(1) The holder of a licence under this Part (a) must not sell, keep or otherwise have possession of a narcotic substance except upon the premises specified in the licence; and(b) must not transact any dealing in a narcotic substance except by himself or herself or by a competent or responsible person acting on his or her behalf; and(c) must not sell or supply a narcotic substance to any person who is not authorised under these regulations to purchase or receive the substance; and(d) must keep and store a narcotic substance in his or her possession in accordance with these regulations; and(e) must keep and maintain a narcotic substances register in accordance with these regulations.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.(2) Notwithstanding subregulation (1)(a) , the Minister may authorise, in writing, a holder of a licence to have possession of a narcotic substance for such purpose and for such period as may be specified in the authority.