In this Part prescribed essential safety and health feature means (a) a feature required by the Building Code of Australia to be provided in a building and described as a safety measure in the Tables in Part I1 of the Building Code of Australia as follows:(i) Table I1.1 building fire integrity;(ii) Table I1.2 means of egress;(iii) Table I1.3 signs;(iv) Table I1.4 lighting;(v) Table I1.5 fire fighting services and equipment;(vi) Table I1.6 air-handling systems;(vii) Table I1.7 automatic fire detection and alarm systems;(viii) Table I1.8 occupant warning systems;(ix) Table I1.9 lifts;(x) Table I1.10 standby power supply systems;(xi) Table I1.12 other measures; and(b) a feature required by the Building Code of Australia to be provided in a building and described as mechanical ventilation, and hot water, warm water and cooling water systems in clause I1.2 of Part I1 of the Building Code of Australia; and(c) any of the following features required to be maintained by the Plumbing Regulations 2004 :(i) an on-site waste water management system;(ii) a backflow prevention device;(iii) a thermostatic mixing valve or tempering valve installed in early childhood centres, primary and secondary schools, hospitals and nursing homes, or similar facilities for people with disabilities, young people, elderly people or sick people; and(d) any other feature provided in a building, or provided as a result of an alternative solution, which is designated by a building surveyor as an essential safety and health feature;prescribed essential safety and health measure means (a) a measure required by the Building Code of Australia to be provided in a building and described as a safety measure in the Tables in Part I1 of the Building Code of Australia as follows:(i) Table I1.11 building clearance and fire appliance access;(ii) Table I1.13 building use and application; and(b) an emergency evacuation procedure; and(c) any other measure provided in a building, or as a result of an alternative solution, which is designated by a building surveyor as an essential safety and health measure.