It is declared that the Act applies to the following:and to the employees and former employees of each of those bodies and organisations, but excluding the employees and former employees of the Nursing Board of Tasmania and the University of Tasmania.
Aurora Energy Pty Ltd
Esk Water Authority
Forestry Tasmania
Hobart Regional Water Authority
Hydro-Electric Corporation
Inland Fisheries Commission
Marine and Safety Authority
Metro Tasmania Pty Ltd
Motor Accidents Insurance Board
North West Water Authority
Nursing Board of Tasmania
Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
Printing Authority of Tasmania
Private Forests Tasmania
Retirement Benefits Fund Board
Rivers and Water Supply Commission
Botanical Gardens Board
Southern Regional Cemetery Trust
State Fire Commission
Tasmanian International Velodrome Management Authority
Tasmanian Qualifications Authority
The Public Trustee
Transend Networks Pty Ltd
TT-Line Company Pty Ltd
University of Tasmania
Workplace Standards Authority