(1) The Minister may request a pipeline licensee for a pipeline for which a pipeline management plan is in force to submit to the Minister a proposed revision of the plan.(2) A request by the Minister is to be in writing and include the following information:(a) the matters to be addressed by the revision;(b) the proposed date of effect of the revision;(c) the grounds for the request.(3) The licensee may make a submission in writing to the Minister stating the reasons for which the licensee believes (a) the revision should not occur; or(b) the revision should be in different terms from the proposed terms; or(c) the revision should take effect on a date later than the proposed date.(4) A submission by the licensee is to be made within 21 days after receiving the request or within any longer period that the Minister allows in writing.(5) If a submission complies with subregulations (3) and (4) , the Minister must (a) decide whether to accept the reasons stated in the submission; and(b) give the licensee written notice of the decision; and(c) to the extent, if any, that the Minister accepts the reasons, give the licensee written notice that varies or withdraws the request in accordance with the decision; and(d) to the extent, if any, that the Minister does not accept the reasons, give the licensee written notice of the grounds for not accepting them.(6) The licensee must comply with the request, or the request as varied under this regulation, as soon as practicable.(7) However, the licensee is not required to comply with the request if the request is withdrawn under this regulation.