(1) The Secretary, by notice to the holder of an undischarged permit, may cancel the undischarged permit at any time if the Secretary believes on reasonable grounds that (a) the intended fireworks display would contravene a total fire ban declaration; or(b) the relevant event is cancelled or postponed; or(c) the cancellation is necessary or expedient in the interests of State security or public safety; or(d) having regard to the criteria in Schedule 4 or other matters, the holder of the permit is not a fit and proper person to hold such a permit; or(e) there is other compelling justification for the cancellation.(2) However, the Secretary is not to cancel a permit solely on the ground referred to in subregulation (1)(c) except at the direction or with the express prior approval of the Minister administering the Police Powers (Public Safety) Act 2005 or Security-sensitive Dangerous Substances Act 2005 .(3) The notice under subregulation (1) is to inform the holder of the permit of (a) the cancellation; and(b) the reasons for the cancellation; and(c) when the cancellation takes effect; and(d) the right of review.