In this Part concentrate means a Schedule 6 or 7 poison that for the purpose of its use is intended to be diluted or mixed with water or another diluent;enclosed building means a building, erection or tunnel in which the free movement of air is controlled or impeded in any manner;protective clothing and equipment means the clothing and equipment required by this Part to be worn or used by a chemical operator;respirator means an apparatus that covers the mouth and nose of a person and is designed to (a) ensure the person of a supply of air adequate for respiration; and(b) eliminate as far as practicable the risk of pollution by a Schedule 6 or 7 poison of the air that is breathed by the person;Schedule 6 or 7 poison means a chemical product that is listed, or which contains a constituent that is listed, in Schedule 6 or 7 to the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons;spray operation means agricultural spraying involving the use of a Schedule 6 or 7 poison.