A driver must not drive at a speed over the speed-limit applying to the driver for the length of road where the driver is driving.
Note 1 : The rules about speed-limits are as follows:
rule 21 speed-limit where a speed-limit sign applies
rule 22 speed-limit in a speed-limited area
rule 23 speed-limit in a school zone
rule 24 speed-limit in a shared zone
rule 25 speed-limit elsewhere.
Note 2 : Road includes a road-related area see rule 11(2) .
Note 3 : Length of road includes a marked lane, a part of a marked lane, or another part of a length of road see the definition in the dictionary.
Note 4 : Division 2 of Part 20 deals with the way in which a traffic sign applies to a length of road. Division 3 of Part 20 deals with the way in which the traffic sign applies to drivers driving on the length of road.
Note 5 : If a driver contravenes this rule by driving at a speed that is 38km/h or more in excess of the applicable speed-limit, additional penalties may apply see Division 3A of Part 3 of the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 .