(1) The Minister may, on the application of a person (a) who is in charge of a laboratory that is a declared public institution for the purpose of research or instruction; or(b) who is an analyst appointed under section 19 of the Act grant a licence authorising that person (c) to manufacture, use or possess any prohibited substance specified in the licence for such purpose as is specified in the licence; or(d) to purchase that prohibited substance by an order written in ink from a licensed manufacturing chemist, a licensed wholesale chemist or such other person as may be specified in the licence.(2) The holder of a licence granted under subregulation (1) is to maintain a record in the form and manner approved by the Secretary showing (a) the amount of prohibited substance acquired for use under the licence; and(b) the date on which, and the source from which, the prohibited substance was acquired; and(c) the amount of the prohibited substance and the purpose for which, and the date on which, the prohibited substance was used or destroyed.(3) The holder of a licence granted under subregulation (1) must keep the record for at least 2 years.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.