(1) A student organisation is to have a constitution that is approved by the executive officer.(2) A proposed student organisation is to forward its proposed constitution to the executive officer for approval.(3) The executive officer may (a) approve a proposed constitution; or(b) approve the proposed constitution, subject to any amendment the executive officer considers appropriate.(4) A student organisation is formed when the proposed constitution of the proposed student organisation is approved under subregulation (3)(a) or (b) by the executive officer.(5) A student organisation is to submit any proposed amendment to its constitution to the executive officer for approval.(6) The executive officer may (a) approve any proposed amendment of the constitution of a student organisation; or(b) approve any such proposed amendment, subject to any amendment the executive officer considers appropriate; or(c) refuse to approve any such proposed amendment.(7) A provision of a constitution of a student organisation that has not been approved by the executive officer is of no effect.