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Clause                              Page

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996
                                   Act No.

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                              Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                         1
  1.     Purpose                                                            1
  2.     Commencement                                                       2
  3.     Objects of Act                                                     2
  4.     Definitions                                                        2

PART 2--ADMINISTRATION                                                      6
Division 1--The Registrar                                                   6
  5.     Registrar                                                          6
  6.     Registrar's general functions                                      6
  7.     Registrar's staff                                                  6
  8.     Delegation                                                         6
Division 2--Execution of documents                                          7
  9.     The Registrar's seal                                               7
  10.    Execution of documents                                             7
Division 3--Reciprocal administrative arrangements                          7
  11.    Reciprocal administrative arrangements                             7

PART 3--REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS                                              9
Division 1--Notification of Births                                          9
  12.    Notification of births                                             9
Division 2--Registration of births                                         10
 13. Cases in which registration of birth is required or authorised        10
 14. How to have the birth of a child registered                           11
 15. Responsibility to have a birth registered                             11
 16. Registration of parentage details                                     11
 17. Addition of details after birth registration                          13
 18. Obligation to have birth registered                                   13
 19. Registration                                                          14
Division 3--Court orders for registration of birth                         14
  20.    Court may order registration of birth                             14

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Clause Page Division 4--Perinatal Death 15 21. Registrar may forward medical certificates 15 Division 5--Child's name 15 22. Name of child 15 23. Dispute about child's name 15 PART 4--CHANGE OF NAME 17 24. Change of name by registration 17 25. Application to register change of adult's name 17 26. Application to register change of child's name 17 27. Child's consent to change of name 18 28. Registration of change of name 18 29. Entries to be made in the Register 19 30. Change of name may still be established by repute or usage 19 PART 5--REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES 20 31. Cases in which registration of marriage is required 20 32. How to have marriage registered 20 33. Registration of marriage 20 PART 6--REGISTRATION OF DEATHS 21 Division 1--Cases where registration of death is required or authorised 21 34. Deaths to be registered under this Act 21 35. Power to direct registration of death 21 36. Circumstances in which a death must not be registered 22 Division 2--Notification of deaths 23 37. Notification of deaths by doctors 23 38. Notification of cause of death by coroner 24 39. Notification by funeral director, etc. 24 Division 3--Registration of death 25 40. Registration 25 ii 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Clause Page PART 7--THE REGISTER 26 Division 1--Keeping the register 26 41. The Register 26 Division 2--Registrar's powers of inquiry 26 42. Registrar's powers of inquiry 26 Division 3--Correction and Amendment of Register 27 43. Correction and amendment of Register 27 Division 4--Access to and certification of register entries 28 44. Protection of privacy 28 45. Search of Register 28 46. Issue of certificate 29 47. Access policies 29 48. Access to Register 29 49. Power to remit fees 30 Division 5--Additional information and services 30 50. Registrar may collect other information 30 51. Additional services in relation to information in Register and other information 31 PART 8--GENERAL POWER OF REVIEW 32 52. Review 32 PART 9--MISCELLANEOUS 33 53. False representation 33 54. Unauthorised access to or interference with Register 33 55. Falsification of certificate, etc. 33 56. Registrar to provide certain information to Minister 34 57. Records relating to period before 18 January 1853 34 58. Power to require and take statutory declarations 35 59. Regulations 35 PART 10--REPEALS, TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO OTHER ACTS 37 60. Repeal of Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959 37 61. Regulations revoked 37 62. The Register 37 63. Superseded references 37 iii 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Clause Page 64. Registrar's appointment 38 65. Minor consequential amendments 38 __________________ SCHEDULE 39 NOTES 44 iv 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



A BILL to re-enact with amendments the law relating to births, deaths and marriages in Victoria, to repeal the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959 and for other purposes. Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Purpose The main purpose of this Act is to provide for the registration of births, deaths, marriages and 5 changes of name in Victoria. 1 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 2 Act No. 2. Commencement (1) This Part comes into operation on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. (2) Subject to sub-section (3), the remaining 5 provisions of this Act come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. (3) If a provision referred to in sub-section (2) does not come into operation before 31 December 1997, it comes into operation on that day. 10 3. Objects of Act The objects of this Act are to provide for-- (a) the registration of births, deaths and marriages in Victoria; and (b) the registration of changes of name; and 15 (c) the keeping of registers for recording and preserving information about births, deaths, marriages, changes of name and adoptions in perpetuity; and (d) access to the information in the registers in 20 appropriate cases by government or private agencies and members of the public, from within and outside the State; and (e) the issue of certified and uncertified information from the registers; and 25 (f) the collection and dissemination of statistical information. 4. Definitions (1) In this Act-- "adult" means a person who-- 30 (a) is 18 years of age or more; or 2 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 4 Act No. (b) although under 18 years of age, is or has been married; "birth" includes still-birth; "birth registration statement" means a 5 statement required to be lodged with the Registrar under section 14; "change", in relation to a name, includes an addition, omission or substitution; "corresponding law" means a law of another 10 State that-- (a) provides for the registration of births, deaths and marriages; and (b) has been declared to be a corresponding law for the purposes of this Act by an 15 Order made under sub-section (2); "Court" means the County Court; "death" does not include a still-birth; "disposal" of human remains means-- (a) cremation of the remains; or 20 (b) burial of the remains (including burial at sea); or (c) placing the remains in a mausoleum or other permanent resting place; or (d) placing the remains in the custody of an 25 educational or scientific institution for the purpose of medical education or research; or (e) removal of the remains from the State (but not if the remains have been 30 cremated or are taken from the State by sea and buried at sea in the course of the voyage); 3 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 4 Act No. "doctor" means a registered medical practitioner within the meaning of the Medical Practice Act 1994; "funeral director" means a person who carries 5 on the business of arranging for the disposal of human remains; "perinatal death" means-- (a) the death of a live-born child within 28 days after the birth; or 10 (b) a still-birth; "prohibited name" means a name that-- (a) is obscene or offensive; or (b) could not practicably be established by repute or usage-- 15 (i) because it is too long; or (ii) because it consists of or includes symbols without phonetic significance; or (iii) for some other reason; or 20 (c) is contrary to the public interest for some other reason; "registrable event" means a birth, change of name, death, marriage or adoption; "registrable information" means information 25 that must or may be included in the Register; "Register" means the Register established under Part 7; "registering authority" means an authority responsible under a corresponding law for 30 the registration of births, deaths and marriages; 4 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 4 Act No. "Registrar" means the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages; "State" includes a Territory; "still-birth" means the birth of a still-born child; 5 "still-born child" means a child of at least 20 weeks' gestation or, if it cannot be reliably established whether the period of gestation is more or less than 20 weeks, with a body mass of at least 400 grams at birth, that 10 exhibits no sign of respiration or heartbeat, or other sign of life, after birth; "Tribunal" means the Administrative Appeals Tribunal established under the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 15 1984. (2) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare a law of another State to be a corresponding law for the purposes of this Act. 20 (3) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may revoke or vary an Order made under sub-section (2). _______________ 5 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 5 Act No. PART 2--ADMINISTRATION Division 1--The Registrar 5. Registrar A Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages must 5 be appointed under the Public Sector Management Act 1992 for the purposes of this Act. 6. Registrar's general functions The Registrar's general functions are-- 10 (a) to establish and maintain the registers necessary for the purposes of this Act; and (b) to administer the registration system established by this Act and ensure that it operates efficiently, effectively and 15 economically; and (c) to ensure that this Act is administered in the way best calculated to achieve its objects. 7. Registrar's staff There may be appointed or employed under the 20 Public Sector Management Act 1992, any other officers and employees that are necessary for the purposes of this Act. 8. Delegation The Registrar, by instrument, may delegate to an 25 officer or employee appointed or employed pursuant to section 7 any of the Registrar's powers under this Act, other than this power of delegation. 6 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 9 Act No. Division 2--Execution of documents 9. The Registrar's seal The Registrar has a seal. 10. Execution of documents 5 (1) The Registrar may issue a certificate or other document under the Registrar's signature and seal, or a facsimile of the Registrar's signature and seal produced by stamp or machine imprint or by a prescribed method. 10 (2) All courts must take judicial notice of the Registrar's signature and seal or facsimile of the Registrar's signature and seal produced in accordance with sub-section (1) affixed to a certificate or other document and, until the 15 contrary is proved, must presume that it was duly affixed. Division 3--Reciprocal administrative arrangements 11. Reciprocal administrative arrangements (1) The Minister may enter into an arrangement with 20 the Minister responsible for the administration of a corresponding law providing for-- (a) the exercise by the Registrar of powers and functions of the registering authority under the corresponding law; and 25 (b) the exercise by the registering authority under the corresponding law of powers and functions of the Registrar under this Act. (2) When an arrangement is in force under this section-- 30 (a) the Registrar may exercise, to the extent authorised by the arrangement (but subject to the conditions of the arrangement) the 7 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 11 Act No. powers and functions of the registering authority under the corresponding law; and (b) the registering authority under the corresponding law may exercise, to the 5 extent authorised by the arrangement (but subject to the conditions of the arrangement) the powers and functions of the Registrar under this Act. (3) An arrangement under this section may-- 10 (a) establish a data base in which information is recorded for the benefit of all the participants in the arrangement; and (b) provide for access to information contained in the data base; and 15 (c) provide for payments by or to participants in the arrangement for services provided under the arrangement. _______________ 8 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 12 Act No. PART 3--REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS Division 1--Notification of Births 12. Notification of births (1) When a child is born in the State, the responsible 5 person must give notice of the birth to the Registrar including any particulars required by the Registrar. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (2) Notice under sub-section (1) may be given-- 10 (a) in writing; or (b) in any other manner approved by the Registrar by notice published in the Government Gazette. (3) The notice must be given-- 15 (a) in the case of a child born alive, within 21 days after the birth; (b) in the case of a still-birth, within 48 hours after the birth. (4) When notice of a still-birth is given, the 20 responsible person must also give the Registrar a doctor's certificate, in a form approved by the Registrar, certifying the cause of foetal death. (5) The doctor's certificate referred to in sub-section (4) must be completed by-- 25 (a) the doctor responsible for the professional care of the mother at the birth; or (b) a doctor who examined the body of the still- born child after the birth. 9 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 13 Act No. (6) In this section-- "responsible person" means-- (a) in the case of a child born in a hospital or brought to a hospital within 24 hours 5 after birth, the chief executive officer of the hospital; or (b) in any other case-- (i) the doctor or midwife responsible for the professional care of the 10 mother at the birth or a doctor who examined the body of the still-born child after the birth; or (ii) if no doctor or midwife was in attendance at the birth, any other 15 person in attendance at the birth. Division 2--Registration of births 13. Cases in which registration of birth is required or authorised (1) If a child is born in the State, the birth must be 20 registered under this Act. (2) If a court orders the registration of a birth, the birth must be registered under this Act. (3) A birth may be registered under this Act if a child is born-- 25 (a) in an aircraft during a flight to a place of disembarkation in the State; or (b) on a vessel during a voyage to a place of disembarkation in the State. (4) If a child is born outside the Commonwealth, but 30 the child is to become a resident of the State, the birth may be registered under this Act. 10 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 14 Act No. (5) The Registrar may refuse to register a birth under sub-section (3) or (4) if the birth is registered under a corresponding law. 14. How to have the birth of a child registered 5 A person has the birth of a child registered under this Act by lodging a birth registration statement with the Registrar in a form and manner required by the Registrar specifying any prescribed particulars. 10 15. Responsibility to have a birth registered (1) The parents of a child are jointly responsible for having the child's birth registered under this Act and must both sign the birth registration statement but the Registrar may accept a birth registration 15 statement from one of the parents if satisfied that it is not practicable to obtain the signatures of both parents on the birth registration statement. (2) If a child is a foundling, the person who has custody of the child is responsible for having the 20 child's birth registered. (3) The Registrar may accept a birth registration statement from a person who is not responsible for having the child's birth registered if satisfied that-- 25 (a) the person lodging the statement has knowledge of the relevant facts; and (b) the child's parents are unable or unlikely to lodge a birth registration statement. 16. Registration of parentage details 30 (1) The Registrar must not include information about the identity of a child's parent in the Register unless-- 11 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 16 Act No. (a) the father and the mother of the child make a joint application for the inclusion of registrable information about that identity; or (b) one parent of the child makes an application 5 for the inclusion of registrable information about that identity and the other parent cannot join in the application because-- (i) he or she is dead; or (ii) he or she cannot be found; or 10 (iii) of some other reason; or (c) one parent of the child makes an application for the inclusion of registrable information about that identity and the Registrar is satisfied that the other parent does not 15 dispute the correctness of that information; or (d) any court having jurisdiction orders the inclusion of registrable information about that identity in the Register; or 20 (e) any court having jurisdiction makes a finding that a particular person is a parent of a child; or (f) the Registrar is entitled under any law (including a law of another State or the 25 Commonwealth) to make a presumption as to the identity of the child's parent. (2) The Registrar may include information about the identity of a child's parent in the Register if-- (a) the Registrar is not prohibited by sub-section 30 (1) from so doing; or (b) despite sub-section (1), both parents are unable to give registrable information about the identity of a child's parent or parents for some reason or are unavailable and another 12 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 17 Act No. person can provide information to the Registrar's satisfaction as to the identity of the child's parent or parents; or (c) despite sub-section (1), one parent has 5 provided the birth registration statement and the registrable information relates only to the identity of that parent. 17. Addition of details after birth registration (1) Subject to section 16, a person may apply to the 10 Registrar for the inclusion of additional registrable information about a person's birth registration in the Register. (2) An application under sub-section (1)-- (a) must be made in writing; and 15 (b) must include the information required by the Registrar; and (c) must, if the Registrar requires verification of the information contained in the application, be accompanied by a statutory declaration 20 verifying the information contained in the application and other evidence the Registrar may require. 18. Obligation to have birth registered (1) A person responsible for having the birth of a 25 child registered must ensure that a birth registration statement is lodged with the Registrar within 60 days after the date of the birth. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (2) However, the Registrar must accept a birth 30 registration statement even though it is lodged after the end of the 60 day period. (3) The Registrar may request that further information be provided to support the birth registration 13 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 19 Act No. statement at any time before the Registrar registers the birth. 19. Registration (1) The Registrar registers a birth by making an entry 5 about the birth in the Register. (2) However, if the particulars available to the Registrar are incomplete the Registrar may register a birth on the basis of incomplete particulars. 10 Division 3--Court orders for registration of birth 20. Court may order registration of birth (1) The Court may, on application by an interested person or on its own initiative, order-- (a) the registration of a birth; or 15 (b) the inclusion of registrable information about a birth or a child's parents in the Register. (2) If a court (including a court of another State or the Commonwealth) finds that-- (a) the birth of a person is not registered as 20 required under this Act or a corresponding law; or (b) the registrable information contained in an entry about a birth in the Register under this Act or a corresponding law is incomplete or 25 incorrect-- the court may direct registration of the birth or the inclusion or correction of registrable information in the Register under this Act or the corresponding law (as the case may require). 30 14 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 21 Act No. Division 4--Perinatal Death 21. Registrar may forward medical certificates Despite anything to the contrary in any Act or law, the Registrar may forward or make available 5 to the Commonwealth Statistician or to the Secretary of the Department of Human Services any medical certificate in his or her possession or under his or her control relating to any perinatal death. 10 Division 5--Child's name 22. Name of child (1) The birth registration statement must state the name of the child. (2) However, the Registrar may assign a name to the 15 child if-- (a) the name stated in the birth registration statement is a prohibited name; or (b) the birth registration statement is lodged by both parents of the child and they satisfy the 20 Registrar that they are unable to agree on the child's name. 23. Dispute about child's name (1) If there is a dispute between parents about a child's name, either parent may apply to the Court 25 for a resolution of the dispute. (2) On an application under sub-section (1), the Court may-- (a) resolve the dispute about the child's name as the Court considers appropriate; and 30 15 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 23 Act No. (b) order the Registrar to register the child's name in a form specified in the order. _______________ 16 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 24 Act No. PART 4--CHANGE OF NAME 24. Change of name by registration A person's name may be changed by registration of the change under this Part. 5 25. Application to register change of adult's name (1) An adult person-- (a) who is domiciled or ordinarily resident in the State; or (b) whose birth is registered in the State-- 10 may apply to the Registrar, in a form approved by the Registrar, for registration of a change of the person's name. (2) An application for registration of a change of name must be accompanied by the prescribed fee. 15 26. Application to register change of child's name (1) The parents of a child-- (a) who is domiciled or ordinarily resident in the State; or (b) whose birth is registered in the State-- 20 may apply to the Registrar, in a form approved by the Registrar, for registration of a change of the child's name. (2) An application for registration of a change of a child's name must be accompanied by the 25 prescribed fee. (3) An application for registration of a change of a child's name may be made by one parent if-- (a) the applicant is the sole parent named in the registration of the child's birth under this Act 30 or any other law; or 17 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 27 Act No. (b) there is no other surviving parent of the child; or (c) the Court approves the proposed change of name. 5 (4) The Court may, on application by a child's parent, approve a proposed change of name for the child if satisfied that the change is in the child's best interests. (5) If the parents of a child are dead, cannot be found, 10 or for some other reason cannot exercise their parental responsibilities to a child, the child's guardian may apply for registration of a change of the child's name. 27. Child's consent to change of name 15 A change of a name of a child aged 12 years or more must not be registered unless-- (a) the child consents to the change of name; or (b) the child is unable to understand the meaning and implications of the change of name. 20 28. Registration of change of name (1) Before registering a change of name under this Part, the Registrar may require the applicant to provide evidence to establish to the Registrar's satisfaction-- 25 (a) the identity and age of the person whose name is to be changed; and (b) that the change of name is not sought for a fraudulent or other improper purpose; and (c) if the person whose name is to be changed is 30 a child aged 12 years or more, that-- (i) the child consents to the change of name; or 18 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 29 Act No. (ii) the child is unable to understand the meaning and implications of the change of name. (2) If the Registrar is satisfied that the name of a 5 person whose birth is registered in the State has been changed under another law or by order of a court, the change of name may be registered under this Act. (3) The Registrar may refuse to register a change of 10 name if, as a result of the change, the name would become a prohibited name. 29. Entries to be made in the Register (1) The Registrar registers a change of name by making an entry about the change of name in the 15 Register. (2) The Registrar must-- (a) if the birth of the person whose name has been changed is registered under this Act, note the change of name in the entry relating 20 to the birth; or (b) if the birth of the person whose name has been changed is registered under a corresponding law, notify the relevant registering authority of the change of name. 25 (3) If the change of name is noted in the Register under sub-section (2), a birth certificate issued by the Registrar for the person must show the person's name as changed under this Part. 30. Change of name may still be established by repute or 30 usage This Part does not prevent a change of name by repute or usage. _______________ 19 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 31 Act No. PART 5--REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES 31. Cases in which registration of marriage is required If a marriage is solemnised in the State, the marriage must be registered under this Act. 5 32. How to have marriage registered A person may have a marriage registered by lodging with the Registrar a certificate of the marriage under the Marriage Act 1961 of the Commonwealth or, if the marriage was 10 solemnised before the commencement of that Act, the evidence of the marriage required by the Registrar. 33. Registration of marriage A marriage may be registered by-- 15 (a) including the marriage certificate as part of the Register; or (b) including particulars of the marriage in the Register. _______________ 20 20 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 34 Act No. PART 6--REGISTRATION OF DEATHS Division 1--Cases where registration of death is required or authorised 34. Deaths to be registered under this Act 5 (1) If a person dies in the State, the death must be registered under this Act. (2) If a court directs the registration of a death, the death must be registered under this Act. (3) A death may be registered under this Act if a 10 person dies-- (a) in an aircraft during a flight to a point of disembarkation in the State; or (b) on a vessel during a voyage to a point of disembarkation in the State. 15 (4) If a person who is domiciled or ordinarily resident in the State dies outside the Commonwealth, or a person dies outside the Commonwealth leaving property in the State, the death may be registered under this Act. 20 (5) The Registrar may refuse to register a death under sub-section (3) or (4) if the death is registered under a corresponding law. (6) If a child is still-born, the child's death is not to be registered under this Part. 25 35. Power to direct registration of death (1) The Court may, on application by an interested person or on its own initiative, order-- (a) the registration of a death; or (b) the inclusion of registrable information about 30 a death in the Register. 21 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 36 Act No. (2) If a court (including a court of another State or the Commonwealth) finds that-- (a) the death of a person is not registered as required under this Act or a corresponding 5 law; or (b) the registrable information contained in an entry about a death in the Register under this Act or a corresponding law is incomplete or incorrect-- 10 the court may direct registration of the death or the inclusion or correction of registrable information in the Register under this Act or the corresponding law (as the case may require). 36. Circumstances in which a death must not be 15 registered (1) The Registrar must not register a death unless the Registrar-- (a) has been given notice by a doctor under section 37(1) in relation to the death of the 20 person; or (b) has been given notice of the death in the form of a certificate issued by a coroner under section 23(1) of the Coroners Act 1985 that authorises the disposal of the 25 remains of the deceased person; or (c) has received a notice under section 22 of the Coroners Act 1985 containing the particulars needed to effect or complete registration of the death; or 30 (d) has been given notice in the form of a document issued, made or given in relation to the death under a corresponding law of another State or the Commonwealth or any other place, being a document which the 35 Registrar is satisfied is equivalent to a notice 22 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 37 Act No. or certificate referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c). (2) Despite sub-section (1), the Registrar must register the death if-- 5 (a) registration of the death is ordered by a court; or (b) the Registrar is of the opinion that, having regard to the circumstances of the case, it is proper that the death should be registered 10 without any notice, certificate or order referred to in this section. Division 2--Notification of deaths 37. Notification of deaths by doctors (1) A doctor who was responsible for a person's 15 medical care immediately before death, or who examines the body of a deceased person after death, must, within 48 hours after the death, notify the Registrar of the death and of the cause of the death in a form and manner approved by the 20 Registrar and specifying any prescribed particulars. Penalty: 12 penalty units. (2) When a notice is given under sub-section (1), the doctor must also give a notice in the form and 25 manner approved by the Registrar and specifying any prescribed particulars that the death has occurred to the funeral director or other person who will be arranging for the disposal of the human remains. 30 Penalty: 12 penalty units. (3) However, a doctor is not required to give a notice under sub-section (1) or (2) if another doctor has given the required notices. 23 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 38 Act No. (4) A doctor must not give a notice under sub-section (1) or (2) if a coroner or police officer is required to be notified of the death under the Coroners Act 1985. 5 Penalty: 12 penalty units. 38. Notification of cause of death by coroner (1) If a coroner is notified of a death under the Coroners Act 1985, the coroner must inform the Registrar as soon as practicable after receiving the 10 notification. (2) If a coroner authorises the disposal of human remains, or makes a finding about the cause of a death, the coroner must give a copy of the disposal authorisation or the finding to the 15 Registrar. (3) The Registrar may register a death even though the death is subject to an inquest or other coronial inquiry and a finding has not been made about the cause of death. 20 (4) A death certificate issued before a coronial inquiry into the cause of death is completed must be endorsed with the words: "Incomplete registration--Cause of death subject to coronial inquiry". 25 39. Notification by funeral director, etc. (1) A funeral director or other person who arranges for the disposal of human remains must within 7 days after disposal of the remains give the Registrar a notice in the form and manner required 30 by the Registrar specifying any prescribed particulars and including any supporting documentation required by the Registrar. Penalty: 5 penalty units. 24 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 40 Act No. (2) If human remains have not been disposed of within 30 days after the date of death, the funeral director or other person who has custody of the remains must give the Registrar a notice, in the 5 form and manner required by the Registrar, specifying any prescribed particulars and including any supporting documentation required by the Registrar. Penalty: 5 penalty units. 10 Division 3--Registration of death 40. Registration (1) The Registrar registers a death by making an entry about the death in the Register. (2) However, if the particulars available to the 15 Registrar are incomplete the Registrar may register a death on the basis of incomplete particulars. _______________ 25 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 41 Act No. PART 7--THE REGISTER Division 1--Keeping the register 41. The Register (1) The Registrar must maintain a register or registers 5 of registrable events. (2) The Register-- (a) must contain the particulars of each registrable event required under this Act, or another law, to be included in the Register; 10 and (b) may contain further information if its inclusion is considered appropriate by the Registrar. (3) The Register may be wholly or partly in the form 15 of a computer data base, in documentary form, or in another form the Registrar considers appropriate. (4) The Registrar must maintain the indexes to the Register that are necessary to make the 20 information contained in the Register reasonably accessible. Division 2--Registrar's powers of inquiry 42. Registrar's powers of inquiry (1) The Registrar may conduct an inquiry to find 25 out-- (a) whether a registrable event has happened; or (b) particulars of a registrable event; or (c) whether particulars of a particular registrable event have been correctly recorded in the 30 Register. 26 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 43 Act No. (2) The Registrar may, by notice given to a person who may be able to provide information relevant to an inquiry under this section, require the person to answer specified questions or to provide other 5 information within a time and in a way specified in the notice. (3) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, fail to comply with a notice under sub-section (2). Penalty: 10 penalty units. 10 Division 3--Correction and Amendment of Register 43. Correction and amendment of Register (1) The Registrar may correct the Register-- (a) to reflect a finding made on inquiry under Division 2; or 15 (b) to bring an entry about a particular registrable event into conformity with the most reliable information available to the Registrar of the registrable event. (2) The Registrar must, if required by a court, correct 20 the Register. (3) The Registrar corrects the Register by adding or cancelling an entry in the Register or by adding, altering or deleting particulars contained in an entry. 25 (4) Subject to section 16, the Registrar may add additional registrable information to an entry in the Register. (5) A person may apply to the Registrar for the addition of registrable information to an entry in 30 the Register. (6) An application under sub-section (5) must be accompanied by the prescribed fee. 27 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 44 Act No. (7) Despite anything to the contrary in the Adoption Act 1984, the Registrar-- (a) may correct an original birth entry in respect of an adopted person; and 5 (b) subject to section 16, may add additional registrable information to that entry. Division 4--Access to and certification of register entries 44. Protection of privacy In providing information extracted from the 10 Register, the Registrar must, as far as practicable, protect the persons to whom the entries in the Register relate from unjustified intrusion on their privacy. 45. Search of Register 15 (1) The Registrar may, on application, search the Register for an entry about a particular registrable event. (2) The applicant must-- (a) state the reason for the applicant's interest in 20 the subject-matter of the search; and (b) pay the prescribed fee. (3) The Registrar may reject the application if the applicant does not show an adequate reason for wanting the information to which the application 25 relates. (4) In deciding whether an applicant has an adequate reason for wanting information, the Registrar must have regard to-- (a) the relationship (if any) between the 30 applicant and the person to whom the information relates; and (b) the age of the entry; and 28 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 46 Act No. (c) the contents of the entry; and (d) other relevant factors. 46. Issue of certificate (1) On completing a search of the Register and on 5 payment by the applicant of the prescribed fee, the Registrar may issue a certificate-- (a) certifying particulars contained in an entry; or (b) certifying that no entry was located in the 10 Register about the relevant registrable event. (2) A certificate under sub-section (1)(a) is admissible in legal proceedings as evidence of-- (a) the entry to which the certificate relates; and (b) the facts recorded in the entry. 15 47. Access policies (1) The Registrar must maintain a written statement of the policies on which access to information contained in the Register is to be given or denied under this Division. 20 (2) The Registrar must give a copy of the statement, on request, to any person. 48. Access to Register (1) The Registrar may, on conditions the Registrar considers appropriate-- 25 (a) allow a person or organisation that has an adequate reason for wanting access to the Register, access to the Register; or (b) provide a person or organisation that has an adequate reason for wanting information 30 from the Register, with information extracted from the Register. 29 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 49 Act No. (2) In deciding whether an applicant has an adequate reason for wanting access to the Register, or information extracted from the Register, the Registrar must have regard to-- 5 (a) the nature of the applicant's interest; and (b) the sensitivity of the information; and (c) the use to be made of the information; and (d) other relevant factors. (3) In deciding the conditions on which access to the 10 Register, or information extracted from the Register, is to be given under this section, the Registrar must, as far as practicable, protect the persons to whom the entries in the Register relate from unjustified intrusion on their privacy. 15 49. Power to remit fees The Registrar may, in appropriate cases, remit the whole or part of a fee under this Act. Division 5--Additional information and services 50. Registrar may collect other information 20 (1) Despite anything to the contrary in this Act, the Registrar may maintain records of information, other than registrable information relating to registrable events. (2) Records maintained under this section must be 25 kept separately from the Register. (3) The Registrar may include information in the records maintained under this section at the request of a person interested in the registrable event to which it relates or on the Registrar's own 30 motion. 30 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 51 Act No. (4) Sections 44 and 48(3) apply to records maintained under this section as if they were part of the Register. 51. Additional services in relation to information in 5 Register and other information (1) The Registrar may enter into an arrangement for the provision of additional services in connection with the provision of services relating to a registrable event, including, but not limited to-- 10 (a) the provision of information in the form of a decorative certificate or other document; and (b) the provision of information from records maintained under section 50 relating to the registrable event. 15 (2) The Registrar may enter into an arrangement for the provision of information from records maintained under section 50 or the Register including historical or genealogical information. (3) If the Registrar provides a service or an additional 20 service under this section, the Registrar may make a charge for the service determined by the Registrar, in his or her absolute discretion, which does not necessarily bear a relation to the cost of providing the service. 25 (4) In providing a service or an additional service, the Registrar must comply with sections 44 and 48(3). _______________ 31 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 52 Act No. PART 8--GENERAL POWER OF REVIEW 52. Review (1) A person who is dissatisfied with a decision of the Registrar made in the performance or purported 5 performance of functions under this Act may apply to the Tribunal for a review of the decision. (2) On a review, the Tribunal may-- (a) confirm, vary or reverse the Registrar's decision; and 10 (b) make consequential and ancillary orders and directions. _______________ 32 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 53 Act No. PART 9--MISCELLANEOUS 53. False representation A person must not make a false or misleading representation in an application or document 5 under this Act, knowing it to be false or misleading. Penalty: 20 penalty units. 54. Unauthorised access to or interference with Register A person must not, without the authority of the 10 Registrar or other lawful authority-- (a) obtain access to the Register or information contained in the Register; or (b) make, alter or delete an entry in the Register; or 15 (c) interfere with the Register in any other way. Penalty: 100 penalty units or 2 years imprisonment or both. 55. Falsification of certificate, etc. (1) A person must not forge the Registrar's signature 20 or seal. Penalty: 100 penalty units or 2 years imprisonment or both. (2) A person must not forge or falsify a certificate or other document under this Act. 25 Penalty: 100 penalty units or 2 years imprisonment or both. (3) The Registrar may impound-- (a) a document which the Registrar has reason to believe bears a forged impression of the 30 Registrar's signature or seal; or 33 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 56 Act No. (b) a certificate or other document purporting to be a certificate or other document under this Act which the Registrar has reason to believe has been forged or falsified; or 5 (c) a certificate under this Act about a registrable event if the entry in the Register about the event has been cancelled or corrected since the issue of the certificate. 56. Registrar to provide certain information to Minister 10 The Registrar must provide to the Minister for inclusion in the report of operations of the Department of Justice for a financial year under Part 7 of the Financial Management Act 1994 a report of the number of registrable events 15 registered during that financial year. 57. Records relating to period before 18 January 1853 (1) Every register, book of entries or register book of baptisms, marriages or burials solemnised in the district of Port Phillip of the Colony of Victoria 20 before 18 January 1853 forwarded to the Registrar under section 31 of the Marriage Act 1898 is to be kept by the Registrar as a permanent record. (2) Any copy verified and forwarded to the Registrar under section 31 of the Marriage Act 1898 is 25 prima facie evidence of all entries contained in the register, book of entries or register book. (3) A person who has possession of any register, book of entries or register book which has not been forwarded under section 31 of the Marriage Act 30 1898 must, during normal business hours, on payment of the prescribed fee, permit any person to inspect any entry and on request supply a certified copy of the entry to that person. 34 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 58 Act No. 58. Power to require and take statutory declarations The Registrar-- (a) may require that information be given by statutory declaration; and 5 (b) is authorised to take any statutory declarations required for the purposes of this Act. 59. Regulations (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations 10 for or with respect to-- (a) prescribing fees or a basis for calculating fees for-- (i) access to the Register; or (ii) a search of the Register; or 15 (iii) the issue of a certificate following a search of the Register; or (iv) other services provided by the Registrar; (b) generally prescribing any other matter or 20 thing required or permitted to be prescribed or necessary to be prescribed for the purposes of this Act. (2) A regulation may impose a penalty not exceeding 20 penalty units for contravention of the 25 regulations. (3) Regulations made under this Act -- (a) may be of general or limited application; (b) may differ according to differences in time, place or circumstance; 30 35 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 59 Act No. (c) may require the making of a statutory declaration. _______________ 36 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 60 Act No. PART 10--REPEALS, TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO OTHER ACTS 60. Repeal of Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959 5 The Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959 is repealed. 61. Regulations revoked The Births Deaths and Marriages (Prescribed Forms and Procedures) Regulations 1986 are 10 revoked. 62. The Register The registers maintained under section 41 of the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959 form part of the Register under this Act. 15 63. Superseded references On and after the commencement of this section, unless inconsistent with the context or subject- matter, in any Act (other than this Act), subordinate instrument within the meaning of the 20 Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 or any other document whatever, a reference to-- (a) the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959 is deemed to be a reference to the Births, Deaths and 25 Marriages Registration Act 1996; and (b) the Registrar of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names is deemed to be a reference to the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages; and 30 (c) any register kept and maintained under section 41 of the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959 is deemed 37 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 s. 64 Act No. to be a reference to the corresponding register in the Register established under Part 7 of this Act. 64. Registrar's appointment 5 The person who held the position of Registrar of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names under the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959 immediately before the commencement of this section is deemed on that commencement 10 to be appointed under the Public Sector Management Act 1992 to the position of Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages for the purposes of this Act on the same terms and conditions and with the same accrued or accruing 15 entitlements as applied to the person immediately before that commencement. 65. Minor consequential amendments An Act specified in the heading to an item in the Schedule is amended as set out in that item. 20 __________________ 38 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 Sch. Act No. SCHEDULE Consequential Amendments to Various Acts 1. Adoption Act 1984 1.1 In section 4(1), in the definition of "Registrar", for "Births, 5 Deaths, Marriages and Names appointed under section 40 of the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages appointed under section 5 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 10 1.2 In section 35(1)(c), for "Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 1.3 In section 76(2), for "Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Births, Deaths and 15 Marriages Registration Act 1996". 1.4 In section 77(2), for "Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 1.5 In section 78-- 20 (a) in sub-section (1), for "Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996"; (b) in sub-section (2), for "in the relevant form prescribed 25 under the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996"; (c) in sub-section (4)(a), for "in the form prescribed under the Registration of Births Deaths and 30 Marriages Act 1959" substitute "under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996"; (d) in sub-section (4)(b), for "in the form prescribed under the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "under the Births, 35 Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996"; (e) in sub-section (8), for "Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute 39 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 Sch. Act No. "Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 1.6 In section 81, for "section 46 of the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "section 43 of 5 the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 1.7 In section 90(2), after "Register of Marriages" insert "in the Register maintained under Part 7 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 10 1.8 In section 92(5), for "Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 2. Cemeteries Act 1958 2.1 In section 19(2), for paragraph (a) substitute-- 15 "(a) a notice as required under section 37(2) of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996;". 2.2 In section 19(2)(c), for the words and expressions commencing "duly signed" and ending "Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "as 20 required under section 37(2) of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 2.3 In section 74, for "Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages". 2.4 In section 77(3), for "prescribed under section 19(1)(b) of 25 the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "as required under section 37(2) of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 2.5 In the Third Schedule, in Part A, for "prescribed under section 19(1)(b) of the Registration of Births Deaths and 30 Marriages Act 1959" substitute "as required under section 37(2) of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 3. Children And Young Persons Act 1989 3.1 In section 3(1), in the definition of "parent", for paragraph 35 (e) substitute-- "(e) a person whose name is entered as the father of the child in the register of births in the Register maintained by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and 40 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 Sch. Act No. Marriages under Part 7 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996;". 4. Constitution Act 1975 4.1 In section 48(2A), for "Part V of the Registration of Births 5 Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Part 4 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 5. Coroners Act 1985 5.1 In section 3, in paragraph (k) of the definition of "reportable death", for "section 19(1)(b) of the Registration of Births 10 Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "section 37(1) of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 5.2 In section 19(1)(d), for "Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Births, Deaths and 15 Marriages Registration Act 1996". 5.3 In section 22, for "Government Statist" substitute "Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages". 6. Dental Technicians Act 1972 6.1 In section 7(3), for "Government Statist" substitute 20 "Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages". 6.2 In section 20(3), for "Government Statist" substitute "Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages". 7. Dentists Act 1972 7.1 In section 14(3), for "Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names" 25 substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages". 8. Health Act 1958 8.1 In section 162G(1), for "Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 30 41 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 Sch. Act No. 9. Medical Practice Act 1994 9.1 In section 21(1), for "Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages". 9.2 In Schedule 1, item 48 is repealed. 5 10. Pharmacists Act 1974 10.1 In section 10, for "Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages". 11. Status of Children Act 1974 11.1 In section 8(1)-- 10 (a) for "Register of Births" substitute "register of births in the Register maintained under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996; and (b) for "section 50 of the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "section 46 of 15 that Act". 11.2 In section 9, for "Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names" (wherever occurring) substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages". 12. The Constitution Act Amendment Act 1958 20 12.1 In section 124-- (a) in sub-section (1), for "Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names" (where twice occurring) substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages"; and (b) in sub-section (1A)-- 25 (i) for "Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages"; and (ii) for "Part V of the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Part 4 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages 30 Registration Act 1996". 13. Veterinary Surgeons Act 1958 13.1 In section 21(2), for "Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages". 42 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 Sch. Act No. 14. Witness Protection Act 1991 14.1 In section 3, in the definition of "register of births" for "kept under section 41 of the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "in the Register 5 maintained under Part 7 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 14.2 In section 3, in the definition of "Registrar" for "Births, Deaths, Marriages and Names" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages". 10 14.3 In section 4(2), for "Section 24 of the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Section 53 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 14.4 In section 9(1) for "Registration of Births Deaths and 15 Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 14.5 In section 12(1), after paragraph (b) insert-- "(ba) a person appointed or employed under section 7 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 20 1996; or". 14.6 In section 14, for "Part V and section 47 of the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1959" substitute "Part 4 and section 43(3) of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996". 25 43 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96



Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 Notes Act No. NOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 44 531064B.I1-15/10/96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/10/96




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