(1) Where, at any premises, a person has possession, custody or control
of, for sale or supply, a substance specified in Schedule 7 of the Poisons
List, the person must keep the substance in a part of the premises that is
partitioned off or otherwise separated from any part of the premises that is
readily accessible to the public. Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10
penalty units.
(2) A chemist, medical practitioner, dentist, endorsed midwife,
authorised nurse practitioner, veterinary surgeon, optometrist, podiatrist or
authorised health professional who sells or supplies any substance specified
in Schedule 3 or 4 to the Poisons List must keep it in either of the following
so that the public does not have access to the substance: (a) a storeroom;
the dispensary.
Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.
(3) If a person has possession, custody or control of, for sale or
supply, a substance specified in Schedule 2 of the Poisons List
(a) at premises which are not a pharmacy, the person must keep the substance
behind a serving counter or in such other manner as to ensure that it is not
readily accessible to the public; or
(b) at a pharmacy, the person must keep
the substance as specified in paragraph (a) or on a horizontal shelf that
is (i) affixed to, or placed immediately against, an internal wall
or partition separating the dispensary from the remainder of the premises; or
(ii) not more than 4 metres from, and in clear line of sight of, the
dispensary; or
(iii) susceptible, in such other manner as may be approved by
the Secretary, of close supervision from the dispensary.
Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.
(4) Where a person has possession, custody or control of, for sale or
supply, a poison, the person must keep it separate and apart from other goods
suitable for human or animal consumption in such a way that, if the container
of the poison breaks or leaks, the poison will not intermix with or
contaminate those goods. Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10 penalty