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        Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous
                 Amendments) Act 2002
                                 Act No.

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                               Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                     1
  1.     Purposes                                                       1
  2.     Commencement                                                   3

PART 2--AMENDMENT OF THE CRIMES ACT 1958                                4
  3.     New section 464NA inserted                                     4
         464NA. Fingerscanning for identification purposes              4
  4.     Destruction of records                                         5
  5.     Records of juvenile                                            6
  6.     Statute law revision                                           6

PART 3--AMENDMENT OF THE CORRECTIONS ACT 1986                           7
  7.     Photographing and fingerprinting                               7
  8.     Disclosure of personal information                             8
  9.     Accident compensation                                         10
  10.    New section 115 inserted                                      10
         115.    Transitional provisions--Criminal Justice
                 Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments)
                 Act 2002                                              10

ACT 1958                                                               12
  11.    Disclosure of information and documents                       12

ACT 1989                                                               14
  12.    Filing of charge                                              14
  13.    Issue of summons by police                                    14
  14.    New section 37A inserted                                      15
         37A. Service of outline of evidence on defendant              15
  15.    Power to adjourn                                              17

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Clause Page 16. New section 121A inserted 17 121A. Validation of certain acts 17 17. New section 128A inserted 18 128A. Adjournment to undertake diversion program 18 18. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction 20 19. Regulations 20 20. Pre-hearing disclosure 20 21. Defendant's non-appearance at summary hearing 22 6. Non-appearance of defendant--outline of evidence 22 22. Committal of corporate defendant 24 23. Offence not to appear 24 24B. Offence to fail to appear at trial 24 24. Transitional 24 PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS 26 25. Bail justice 26 26. Appeal Costs Act 1998 27 27. New section 43A inserted 27 43A. Transitional--2002 amendments 27 28. Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001 28 __________________ SCHEDULE 29 ENDNOTES 35 ii 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Initiated in Assembly 8 May 2002 A BILL to amend the Crimes Act 1958, the Corrections Act 1986, the Police Regulation Act 1958, the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, the Confiscation Act 1997, the Sentencing Act 1991, the Bail Act 1977, the Children and Young Persons Act 1989, the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984, the Surveillance Devices Act 1999, the Transport Act 1983 and the Appeal Costs Act 1998 and for other purposes. Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Purposes The purposes of this Act are-- 1 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 1 (a) to provide for the determination of a summary offence in the defendant's absence on the basis of a statement by the informant outlining the alleged offence; 5 (b) to provide for the appearance of corporations on their trial for indictable offences; (c) to facilitate the use of electronic lodgment of court documents; (d) to provide for electronic pre-trial disclosure 10 by the prosecution; (e) to enable a police officer to issue a summons to answer to a charge; (f) to provide the Magistrates' Court with the option of adjourning a criminal proceeding 15 to enable a defendant to participate in a diversion program; (g) to deem persons when participating in diversion programs to be workers employed by the Crown for the purposes of the 20 Accident Compensation Act 1985; (h) to enable fingerprints of accused persons and prisoners to be taken by scanning devices for identification purposes; (i) to provide for the exchange of personal 25 information relating to prisoners and persons in community corrections centres or community corrections programes between corrections staff and members of the police force; 30 (j) to amend the definition of bail justice; (k) to amend the Appeal Costs Act 1998 in relation to indemnity certificates in criminal proceedings; 2 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 2 (l) to make miscellaneous amendments of a transitional and statute law revision nature. 2. Commencement (1) This Act (except item 5.1 in the Schedule) comes 5 into operation on the day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. (2) Item 5.1 in the Schedule is deemed to have come into operation on the day on which section 5 of the Sentencing (Amendment) Act 2002 comes 10 into operation. _______________ 3 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 2--Amendment of the Crimes Act 1958 s. 3 PART 2--AMENDMENT OF THE CRIMES ACT 1958 3. New section 464NA inserted See: After section 464N of the Crimes Act 1958 Act No. insert-- 6231. Reprint No. 16 5 '464NA. Fingerscanning for identification purposes as at 1 January (1) In this section, "fingerscan" means 2002 and fingerprints taken by means of a device to amending obtain a record of the fingerprints. Act Nos 45/2001 and 11/2002. Example: Fingerprints may be taken by a scanning 10 LawToday: device to obtain a digital record of the www.dms. fingerprints. dpc.vic. (2) If a person of or above the age of 15 years-- (a) has been charged with an indictable offence or a summary offence referred 15 to in Schedule 7; and (b) is present in a police station because of the charging or has been remanded in custody in relation to the charge-- a member of the police force may take a 20 fingerscan of the person for the purpose only of identifying the person. (3) Before fingerscanning a person under this section, a member of the police force must inform the person, in language likely to be 25 understood by the person, that the fingerscan-- (a) is to be taken only for the purpose of identifying the person; and (b) is inadmissible as evidence. 30 (4) A member of the police force may use reasonable force to take the fingerscan of a person referred to in sub-section (2) who 4 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 2--Amendment of the Crimes Act 1958 s. 4 refuses to allow it to be taken voluntarily if-- (a) the use of reasonable force is authorised by a member in charge of a police 5 station at the relevant time or a member of or above the rank of sergeant; and (b) before fingerscanning the person, the member of the police force informs the person, in language likely to be 10 understood by the person, that reasonable force may be used to obtain it. (5) A person of the same sex as the person to be fingerscanned must, if practicable, take the 15 fingerscan. (6) A fingerscan is inadmissible as evidence in any proceeding. (7) A fingerscan which is not required to be destroyed under section 464O may be 20 recorded on a computerised database and may be accessed, disclosed, communicated or made use of by a person for the performance of official duties if the recording, accessing, disclosing, 25 communicating or making use of fingerscans on that database by that person, or a person belonging to a class of persons, for that purpose is authorised in writing by the Chief Commissioner of Police.'. 30 4. Destruction of records In section 464O(1) of the Crimes Act 1958, after "section" insert-- ' "destroy", in relation to a fingerscan, means permanently de-identify information-- 5 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 2--Amendment of the Crimes Act 1958 s. 5 (a) which identifies the person from whom the fingerscan was taken; or (b) from which the person's identity may be ascertained; 5 "fingerprints" includes fingerscan taken under section 464NA;'. 5. Records of juvenile In section 464P of the Crimes Act 1958, before sub-section (1) insert-- 10 '(1A) In this section, "fingerprints" includes fingerscan taken under section 464NA.'. 6. Statute law revision Sections 6, 7(1)(b) and 10 of the Crimes (Fingerprinting) Act 1988 are repealed. _______________ 15 6 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 3--Amendment of the Corrections Act 1986 s. 7 PART 3--AMENDMENT OF THE CORRECTIONS ACT 1986 7. Photographing and fingerprinting See: (1) In section 3(1) of the Corrections Act 1986, Act No. before the definition of "function" insert-- 117/1986. Reprint No. 4 5 ' "fingerprints" includes finger, palm, toe and as at 26 August sole prints, whether taken by impression or 1999 by means of a device to obtain a record of and amending the fingerprints; Act Nos 38/1988, Example: Fingerprints may be taken by a scanning device 11/1993 (as 10 to obtain a digital record of the fingerprints.'. amended by Nos 45/1996 and 11/2002), 86/2000, 45/2001, 72/2001 and 2/2002. LawToday: www.dms. dpc.vic. (2) In section 11(7A) of the Corrections Act 1986, for "must" substitute "may". (3) In section 28(1) of the Corrections Act 1986, for "must" substitute "may". 15 (4) In section 28(2) of the Corrections Act 1986, after "photographs of the prisoner" insert "or take the prisoner's fingerprints or both". (5) In section 99(1) of the Corrections Act 1986, for "must take photographs of the offender" 20 substitute "may take photographs of the offender and may take the offender's fingerprints". (6) In section 99(2) of the Corrections Act 1986, after "photographs of the offender" insert "or take the offender's fingerprints or both". 25 (7) In section 99(3) of the Corrections Act 1986, after "photographs" insert "and fingerprints". 7 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 3--Amendment of the Corrections Act 1986 s. 8 8. Disclosure of personal information (1) In section 30(3) of the Corrections Act 1986, after paragraph (d) insert-- "(daa) recording, accessing, disclosing, 5 communicating or making use of information-- (i) relating to the personal affairs of a prisoner; or (ii) concerning the investigation of a breach 10 or possible breach of the law by a prisoner-- on a computerised database in the performance of the person's official duties if-- 15 (iii) the person holds a position other than as a volunteer; and (iv) the Minister has given written authority under sub-section (4) that applies to the person; or". 20 (2) In section 30 of the Corrections Act 1986, after sub-section (3) insert-- "(4) The Minister may, by instrument in writing, authorise persons, or classes of persons, specified in the authority, who hold a 25 position, other than as volunteers, to record, access, disclose, communicate or make use of, for the performance of their official duties, confidential information, or classes of confidential information, of a kind referred 30 to in sub-section (3)(daa) on a computerised database specified in the authority that is able to be accessed by-- (a) persons holding a position, other than as volunteers; or 8 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 3--Amendment of the Corrections Act 1986 s. 8 (b) officers within the meaning of section 85; or (c) members of the police force. (5) Nothing in this section prevents the 5 recording or accessing and using of health information within the meaning of the Health Records Act 2001 in accordance with that Act.". (3) At the end of section 91 of the Corrections Act 10 1986 insert-- "(2) Sub-section (1) does not prevent an officer from recording, accessing, disclosing, communicating or making use of any information referred to in that sub-section on 15 a computerised database in the performance of official duties if the Minister has given written authority under sub-section (3) that applies to the officer. (3) The Minister may, by instrument in writing, 20 authorise officers, or classes of officers, specified in the authority, to record, access, disclose, communicate or make use of, for the performance of their official duties, information, or classes of information, of a 25 kind referred to in sub-section (1) on a computerised database specified in the authority that is able to be accessed by-- (a) officers; or (b) persons holding a position within the 30 meaning of section 30, other than as volunteers; or (c) members of the police force. 9 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 3--Amendment of the Corrections Act 1986 s. 9 (4) Nothing in this section prevents the recording or accessing and using of health information within the meaning of the Health Records Act 2001 in accordance 5 with that Act.". 9. Accident compensation In section 110 of the Corrections Act 1986-- (a) in paragraph (b), for "location--" substitute "location; or"; 10 (b) after paragraph (b) insert-- "(c) a person who is required or directed by or under a diversion program under section 128A of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 to work or to take part 15 in a program of activities--". 10. New section 115 inserted After section 114 of the Corrections Act 1986 insert-- "115. Transitional provisions--Criminal Justice 20 Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 (1) The amendments to this Act made by section 7 of the Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) 25 Act 2002 apply to fingerprints taken after the commencement of that section. (2) The amendments to this Act made by section 8 of the Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) 30 Act 2002 apply to information whether obtained before or after the commencement of that section.". __________________ 10 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 3--Amendment of the Corrections Act 1986 11 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 4--Amendment of the Police Regulation Act 1958 s. 11 PART 4--AMENDMENT OF THE POLICE REGULATION ACT 1958 11. Disclosure of information and documents See: In section 127A of the Police Regulation Act Act No. 5 1958, after sub-section (1) insert-- 6338. Reprint No. 8 "(1A) Sub-section (1) does not prevent a member as at 15 October of the police force from recording, accessing, 1998 disclosing, communicating or making use of and amending any fact or document referred to in that sub- Act Nos 10 section, whether obtained before or after the 30/1999, 61/1999, commencement of section 11 of the 95/2000, Criminal Justice Legislation 9/2001, 36/2001 and (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002, on 84/2001. a computerised database in the performance LawToday: www.dms. 15 of official duties if the Chief Commissioner dpc.vic. of Police has given written authority under sub-section (1B) that applies to the member. (1B) The Chief Commissioner of Police may, by instrument in writing, authorise members, or 20 classes of members, of the police force specified in the authority, to record, access, disclose, communicate or make use of, for the performance of their official duties, information, or classes of information, 25 referred to in sub-section (1) on a computerised database specified in the authority that is able to be accessed by-- (a) members of the police force; or (b) persons holding a position within the 30 meaning of section 30 of the Corrections Act 1986, other than as volunteers; or (c) officers within the meaning of section 85 of the Corrections Act 35 1986. 12 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 4--Amendment of the Police Regulation Act 1958 s. 11 (1C) Nothing in sub-section (1A) prevents the recording or accessing and using of health information within the meaning of the Health Records Act 2001 in accordance 5 with that Act.". _______________ 13 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 12 PART 5--AMENDMENT OF THE MAGISTRATES' COURT ACT 1989 12. Filing of charge See: (1) In section 26 of the Magistrates' Court Act Act No. 5 1989, at the foot of sub-section (1) insert-- 51/1989. Reprint No. 8 "Note: The Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000 as at applies to enable a charge to be filed electronically.". 24 April 2002 and amending Act Nos 2/2001 and 2/2002. Law Today: www.dms. dpc.vic. (2) In section 26 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, after sub-section (2) insert-- 10 "(2A) If a charge is filed in accordance with the method prescribed by the regulations for electronic filing, the requirements of sections 8(1) and 9(1) of the Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000 are taken 15 to have been met.". 13. Issue of summons by police (1) In section 30 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, for sub-section (1) substitute-- "(1) Without limiting the power of a registrar in 20 any way-- (a) a member of the police force; or (b) in the case of a charge for a prescribed summary offence, a prescribed person-- 25 may, at the time of signing a charge-sheet, issue a summons to answer to the charge.". 14 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 14 (2) In section 30(2) of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989-- (a) after "If " insert "a member of the police force or"; 5 (b) omit "original". (3) In section 30(4) of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989-- (a) after "If" insert "a member of the police force or"; 10 (b) omit "original"; (c) after "charge" (where last occurring) insert ", whether or not the charge is for a summary offence". 14. New section 37A inserted 15 After section 37 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 insert-- '37A. Service of outline of evidence on defendant (1) The informant may serve on the defendant, in the case of a charge for a summary 20 offence, an outline of evidence and a notice in the prescribed form explaining this section and clause 6 of Schedule 2. (2) An outline of evidence is a statement by the informant-- 25 (a) describing the nature and circumstances of the alleged offence, including-- (i) the background and consequences of the alleged offence; and (ii) the comments or statements, if 30 any, made by the defendant concerning the alleged offence; and 15 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 14 (b) including-- (i) the names of all persons who may be called to give evidence by or on behalf of the informant at the 5 hearing of the charge and indicating whether those persons have made statements; and (ii) a list of any things that may be tendered as exhibits. 10 (3) An outline of evidence must be-- (a) in the form of an affidavit; or (b) signed by the informant and must contain an acknowledgment signed in the presence of-- 15 (i) a member of the police force of Victoria, of any other State or of an internal Territory; or (ii) a member of the Australian Federal Police-- 20 that the statement is true and correct and is made in the belief that a person making a false statement in the circumstances is liable to the penalties of perjury. 25 (4) Despite sub-section (3), a copy of an outline of evidence that-- (a) is served on the defendant; or (b) is used for the purposes of clause 6 in Schedule 2-- 30 need not bear the manual signature of the informant. 16 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 15 (5) An informant who acknowledges an outline of evidence which the informant knows at the time to be false is liable to the penalties of perjury. 5 (6) The outline of evidence and notice referred to in sub-section (1) must be served in accordance with section 34 or 36(1) (as the case requires) as though they were a summons to answer to a charge. 10 (7) Service of documents referred to in sub- section (1) may be proved in any manner in which service of a summons to answer to a charge may be proved under section 35. (8) Section 90 of the Road Safety Act 1986 15 applies as if a reference to "summons" were a reference to "outline of evidence under section 37A of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989". (9) An informant must retain an outline of 20 evidence bearing the manual signature of the informant for a period of 12 months after the determination of the charge.'. 15. Power to adjourn In section 41(3) of the Magistrates' Court Act 25 1989, after "Schedule 2" insert "or may adjourn the proceeding on any terms that it thinks fit". 16. New section 121A inserted After section 121 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 insert-- 30 "121A. Validation of certain acts If, before the commencement of section 25 of the Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002, a 17 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 17 person holding a prescribed office under section 121 performed any act or made any decision under this or any other Act in purported exercise of a power to act as a bail 5 justice appointed under section 120, the act or decision is not invalid only by reason of the lack of appointment of the person as a bail justice under section 120 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989.". 10 17. New section 128A inserted After section 128 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 insert-- "128A. Adjournment to undertake diversion program 15 (1) This section does not apply to an offence punishable by a minimum or fixed sentence or penalty. (2) If, at any time before taking a formal plea from a defendant in a criminal proceeding 20 for a summary offence or an indictable offence triable summarily-- (a) the defendant acknowledges to the Court responsibility for the offence; and 25 (b) it appears appropriate to the Court, which may inform itself in any way it thinks fit, that the defendant should participate in a diversion program; and (c) both the prosecution and the defendant 30 consent to the Court adjourning the proceeding for this purpose-- the Court may adjourn the proceeding for a period not exceeding 12 months to enable the defendant to participate in and complete the 35 diversion program. 18 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 17 (3) A defendant's acknowledgment to the Court of responsibility for an offence is inadmissible as evidence in a proceeding for that offence and does not constitute a plea. 5 (4) If a defendant completes a diversion program to the satisfaction of the Court-- (a) no plea to the charge is to be taken; and (b) the Court must discharge the defendant without any finding of guilt; and 10 (c) the fact of participation in the diversion program is not to be treated as a finding of guilt except for the purposes of-- (i) Division 1 of Part 3 and Part 10 of the Confiscation Act 1997; and 15 (ii) section 9 of the Control of Weapons Act 1990; and (iii) section 151 of the Firearms Act 1996; and (iv) Part 4 of the Sentencing Act 20 1991; and (d) the fact of participation in the diversion program and the discharge of the defendant is a defence to a later charge for the same offence or a similar 25 offence arising out of the same circumstances. (5) If a defendant does not complete a diversion program to the satisfaction of the Court and the defendant is subsequently found guilty of 30 the charge, the Court must take into account the extent to which the defendant complied 19 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 18 with the diversion program when sentencing the defendant. (6) Nothing in this section affects the requirement to observe the rules of natural 5 justice.". 18. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction At the end of section 139A of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 insert-- "(2) It is the intention of section 121A to alter or 10 vary section 85 of the Constitution Act 1975.". 19. Regulations In section 140(1) of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, after paragraph (c) insert-- 15 "(ca) prescribing a method for the electronic filing of charges; and". 20. Pre-hearing disclosure (1) In clause 1A(2) of Schedule 2 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, for "14" substitute "10". 20 (2) In clause 1A of Schedule 2 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, after sub-clause (2) insert-- "(2A) If-- (a) the informant is a member of the police force or an officer of a prescribed agency; and 25 (b) the defendant's legal practitioner is authorised by the Secretary to access electronically the information and matters referred to in sub- clause (2); and (c) it is practicable to transmit electronically the 30 information and matters referred to in sub- clause (2)-- the informant must, subject to this clause, place on the prescribed database as soon as practicable and as the information or matters become available to the 35 informant-- 20 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 20 (d) all information and matters referred to in sub- clause (2); and (e) a list of the exhibits proposed to be tendered.". (3) In clause 1A(4) of Schedule 2 to the Magistrates' 5 Court Act 1989, after "sub-clause (2)" (where first occurring) insert "or to place on the database information or matters required to be placed under sub-clause (2A)". (4) In clause 1A(5) of Schedule 2 to the Magistrates' 10 Court Act 1989-- (a) for "7th" substitute "5th"; and (b) for "14" substitute "10". (5) In clause 1A of Schedule 2 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, after sub-clause (5) insert-- 15 "(5A) If the informant refuses to place on the database information or matters required to be placed under sub-clause (2A) or to provide access to exhibits, the informant must, without delay, serve on the defendant's legal practitioner a written statement of 20 the ground or grounds for refusing to comply.". (6) In clause 1A(6) of Schedule 2 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, after "(2)" insert "or to place on the database information or matters required to be placed under sub-clause (2A)". 25 (7) In clause 1A(7) of Schedule 2 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, after "(2)" insert "or a requirement to place information or matters required to be placed under sub-clause (2A)". 21 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 21 21. Defendant's non-appearance at summary hearing In Schedule 2 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, after clause 5 insert-- "6. Non-appearance of defendant--outline of evidence 5 (1) If-- (a) under section 41(2) or (3) the Court proceeds to hear and determine the charge in the defendant's absence; and (b) the informant has served an outline of evidence 10 on the defendant in accordance with section 37A not less than 14 days before the mention date; and (c) the Court considers that the matters set out in the outline of evidence disclose the offence 15 charged-- the following are admissible in evidence, despite the rule against hearsay-- (d) the outline of evidence referred to in section 37A(1); 20 (e) any exhibit referred to in the outline of evidence. (2) Without limiting any other power conferred on the Court, if the Court considers that the matters set out in an outline of evidence do not disclose the offence 25 charged, the Court may require the informant to provide additional evidence. (3) The additional evidence referred to in sub-section (2) is inadmissible unless-- (a) it is in the form of written statements that 30 comply with section 37A(3); and (b) a copy of each statement has been served on the defendant not less than 14 days before the Court considers the additional evidence. (4) The Court must reject a statement, or any part of a 35 statement, tendered in a proceeding if the statement or part is inadmissible because of this clause. 22 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 21 (5) The Court may rule as inadmissible the whole or any part of an outline of evidence, a statement or an exhibit. (6) If the Court finds a defendant guilty in the defendant's 5 absence on the basis of an outline of evidence-- (a) the Court must not make a custodial order under Division 2 of Part 3 of the Sentencing Act 1991; and (b) the Court must not make a community-based 10 order under Division 3 of Part 3 of the Sentencing Act 1991; and (c) the Court must not make an order for a fine exceeding 20 penalty units under Division 4 of Part 3 of the Sentencing Act 1991 and the total 15 sum of orders for fines must not exceed in the aggregate 50 penalty units; and (d) the total sum of orders made under Divisions 1 and 2 of Part 4 of the Sentencing Act 1991 for the payment of restitution or compensation 20 must not exceed $2000. (7) If, at any time during the hearing, the Court considers that the charge, if proved, is likely to result in an order prohibited by sub-clause (6), the Court-- (a) must adjourn the proceeding to enable the 25 defendant to appear or to be brought before the Court to answer to the charge; and (b) may issue a warrant to arrest the defendant. (8) Except as provided by section 90 of the Road Safety Act 1986, the Court must not be informed of nor have 30 regard to any prior convictions or findings of guilt of the defendant. (9) If the Court finds a charge against a person proven and makes a sentencing order in their absence, the Court must give by post written notice to the person, 35 at the address on the register, of-- (a) the order of the Court; and (b) their right to apply for a re-hearing of the charge. (10) If a person is served with a notice under sub-clause 40 (9) and applies under section 93 for a re-hearing of the 23 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 22 charge within 28 days after the date of service of the notice, the Court must set aside the sentencing order and re-hear the charge. (11) This clause does not limit the power of the Court to 5 proceed to hear and determine the charge in the defendant's absence under section 41(2) or (3) on the basis of evidence on oath given by or on behalf of the informant if the informant had not served an outline of evidence on the defendant in accordance with 10 section 37A.". 22. Committal of corporate defendant In clause 24(1) of Schedule 5 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989-- (a) in paragraph (b), after "(b)" insert "if the 15 defendant is a natural person,"; (b) after paragraph (b) insert-- "(ba) if the defendant is a body corporate, order the defendant to appear, by a representative or a legal practitioner, at 20 its arraignment; and". 23. Offence not to appear In Part 6 of Schedule 5 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, after clause 24A insert-- "24B. Offence to fail to appear at trial 25 A body corporate must comply with an order made under clause 24(1)(ba). Penalty: 240 penalty units.". 24. Transitional In Schedule 8 to the Magistrates' Court Act 30 1989-- (a) in clause 25 (where secondly occurring) for "25." substitute "26."; (b) after clause 26 insert-- "27. (1) The amendments made to this Act by 35 sections 12, 13, 14, 15, 19 and 20 of the 24 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Part 5--Amendment of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 s. 24 Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 apply to a criminal proceeding commenced on or after the 5 commencement of that Act. (2) Section 128A as inserted by section 17 of the Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 applies to a criminal proceeding for an 10 offence, whether commenced before or after the commencement of section 17 of that Act.". __________________ 25 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS s. 25 PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS 25. Bail justice (1) In section 3 of the Bail Act 1977, for the definition of "bail justice" substitute-- 5 ' "bail justice" means-- (a) bail justice appointed under section 120 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989; or (b) bail justice by virtue of holding a prescribed office under section 121 of 10 the Magistrates' Court Act 1989;'. (2) In section 3(1) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1989, for the definition of "bail justice" substitute-- ' "bail justice" means-- 15 (a) bail justice appointed under section 120 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989; or (b) bail justice by virtue of holding a prescribed office under section 121 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989;'. 20 (3) In section 38 of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984, for the definition of "bail justice" substitute-- ' "bail justice" means-- (a) bail justice appointed under section 120 25 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989; or (b) bail justice by virtue of holding a prescribed office under section 121 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989;'. 26 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS s. 26 26. Appeal Costs Act 1998 (1) In section 17(1) of the Appeal Costs Act 1998-- (a) in paragraph (b), for "practitioner; and" substitute "practitioner--"; 5 (b) paragraph (c) is repealed. (2) In section 17 of the Appeal Costs Act 1998, for sub-section (2) substitute-- "(2) The court may only grant an indemnity certificate under sub-section (1) if it is 10 satisfied that the reason for the adjournment was as set out in sub-section (1)(b).". (3) In section 17(3) of the Appeal Costs Act 1998, after "own costs of the adjournment" insert "that have been incurred,". 15 (4) In section 17(4) of the Appeal Costs Act 1998, for "the accused" substitute "the party accused or convicted of an offence (whether that party is a defendant, appellant or respondent in the proceeding) to which the proceeding relates". 20 27. New section 43A inserted After section 43 of the Appeal Costs Act 1998 insert-- "43A. Transitional--2002 amendments The amendments of section 17 of this Act 25 made by section 26 of the Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 apply to an application under section 17 made on or after the commencement of section 26 of that Act, 30 irrespective of when the criminal proceeding commenced.". 27 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS s. 28 28. Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001 On the coming into operation of an item in the Schedule, the Act referred to in that item is 5 amended as set out in that item. __________________ 28 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS Sch. SCHEDULE 1. Bail Act 1977 1.1 In section 4(2)(aa) of the Bail Act 1977, after sub-paragraph (i) insert-- 5 "(ia) an offence of trafficking in relation to a commercial quantity of a drug of dependence under section 71 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in force immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and 10 Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001 or an offence of cultivating a narcotic plant under section 72 of that Act in circumstances where the offence is committed in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence that is not less than the 15 commercial quantity applicable to that narcotic plant or an offence of conspiring to commit either of those offences under section 79(1) of that Act; or". 1.2 In section 4(4) of the Bail Act 1977, after paragraph (ca) insert-- 20 "(cab) subject to sub-section (2)(aa), with an offence of trafficking in a drug of dependence under section 71 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in force immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and 25 Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001 or an offence of cultivating a narcotic plant under section 72 of that Act or an offence of conspiring to commit either of those offences under section 79(1) of that Act;". 30 2. Confiscation Act 1997 2.1 In Schedule 2 to the Confiscation Act 1997, after clause 1 insert-- "1A. An offence against any of the following provisions of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 35 1981 as in force immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001-- (a) section 71(1) (trafficking in a drug of dependence) in circumstances where the 40 offence is committed in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence that is not less than the 29 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS Sch. commercial quantity applicable to that drug of dependence; (b) section 72(1) (cultivation of narcotic plants) in circumstances where the offence is committed 5 in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence, being a narcotic plant, that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to that narcotic plant; (c) section 79(1) or 80(3)(a) (conspiracy) in 10 circumstances where the conspiracy is to commit an offence referred to in paragraph (a) or (b); (d) section 80(1) or 80(3)(b) (aiding and abetting etc.) in circumstances where the offence that is 15 aided, abetted, counselled, procured, solicited or incited is an offence referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) or an offence committed in the circumstances referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) under a law in force in a place outside Victoria 20 that is a corresponding law in relation to section 71(1) or 72(1), as the case requires.". 2.2 In Schedule 3 to the Confiscation Act 1997, after clause 1 insert-- "2. An offence against any of the following provisions of 25 the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in force immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001-- (a) section 71(1) (trafficking in a drug of 30 dependence) in circumstances where the offence is committed in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to that drug of dependence; 35 (b) section 72(1) (cultivation of narcotic plants) in circumstances where the offence is committed in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence, being a narcotic plant, that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to 40 that narcotic plant; 30 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS Sch. (c) section 79(1) or 80(3)(a) (conspiracy) in circumstances where the conspiracy is to commit an offence referred to in paragraph (a) or (b); 5 (d) section 80(1) or 80(3)(b) (aiding and abetting etc.) in circumstances where the offence that is aided, abetted, counselled, procured, solicited or incited is an offence referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) or an offence committed in the 10 circumstances referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) under a law in force in a place outside Victoria that is a corresponding law in relation to section 71(1) or 72(1), as the case requires.". 3. Crimes Act 1958 15 3.1 In section 464(2) of the Crimes Act 1958, in the definition of "relevant suspect", after "Act 1981" (where twice occurring) insert "or under section 71, 72(1)(ab) or 72(1)(b) of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in force immediately before the commencement of 20 the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001". 3.2 In section 464U(3) of the Crimes Act 1958, after "Act 1981" (where twice occurring) insert "or under section 71, 72(1)(ab) or 72(1)(b) of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled 25 Substances Act 1981 as in force immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001". 3.3 In section 464ZF of the Crimes Act 1958, after sub-section (2) insert-- 30 "(2AA) If the finding of guilt referred to in sub-section (2)-- (a) occurs between 1 January 2002 and the commencement of item 3.4 in the Schedule to the Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002; and 35 (b) is in respect of an offence referred to in item 29, 30 or 31 of Schedule 8-- an application under sub-section (2) may be made not later than 12 months after the expiration of any appeal period or the final determination of an appeal 40 (whichever is the later).". 31 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS Sch. 3.4 In Schedule 8 to the Crimes Act 1958, after clause 28 insert-- "29. An offence against section 71 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in force 5 immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001 (trafficking in a drug of dependence). 30. An offence against section 72(1)(ab) of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in 10 force immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001 (cultivation of a narcotic plant in circumstances where the offence is committed in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence, 15 being a narcotic plant, that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to that narcotic plant). 31. An offence against section 72(1)(b) of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in force immediately before the commencement of the 20 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001 (cultivation of a narcotic plant for a purpose related to trafficking in that narcotic plant).". 4. Magistrates' Court Act 1989 25 4.1 In item 49 of Schedule 4 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, after "72A" insert "and offences against the following provisions as in force before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001-- 30 (a) section 71(1) where the alleged offence is committed in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to that drug of dependence; (b) section 72(1) where the alleged offence is committed 35 in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence, being a narcotic plant, that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to that narcotic plant". 5. Sentencing Act 1991 5.1 In section 18ZN(1) of the Sentencing Act 1991 at the end of 40 paragraph (a) insert "or". 32 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS Sch. 5.2 In clause 4 of Schedule 1 to the Sentencing Act 1991, after paragraph (a) insert-- "(ab) an offence against any of the following provisions of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 5 1981 as in force immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001-- (i) section 71 (trafficking in a drug of dependence) in circumstances where the offence is 10 committed in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to that drug of dependence; (ii) section 72 (cultivation of narcotic plants) in circumstances where the offence is committed 15 in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence, being a narcotic plant, that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to that narcotic plant; (iii) section 79(1) or 80(3)(a) (conspiracy) in 20 circumstances where the conspiracy is to commit an offence against section 71 of that Act in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to that drug of dependence 25 or an offence under a law in force in a place outside Victoria that is a corresponding law in relation to that section in relation to that quantity; (iv) section 80(1) or 80(3)(b) (aiding and abetting 30 etc.) in circumstances where the offence that is aided, abetted, counselled, procured, solicited or incited is an offence against section 71 of that Act in relation to a quantity of a drug of dependence that is not less than the commercial 35 quantity applicable to that drug of dependence or an offence under a law in force in a place outside Victoria that is a corresponding law in relation to that section in relation to that quantity; 40 (v) section 80(4) (preparatory act) in circumstances where the offence to which the act relates is an offence under a law in force in a place outside Victoria that is a corresponding law in relation to section 71 of that Act in relation to a quantity 33 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS Sch. of a drug of dependence that is not less than the commercial quantity applicable to that drug of dependence; (ac) an offence of attempting to commit an offence 5 referred to in paragraph (ab)(i);". 6. Surveillance Devices Act 1999 6.1 In section 3(1) of the Surveillance Devices Act 1999, in the definition of "serious drug offence"-- (a) in paragraph (g), for "(e);" substitute "(e)--"; 10 (b) after paragraph (g) insert-- "or an offence against any of the following provisions of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in force immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and 15 Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001-- (h) section 71(1) (trafficking in a drug of dependence); (i) section 72(1) (cultivation of narcotic plants) other than an offence that is not committed for 20 any purpose related to trafficking in a narcotic plant; (j) section 79(1) (conspiracy) in circumstances where the conspiracy is to commit an offence referred to in paragraph (h) or (i); 25 (k) section 80(1) (aiding and abetting etc.) in circumstances where the offence that is aided, abetted, counselled, procured, solicited or incited is an offence referred to in paragraph (h) or (i);". 30 7. Transport Act 1983 7.1 In section 86(1) of the Transport Act 1983, after paragraph (a) of the definition of "level 2 offence" insert-- "(ab) an offence under section 71 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in force 35 immediately before the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001; or". 34 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004



Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 Act No. Endnotes ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 35 541246B.I1-9/5/2002 BILL LA CIRCULATION 22-10-2004




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