Regulation 3(1) of the Principal Regulations is amended as follows:(a) by omitting the definition of domestic premises ;(b) by inserting the following definitions after the definition of GVM :habitable room means any room in residential premises, other than a storage area, bathroom, laundry, toilet or pantry;intruder alarm system means an alarm system, installed in premises, that is designed to detect and audibly signal the presence of, or the entry or attempted entry into the premises by, an intruder;(c) by omitting the definition of manual ;(d) by inserting the following definition after the definition of recreational facility :residential premises means (a) any building, or part of a building, which building or part is lawfully used as, or for the purposes of, a residence; and(b) the land within the boundaries of the area of land on which the building is situated;(e) by inserting the following definition after the definition of shop :vehicle security alarm means an alarm system, installed in a motor vehicle, that is designed to detect and audibly signal any, or any attempted, intrusion into, or interference with, the motor vehicle by an intruder;