Proclamation under the Tasmanian Forests Agreement Act 2013
I, the Governor in and over the State of Tasmania and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, by this my proclamation made under section 25(21) of the Tasmanian Forests Agreement Act 2013
16 December 2013(a) declare that any part of the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 that is entered in the Register of Multiple Use Forest Land, immediately before the making of this proclamation, is deleted from the Register; and(b) revoke the dedication as State forest of such part of the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 that is, immediately before the making of this proclamation, dedicated as State forest; and(c) declare any part of the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 that is not Crown land, by virtue of paragraph (b) , to be Crown land; and(d) revoke all orders and proclamations reserving Crown land as public reserve, including all orders by virtue of the provisions of any other Act that were taken to have been made pursuant to section 8(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1976 , in so far as they relate to the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 immediately before the making of the proclamation; and(e) declare the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 to be reserved land in the class of national park, regional reserve or conservation area, being classes of reserve set out in section 11(2)(a) of the Nature Conservation Act 2002 , as specified in column 2 of that table; and(f) give the names listed in column 3 to the reserved land referred to in paragraph (e) ; and(g) declare that the reserved land referred to in paragraph (e) is being declared for the additional purpose of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by all or any of the following means:(i) sequestering carbon in native forest;(ii) avoiding emissions of greenhouse gas attributable to changed forest management practices including the clearing or harvesting of native forest.
By His Excellency's Command,
Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage