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Clause                                                              Page

         Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996
                                 Act No.

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                              Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                    1
  1.     Purposes                                                      1
  2.     Commencement                                                  2

PART 2--LIBRARIES ACT 1988                                             3
  3.     Principal Act                                                 3
  4.     Amendment of purposes                                         3
  5.     Definitions                                                   3
  6.     Amendment of section 4                                        3
  7.     Repeal--Libraries Board of Victoria                           4
  8.     Amendment of heading                                          4
  9.     Name change for Council                                       4
  10.    Objectives of the Board                                       4
  11.    Functions of the Board                                        4
  12.    Amendment of section 19                                       5
  13.    Amendment of section 20                                       5
  14.    Ministerial directions                                        5
  15.    Membership of Board                                           6
  16.    Terms and conditions of appointment                           6
  17.    Amendment of section 24                                       7
  18.    Meetings of the Board                                         7
  19.    Insertion of new section 25A                                  8
         25A. Resolutions without meetings                             8
  20.    Substitution of section 26                                    9
         26.      Conflicts of interest                                9
  21.    Substitution of section 27                                   10
         27.      Committees                                          10
  22.    Substitution of section 28                                   11
         28.      Delegation                                          11
  23.    Amendment of section 28                                      11
  24.    Chief Executive Officer                                      12
  25.    Employment of staff                                          12
  26.    Substitution of section 30                                   13
         30.      Employment of staff                                 13
  27.    Amendment of section 31                                      13
  28.    Substitution of section 32                                   13
         32.      Borrowing and investment powers                     13

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Clause Page 29. Further consequential amendments 13 30. Insertion of new section 57 14 57. Determination of staff to be transferred 14 31. Insertion of new section 58 14 58. Abolition of Libraries Board 14 32. Insertion of new section 59 15 59. Council of the State Library of Victoria 15 33. Insertion of new sections 60 and 61 16 60. Director 16 61. Transfer of staff 16 PART 3--MUSEUMS ACT 1983 18 34. Principal Act 18 35. Definition 18 36. Repeal--Museums Advisory Board 18 37. Amendment of definitions 18 38. Amendment of heading 18 39. Name change 19 40. Members of Board 19 41. Amendment of section 11A 21 42. Board meetings 21 43. Insertion of new section 12A 21 12A. Resolutions without meetings 21 44. Substitution of section 13 22 13. Conflicts of interest 22 45. Amendment of section 14 23 46. Substitution of section 15 24 15. Committees 24 47. Substitution of section 16 24 16. Delegation 24 48. Amendment of section 16 26 49. Amendment of section 17 26 50. Repeal of section 18 26 51. Repeal of section 19 26 52. Substitution of section 20 27 20. Other staff 27 53. Amendment of section 21 27 54. Substitution of heading 27 ii 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Clause Page Division 4--Functions and Powers of the Board 27 55. Insertion of new sections 22 and 22A 27 22. Board represents the Crown 27 22A. Board subject to control of Minister 27 56. Amendment of section 23 27 57. Amendment of section 24 28 58. Amendment of section 25 29 59. Amendment of section 26 30 60. Amendment of section 27 30 61. Amendment of section 28 30 62. Substitution of section 29 30 29. Borrowing and investment powers 31 63. Further consequential amendments 31 64. Insertion of new Division 10 in Part 3 31 Division 10--Further Transitional Provisions 32 45. Determination of staff to be transferred 32 65. Insertion of new section 46 32 46. Abolition of Museums Advisory Board 32 66. Insertion of new section 47 33 47. Council of the Museum of Victoria 33 67. Insertion of new sections 48 and 49 33 48. Director 33 49. Transfer of staff 34 PART 4--NATIONAL GALLERY OF VICTORIA ACT 1966 36 68. Principal Act 36 69. Definitions 36 70. Ministerial directions 36 71. Council members 36 72. Insertion of new section 7A 37 7A. Council may act despite vacancy etc. 37 73. Council 37 74. Insertion of new sections 9A and 9B 38 9A. Resolutions without meetings 38 9B. Conflicts of interest 39 75. Substitution of section 10 40 10. Remuneration and allowances 40 76. Amendment of section 11 40 77. Insertion of new sections 11A and 11B 41 11A. Committees 41 11B. Delegation 41 iii 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Clause Page 78. New sections 12 and 12A 42 12. Director 42 12A. Staff 42 79. Functions of the Council 43 80. Insertion of new section 18AA 43 18AA. Borrowing and investment powers 43 81. Insertion of new Division 4 in Part II 43 Division 4--Further Transitional Provisions 44 22. Determination of staff to be transferred 44 82. Insertion of new sections 23 and 24 44 23. Director 44 24. Transfer of staff 44 PART 5--MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS ACT 1972 46 83. Principal Act 46 84. Victorian Council of the Arts 46 PART 6--PUBLIC RECORDS ACT 1973 47 85. Principal Act 47 86. Definitions 47 87. Insertion of new sections 2A and 2B 47 2A. Person or body no longer a public office 47 2B. Records of a body that ceases to be a public office 48 PART 7--OTHER AMENDMENTS 49 88. Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 49 89. Melbourne Exhibition Centre Act 1994 49 90. Probate Duty Act 1962 49 91. Public Sector Management Act 1992 49 NOTES 50 iv 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



A BILL to amend the Libraries Act 1988, the Museums Act 1983, the National Gallery of Victoria Act 1966, the Ministry for the Arts Act 1972 and the Public Records Act 1973 and for other purposes. Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: PART 1-- PRELIMINARY 1. Purposes The purposes of this Act are-- (a) to amend legislation relating to the State's arts institutions; and 5 (b) to extend the Public Records Act 1973 to certain bodies. 1 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 2 Act No. 2. Commencement (1) This Part and sections 30, 64 and 81 come into operation on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. (2) Subject to sub-section (3), the remaining 5 provisions of this Act come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. (3) If a provision referred to in sub-section (2) does not come into operation before 1 January 1998, it comes into operation on that day. 10 _______________ 2 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 3 Act No. PART 2--LIBRARIES ACT 1988 3. Principal Act No. 80/1988. In this Part, the Libraries Act 1988 is called the Reprinted to Principal Act. No. 31/1994 and subsequently amended by Nos 42/1995, 93/1995 and 4. Amendment of purposes 5 104/1995. (1) In section 1 of the Principal Act, omit "a Libraries Board of Victoria and". (2) In section 1 of the Principal Act, for "Council of the State Library of Victoria" substitute "Library Board of Victoria". 10 5. Definitions (1) In section 3 of the Principal Act, omit the definition of "Board". (2) In section 3 of the Principal Act-- (a) after the definition of "Bank" insert-- 15 ' "Board" means the Library Board of Victoria constituted under section 16;'; (b) omit the definition of "Council". (3) In section 3 of the Principal Act-- (a) omit the definition of "Director"; 20 (b) after the definition of "Board" insert-- ' "Chief Executive Officer" (except in section 43) means the Chief Executive Officer of the Library Board of Victoria appointed under section 29;'; 25 6. Amendment of section 4 3 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 6 Act No. In section 4 of the Principal Act-- (a) for "the Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "the Board"; (b) in paragraph (d), after "Library Council of Victoria" insert "or of the Council of the 5 State Library of Victoria". 7. Repeal--Libraries Board of Victoria Part 2 of the Principal Act is repealed. 8. Amendment of heading For the heading to Part 3 of the Principal Act 10 substitute-- "PART 3--LIBRARY BOARD OF VICTORIA" 9. Name change for Council In section 16 of the Principal Act-- (a) in sub-section (1), for "Council called the 15 Council of the State Library of Victoria" substitute "Board called the Library Board of Victoria"; (b) in sub-section (2), for "Council" substitute "Board"; 20 (c) in sub-section (3), for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". 10. Objectives of the Board Section 17 of the Principal Act is repealed. 11. Functions of the Board 25 (1) In section 18 of the Principal Act-- (a) before "The functions of the Council" insert "(1)"; (b) for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; 30 4 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 12 Act No. (c) after paragraph (e) insert-- "(ea) to oversee co-operation in programs with libraries and information organisations to promote access to library and information services and 5 resources; and (eb) to exercise leadership and promote high standards in the provision of library and information services; and (ec) to provide advice and information to 10 the Minister on any matter concerning libraries and information organisations; and". (2) After section 18(1) of the Principal Act insert-- "(2) In carrying out its functions, the Board must 15 endeavour to contribute to the enrichment of the cultural, educational, social and economic life of the people of Victoria.". 12. Amendment of section 19 In section 19 of the Principal Act, for "Council" 20 (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". 13. Amendment of section 20 In section 20 of the Principal Act, for "Council" substitute "Board". 14. Ministerial directions 25 In section 21 of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" substitute "Board"; and (b) omit "general". 5 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 15 Act No. 15. Membership of Board (1) In section 22 of the Principal Act, for sub-section (1) substitute-- "(1) The Board shall consist of not less than 7 and not more than 11 members appointed by 5 the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister, of whom at least half shall be persons who satisfy one or more of the following-- (a) hold senior academic office in Victoria 10 in a discipline appropriate to the functions of the Board; (b) in the opinion of the Minister, are experienced in business administration or finance or marketing; 15 (c) in the opinion of the Minister, are experienced in local government or libraries or information technology; (d) in the opinion of the Minister, are distinguished in education, the 20 humanities or any other field appropriate to the functions of the Board.". (2) In section 22(2) of the Principal Act, for "Council" substitute "Board". 25 (3) In section 22 of the Principal Act, sub-sections (3) and (4) are repealed. 16. Terms and conditions of appointment (1) In section 23 of the Principal Act-- (a) in sub-section (1), for "Council" substitute 30 "Board"; (b) in sub-section (2), for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; 6 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 17 Act No. (c) in sub-section (3), for "Council" (where secondly occurring) substitute "Board"; (d) in sub-section (5)-- (i) for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; 5 (ii) in paragraph (b), for "Council's leave" substitute "leave of the Board". (2) In section 23 of the Principal Act, for sub-section (7) substitute-- "(7) The Public Sector Management Act 1992 10 (including Part 9) does not apply to a member of the Board in respect of the office of member.". (3) In section 23 of the Principal Act, for sub-section (8) substitute-- 15 "(8) A member of the Board is entitled to be paid any remuneration or travelling or other allowances fixed for that member from time to time by the Governor in Council.". (4) In section 23 of the Principal Act, sub-section (10) 20 is repealed. 17. Amendment of section 24 In section 24 of the Principal Act, for "the Council" substitute "the Board". 18. Meetings of the Board 25 (1) In section 25 of the Principal Act, for sub-sections (1) and (2) substitute-- "(1) The President or, in his or her absence, a member elected by the members present, must preside at a meeting of the Board.". 30 (2) In section 25 of the Principal Act, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". 7 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 19 Act No. (3) In section 25(6) of the Principal Act, for "4" substitute "6". 19. Insertion of new section 25A After section 25 of the Principal Act insert-- "25A. Resolutions without meetings 5 (1) If-- (a) the Board has taken reasonable steps to give notice to each member setting out the terms of a proposed resolution; and (b) a majority of the members in office at 10 the time sign a document containing a statement that they are in favour of the resolution in the terms set out in the document-- a resolution in those terms is deemed to have 15 been passed at a meeting of the Board held on the day on which the document is signed or, if the members referred to in paragraph (b) do not sign it on the same day, on the day on which the last of those members signs the 20 document. (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), 2 or more separate documents containing a statement in identical terms, each of which is signed by one or more members, are deemed 25 to constitute one document. (3) If a resolution is, under sub-section (1), deemed to have been passed at a meeting of the Board, each member must as soon as practicable be advised of the matter and 30 given a copy of the resolution. (4) The majority of members referred to in sub- section (1)(b) must not include a member 8 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 20 Act No. who, because of section 26, is not entitled to vote on the resolution.". 20. Substitution of section 26 For section 26 of the Principal Act substitute-- "26. Conflicts of interest 5 (1) If -- (a) a member has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered by the Board; and 10 (b) the interest could conflict with the proper performance of the member's duties in relation to the consideration of the matter-- the member, as soon as practicable after 15 becoming aware of the relevant facts, must declare the nature of the interest to the Board or, in the case of a proposed resolution notice of which is given under section 25A(1)(a), to the President. 20 (2) The Board or the President must cause the declaration to be tabled at the next meeting of the Board and the person presiding at that meeting must cause the declaration to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 25 (3) A member who has a conflict of interest in a matter-- (a) must not be present during any deliberations on the matter, unless the Board directs otherwise; and 30 (b) is not entitled to vote on the matter. 9 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 21 Act No. (4) If a member votes on a matter in contravention of sub-section (3)(b), the vote must be disallowed. (5) A member who has a conflict of interest in a matter must not be present during any 5 deliberations leading to a direction, or take part in making a direction, under sub-section (3)(a). (6) For the purposes of this section, a member is not to be regarded as having a conflict of 10 interest-- (a) in a matter relating to the supply of goods or services to the member if the goods or services are, or are to be, available to members of the public on 15 the same terms and conditions; or (b) in a contract or arrangement only because that contract or arrangement may benefit a company or other body in which the member has a beneficial 20 interest that does not exceed 1% of the total nominal value of beneficial interests in that company or body.". 21. Substitution of section 27 For section 27 of the Principal Act substitute-- 25 "27. Committees (1) The Board may-- (a) establish any committees it considers necessary and define the constitution and functions of each committee so 30 established; (b) determine the procedure of each committee; 10 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 22 Act No. (c) change the constitution or functions of a committee; (d) dissolve a committee. (2) A person may be a member of a committee established by the Board even though he or 5 she is not a member of the Board. (3) A member of a committee established by the Board is entitled to receive any fees or travelling or other expenses determined by the Board.". 10 22. Substitution of section 28 For section 28 of the Principal Act substitute-- "28. Delegation (1) The Board may, by instrument under its official seal, delegate any of its functions or 15 powers (except this power of delegation or the power to make by-laws) to-- (a) the members constituting a committee of the Board, if the committee includes 2 or more members of the Board; or 20 (b) the Director; or (c) any of its members; or (d) any member of its staff. (2) A delegation under sub-section (1) may be made to a specified person or class of 25 persons referred to in that sub-section.". 23. Amendment of section 28 In section 28(1)(b) of the Principal Act, for "Director" substitute "Chief Executive Officer". 30 11 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 24 Act No. 24. Chief Executive Officer (1) In section 29(1) of the Principal Act, for "Public Service Act 1974" substitute "Public Sector Management Act 1992". (2) In section 29(2) of the Principal Act, for 5 "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". (3) In section 29 of the Principal Act, sub-section (3) is repealed. (4) In section 29 of the Principal Act, for sub-section 10 (1) substitute-- "(1) A Chief Executive Officer of the Library Board of Victoria shall be appointed by the Board, with the approval of the Minister, for the term, not exceeding 5 years, that is 15 specified in the instrument of appointment but is eligible for re-appointment. (1A) The Chief Executive Officer holds office, subject to this Act, on the terms and conditions that are specified in the 20 instrument of appointment. (1B) The Board must not remove the Chief Executive Officer from office except with the approval of the Minister.". (5) In section 29(2) of the Principal Act-- 25 (a) for "Director" substitute "Chief Executive Officer"; and (b) omit paragraph (a). 25. Employment of staff In section 30 of the Principal Act, for "Public 30 Service Act 1974" substitute "Public Sector Management Act 1992". 12 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 26 Act No. 26. Substitution of section 30 For section 30 of the Principal Act substitute-- "30. Employment of staff The Board may employ any other persons necessary for the purposes of this Act.". 5 27. Amendment of section 31 In section 31 of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". (b) sub-section (3) is repealed. 10 28. Substitution of section 32 For section 32 of the Principal Act substitute-- "32. Borrowing and investment powers The Board has the powers conferred on it by the Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 15 1987.". 29. Further consequential amendments The Principal Act is amended as follows-- (a) in section 36, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; 20 (b) in section 49, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; (c) in section 49, for "Director" (wherever occurring) substitute "Chief Executive Officer"; 25 (d) in section 50, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; 13 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 30 Act No. (e) in section 51-- (i) in sub-section (1), for "Council" (where secondly and thereafter occurring) substitute "Board"; (ii) in sub-section (2), for "Council" (where 5 secondly and thereafter occurring) substitute "Board"; (f) in section 52, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; (g) in section 52A(5), for "Council of the State 10 Library of Victoria" substitute "Board"; (h) in section 53(1)(a), for "Council" substitute "Board". 30. Insertion of new section 57 After section 56 of the Principal Act insert-- 15 "57. Determination of staff to be transferred The Minister must designate in writing the officers and employees of the public service who are employed in the administration of this Act who are to become employees of the 20 Board under section 61.". 31. Insertion of new section 58 After section 57 of the Principal Act insert-- "58. Abolition of Libraries Board (1) The Libraries Board of Victoria established 25 by section 5 is abolished. (2) Despite any provision to the contrary made by or under the Financial Management Act 1994, there must be prepared, in accordance with Part 7 of that Act, a report of the 30 operations of the Libraries Board of Victoria during the period beginning on 1 July 14 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 32 Act No. immediately preceding the commencement of section 31 of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 and ending on that commencement. (3) The report prepared under sub-section (2) 5 must be incorporated in and consolidated with that of the Council of the State Library of Victoria or, if the Library Board of Victoria is in existence on the commencement referred to in sub-section 10 (2), with that of the Library Board of Victoria for the financial year that includes the last day of the period referred to in sub- section (2).". 32. Insertion of new section 59 15 After section 58 of the Principal Act insert-- "59. Council of the State Library of Victoria (1) The Library Board of Victoria is to be taken as the same body as the Council of the State Library of Victoria in spite of any changes to 20 the name and structure of the Library Board of Victoria by this Act and no act, matter or thing is to be affected because of those changes of name and structure. (2) A reference in any document to the Council 25 of the State Library of Victoria is to be taken to refer to the Library Board of Victoria. (3) A member of the Council of the State Library of Victoria holding office immediately before the commencement of 30 section 32 of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 continues to hold office after that commencement as a member of the Library Board of Victoria on the same terms and conditions as those on which he or 35 15 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 33 Act No. she held office as a member of the Council of the State Library of Victoria for the remainder of the term specified in his or her instrument of appointment.". 33. Insertion of new sections 60 and 61 5 After section 59 of the Principal Act insert-- "60. Director The person who immediately before the commencement of section 33 of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 was 10 the Director of the State Library of Victoria is deemed to be appointed by the Board as the Chief Executive Officer of the Library Board of Victoria. 61. Transfer of staff 15 (1) On and from the commencement of section 33 of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996, any officer or employee designated under section 57-- (a) becomes an employee of the Board; and 20 (b) is entitled to remuneration, terms and conditions determined by the Minister to be no less favourable in aggregate than those which he or she received or was entitled to receive immediately 25 before that commencement as such an officer or employee; and (c) retains any entitlement to long service leave, annual leave, sick leave or other leave accrued or accruing to that person 30 immediately before that commencement. (2) If a person who becomes an employee of the Board under this section was, immediately 16 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 33 Act No. before the transfer, an officer within the meaning of the State Superannuation Act 1988 or a corresponding previous enactment, he or she continues, subject to that Act, to be an officer within the meaning of that Act 5 while serving with the Board. (3) For the purpose of long service leave entitlements as employees of the Board of those transferred under this section, their service with the public service must be taken 10 to be service with the Board. (4) There must be paid out of the Consolidated Fund (which is, by this sub-section, appropriated to the necessary extent) any amount determined from time to time by the 15 Treasurer after consultation with the Minister to be the component of any entitlement to pay in lieu of long service leave attributable to the service with the public service of a person transferred under 20 this section.". _______________ 17 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 34 Act No. PART 3--MUSEUMS ACT 1983 34. Principal Act No. 9903. In this Part, the Museums Act 1983 is called the Reprinted to Principal Act. No. 31/1994 and subsequently amended by Nos 42/1995, 100/1995, 104/1995 and 106/1995. 35. Definition 5 In section 2 of the Principal Act, omit the definition of "Victorian Museums Guidelines". 36. Repeal--Museums Advisory Board Part II of the Principal Act is repealed. 37. Amendment of definitions 10 (1) In section 9 of the Principal Act-- (a) for the definition of "Council" substitute-- ' "Board" means the Museums Board of Victoria established by section 10;'; and (b) in the definition of "Museum of Victoria", 15 for "Council" substitute "Board". (2) In section 9 of the Principal Act, for the definition of "Director" substitute -- ' "Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer of the Museums Board of 20 Victoria appointed under section 17;'. 38. Amendment of heading 18 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 39 Act No. In the heading to Division 2 of Part III of the Principal Act, for "Council of the Museum of Victoria" substitute "Museums Board of Victoria". 39. Name change 5 In section 10 of the Principal Act-- (a) in sub-section (1), for "Council to be known as the Council of the Museum of Victoria" substitute "board to be known as the Museums Board of Victoria"; 10 (b) for "Council" (wherever else occurring) substitute "Board". 40. Members of Board (1) In section 11(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" (where first occurring) 15 substitute "Board"; (b) in paragraph (a), for "Council" substitute "Board"; (c) in paragraph (b), before "experienced" insert "who, in the opinion of the Minister, are"; 20 (d) in paragraph (c)-- (i) before "distinguished" insert "who, in the opinion of the Minister, are"; and (ii) for "Council" substitute "Board". (2) In section 11 of the Principal Act, for sub-section 25 (2) substitute-- "(2) The Governor in Council, after consultation between the Minister and the Board, must appoint a member of the Board to be President.". 30 (3) In section 11(3) of the Principal Act-- 19 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 Act No. (a) in paragraph (a), omit "ending on a 30th day of June"; (b) in paragraph (c), for "Council" substitute "Board". (4) In section 11(4) of the Principal Act, for 5 "Council" (where first occurring) substitute "Board". (5) In section 11(6) of the Principal Act, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". 10 (6) In section 11(7) of the Principal Act, for "Council" (where secondly occurring) substitute "Board". (7) In section 11(8) of the Principal Act, for "Council" (where secondly occurring) substitute 15 "Board". (8) In section 11(9) of the Principal Act, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". (9) For section 11(11) of the Principal Act 20 substitute-- "(11) The Public Sector Management Act 1992 (including Part 9) does not apply to a member of the Board in respect of the office of member.". 25 (10) In section 11 of the Principal Act, for sub-section (12) substitute-- "(12) A member of the Board is entitled to be paid any remuneration or travelling or other allowances fixed for that member from time 30 to time by the Governor in Council.". (11) In section 11 of the Principal Act, sub-section (13) is repealed. 20 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 41 43 Act No. 41. Amendment of section 11A In section 11A of the Principal Act, for "Council" (where first occurring) substitute "Board". 42. Board meetings (1) In section 12(1) of the Principal Act, for "eight" 5 substitute "6". (2) In section 12 of the Principal Act, for sub-section (2) substitute-- "(2) The President or, in his or her absence, a member elected by the members present, 10 must preside at a meeting of the Board.". (3) In section 12 of the Principal Act, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". 43. Insertion of new section 12A After section 12 of the Principal Act insert-- 15 "12A. Resolutions without meetings (1) If-- (a) the Board has taken reasonable steps to give notice to each member setting out the terms of a proposed resolution; and 20 (b) a majority of the members for the time being sign a document containing a statement that they are in favour of the resolution in the terms set out in the document-- 25 a resolution in those terms is deemed to have been passed at a meeting of the Board held on the day on which the document is signed or, if the members referred to in paragraph (b) do not sign it on the same day, on the day 30 on which the last of those members signs the document. 21 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 44 Act No. (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), 2 or more separate documents containing a statement in identical terms, each of which is signed by one or more members, are deemed to constitute one document. 5 (3) If a resolution is, under sub-section (1), deemed to have been passed at a meeting of the Board, each member must as soon as practicable be advised of the matter and given a copy of the resolution. 10 (4) The majority of members referred to in sub- section (1)(b) must not include a member who, because of section 13, is not entitled to vote on the resolution.". 44. Substitution of section 13 15 For section 13 of the Principal Act substitute-- "13. Conflicts of interest (1) If-- (a) a member has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being 20 considered or about to be considered by the Board; and (b) the interest could conflict with the proper performance of the member's duties in relation to the consideration of 25 the matter-- the member, as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the relevant facts, must declare the nature of the interest to the Board or, in the case of a proposed resolution 30 notice of which is given under section 12A(1)(a), to the President. (2) The Board or the President must cause the declaration to be tabled at the next meeting 22 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 45 Act No. of the Board and the person presiding at that meeting must cause the declaration to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (3) A member who has a conflict of interest in a matter-- 5 (a) must not be present during any deliberations on the matter, unless the Board directs otherwise; and (b) is not entitled to vote on the matter. (4) If a member votes on a matter in 10 contravention of sub-section (3)(b), the vote must be disallowed. (5) A member who has a conflict of interest in a matter must not be present during any deliberations leading to a direction, or take 15 part in making a direction, under sub-section (3)(a). (6) For the purposes of this section, a member is not to be regarded as having a conflict of interest-- 20 (a) in a matter relating to the supply of goods or services to the member if the goods or services are, or are to be, available to members of the public on the same terms and conditions; or 25 (b) in a contract or arrangement only because that contract or arrangement may benefit a company or other body in which the member has a beneficial interest that does not exceed 1% of the 30 total nominal value of beneficial interests in that company or body.". 45. Amendment of section 14 23 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 47 Act No. In section 14 of the Principal Act, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". 46. Substitution of section 15 For section 15 of the Principal Act substitute-- "15. Committees 5 (1) The Board may-- (a) establish any committees it considers necessary and define the constitution and functions of each committee so established; 10 (b) determine the procedure of each committee; (c) change the constitution or functions of a committee; (d) dissolve a committee. 15 (2) A person may be a member of a committee established by the Board even though he or she is not a member of the Board. (3) A member of a committee established by the Board is entitled to receive any fees or 20 travelling or other expenses determined by the Board.". 47. Substitution of section 16 For section 16 of the Principal Act substitute-- "16. Delegation 25 (1) The Board may, by instrument under its common seal, delegate any of its functions or powers (except this power of delegation or the power to make by-laws) to-- (a) the members constituting a committee 30 of the Board, if the committee includes 2 or more members of the Board; or 24 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 Act No. (b) the Director; or (c) any of its members; or (d) any member of its staff. (2) A delegation under sub-section (1) may be made to a specified person or class of 5 persons referred to in that sub-section.". 25 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 48 Act No. 48. Amendment of section 16 In section 16(1)(b) of the Principal Act, for "Director" substitute "Chief Executive Officer". 49. Amendment of section 17 (1) In section 17 of the Principal Act-- 5 (a) in sub-section (1), for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; and (b) in sub-section (4), for "Council" substitute "Board". (2) In section 17(1) of the Principal Act-- 10 (a) for "Director of the Museum of Victoria" subsitute "Chief Executive Officer of the Museums Board of Victoria"; and (b) omit paragraph (a). (3) In section 17 of the Principal Act, for sub-sections 15 (2) to (6) substitute-- "(2) The Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Board, with the approval of the Minister, for the term, not exceeding 5 years, that is specified in the instrument of 20 appointment but is eligible for re- appointment. (3) The Chief Executive Officer holds office, subject to this Act, on the terms and conditions that are specified in the 25 instrument of appointment. (4) The Board must not remove the Chief Executive Officer from office except with the approval of the Minister.". 50. Repeal of section 18 30 Section 18 of the Principal Act is repealed. 51. Repeal of section 19 26 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 51 Act No. Section 19 of the Principal Act is repealed. 52. Substitution of section 20 For section 20 of the Principal Act substitute-- "20. Other staff The Board may employ any other persons 5 necessary for the purposes of this Act.". 53. Amendment of section 21 In section 21 of the Principal Act, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". 54. Substitution of heading 10 For the heading to Division 4 of Part III of the Principal Act substitute-- "Division 4--Functions and Powers of the Board" 55. Insertion of new sections 22 and 22A 15 For section 22 of the Principal Act substitute-- "22. Board represents the Crown In performing its functions and exercising its powers under this Act, the Board represents the Crown. 20 22A. Board subject to control of Minister In performing its functions and exercising its powers under this Act, the Board is subject to the direction and control of the Minister.". 56. Amendment of section 23 25 In section 23 of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" (where first occurring) substitute "Board"; 27 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 57 Act No. (b) in paragraph (a), for "operate and develop" substitute "control, manage, operate, promote, develop and maintain"; (c) in paragraph (aa)(iii), for "Council" (where secondly occurring) substitute "Board"; 5 (d) in paragraph (b), for "natural history, the history of human society and the history of science and technology" substitute "natural sciences, indigenous culture, social history and science and technology"; 10 (e) for paragraph (f) substitute-- "(f) to research, present and promote issues of public relevance and benefit in the following fields-- (i) the origins, development and 15 diversity of cultures in Australia and adjacent lands; (ii) the natural environment; (iii) science and technology and their applications to the development of 20 society;"; (f) after paragraph (g) insert-- "(ga) to provide leadership to museums in Victoria; (gb) to advise the Minister on matters 25 relating to museums, and co-ordination of museum services, in Victoria;"; (g) in paragraph (h), for "the Museum of Victoria" substitute "museums". 57. Amendment of section 24 30 (1) In section 24(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" substitute "Board"; 28 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 58 Act No. (b) omit "and to enable it to achieve its objectives". (2) In section 24(2) of the Principal Act-- (a) for paragraphs (a) to (i) substitute-- "(a) to enter into contracts, agreements or 5 arrangements with any person or body of persons and do everything, including the payment of money, that is necessary or expedient for carrying the contracts, agreements or arrangements into effect; 10 (b) to accept real or personal property by purchase, gift, grant, devise or bequest, whether on trust or otherwise; (c) to act as trustee of any real or personal property vested in the Board on trust;"; 15 (b) for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". (3) In section 24(3) of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" (where first occurring) substitute "Board"; 20 (b) in paragraph (b), for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; (c) in paragraph (c), for "Council" substitute "Board". 58. Amendment of section 25 25 (1) In section 25(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" (where secondly occurring) substitute "Board"; (b) in paragraph (a), for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; 30 (c) in paragraph (b), for "Council" substitute "Board". 29 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 59 Act No. (2) In section 25(2) of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" (where secondly occurring) substitute "Board"; (b) in paragraph (b), for "Council" substitute "Board". 5 59. Amendment of section 26 (1) In section 26 of the Principal Act, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board". (2) In section 26 of the Principal Act, for sub-section (5) substitute-- 10 '(5) In this section "department" means the departments and administrative offices listed from time to time in columns 1 and 3 of Schedule 1 of the Public Sector Management Act 1992.'. 15 60. Amendment of section 27 In section 27 of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" substitute "Board"; (b) for "Council's" substitute "Board's". 61. Amendment of section 28 20 In section 28 of the Principal Act-- (a) for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; (b) sub-section (3) is repealed. 62. Substitution of section 29 25 For section 29 of the Principal Act substitute-- 30 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 63 Act No. "29. Borrowing and investment powers The Board has the powers conferred on it by the Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987.". 63. Further consequential amendments 5 The Principal Act is amended as follows-- (a) in section 30, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; (b) in section 31(1)(a), for "Council" substitute "Board"; 10 (c) in section 31A, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; (d) in section 36(2)(b), for "Council of the State Library of Victoria" substitute "Library Board of Victoria"; 15 (e) in section 36(3)(b), for "Council of the State Library of Victoria" substitute "Library Board of Victoria"; (f) in section 40, for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; 20 (g) in section 42 of the Principal Act-- (i) for "Council" (wherever occurring) substitute "Board"; (ii) for "Council's" substitute "Board's". 64. Insertion of new Division 10 in Part 3 25 After section 44 of the Principal Act insert-- 31 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 65 Act No. "Division 10--Further Transitional Provisions 45. Determination of staff to be transferred The Minister must designate in writing the officers and employees of the public service who are employed in the administration of 5 this Act who are to become employees of the Board under section 49.". 65. Insertion of new section 46 After section 45 of the Principal Act insert-- "46. Abolition of Museums Advisory Board 10 (1) The Museums Advisory Board established by section 4 of the Principal Act is abolished. (2) Despite any provision to the contrary made by or under the Financial Management Act 15 1994, there must be prepared, in accordance with Part 7 of that Act, a report of the operations of the Museums Advisory Board during the period beginning on 1 July immediately preceding the commencement 20 of section 65 of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 and ending on that commencement. (3) The report prepared under sub-section (2) must be incorporated in and consolidated 25 with that of the Council of the Museum of Victoria or, if the Museums Board of Victoria is in existence on the commencement referred to in sub-section (2), with that of the Museums Board of 30 Victoria for the financial year that includes the last day of the period referred to in sub- section (2).". 32 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 66 Act No. 66. Insertion of new section 47 After section 46 of the Principal Act insert-- "47. Council of the Museum of Victoria (1) The Museums Board of Victoria is to be taken as the same body as the Council of the 5 Museum of Victoria in spite of any changes to the name and structure of the Museums Board of Victoria by this Act and no act, matter or thing is to be affected because of those changes of name and structure. 10 (2) A reference in any document to the Council of the Museum of Victoria is to be taken to refer to the Museums Board of Victoria. (3) A member of the Council of the Museum of Victoria holding office immediately before 15 the commencement of section 66 of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 continues to hold office after that commencement as a member of the Museums Board of Victoria on the same 20 terms and conditions as those on which he or she held office as a member of the Council of the Museum of Victoria for the remainder of the term specified in his or her instrument of appointment.". 25 67. Insertion of new sections 48 and 49 After section 47 of the Principal Act insert-- "48. Director The person who immediately before the commencement of section 67 of the Arts 30 Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 was the Director of the Museum of Victoria is deemed to be appointed by the Board as the Chief Executive Officer of the Museums 33 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 67 Act No. Board of Victoria on terms and conditions determined by the Minister to be no less favourable in aggregate than those applying to the Director immediately before that commencement. 5 49. Transfer of staff (1) On and from the commencement of section 67 of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996, any officer or employee designated under section 45-- 10 (a) becomes an employee of the Board; and (b) is entitled to remuneration, terms and conditions determined by the Minister to be no less favourable in aggregate than those which he or she received or 15 was entitled to receive immediately before that commencement as such an officer or employee; and (c) retains any entitlement to long service leave, annual leave, sick leave or other 20 leave accrued or accruing to that person immediately before that commencement. (2) If a person who becomes an employee of the Board under this Division was, immediately 25 before the transfer, an officer within the meaning of the State Superannuation Act 1988 or a corresponding previous enactment, he or she continues, subject to that Act, to be an officer within the meaning of that Act 30 while serving with the Board. (3) For the purpose of long service leave entitlements as employees of the Board of those transferred under this Division, their 34 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 67 Act No. service with the public service must be taken to be service with the Board. (4) There must be paid out of the Consolidated Fund (which is, by this sub-section, appropriated to the necessary extent) any 5 amount determined from time to time by the Treasurer after consultation with the Minister to be the component of any entitlement to pay in lieu of long service leave attributable to the service with the 10 public service of a person transferred under this Division.". _______________ 35 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 68 Act No. PART 4--NATIONAL GALLERY OF VICTORIA ACT 1966 68. Principal Act No. 7482. In this Part, the National Gallery of Victoria Act Reprinted to 1966 is called the Principal Act. No. 31/1994 and subsequently amended by No. 42/1995. 69. Definitions 5 In section 4 of the Principal Act-- (a) omit the definition of "country art gallery"; (b) after the definition of "development collection" insert-- ' "Director" means the Director of the 10 National Gallery of Victoria appointed under section 12;'. (c) after the definition of "President" insert-- ' "regional art gallery" means an art gallery situate and conducted outside the 15 metropolitan area for the time being within the meaning of section 201 of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1958;'. 70. Ministerial directions 20 In section 5B of the Principal Act omit "general". 71. Council members (1) In section 6(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) in paragraph (a), after "office" insert "in the visual arts"; 25 36 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 72 Act No. (b) in paragraph (b), for "representing country" substitute "having relevant experience in relation to regional". (2) In section 6 of the Principal Act, after sub-section (2A) insert-- 5 "(3) The Public Sector Management Act 1992 (including Part 9) does not apply to a member of the Council in respect of the office of member.". 72. Insertion of new section 7A 10 After section 7 of the Principal Act insert-- "7A. Council may act despite vacancy etc. An act or decision of the Council is not invalid only because of-- (a) a defect or irregularity in or in 15 connection with the appointment of a member; or (b) a vacancy in the office of member.". 73. Council (1) In section 8 of the Principal Act, sub-section (4) is 20 repealed. (2) In section 8 of the Principal Act, for sub-section (5) substitute-- "(5) The President or, in his or her absence, a member elected by the members present to 25 be chairman of the meeting, must preside at a meeting of the Council.". (3) In section 8 of the Principal Act, after sub-section (7) insert-- 30 37 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 74 Act No. "(8) The Council must meet on at least 6 occasions in each year at the times and places that are determined by the President or the Council.". 74. Insertion of new sections 9A and 9B 5 After section 9 of the Principal Act insert-- "9A. Resolutions without meetings (1) If-- (a) the Council has taken reasonable steps to give notice to each member setting 10 out the terms of a proposed resolution; and (b) a majority of the members for the time being sign a document containing a statement that they are in favour of the 15 resolution in the terms set out in the document-- a resolution in those terms is deemed to have been passed at a meeting of the Council held on the day on which the document is signed 20 or, if the members referred to in paragraph (b) do not sign it on the same day, on the day on which the last of those members signs the document. (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), 2 or 25 more separate documents containing a statement in identical terms, each of which is signed by one or more members, are deemed to constitute one document. (3) If a resolution is, under sub-section (1), 30 deemed to have been passed at a meeting of the Council, each member must as soon as practicable be advised of the matter and given a copy of the resolution. 38 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 74 Act No. (4) The majority of members referred to in sub- section (1)(b) must not include a member who, because of section 9B, is not entitled to vote on the resolution. 9B. Conflicts of interest 5 (1) If-- (a) a member has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered by the Council; and 10 (b) the interest could conflict with the proper performance of the member's duties in relation to the consideration of the matter-- the member, as soon as practicable after 15 becoming aware of the relevant facts, must declare the nature of the interest to the Council or, in the case of a proposed resolution notice of which is given under section 9A(1)(a), to the President. 20 (2) The Council or the President must cause the declaration to be tabled at the next meeting of the Council and the person presiding at that meeting must cause the declaration to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 25 (3) A member who has a conflict of interest in a matter-- (a) must not be present during any deliberations on the matter, unless the Council directs otherwise; and 30 (b) is not entitled to vote on the matter. 39 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 75 Act No. (4) If a member votes on a matter in contravention of sub-section (3)(b), the vote must be disallowed. (5) A member who has a conflict of interest in a matter must not be present during any 5 deliberations leading to a direction, or take part in making a direction, under sub-section (3)(a). (6) For the purposes of this section, a member is not to be regarded as having a conflict of 10 interest-- (a) in a matter relating to the supply of goods or services to the member if the goods or services are, or are to be, available to members of the public on 15 the same terms and conditions; or (b) in a contract or arrangement only because that contract or arrangement may benefit a company or other body in which the member has a beneficial 20 interest that does not exceed 1% of the total nominal value of beneficial interests in that company or body.". 75. Substitution of section 10 For section 10 of the Principal Act substitute-- 25 "10. Remuneration and allowances A member of the Council is entitled to be paid any remuneration or travelling or other allowances fixed for that member from time to time by the Governor in Council.". 30 76. Amendment of section 11 In section 11 of the Principal Act, sub-section (3) is repealed. 40 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 77 Act No. 77. Insertion of new sections 11A and 11B After section 11 of the Principal Act insert-- "11A. Committees (1) The Council may-- (a) establish any committees it considers 5 necessary and define the constitution and functions of each committee so established; (b) determine the procedure of each committee; 10 (c) change the constitution or functions of a committee; (d) dissolve a committee. (2) A person may be a member of a committee established by the Council even though he or 15 she is not a member of the Council. (3) A member of a committee established by the Council is entitled to receive any fees or travelling or other expenses determined by the Council. 20 11B. Delegation (1) The Council may, by instrument under its common seal, delegate any of its functions or powers (except this power of delegation or the power to make by-laws) to-- 25 (a) the members constituting a committee of the Council, if the committee includes 2 or more members of the Council; or (b) the Director; or 30 (c) any of its members; or (d) any member of its staff. 41 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 78 Act No. (2) A delegation under sub-section (1) may be made to a specified person or class of persons referred to in that sub-section.". 78. New sections 12 and 12A For section 12 of the Principal Act substitute-- 5 "12. Director (1) There shall be a Director of the National Gallery of Victoria. (2) The Director shall-- (a) be the chief executive officer of the 10 Council; and (b) have the control and management of the day to day affairs of the Council in accordance with directions given by the Council. 15 (3) The Director shall be appointed by the Council, with the approval of the Minister, for the term, not exceeding 5 years, that is specified in the instrument of appointment but is eligible for re-appointment. 20 (4) The Director holds office, subject to this Act, on the terms and conditions that are specified in the instrument of appointment. (5) The Council must not remove the Director from office except with the approval of the 25 Minister. 12A. Staff The Council may employ any persons necessary for the purposes of this Act.". 30 42 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 79 Act No. 79. Functions of the Council (1) In section 13 of the Principal Act-- (a) before "The functions of the Council" insert "(1)"; (b) in paragraph (b), for "maintain and develop" 5 substitute "maintain, conserve, develop and promote"; (c) after paragraph (c) insert-- "(ca) to conduct public programs and exhibitions of material within the State 10 collection;"; (d) in paragraph (d), after "including" insert "computer and other technologies and"; (e) for paragraph (g) substitute-- "(g) to provide leadership in the provision 15 of art gallery services in Victoria;". (2) After section 13(1) of the Principal Act insert-- "(2) In carrying out its functions, the Council must endeavour to contribute to the enrichment of the cultural, educational, 20 social and economic life of the people of Victoria.". 80. Insertion of new section 18AA After section 18 of the Principal Act insert-- "18AA. Borrowing and investment powers 25 The Council has the powers conferred on it by the Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987.". 81. Insertion of new Division 4 in Part II After section 21 of the Principal Act insert-- 30 43 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 82 Act No. "Division 4--Further Transitional Provisions 22. Determination of staff to be transferred The Minister must designate in writing the officers and employees of the public service who are employed in the administration of 5 this Act who are to become employees of the Council under section 24.". 82. Insertion of new sections 23 and 24 After section 22 of the Principal Act insert-- "23. Director 10 The person who immediately before the commencement of section 82 of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 was the Director of the National Gallery of Victoria is deemed to be appointed by the 15 Council as the Director. 24. Transfer of staff (1) On and from the commencement of section 82 of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996, any officer or employee 20 designated under section 22-- (a) becomes an employee of the Council; and (b) is entitled to remuneration, terms and conditions determined by the Minister 25 to be no less favourable in aggregate than those which he or she received or was entitled to receive immediately before that commencement as such an officer or employee; and 30 44 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 82 Act No. (c) retains any entitlement to long service leave, annual leave, sick leave or other leave accrued or accruing to that person immediately before that commencement. 5 (2) If a person who becomes an employee of the Council under this section was, immediately before the transfer, an officer within the meaning of the State Superannuation Act 1988 or a corresponding previous enactment, 10 he or she continues, subject to that Act, to be an officer within the meaning of that Act while serving with the Council. (3) For the purpose of long service leave entitlements as employees of the Council of 15 those transferred under this section, their service with the public service must be taken to be service with the Council. (4) There must be paid out of the Consolidated Fund (which is, by this sub-section, 20 appropriated to the necessary extent) any amount determined from time to time by the Treasurer after consultation with the Minister to be the component of any entitlement to pay in lieu of long service 25 leave attributable to the service with the public service of a person transferred under this section.". _______________ 30 45 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 83 Act No. PART 5--MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS ACT 1972 83. Principal Act No. 8357. In this Part, the Ministry for the Arts Act 1972 is Reprinted to called the Principal Act. No. 10087 and subsequently amended by Nos 50/1988, 80/1988 and 29/1994. 84. Victorian Council of the Arts 5 (1) In section 11(1) of the Principal Act, for "not more than 12" substitute "any number of". (2) In section 11(4) of the Principal Act, for "prescribed" substitute "fixed from time to time by the Governor in Council". 10 (3) In section 13 of the Principal Act, omit paragraph (a). _______________ 46 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 85 Act No. PART 6--PUBLIC RECORDS ACT 1973 85. Principal Act No 8418. In this Part, the Public Records Act 1973 is Reprinted to called the Principal Act. No. 29/1994. 86. Definitions 5 In section 2(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) in the definition of "public office", after paragraph (b) insert-- "(ba) a State owned enterprise within the meaning of the State Owned 10 Enterprises Act 1992;"; (b) in the definition of "public record", in paragraph (c) after "public office" insert "or a person or body referred to in section 2B". 87. Insertion of new sections 2A and 2B 15 After section 2 of the Principal Act insert-- "2A. Person or body no longer a public office For the purposes of this Act, a person or body that was, at any time, a public office is to be taken never to have been a public 20 office only if-- (a) a legislative provision; or (b) regulations made for the purposes of this section-- expressly provide that, for the purposes of 25 this Act, the person or body is deemed never to have been a public office. 47 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 87 Act No. 2B. Records of a body that ceases to be a public office If a body corporate or unincorporate that is a public office ceases, on a particular day, to be a public office, then, despite that 5 cessation-- (a) the records of the body that were in existence prior to that day continue to be public records; and (b) the Keeper of Public Records may 10 make arrangements with the body to enable those records of the body to be dealt with in accordance with this Act in the same manner as if the body had not ceased to be a public office.". 15 _______________ 48 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 s. 88 Act No. PART 7--OTHER AMENDMENTS 88. Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 In Schedule 1 to the Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987-- (a) after item 1 insert-- 5 "1A. Council of Trustees 5, 8, 11, 12, 20, of the National 20A and 21"; Gallery of Victoria (b) after item 6 insert-- "6A. Library Board of 5, 8, 11, 12, 20, Victoria 20A and 21"; (c) after item 9 insert-- "9A. Museums Board of 5, 8, 11, 12, 20, Victoria 20A and 21". 89. Melbourne Exhibition Centre Act 1994 In section 6(e) of the Melbourne Exhibition Centre Act 1994, for "Council of the Museum of 10 Victoria" substitute "Museums Board of Victoria". 90. Probate Duty Act 1962 In section 21(3)(c) of the Probate Duty Act 1962, for "Council of the State Library of Victoria" 15 substitute "Library Board of Victoria". 91. Public Sector Management Act 1992 In Schedule 2 to the Public Sector Management Act 1992 omit-- Secretary to the All of Part 4 of "Director of the Department of the Act". Museum of Arts, Sport and Victoria Tourism 20 49 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 Notes Act No. NOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 50 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96



Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1996 Act No. 51 531083B.I1-14/11/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 14/11/96




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