(1) The Minister must accept the proposed revision if there are reasonable grounds for believing that (a) the revision is appropriate for the nature and proposed use of the pipeline; and(b) the pipeline management plan, as revised by the proposed revision, would comply with regulations 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 and 28 for the stages connected with the life of the pipeline mentioned in regulation 19 for which the revision is submitted; and(c) the pipeline management plan, as revised by the proposed revision, would comply with regulation 27 ; and(d) in the case that the revision relates to a proposal to modify or decommission the pipeline, a validation of the proposal is in force.(2) If the Minister is not reasonably satisfied that the proposed revision when first submitted meets the criteria set out in subregulation (1) , the Minister must give the pipeline licensee a reasonable opportunity to change and resubmit the revision.(3) If, after the pipeline licensee has had a reasonable opportunity to change and resubmit the proposed revision, the Minister is still not reasonably satisfied that the revision meets the criteria mentioned in subregulation (1) , the Minister must refuse to accept the revision.(4) Despite subregulation (3) , the Minister may (a) accept the revision in part for a particular stage connected with the life of the pipeline mentioned in regulation 19 ; and(b) impose limitations or conditions applying to the pipeline in respect of any of those stages.(5) The Minister must give the pipeline licensee written notice of a decision by the Minister (a) to accept the proposed revision; or(b) not to accept the revision; or(c) to accept the revision in part for a particular stage connected with the life of the pipeline, or subject to the imposition of limitations or conditions.(6) A notice of a decision under subregulation (5)(b) or (c) is to include (a) advice of the decision and the reasons for it; and(b) if limitations or conditions are to apply to a stage connected with the life of the pipeline, a statement of those limitations or conditions.