(1) A driver approaching or at twin red lights on a road (except at a level crossing) must stop in accordance with subrules (2) and (3) .
Note 1 : Level crossing is defined in rule 120 , and twin red lights is defined in the dictionary.
Note 2 : Rule 322(1) and (2) deal with the meaning of a traffic control device on a road.
Note 3 : Twin red lights are generally erected at bridges, ambulance stations, fire stations or level crossings. The rules about stopping at level crossings are in Part 10 .
(2) If there is a stop line at or near the lights and the driver can stop safely before reaching the stop line, the driver must stop as near as practicable to, but before reaching, the stop line.
Note : Stop line is defined in the dictionary.
(3) If there is no stop line at or near the lights and the driver can stop safely before reaching the lights, the driver must stop as near as practicable to, but before reaching, the lights.(4) If the driver stops for the lights, the driver must not proceed until the lights are not showing.