Tasmanian Numbered Regulations

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- (S.R. 2012, NO. 128)


           Long Title

   PART 1 - Preliminary

   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Interpretation
   4.      What are fireworks?
   5.      Exempt explosives
   6.      Exempt handling – police officers, defence personnel, &c.
   7.      References to weight of explosives
   8.      Quantity of explosives that makes a place an explosives location or large explosives location
   9.      Inconsistencies between codes, &c., and the regulations

   PART 2 - Requirements in Respect of Certain Operations

   10.     Certain codes and standards to be complied with
   11.     Safe separation distance to be maintained
   12.     Plans of workplace
   13.     Manifest required for large explosives location
   14.     Explosives not to be supplied to faulty handling system

   PART 3 - Authorisation of Explosives

   15.     Explosives not to be handled unless authorised
   16.     How are explosives authorised?
   17.     Determination of applications for authorisations
   18.     Register of authorised explosives
   19.     Duration of authorisations
   20.     Cancellation of authorisations
   21.     Permits to handle unauthorised explosives

   PART 4 - Key Handling Obligations

   22.     Explosives not to be handled contrary to manufacturer's instructions
   23.     Explosives not to be handled contrary to Relevant Standards
   24.     Explosives not to be directly handled near naked flames, &c.
   25.     Explosives not to be directly handled by smokers
   26.     Explosives not to be directly handled by intoxicated or incapacitated persons
   27.     General explosives not to be displayed on retail premises
   28.     General explosives not to be sold in public places
   29.     Maritime import and export – port controls

   PART 5 - Manufacture and Storage

   30.     Mobile Processing Units used in manufacture of AN-based explosives not to be left unattended
   31.     Safety cartridges not to be filled or capped away from manufacturing facility if certain risks present
   32.     Explosives to be kept in AEC-marked containers
   33.     What is an approved magazine?
   34.     Places to be placarded if explosives present
   35.     Explosives to be secured on day of firing, &c.

   PART 6 - Defective Explosives

   36.     Sale of defective explosives
   37.     Dealing with defective explosives

   PART 7 - Records

   38.     Import records
   39.     Export records
   40.     Purchase records
   41.     Sales records

   PART 8 - Shot-firing

           Division 1 - Interpretation

   42.     What is shot-firing?
   43.     Categories of shot-firing

           Division 2 - Shot-firers

   44.     Only certain shot-firers may prime or fire explosives
   45.     Shot-firing permits
   46.     Multiple endorsements
   47.     General nature of shot-firing permits
   48.     Renewal of permits
   49.     Surrender of permits or endorsements
   50.     Variation of permits
   51.     Additional endorsements
   52.     Cancellation of endorsements
   53.     Cancellation and suspension of permits
   54.     Recognition of interstate shot-firers
   55.     Effect of recognition

   PART 9 - Shot-firer Training

   56.     Interpretation
   57.     Shot-firing courses to be accredited
   58.     Key obligations of persons imposing training requirements
   59.     Key personal obligations of shot-firing instructors
   60.     Key personal obligations of shot-firing trainees
   61.     Accreditation
   62.     Matters relevant to grant of accreditation
   63.     General nature of accreditation
   64.     Renewal of accreditation
   65.     Surrender of accreditation
   66.     Variation of accreditation
   67.     Transfer of accreditation
   68.     Cancellation and suspension of accreditation
   69.     Monitoring of trainees
   70.     Suspension and cancellation of approval to be trained

   PART 10 - Blasting

   71.     Interpretation
   72.     Blast insurance
   73.     Blasting plans
   74.     Preparation of blasting plans
   75.     Blasting plans only valid if endorsed by shot-firer
   76.     Form of blasting plans
   77.     Content of blasting plans
   78.     Secretary may require documents and information
   79.     Temporary suspension orders
   80.     Emergency exemptions
   81.     Compliance with blasting plans and determinations

   PART 11 - Fireworks

           Division 1 - Preliminary

   82.     Interpretation
   83.     Status of Type 3 fireworks stored in magazine in large quantity
   84.     What is a pyrotechnician?
   85.     Application of Part

           Division 2 - Use of fireworks

   86.     Restrictions on use of fireworks

           Division 3 - Fireworks displays

   87.     Fireworks displays not to be held without permit
   88.     Applications for fireworks display permits
   89.     What does a permit authorise?
   90.     General nature of permits
   91.     Surrender of permits
   92.     Variation of permits
   93.     Cancellation of permits
   94.     Substitute pyrotechnicians
   95.     Commonwealth Day (Cracker Night)
   96.     Rescheduling of fireworks displays

           Division 4 - Sale and supply

   97.     Only pyrotechnicians may sell or supply Type 2 or Type 3 fireworks, &c.
   98.     Only pyrotechnicians may purchase or acquire Type 3 fireworks
   99.     Retail display restrictions
   100.    Retail sales quantum restrictions
   101.    Fireworks not to be sold in public places
   102.    Fireworks retailers to comply with AS 2187.3

           Division 5 - Miscellaneous handling restrictions

   103.    Only pyrotechnicians may manufacture, import, export or store Type 2 or Type 3 fireworks
   104.    Type 3 fireworks to be stored only in packages in approved magazines
   105.    Type 3 fireworks to be secured on day of firing
   106.    Construction of fireworks mortars

   PART 12 - Documents

   107.    Interpretation
   108.    Form of explosives control documents
   109.    Loss and replacement of explosives control documents
   110.    Explosives control documents not to be lent
   111.    Production of explosives control documents

   PART 13 - Miscellaneous

   112.    Instructions to secure explosives on cancellation of entitlement
   113.    Applications to Secretary – standard requirements
   114.    Secretary to avoid excessive or sudden regulatory actions
   115.    Disclosure of certain private information
   116.    Infringement notice offences and penalties
   117.    Savings and transitional provisions
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2
           SCHEDULE 3
           SCHEDULE 4
           SCHEDULE 5
           SCHEDULE 6
           SCHEDULE 7
           SCHEDULE 8
           SCHEDULE 9

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