(1) If a part of the body of a deceased person is to be separated from the remainder of the body and removed from the marked body bag for the body, the part of the body is to be (a) tagged with a tag that complies with regulation 8(2)(a) and (b) ; or(b) implanted with an electronic tag that bears the unique identification number for the body.(2) A part of the body of a deceased person tagged or implanted in accordance with subregulation (1) is to be kept in a container that is marked in indelible ink with the unique identification number for the body.(3) If a part of the body of a deceased person is separated from the remainder of the body and removed from the marked body bag for the body, the Head of Faculty is to ensure that the following particulars are recorded:(a) the name of the person to whom the part of the body was released;(b) each location where the part of the body is stored while it is separated from the marked body bag for the body;(c) if known, the day on which the part of the body is expected to be returned to the marked body bag for the body.(4) Once the part of the body is no longer required for anatomical examination, the part is to be returned to the marked body bag for the body.