(1) The fee payable by a person for a search of a register under section 22(2) of the Act is 11 fee units.(2) The fee payable by a person for premises declared scheduled premises under section 22A of the repealed Act is 8 250 fee units.(3) The fee payable by a person for submission to the Board of a report on an environmental audit under section 30 of the Act is 5 500 fee units.(4) The fee payable by a person for the issue of a determination by the Board on a voluntary environmental audit under section 31 of the Act is 1 100 fee units.(5) The fee payable by a person for the issue or amendment of an environment protection notice, or for inspection or other appropriate actions to ensure that such a notice is complied with, is (a) 200 fee units; and(b) the hourly rate or 41 322 fee units, whichever is the lesser.(6) Subregulation (5) does not apply to an environment protection notice issued (a) under section 27(6) of the Act; or(b) under section 44(1)(d) of the Act; or(c) under section 44(2) of the Act.(7) The fees prescribed under this regulation are exempt from GST.