(1) A pipeline licensee must not operate a pipeline under the licence unless (a) a pipeline management plan in force for the pipeline provides for the operation; and(b) the pipeline is operated in a way that (i) is consistent with the purposes for which the pipeline was designed to be used; and(ii) is not contrary to that plan.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.(2) However, an offence under subregulation (1) does not arise if (a) the licensee performs an act in compliance with a direction given under (i) the Act; or(ii) regulations made under the Act; or(b) in an emergency in which there is a likelihood of loss or injury, or for the purpose of maintaining the pipeline in good order and repair, the licensee (i) performs an act to avoid the loss or injury, or to maintain the pipeline in good order and repair; and(ii) as soon as practicable, but within 3 days, gives written notice to the Minister about the act performed.