A carrier must, unless he or she has a reasonable excuse (a)
immediately notify the consignor and the Department of any damage or suspected
damage to a package of radioactive material being transported by the carrier;
(b) advise the consignor and the Department of (i) the
location of the package; and
(ii) the location of any vehicle involved; and
(iii) the circumstances in which the damage or suspected damage was caused or
may have been caused; and
(c) take all reasonable steps to prevent access to
the package by any person other than (i) the consignor; or
(ii) an
authorised officer; or
(iii) a member of the Police Service, as defined in the
Police Service Act 2003 ; or
(iv) a member of the Fire Service as defined in
the Fire Service Act 1979 ; or
(v) in the event of an emergency, within the
meaning of the Emergency Services Act 1976 , a person authorised by that Act
to perform or exercise functions or powers in respect of the package.
Penalty: Fine not exceeding 100 penalty units.