Regulation 9 of the Principal Regulations is rescinded and the following regulation is substituted:9. Fees not payable by certain asylum seekers
(1) A medicare ineligible asylum seeker is prescribed as a person by whom a fee prescribed by these regulations is not payable for any facility or service provided by or on behalf of the State.(2) For the purpose of this regulation medicare ineligible asylum seeker means a person who (a) has applied for a protection visa under the Migration Act 1958 of the Commonweath and whose application has not been withdrawn or otherwise finally determined in accordance with that Act; and(b) is not entitled to medicare benefits under the Health Insurance Act 1973 of the Commonwealth; and(c) is not entitled to a pension, benefit or allowance under the Social Security Act 1991 of the Commonwealth; and(d) is not permitted under the conditions of the person's visa granted under the Migration Act 1958 of the Commonwealth to engage in work in Australia;protection visa means a permanent or temporary visa included in a class of visas under Part 4 of Schedule 1 to the Migration Regulations 1994 of the Commonwealth.