislation Repeal Act 2008 | Midway Point Improvement Act 1975 | Midway Point Improvement (Doubts Removal) Act 1983 | Nation Building and Jobs Plan Facilitation (Tasmania) Act 2009 | National Taxation Reform (Commonwealth-State Relations) Act 1999 | New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Tasmania) Act 1999 | Parliamentary Salaries, Superannuation and Allowances Act 1973 | in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of members of Parliament (otherwise see Department of Premier and Cabinet under the Premier) | Public Account Act 1986 | Public Sector Superannuation Reform Act 1999 | in so far as it relates to the conditions precedent to commencing public works (otherwise see Department of Premier and Cabinet under the Premier) | Retirement Benefits Act 1993 | Retirement Benefits (State Fire Commission Superannuation Scheme) Act 2005 | Retirement Benefits (Tasmanian Ambulance Service Superannuation Scheme) Act 2006 | Revenue Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 | Servants' Home Trustees Enabling Act 1914 | in so far as it relates to the superannuation entitlements of the Solicitor-General (otherwise see Department of Justice under the Minister for Justice) | Tourism and Recreational Development Act 1977 | in so far as it relates to the authorisation of trustee investments (otherwise see Department of Justice under the Minister for Justice) | Unclaimed Moneys Act 1918 | Water and Sewerage Corporations Act 2008 | Subdivision 3 of Division 1 , Division 5 of Part 4 and sections 88 and 111 (otherwise see Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Premier) | Water and Sewerage Industry (Community Service Obligation) Act 2009 |