After rule 62 of the Principal Rules , the following rule is inserted in Part 3:62A. Use of longlines and droplines
(1) A person using a longline for recreational purposes must ensure that a marker buoy that complies with subrule (3) is attached to each end of the longline.Penalty: Fine not exceeding the applicable Grade 2 penalty.(2) A person using a dropline for recreational purposes must ensure that a marker buoy that complies with subrule (3) is attached to the upper end of the dropline.Penalty: Fine not exceeding the applicable Grade 2 penalty.(3) For the purposes of this rule, a marker buoy is to be (a) not less than 195mm wide at its narrowest point; and(b) specifically designed as a buoy; and(c) marked with the surname and date of birth of the person setting the line and (i) in the case of a buoy attached to a longline, with the letters "LL" ; or(ii) in the case of a buoy attached to a dropline, with the letters "DL" .