(1) Despite any other provision of these regulations, if a pipeline licensee for a pipeline does not provide information under regulation 45 and the information has not been given under another law, the Minister may decline to consider an application or submission, made by the licensee under these regulations and relating to the pipeline, until the information is given.(2) Despite any other provision of these regulations, if a pipeline licensee does not provide the information required under regulation 8 or 14 for an application for a consent to construct or a consent to operate a pipeline and the information has not been given under another law, the Minister may decline to consider the application until the information is given.
Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953 .
Notified in the Gazette on 26 June 2002
These regulations are administered in the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources.
(This note is not part of the regulation)
These regulations provide for (a) the consents required to construct or to operate a pipeline; and(b) requirements for modifying or decommissioning a pipeline; and(c) the acceptance, contents and revision of a pipeline management plan; and(d) the competency of workers, including a requirement to be aware of the relevant legislation and their involvement in a pipeline management plan; and(e) information to be provided to the Minister in support of an application under the regulations for the operation of a pipeline.