(1) In this regulation consignee means the person taking immediate delivery of explosives following their export;EER means explosives export record, being a record in an approved form relating to the exportation of an explosive that (a) identifies (i) the explosive and the quantity being exported; and(ii) the exporter; and(iii) the purchaser or consignee; and(iv) the manufacturer and the date and place of manufacture; and(v) the country or place to which the explosive is being exported; and(vi) the SSDS permit or other authority sanctioning the exportation; and(b) certifies that the explosive (i) is an authorised explosive (or, if applicable, covered by a permit under regulation 21 ); and(ii) is packed in accordance with the Australian Explosives Code; and(iii) is in a safe condition to be exported; and(c) specifies (i) why the explosive is being exported; and(ii) how the explosive is being exported; and(iii) where the explosive is expected to be delivered.(2) This regulation applies to all explosives (including fireworks) other than those classified as Class 1.6 under the Australian Dangerous Goods Code.(3) A person must not export an explosive unless, at least 7 clear days before the explosive leaves Tasmania, the person has (a) prepared an EER in respect of the exportation; and(b) given the Secretary a copy of that EER.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 25 penalty units.(4) A person who prepares an EER pursuant to subregulation (3) must (a) keep the EER (or a copy of it) for at least 5 years; and(b) during those 5 years, produce the EER (or a copy of it) on demand for inspection by any authorised officer.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 25 penalty units.