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 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy
 Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                 Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                       1
  1      Purpose                                                          1
  2      Commencement                                                     2
  3      Principal Act                                                    2

PART 2--POPPY CULTIVATION AND PROCESSING                                  3
  4      New Part IVB inserted                                            3
         POPPIES AND PROCESS POPPY STRAW                                  3
         Division 1--Preliminary                                          3
         69N  Definitions                                                 3
         69NA Meaning of associate                                        8
         69NB Matters to be considered in determining a fit and
              proper person                                              11
         Division 2--Poppy cultivation licence                           15
         69O  Application for poppy cultivation licence                  15
         69OA Secretary must investigate application                     16
         69OB Determining an application                                 18
         69OC Terms and conditions of a poppy cultivation licence        18
         69OD Poppy cultivation licence is not transferable              20
         69OE Employee of licensed grower authorised to undertake
              activities under licence                                   20
         69OF Employee identification certificate issued by licensed
              grower                                                     21
         69OG Application for renewal of licence                         22
         69OH Secretary must investigate renewal application             23
         69OI Determining a renewal application                          24
         Division 3--Poppy processing licence                            25
         69P      Application for poppy processing licence               25
         69PA     Secretary must investigate application                 27
         69PB     Determining an application                             28

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Clause Page 69PC Terms and conditions of a poppy processing licence 28 69PD Poppy processing licence is not transferable 30 69PE Employee of licensed processor authorised to undertake activities under licence 30 69PF Employee identification certificate issued by licensed processor 31 69PG Application for renewal of licence 32 69PH Secretary must investigate renewal application 33 69PI Determining a renewal application 34 Division 4--General provisions applying to a poppy cultivation licence or poppy processing licence 35 69Q Amendment of licences 35 69QA Suspension or cancellation of licences 36 Division 5--Inspection and enforcement 38 69R Inspectors under this Part 38 69RA Inspectors identification certificate 39 69RB General powers of inspector 39 69RC Procedure on seizing a document, thing or taking a sample 41 69RD Power to use electronic equipment at premises 42 69RE Power to copy information on electronic storage devices 43 69RF Inspector must not damage equipment 43 69RG Inspector may possess alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 43 69RH Inspector has power to detain or seize alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 43 69RI Procedure on detaining or seizing alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 44 69RJ Secretary has power to dispose or deal with seized alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 45 69RK Retention and return of seized alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 46 69RL Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period 47 69RM Forfeiture, harvest and destruction of alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 48 69RN Recovery of costs 49 69RO Inspector may access ratepayer information 49 69RP Protection against self-incrimination 50 69RQ Power to issue infringement notices 50 69RR Infringement penalty 51 571330B.I-10/12/2013 ii BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Clause Page Division 6--Offences 51 69S Offence to fail to report the amendment or cancellation of a contract 51 69SA Offence to fail to report amendment or cancellation 51 69SB Offence to fail to report on any change of details of the licensed grower or the licensed processor 52 69SC Offence to fail to surrender licence on suspension or cancellation 53 69SD Offence to contravene a licence 53 69SE Offence to fail to prohibit access to premises 54 69SF Offence to fail to carry and produce identification certificate 56 69SG Offence to employ disqualified persons under licence 56 69SH Offence for disqualified person to be employed by licensed grower or licensed processor 57 69SI Employee must comply with terms and conditions of licence 57 69SJ Criminal liability of licensed grower or licensed processor--failure to exercise due diligence 58 69SK Offence to fail to provide an identification certificate for employees 60 69SL Offence to hinder or obstruct inspector 60 69SM Offence to remove detained or seized alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 61 Division 7--Alkaloid Poppy Register 61 69T Alkaloid poppy register 61 69TA Request to register a contract 62 69TB Access to the alkaloid poppy register restricted 62 69TC Person with access to alkaloid poppy register not to disclose personal information from it 63 69TD Delegation 64 Division 8--Review by VCAT 64 69U Refusal of licence or renewal of licence on grounds of protected information 64 69UA Review by VCAT 65 69UB VCAT to inquire on grounds for refusal 66 69UC Appointment of special counsel 67 69UD Procedure for hearing--protected information 68 69UE Decision of VCAT where protected information exists 69 69UF General provisions for hearing matters involving protected information 71 571330B.I-10/12/2013 iii BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Clause Page Division 9--Regulations 72 69V Regulations 72 PART 3--OTHER AMENDMENTS 75 5 List of licences and permits 75 6 Evidentiary 75 7 General regulations 75 PART 4--REPEAL OF AMENDING ACT 76 8 Repeal of amending Act 76 ENDNOTES 77 571330B.I-10/12/2013 iv BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Introduced in the Assembly Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 A Bill for an Act to amend the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 to provide for a licensing scheme for poppy cultivation and processing and for other purposes. The Parliament of Victoria enacts: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1 Purpose The main purpose of this Act is to amend the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 5 1981-- (a) to provide for a licensing scheme to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 1 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 1--Preliminary s. 2 (b) to make other minor and consequential amendments. 2 Commencement (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into 5 operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. (2) If a provision of this Act does not come into operation before 1 December 2014, it comes into operation on that day. 3 Principal Act 10 See: Act No. In this Act, the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled 9719. Substances Act 1981 is called the Principal Act. Reprint No. 10 as at 30 November 2012 and amending Act Nos 57/2012, 82/2012 and 70/2013 LawToday: www. legislation. __________________ 571330B.I-10/12/2013 2 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 PART 2--POPPY CULTIVATION AND PROCESSING 4 New Part IVB inserted After Part IVA of the Principal Act insert-- "PART IVB--LICENCES TO CULTIVATE 5 ALKALOID POPPIES AND PROCESS POPPY STRAW Division 1--Preliminary 69N Definitions In this Part-- 10 alkaloid poppy means a plant or any part of a plant whether fresh or dried of-- (a) Papaver bracteatum Lindley; or (b) Papaver somniferum L.; alkaloid poppy register means the register 15 established under section 69T; associate has the same meaning given in section 69NA; Commonwealth licence to export means a licence to export narcotic substances 20 which relates to the export of poppy straw under the Customs Act 1901 of the Commonwealth; Commonwealth licence to manufacture means a licence to manufacture 25 narcotic drugs which relates to the manufacturing of opiates from alkaloid poppies under the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 of the Commonwealth; cultivate in relation to an alkaloid poppy 30 has the same meaning as it has in section 70; 571330B.I-10/12/2013 3 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 detention or seizure receipt means a receipt given in accordance with section 69RC or 69RI; disqualified person means-- 5 (a) a person who is under the age of 17 years unless the person is an apprentice or trainee undertaking an approved training scheme within the meaning of the 10 Education and Training Reform Act 2006; or (b) a person against whom a finding of guilt in respect of a serious offence was made by a court 15 (whether in or outside Victoria) in the 10 years preceding the date an application is made under this Part; or (c) a person against whom a finding 20 of guilt for an offence under this Act or an offence under a corresponding law of another jurisdiction was made by a court (whether in or outside Victoria) in 25 the 5 years preceding the date an application is made under this Part; or (d) a person who belongs to a prescribed class of persons; 30 employee, in relation to a licensed grower or a licensed processor, includes a person who is-- (a) employed under a contract of employment; or 35 (b) employed under a contract of training; or 571330B.I-10/12/2013 4 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (c) engaged under any other contract to perform a specified task authorised under a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy 5 processing licence; employee identification certificate means a certificate issued to an employee by a licensed grower under section 69OF or by a licensed processor under 10 section 69PF; harvest and destruction order means an order made under section 69RM(3); inspector means a person authorised under section 69R and any member of the 15 police force; inspector identification certificate means a certificate issued to an inspector under section 69RA; licence holder means-- 20 (a) a licensed grower; or (b) a licensed processor; licensed grower means the holder of a poppy cultivation licence; licensed processor means the holder of a 25 poppy processing licence; poppy cultivation licence means a licence issued under section 69OB(2); poppy processing licence means a licence issued under section 69PB(2); 30 poppy straw means the upper parts of an alkaloid poppy, including the stem and capsule, harvested after mowing; 571330B.I-10/12/2013 5 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 process, in relation to poppy straw, means-- (a) to prepare or treat poppy straw in any manner other than refinement, concentration, extraction or 5 reaction unless the refinement, concentration, extraction or reaction is for chemical analysis for non-therapeutic use; or (b) to store poppy straw; 10 protected information means any information, document or thing the production or inspection of which-- (a) is likely to reveal the identity of a person or a member of the police 15 force who provided any information that formed the basis of a decision of the Chief Commissioner of Police to oppose the issuing or renewal of a poppy 20 cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence; or (b) is likely to reveal the identity of a person whose name appears in any evidence given or information 25 provided to a member of the police force in the course of any investigation; or (c) is likely to reveal the identity of a person who is or has been the 30 subject of an investigation conducted by a member of the police force; or (d) is likely to reveal an investigation method used by members of the 35 police force; or 571330B.I-10/12/2013 6 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (e) is likely to jeopardise the safety of a person or member of the police force referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or 5 (f) is likely to put at risk an ongoing investigation by a member of the police force; or (g) is otherwise not in the public interest; 10 risk management plan means a plan that forms part of a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence; Secretary means the Department Head (within the meaning of the Public 15 Administration Act 2004) of the Department of Environment and Primary Industries; seized material means any alkaloid poppies, poppy straw or material derived from 20 alkaloid poppies or poppy straw seized by an inspector under section 69RH; serious offence means-- (a) an indictable offence involving dishonesty, fraud or assault; or 25 (b) an indictable offence involving possession, or cultivation of, or trafficking in, a drug of dependence; or (c) any other indictable offence under 30 this Act; or (d) an indictable offence under the law of another jurisdiction involving-- 571330B.I-10/12/2013 7 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (i) dishonesty, fraud or assault; or (ii) possession, or cultivation of, or trafficking in, a drug of 5 dependence; specified premises means premises to which a licence under this Part applies. 69NA Meaning of associate (1) For the purposes of this Part, a person who is 10 of or above the age of 18 years is an associate of an applicant for a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence or a licence holder if the person-- (a) holds any relevant financial interest, or 15 is entitled to exercise any relevant power (whether in right of the person or on behalf of any other person) in the business of the applicant or the licence holder to which the licence relates, and 20 by virtue of that interest or power, is able to exercise a significant influence over or with respect to the management or operation of the business to which the licence relates; or 25 (b) holds any relevant position, whether in right of the person or on behalf of any other person in the business of the applicant or the licence holder to which the licence relates; or 30 (c) is a relative of the applicant or the licence holder. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 8 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (2) In subsection (1)-- relative means a person who is-- (a) a spouse of the applicant or the licence holder by marriage; 5 (b) a domestic partner-- (i) in a registered relationship within the meaning of the Relationships Act 2008 with the applicant or the licence 10 holder; or (ii) of the applicant or the licence holder to whom he or she is not married but with whom the applicant or the 15 licence holder is living as a couple on a genuine domestic basis (irrespective of gender) and in determining whether the 20 persons are domestic partners of each other, all of the circumstances of their relationship are to be taken into account, including any 25 one or more of the matters referred to in section 35(2) of the Relationships Act 2008 as may be relevant in a particular case; 30 (c) a parent; (d) a step parent; (e) a sibling or step-sibling; (f) a child, stepchild or adopted child; 571330B.I-10/12/2013 9 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 relevant financial interest in relation to a business means-- (a) any share in the capital of the business; or 5 (b) any entitlement to receive any income derived from the business; relevant position in relation to the business of an applicant for a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence or 10 a licence holder means-- (a) the position of director, partner, trustee, manager or other executive position or secretary, however that position is 15 designated; and (b) any other person determined by the Secretary to be associated or connected with the ownership, administration or management of 20 the operations or business of the applicant; relevant power means any power, whether exercisable by voting or otherwise and whether exercisable alone or in 25 association with others-- (a) to participate in any directorial, managerial or executive decision; or (b) to elect or appoint any person to 30 any relevant position. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 10 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69NB Matters to be considered in determining a fit and proper person (1) For the purpose of preventing criminal activity in the cultivation of alkaloid poppies 5 and the processing of poppy straw, the Secretary must not issue a licence under this Part to an applicant unless the Secretary is satisfied that-- (a) the applicant or any associate of the 10 applicant has not been found guilty in respect of a serious offence (whether in or outside Victoria) during the 10 years preceding the date of making the application under this Part; and 15 (b) the applicant and each associate of the applicant is a suitable person to be concerned in or associated with the cultivation of alkaloid poppies or the processing of poppy straw, as the case 20 requires; and (c) the applicant's property or premises will be suitable for the cultivation of alkaloid poppies or the processing of poppy straw, as the case requires, in 25 relation to location, facilities and proposed security arrangements; and (d) the applicant meets the prescribed requirements (if any). (2) For the purpose of preventing criminal 30 activity in the cultivation of alkaloid poppies and the processing of poppy straw, the Secretary must not-- (a) renew a poppy cultivation licence of a licensed grower unless the Secretary is 35 satisfied that-- 571330B.I-10/12/2013 11 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (i) the licensed grower or any associate of the licensed grower has not been found guilty in respect of a serious offence 5 (whether in or outside Victoria) during the 3 years preceding the date of making the application for renewal under this Part; and (ii) the licensed grower and each 10 associate of the licensed grower is a suitable person to be concerned in or associated with the cultivation of alkaloid poppies; and 15 (iii) the licensed grower's property or premises are suitable for the cultivation of alkaloid poppies, in relation to location, facilities and proposed security arrangements; 20 and (iv) the licensed grower meets the prescribed requirements (if any); or (b) renew a poppy processing licence of a 25 licensed processor unless the Secretary is satisfied that-- (i) the licensed processor or any associate of the licensed processor has not been found guilty in 30 respect of a serious offence (whether in or outside Victoria) during the 12 months preceding the date of making the application for renewal under this Part; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 12 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (ii) the licensed processor and each associate of the licensed processor is a suitable person to be concerned in or associated with 5 the processing of poppy straw; and (iii) the licensed processor's property or premises are suitable for the processing of poppy straw in 10 relation to location, facilities and proposed security arrangements; and (iv) the licensed processor meets the prescribed requirements (if any). 15 (3) Without limiting subsection (1) or (2), the Secretary may consider whether-- (a) the applicant, the licensed grower or the licensed processor and each associate of the applicant, the licensed grower or 20 the licensed processor is of good repute, having regard to character, honesty and integrity; and (b) the applicant, the licensed grower or the licensed processor or any associate 25 of the applicant, the licensed grower or the licensed processor has a history of non-compliance with the Act; and (c) in the case of an application for a licence, the applicant or any associate 30 of the applicant has within the 10 years preceding the date of making the application been found guilty by a court (whether in or outside Victoria) of any offence; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 13 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (d) in the case of an application for the renewal of a poppy cultivation licence, the licensed grower or any associate of the licensed grower has within the 5 3 years preceding the date of making the application for renewal been found guilty by a court (whether in or outside Victoria) of any offence; and (e) in the case of an application for the 10 renewal of a poppy processing licence, the licensed processor or any associate of the licensed processor has within the 12 months preceding the date of making the application for renewal 15 been found guilty by a court (whether in or outside Victoria) of any offence; and (f) in the case of an applicant, a licensed grower or a licensed processor that is 20 not a natural person, the applicant, the licensed grower or the licensed processor has a satisfactory ownership, trust or corporate structure; and (g) the applicant, the licensed grower or the 25 licensed processor is of sound and stable financial background; and (h) the financial circumstances of the applicant, the licensed grower or the licensed processor may significantly 30 limit the person's capacity to meet the person's obligations in conducting activities under the licence in compliance with the terms and conditions applying to the relevant 35 licence. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 14 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 Division 2--Poppy cultivation licence 69O Application for poppy cultivation licence (1) A person may apply for a poppy cultivation licence which authorises a person for 5 commercial purposes relating to therapeutic use-- (a) to cultivate or possess alkaloid poppies; and (b) to sell or supply poppy straw to a 10 licensed processor at premises specified in the licence. (2) A person may apply for a poppy cultivation licence for research purposes relating to non- therapeutic use-- 15 (a) to cultivate or possess alkaloid poppies; and (b) to conduct measurements, analyses and extractions, including extraction of alkaloids from alkaloid poppies for 20 chemical analyses at specified premises; and (c) to supply alkaloid poppies or poppy straw to a licensed processor. (3) An application under subsection (1) or (2) 25 must-- (a) be in writing; and (b) be accompanied by a copy of the proposed risk management plan; and (c) be accompanied by the relevant 30 prescribed application fee (if any); and (d) be accompanied by any other prescribed particulars. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 15 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (4) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must contain or be accompanied by evidence to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the applicant-- 5 (a) is a fit and proper person to be given a licence; and (b) in the case of an application under subsection (1), intends to undertake a bona fide commercial activity relating 10 to the therapeutic use of alkaloid poppies under the licence and includes evidence of the commercial activity to be carried out; or (c) in the case of an application under 15 subsection (2), intends to undertake a research activity relating to the non-therapeutic use of alkaloid poppies under the licence and includes evidence that the research activity would be 20 conducted by a person with appropriate scientific training using an appropriate methodology. (5) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must contain any other information about the 25 applicant or the application which the Secretary reasonably requires to assist in assessing the application. 69OA Secretary must investigate application (1) On receiving an application under 30 section 69O the Secretary-- (a) must carry out all investigations and inquiries that the Secretary considers necessary to determine the application; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 16 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (b) may conduct an inspection of the premises that are to be specified in the relevant licence; and (c) may require that an applicant or any 5 associate of the applicant submit to the Secretary a recent police record check of the applicant or any associate of the applicant. (2) The Secretary must provide a copy of an 10 application made under section 69O and any accompanying documents to the Chief Commissioner of Police. (3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must-- (a) inquire into and report to the Secretary 15 on any matters concerning the application that he or she believes are appropriate or reasonably necessary; and (b) inquire into and report to the Secretary 20 on any matters concerning the application that the Secretary requests; and (c) within 28 days of receiving the application from the Secretary, notify 25 the Secretary in writing of the Chief Commissioner of Police's decision to support or oppose the issuing of a licence and provide the reasons for the decision. 30 (4) If the Secretary is notified under subsection (3)(c) that the Chief Commissioner of Police opposes the issuing of a poppy cultivation licence, the Secretary must not issue the licence. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 17 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69OB Determining an application (1) After considering an application and any investigation under section 69OA, the Secretary must determine the application 5 within 60 days of receiving the application. (2) The Secretary may issue a poppy cultivation licence to an applicant under section 69O(1) or (2). (3) The Secretary may refuse to issue a poppy 10 cultivation licence to an applicant under section 69O(1) or (2). (4) The Secretary must-- (a) notify the applicant in writing of the decision under subsection (2); and 15 (b) if the Secretary refuses an application under subsection (3), provide reasons for the decision. 69OC Terms and conditions of a poppy cultivation licence 20 (1) A poppy cultivation licence is issued for the term, not exceeding 3 years, specified in the licence unless it is sooner suspended or cancelled. (2) A poppy cultivation licence relates only to 25 the specified premises described in it. (3) A poppy cultivation licence is subject to the condition that the licensed grower must only employ persons that are suitable to carry out activities under the licence. 30 (4) A poppy cultivation licence is subject to the condition that a licensed grower must comply with the risk management plan under the licence. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 18 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (5) A poppy cultivation licence is subject to the prescribed terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions (if any). (6) A poppy cultivation licence is subject to the 5 terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions specified in it including, but not limited to, terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions relating to the following-- (a) the species, subspecies or varieties of 10 alkaloid poppy to be cultivated; or (b) the specified premises at which activities authorised under the licence may be carried out; or (c) the implementation and maintenance of 15 satisfactory security and surveillance measures to restrict access of unauthorised persons to crops and harvested material; or (d) the keeping of records and other 20 documents; or (e) the provision of information, records or other documents to the Secretary relating to-- (i) the activities carried out under the 25 licence; or (ii) a change in the position of director, manager, secretary or other executive position, however designated, or the structure of the 30 business to which the licence relates; or (iii) any other matter that the Secretary reasonably requires in relation to the licence or the licensed activity; 35 or 571330B.I-10/12/2013 19 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (f) the disposal of harvested material and crop residue; or (g) the inspection, sampling, supervision and surveillance of seed of alkaloid 5 poppies, alkaloid poppies and poppy straw by an inspector; or (h) the destruction of alkaloid poppies, poppy straw and any material derived from alkaloid poppies. 10 (7) A poppy cultivation licence issued under section 69O(1) is subject to the condition that unless otherwise with the approval of the Secretary, the licensed grower whilst carrying out an activity under the licence 15 must have a contract with a licensed processor for the processing of alkaloid poppies cultivated under the licence that is registered in the alkaloid poppy register. 69OD Poppy cultivation licence is not 20 transferable A poppy cultivation licence is not transferable to another person. 69OE Employee of licensed grower authorised to undertake activities under licence 25 (1) For the purposes of this Act, an employee of a licensed grower who holds a poppy cultivation licence for commercial purposes relating to therapeutic use, is authorised to carry out any activity under the licence 30 involving the cultivation or possession of alkaloid poppies or the sale or supply of poppy straw to a licensed processor required of the employee in the course of his or her employment. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 20 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (2) For the purposes of this Act, an employee of a licensed grower who holds a poppy cultivation licence for research purposes relating to non-therapeutic use, is authorised 5 to carry out any activity under the licence, including the following, that is required of the employee in the course of his or her employment-- (a) to cultivate or possess alkaloid poppies; 10 and (b) to conduct measurements, analyses and extractions including extraction of alkaloids from alkaloid poppies for chemical analyses at specified 15 premises; and (c) to supply alkaloid poppies or poppy straw to a licensed processor. (3) An employee must only undertake an activity authorised under subsection (1) 20 or (2) in relation to his or her employment. 69OF Employee identification certificate issued by licensed grower (1) The licensed grower must issue an employee identification certificate to each employee 25 that is employed to carry out activities in the business conducted by a licensed grower under a poppy cultivation licence. (2) The employee identification certificate must contain the following information-- 30 (a) the employee's name; (b) a clear photograph of the employee; (c) the employee's date of birth; (d) the expiry date of the employee identification certificate; 571330B.I-10/12/2013 21 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (e) the poppy cultivation licence under which the employee is authorised to carry out activities required of the employee in the course of his or her 5 employment; (f) the prescribed information (if any). 69OG Application for renewal of licence (1) A licensed grower may apply to the Secretary for the renewal of a poppy 10 cultivation licence. (2) A renewal application must be made to the Secretary at least 2 months before the poppy cultivation licence is due to expire. (3) A renewal application must-- 15 (a) be in writing; and (b) be accompanied by any information relevant to whether or not the licensed grower is a fit and proper person; and (c) be accompanied by the current risk 20 management plan under the poppy cultivation licence; and (d) be accompanied by the relevant prescribed renewal fee (if any); and (e) be accompanied by any other 25 information the Secretary reasonably requires to assess the application; and (f) contain any prescribed particulars. (4) A poppy cultivation licence may be renewed more than once. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 22 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69OH Secretary must investigate renewal application (1) On receipt of a renewal application under section 69OG the Secretary-- 5 (a) must carry out any investigation or inquiry necessary to determine the renewal application; and (b) may conduct an inspection of the specified premises of the poppy 10 cultivation licence; and (c) may require that an applicant or any associate of the applicant submit to the Secretary a recent police record check of the applicant or any associate of the 15 applicant. (2) The Secretary must provide a copy of a renewal application made under section 69OG and any accompanying documents to the Chief Commissioner of 20 Police. (3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must-- (a) inquire into and report to the Secretary on any matters concerning the application that the Chief 25 Commissioner of Police believes are appropriate or reasonably necessary; and (b) inquire into and report to the Secretary on any matters concerning the renewal 30 application that the Secretary requests; and (c) within 28 days of receiving the application from the Secretary notify the Secretary in writing of the Chief 35 Commissioner of Police's decision to 571330B.I-10/12/2013 23 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 support or oppose the renewal of a licence and provide the reasons for the decision. (4) If the Secretary is notified under subsection 5 (3)(c) that the Chief Commissioner of Police opposes the renewal of a poppy cultivation licence the Secretary must not renew the relevant licence. 69OI Determining a renewal application 10 (1) After considering a renewal application and any investigation under section 69OH, the Secretary must determine the renewal application within 60 days of receiving it. (2) The Secretary may renew a poppy 15 cultivation licence for a period not exceeding 3 years. (3) The Secretary may refuse to renew a poppy cultivation licence of a licensed grower. (4) A renewed poppy cultivation licence expires 20 on the date specified by the Secretary, unless the licence is cancelled or suspended prior to the expiry. (5) The Secretary must-- (a) notify the applicant in writing of the 25 decision under subsection (2); and (b) if the Secretary refuses to renew the poppy cultivation licence under subsection (3), provide reasons for the decision. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 24 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 Division 3--Poppy processing licence 69P Application for poppy processing licence (1) A person may apply to the Secretary for a poppy processing licence which authorises a 5 person for commercial purposes relating to therapeutic use-- (a) to receive poppy straw from a licensed grower or from a licensed processor or a person authorised to possess and 10 supply alkaloid poppies in another jurisdiction; and (b) to process and possess poppy straw at premises specified in the licence; and (c) to transport, sell or supply poppy straw 15 to a person who possesses a Commonwealth licence to manufacture; and (d) to transport, sell or supply poppy straw if the applicant possesses a 20 Commonwealth licence to export; and (e) to transport, sell or supply poppy straw to a person who possesses a Commonwealth licence to export. (2) A person may apply to the Secretary for a 25 poppy processing licence which authorises a person for research purposes relating to non- therapeutic use-- (a) to receive or process poppy straw at premises specified in the licence; and 30 (b) to possess, transport, sell or supply poppy straw to a licensed processor. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 25 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (3) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must-- (a) be in writing; and (b) be accompanied by a copy of the 5 proposed risk management plan; and (c) be accompanied by the relevant prescribed application fee (if any); and (d) be accompanied by any other prescribed particulars; and 10 (e) in the case of an application under subsection (1), be accompanied by a copy of a Commonwealth licence to manufacture or a Commonwealth licence to export, as the case requires. 15 (4) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must contain or be accompanied by evidence to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the applicant-- (a) is a fit and proper person to be issued a 20 licence; and (b) in the case of an application under subsection (1), intends to undertake a bona fide commercial activity relating to the therapeutic use of poppy straw 25 including evidence of the commercial activity to be carried out; and (c) in the case of an application under subsection (2), intends to undertake a research activity relating to the non- 30 therapeutic use of poppy straw under the licence including evidence that the research activity would be conducted by a person with appropriate scientific training using appropriate 35 methodology. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 26 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (5) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must contain any other information about the applicant or the application which the Secretary reasonably requires to assist in 5 assessing the application. 69PA Secretary must investigate application (1) On receiving an application under section 69P, the Secretary-- (a) must carry out all investigations and 10 inquiries that the Secretary considers necessary to determine the application; and (b) may conduct an inspection of the premises that are to be specified in the 15 relevant licence; and (c) may require that an applicant or any associate of the applicant submit to the Secretary a recent police record check of the applicant or any associate of the 20 applicant. (2) The Secretary must provide a copy of an application made under section 69P and any accompanying documents to the Chief Commissioner of Police. 25 (3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must-- (a) inquire into and report to the Secretary on any matters concerning the application that the Chief Commissioner of Police believes are 30 appropriate or reasonably necessary; and (b) inquire into and report to the Secretary on any matters concerning the application that the Secretary requests; 35 and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 27 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (c) within 28 days of receiving the application from the Secretary, notify the Secretary in writing of the Chief Commissioner of Police's decision to 5 support or oppose the issuing of a licence and provide the reasons for the decision. (4) If the Secretary is notified under subsection (3)(c) that the Chief Commissioner of Police 10 opposes the issuing of a poppy processing licence, the Secretary must not issue the licence. 69PB Determining an application (1) After considering an application and any 15 investigation under section 69PA, the Secretary must determine the application within 60 days of receiving the application. (2) The Secretary may issue a poppy processing licence to an applicant under section 69P(1) 20 or (2). (3) The Secretary may refuse to issue a poppy processing licence to an applicant under section 69P(1) or (2). (4) The Secretary must-- 25 (a) notify the applicant in writing of the decision under subsection (2); and (b) if the Secretary refuses an application under subsection (3), provide reasons for the decision. 30 69PC Terms and conditions of a poppy processing licence (1) A poppy processing licence is issued for the term, not exceeding 12 months, specified in the licence unless it is sooner suspended or 35 cancelled. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 28 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (2) A poppy processing licence relates only to the premises specified in it. (3) A poppy processing licence must specify the maximum quantity of alkaloid poppies that 5 may be processed by a licensed processor. (4) A poppy processing licence is subject to the condition that a licensed processor must comply with the risk management plan under the licence. 10 (5) A poppy processing licence is subject to the condition that the licensed processor must only employ persons that are suitable to carry out activities under the licence. (6) A poppy processing licence is subject to the 15 prescribed terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions (if any). (7) A poppy processing licence is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions that are specified in it including, but not 20 limited to, terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions relating to the following-- (a) the specified premises at which the activities authorised by the licence may be carried out; or 25 (b) the implementation and maintenance of satisfactory security and surveillance measures to restrict access of unauthorised persons to poppy straw; or (c) the keeping of records and other 30 documents; or (d) the provision of information, records or other documents to the Secretary relating to-- (i) the activities carried out under the 35 licence; or 571330B.I-10/12/2013 29 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (ii) a change in the position of director, manager, secretary or other executive position, however designated, or the structure of the 5 business to which the licence relates; or (iii) any other matter that the Secretary reasonably requires in relation to the licence or the licensed activity; 10 or (e) the disposal of poppy straw; or (f) the inspection, supervision and surveillance of poppy straw by an inspector. 15 (8) A poppy processing licence referred to in section 69P(1) is subject to the condition that the licensed processor must hold a current Commonwealth licence to manufacture or a current Commonwealth licence to export 20 whilst undertaking an activity authorised by the licence. 69PD Poppy processing licence is not transferable A poppy processing licence is not 25 transferable to another person. 69PE Employee of licensed processor authorised to undertake activities under licence (1) For the purposes of this Act, an employee of a licensed processor who holds a poppy 30 processing licence for commercial purposes relating to therapeutic use, is authorised to carry out any of the following activities under the licence that is required of the employee in the course of his or her 35 employment-- 571330B.I-10/12/2013 30 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (a) to receive poppy straw from a licensed grower or a person authorised to possess alkaloid poppies in another jurisdiction; and 5 (b) to process and possess poppy straw at specified premises; and (c) to transport, sell or supply poppy straw to a person who possesses a Commonwealth licence to manufacture; 10 and (d) to export poppy straw if the applicant possesses a Commonwealth licence to export. (2) For the purposes of this Act, an employee of 15 a licensed processor who holds a poppy processing licence for research purposes relating to non-therapeutic use, is authorised to carry out any activity under the licence involving the processing, possession, 20 transportation of poppy straw or the sale or supply of poppy straw to a licensed processor that is required of the employee in the course of his or her employment. (3) An employee must only undertake an 25 activity authorised under subsection (1) or (2) in relation to his or her employment. 69PF Employee identification certificate issued by licensed processor (1) The licensed processor must issue an 30 employee identification certificate to each employee that is employed to carry out activities in the business conducted by a licensed processor under a poppy processing licence. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 31 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (2) The employee identification certificate must contain the following information-- (a) the employee's name; (b) a clear photograph of the employee; 5 (c) the employee's date of birth; (d) the expiry date of the employee identification certificate; (e) the poppy processing licence under which the employee is authorised to 10 carry out activities required of the employee in the course of his or her employment; (f) the prescribed information (if any). 69PG Application for renewal of licence 15 (1) A licensed processor may apply to the Secretary for the renewal of a poppy processing licence. (2) A renewal application must be made to the Secretary at least 2 months before the poppy 20 processing licence is due to expire. (3) A renewal application must-- (a) be in writing; and (b) be accompanied by any information relevant to whether or not the licensed 25 processor is a fit and proper person; and (c) be accompanied by the current risk management plan under the poppy processing licence; and (d) be accompanied by a copy of the 30 licensed processor's current Commonwealth licence to manufacture or current Commonwealth licence to export; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 32 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (e) be accompanied by the relevant prescribed renewal fee (if any); and (f) be accompanied by any other information the Secretary reasonably 5 requires to assess the application; and (g) contain any prescribed particulars. (4) A poppy processing licence may be renewed more than once. 69PH Secretary must investigate renewal 10 application (1) On receipt of a renewal application under section 69PG, the Secretary-- (a) must carry out any investigation or inquiry necessary to determine the 15 renewal application; and (b) may conduct an inspection of the specified premises of the poppy processing licence; and (c) may require that an applicant or any 20 associate of the applicant submit to the Secretary a recent police record check of the applicant or any associate of the applicant. (2) The Secretary must provide a copy of 25 a renewal application made under section 69PG and any accompanying documents to the Chief Commissioner of Police. (3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must-- 30 (a) inquire into and report to the Secretary on any matters concerning the application that the Chief Commissioner of Police believes are 571330B.I-10/12/2013 33 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 appropriate or reasonably necessary; and (b) inquire into and report to the Secretary on any matters concerning the renewal 5 application that the Secretary requests; and (c) within 28 days of receiving the application from the Secretary, notify the Secretary in writing of the Chief 10 Commissioner of Police's decision to support or oppose the renewal of a licence and provide the reasons for the decision. (4) If the Secretary is notified under subsection 15 (3)(c) that the Chief Commissioner of Police opposes the renewal of a poppy processing licence the Secretary must not renew the licence. 69PI Determining a renewal application 20 (1) After considering a renewal application and any investigation under section 69PH, the Secretary must determine the renewal application within 60 days of receiving it. (2) The Secretary may renew a poppy 25 processing licence for a period not exceeding 12 months. (3) The Secretary may refuse to renew a poppy processing licence of a licensed processor. (4) A renewed poppy processing licence expires 30 on the date specified by the Secretary unless the licence is cancelled or suspended prior to the expiry. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 34 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (5) The Secretary must-- (a) notify the applicant in writing of the decision under subsection (2); and (b) if the Secretary refuses to renew the 5 poppy processing licence under subsection (3), provide reasons for the decision. Division 4--General provisions applying to a poppy cultivation licence or poppy processing 10 licence 69Q Amendment of licences (1) The Secretary may-- (a) amend an existing term, condition, limitation or restriction to which a 15 poppy cultivation licence or poppy processing licence is subject; or (b) impose a new term, condition, limitation or restriction on the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy 20 processing licence. (2) The Secretary may exercise a power under subsection (1)-- (a) on the application of the licensed grower or the licensed processor; or 25 (b) in the Secretary's discretion. (3) The Secretary must determine an application made under subsection (2)(a) within 28 days of receiving the application. (4) The Secretary must notify the licensed 30 grower or the licensed processor, in writing within 7 business days, if an amendment to a licence is made under subsection (1)(a) or (b). 571330B.I-10/12/2013 35 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (5) An application by a licensed grower or a licensed processor made under subsection (2)(a) must-- (a) be in writing; and 5 (b) be accompanied by the relevant prescribed fee (if any); and (c) be accompanied by any prescribed particulars. 69QA Suspension or cancellation of licences 10 (1) The Secretary, by notice in writing to the licensed grower or the licensed processor, may suspend or cancel the relevant licence if-- (a) the licensed grower or the licensed 15 processor requests suspension or cancellation; or (b) the licensed grower or the licensed processor has not complied with the terms, conditions, limitations or 20 restrictions of the licence; or (c) the licensed grower or the licensed processor has failed to comply with this Part or the regulations applying under this Part; or 25 (d) the Secretary is satisfied that the licensed grower or the licensed processor or any associate of the licensed grower or the licensed processor is no longer a fit and proper 30 person to be concerned with or associated with, as the case requires-- (i) the cultivation of alkaloid poppies; or (ii) the processing of poppy straw; or 571330B.I-10/12/2013 36 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (e) the Secretary is satisfied that the specified premises-- (i) of the licensed grower are no longer suitable for the cultivation 5 of alkaloid poppies; or (ii) of the licensed processor are no longer suitable for the processing of poppy straw; or (f) the Secretary is satisfied that the 10 licensed grower or the licensed processor obtained the relevant licence by fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of facts; or (g) the Chief Commissioner of Police 15 requests suspension or cancellation on the basis of protected information concerning the licensed grower or the licensed processor; or (h) the licensed grower or the licensed 20 processor ceases to carry on the research or commercial activity to which the relevant licence relates. (2) If a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence is suspended or cancelled 25 under subsection (1) the Secretary must-- (a) notify the Chief Commissioner of Police regarding the suspension or cancellation; and (b) in the case of a poppy cultivation 30 licence, notify a licensed processor who has a registered contract with the licensed grower within 7 business days of the suspension or cancellation taking effect; or 571330B.I-10/12/2013 37 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (c) in the case of a poppy processing licence, notify the licensed grower who has a contract registered in the alkaloid poppy register with the licensed 5 processor within 7 business days of the suspension or cancellation taking effect. (3) A poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence ceases to have effect on 10 the suspension or cancellation of the licence under this section. Division 5--Inspection and enforcement 69R Inspectors under this Part (1) The Secretary, by instrument, may authorise 15 the following persons to be inspectors for the purposes of all or any specified provisions of this Part-- (a) any person employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004; 20 or (b) any other appropriately qualified person. (2) The Secretary may determine the terms and conditions of authorisation of any inspector. 25 (3) The terms and conditions of authorisation of an inspector may contain general directions as to how the inspector's powers may be exercised. (4) The Secretary, in writing, may vary or 30 revoke the authorisation of an inspector at any time. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 38 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69RA Inspectors identification certificate (1) The Secretary must issue an identification certificate to each inspector (other than an inspector who is a member of the police 5 force) which sets out the provisions of this Part for which the inspector is authorised to be an inspector. (2) In the course of performing his or her functions under this Part, an inspector must 10 produce his or her identification certificate to any person who requests its production. (3) In this Part, a reference to an identification certificate in relation to an inspector who is a member of the police force is a reference to 15 written evidence of the fact that he or she is a member of the police force. 69RB General powers of inspector (1) For the purposes of determining compliance with this Part or a licence issued under this 20 Part, an inspector, with any assistance he or she thinks necessary, at any reasonable time may do all or any of the following-- (a) enter and inspect any place, other than premises used as a residence, occupied 25 by any person who is the licensed grower or the licensed processor; and (b) inspect, count, examine or mark for identification any alkaloid poppy or poppy straw in the place; and 30 (c) intercept, inspect and examine any vehicle or machine which an inspector reasonably believes is being used for the harvest of alkaloid poppies and transport of poppy straw; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 39 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (d) require a person to produce any document that the inspector reasonably requires for ascertaining whether this Part or a poppy cultivation licence or a 5 poppy processing licence is being complied with-- (i) to examine the document; and (ii) to make copies of it or take extracts from it; and 10 (iii) to remove the document for as long as is reasonably necessary to make copies or take extracts; and (e) take or remove for examination samples of or from, or specimens of, 15 soil, any alkaloid poppy or poppy straw or any other plant or crop to determine-- (i) whether the alkaloid poppy or poppy straw has been cultivated or 20 processed in accordance with the relevant licence; or (ii) that its possession is in accordance with the relevant licence; and (f) submit any sample or specimen taken in 25 accordance with this Part to a laboratory or place approved by the Secretary for examination and testing. (2) An inspector must not exercise any powers under this Part if the inspector fails to 30 produce his or her identification certificate for inspection on request by the occupier of the place or the person in charge or apparent control of the place. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 40 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69RC Procedure on seizing a document, thing or taking a sample (1) Subject to section 69RI, if an inspector seizes a document or thing or takes a sample 5 of, or from, a thing at the premises occupied by the licensed grower or the licensed processor, the inspector must give a detention or seizure receipt for the document or thing or sample to the licensed grower or 10 the licensed processor from whom it was taken. (2) If an inspector is unable to give a detention or seizure receipt to the relevant licensed grower or licensed processor in respect of a 15 document or thing or sample seized, the inspector must-- (a) leave the detention or seizure receipt with, or post it to, the licensed grower or the licensed processor that occupies 20 the premises from which the document or thing or sample was seized; and (b) if a document is seized, leave a copy of the document, if practicable, with, or post it to, the licensed grower or the 25 licensed processor that occupies the premises from which the document was seized. (3) A detention or seizure receipt must-- (a) identify the seized document, thing or 30 sample taken; and (b) state the name of the inspector who seized the document, thing or took the sample; and (c) state the reason why the document or 35 thing was seized or the sample was taken. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 41 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (4) If an inspector proposes to take a sample under section 69RB(1)(e) the inspector must-- (a) divide the sample into 3 parts; and 5 (b) give one part to the licensed grower or the licensed processor, as the case requires, and retain one part for examination and one part untouched for future comparison. 10 69RD Power to use electronic equipment at premises (1) This section applies if-- (a) while acting under section 69RB, an inspector finds a thing at the premises 15 that is or includes a disk, tape or other device for the storage of information; and (b) there is at the premises equipment that may be used with the disk, tape or other 20 storage device; and (c) the inspector believes, on reasonable grounds, that information stored in the disk, tape or other storage device may be relevant to determine whether this 25 Part has been contravened. (2) An inspector may operate or may require the licensed grower or the licensed processor or an employee of the licensed grower or the licensed processor to operate the equipment 30 to access the information. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 42 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69RE Power to copy information on electronic storage devices If an inspector finds that a disk, tape or other storage device at the premises contains 5 information that the inspector believes, on reasonable grounds, stores information that is relevant to determine whether this Part has been complied with, the inspector may-- (a) put the information in a documentary 10 form and seize the documents so produced; or (b) copy the information to another disk, tape or other storage device and remove that disk, tape or storage device from 15 the premises. 69RF Inspector must not damage equipment An inspector must not operate equipment for a purpose set out in section 69RD or 69RE unless the inspector believes, on reasonable 20 grounds, that the operation can be carried out without damage to the equipment. 69RG Inspector may possess alkaloid poppies or poppy straw For the purposes of this Act, an inspector is 25 authorised to have alkaloid poppies or poppy straw in his or her possession in the exercise or performance of any power, function or duty conferred on him or her by this Part or the regulations made under this Part. 30 69RH Inspector has power to detain or seize alkaloid poppies or poppy straw An inspector may detain or seize any alkaloid poppies, poppy straw or material derived from alkaloid poppies or poppy 35 straw and deal with it in accordance with 571330B.I-10/12/2013 43 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 section 69RI if the inspector believes on reasonable grounds that-- (a) in the case of a poppy cultivation licence, the licensed grower has 5 contravened this Part or the poppy cultivation licence; or (b) in the case of a poppy processing licence, the licensed processor has contravened this Part or the poppy 10 processing licence; or (c) the relevant licence has been suspended or cancelled under this Part. 69RI Procedure on detaining or seizing alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 15 (1) If an inspector detains or seizes any seized material under section 69RH, the inspector must immediately-- (a) make a written record of the detention or seizure; and 20 (b) give a detention or seizure receipt to the licensed grower or the licensed processor, as the case requires, that-- (i) identifies the seized material taken; and 25 (ii) states the name of the inspector who detained or seized the seized material; and (iii) states the reasons for the detention or seizure; and 30 (c) in the case of an inspector who is not a member of the police force, send a copy of the detention or seizure receipt to the Secretary; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 44 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (d) in the case of an inspector who is a member of the police force, send a copy of the detention or seizure receipt to the Chief Commissioner of Police and the 5 Secretary. (2) If an inspector detains or seizes any seized material under section 69RH, the inspector, with any assistance necessary, may take or send the seized material to a place approved 10 by the Secretary for it to be examined, tested or stored. (3) This section does not limit or prevent the exercise of any power by a member of the police force to commence a proceeding in 15 respect of compliance with this Part in relation to any seized material. 69RJ Secretary has power to dispose or deal with seized alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 20 (1) This section applies if-- (a) the Secretary is satisfied on reasonable grounds that this Part has been contravened; and (b) the relevant licensed grower or licensed 25 processor has surrendered the seized material to the Secretary and agreed that the Secretary may deal with the seized material. (2) In dealing with seized material to which this 30 section applies, the Secretary may do any of the following-- (a) dispose of the seized material; (b) direct the licensed grower or the licensed processor (as the case requires) 35 to dispose of the seized material; 571330B.I-10/12/2013 45 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (c) harvest and deal with the seized material as appropriate; (d) harvest and destroy the seized material; (e) enter into an agreement with the 5 licensed grower or the licensed processor (as the case requires), or any other person, to deal with the seized material as required in all of the circumstances; 10 (f) anything reasonably necessary to ensure the security of the seized material. 69RK Retention and return of seized alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 15 (1) If an inspector seizes any seized material under section 69RH, subject to section 69RJ, the Secretary with any assistance necessary must-- (a) take reasonable steps to release or 20 return the seized material to the licensed grower or the licensed processor from whom it was seized or its lawful owner if the reason for its detention or seizure no longer exists; or 25 (b) retain any seized material that is required for evidence in a legal proceeding in a place approved by the Secretary. (2) If the seized material has not been returned 30 to the licensed grower or the licensed processor from whom it was seized or its lawful owner within 3 months after it was seized, the Secretary must take reasonable steps to return it to that licensed grower or 35 licensed processor or lawful owner (as the case requires) unless-- 571330B.I-10/12/2013 46 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (a) proceedings for the purpose for which the seized material was retained have commenced within that 3 month period and those proceedings (including any 5 appeal) have not been completed; or (b) the Magistrates' Court makes an order under section 69RL extending the period during which the seized material may be retained. 10 69RL Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period (1) The Secretary may apply to the Magistrates' Court for an extension (not exceeding 3 months) of the period during which the 15 seized material may be retained-- (a) within 3 months after the seized material is seized under section 69RH; or (b) if an extension has been granted under 20 this section, before the end of the period of the extension. (2) The Magistrates' Court may make an order extending the period that the seized material is to be retained if satisfied that-- 25 (a) the making of the order is in the interests of justice; and (b) the total period of retention does not exceed 12 months; and (c) retention of the seized material is 30 necessary for the purposes of an investigation into whether a contravention of this Part has occurred. (3) At least 7 days prior to the hearing of an application under subsection (1), the 35 Secretary must give notice of the application 571330B.I-10/12/2013 47 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 to the licensed grower or the licensed processor, as the case requires, from whom the alkaloid poppies, poppy straw or material derived from alkaloid poppies or poppy 5 straw were seized or its lawful owner described in the application. 69RM Forfeiture, harvest and destruction of alkaloid poppies or poppy straw (1) The Secretary may apply to the Magistrates' 10 Court for a harvest and destruction order if the Secretary-- (a) is satisfied on reasonable grounds that a licensed grower or a licensed processor has contravened this Part; and 15 (b) has cancelled the relevant licence. (2) The Magistrates' Court may make an order that the seized material of the licensed grower or the licensed processor, as the case requires, be forfeited to the Crown and be 20 dealt with in accordance with a harvest and destruction order made under subsection (3) if satisfied that-- (a) the relevant seized material poses a risk to public health and safety; and 25 (b) in all the circumstances it is appropriate to make a harvest and destruction order in regards to the relevant seized material. (3) The Magistrates' Court may make any of 30 the following harvest and destruction orders (as the case requires)-- (a) an order that the relevant seized material be harvested; 571330B.I-10/12/2013 48 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (b) an order that the relevant seized material be destroyed; (c) an order that the relevant seized material be harvested and destroyed. 5 (4) The Magistrates' Court may-- (a) give any direction necessary to enable the Secretary to carry out the harvest and destruction order; and (b) authorise the Secretary to give any 10 appropriate direction to harvest or destroy the seized material (as the case requires) to which the order relates. 69RN Recovery of costs If the Secretary incurs any costs in carrying 15 out a harvest and destruction order the Secretary may recover those costs in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the Crown. 69RO Inspector may access ratepayer 20 information (1) For the purposes of exercising a power under this Part, an inspector may require a person having custody of any records relating to ratepayers (within the meaning of the Local 25 Government Act 1989) to provide the inspector with-- (a) the name and address or other contact details of a ratepayer-- (i) who is a licensed grower or a 30 licensed processor; or (ii) who is an applicant for a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence; or 571330B.I-10/12/2013 49 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (b) the address or description of any land in respect of which the ratepayer is liable to pay rates and charges under Part 8 of the Local Government Act 1989 if the 5 ratepayer-- (i) is a licensed grower or a licensed processor; or (ii) is an applicant for a licence under this Part. 10 (2) An inspector may make a record of any information provided to the inspector under subsection (1). (3) An inspector must not be charged a fee for anything done, or required to be done, by the 15 inspector under this section. 69RP Protection against self-incrimination It is a reasonable excuse for a natural person to refuse or fail to give information or do any other thing that the person is required to do 20 by or under this Part, if the giving of the information or the doing of that thing would tend to incriminate the person. 69RQ Power to issue infringement notices (1) An inspector may serve an infringement 25 notice on a person who the inspector has reason to believe has committed a prescribed offence. (2) An offence referred to in subsection (1) for which an infringement notice may be served 30 is an infringement offence within the meaning of the Infringements Act 2006. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 50 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69RR Infringement penalty The infringement penalty for an offence against this Part is the prescribed infringement penalty in respect of that 5 offence. Division 6--Offences 69S Offence to fail to report the amendment or cancellation of a contract A licensed grower who holds a poppy 10 cultivation licence under section 69O(1) must report to the Secretary within 3 business days any amendment to a contract registered in the alkaloid poppy register that does one or more of the following-- 15 (a) amends the duration of the contract; (b) amends the maximum quantity of alkaloid poppies that may be cultivated under the contract; (c) amends the date the contract expires; 20 (d) cancels the contract. Penalty: 100 penalty units. 69SA Offence to fail to report amendment or cancellation A licensed processor must inform the 25 Secretary within 10 business days if a Commonwealth licence to manufacture or a Commonwealth licence to export required for the current poppy processing licence held by the licensed processor is amended or 30 cancelled. Penalty: 100 penalty units. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 51 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69SB Offence to fail to report on any change of details of the licensed grower or the licensed processor (1) A licensed grower or a licensed processor 5 must report any specified information referred to in subsection (2) in respect of a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence to the Secretary within 7 business days. 10 Penalty: 100 penalty units. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), specified information is-- (a) any change to the details of the licensed grower or the licensed processor that 15 appears on the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy processing licence; or (b) any associate other than those provided to the Secretary in the application for a 20 poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence; or (c) the signing of a personal insolvency agreement or any declaration of bankruptcy that applies to the licence 25 grower or the licence processor; or (d) any offence that the licensed grower or the licensed processor has been found guilty of by a court in Victoria or elsewhere, after the date of the 30 application for the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy processing licence (as the case requires) was sent to the Secretary; or (e) any serious offence that an associate 35 of the licensed grower or the licensed processor has been found guilty of by a 571330B.I-10/12/2013 52 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 court in Victoria or elsewhere, after the date of the application for the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy processing licence (as the case requires) 5 was sent to the Secretary; or (f) any information that the name of an associate of a licensed grower or a licensed processor provided to the Secretary by the licensed grower or the 10 licensed processor, in a successful application under this Part, has been changed; or (g) the entering by a licensed grower or a licensed processor that is not a natural 15 person into voluntary administration, liquidation or receivership. 69SC Offence to fail to surrender licence on suspension or cancellation Within 14 days of the suspension or 20 cancellation of a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence under section 69QA a person must surrender to the Secretary-- (a) the relevant licence; and 25 (b) any related document issued to the person. Penalty: 20 penalty units. 69SD Offence to contravene a licence (1) A licensed grower must not contravene a 30 prescribed minor term, condition, limitation or restriction to which the poppy cultivation licence is subject. Penalty: 20 penalty units. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 53 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (2) A licensed grower must not contravene the terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions to which the poppy cultivation licence is subject which is not a prescribed minor term, 5 condition, limitation or restriction. Penalty: 100 penalty units or 12 months imprisonment or both. (3) A licensed processor must not contravene a prescribed minor term, condition, limitation 10 or restriction to which the poppy processing licence is subject. Penalty: 20 penalty units. (4) A licensed processor must not contravene the terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions 15 to which the poppy processing licence is subject which is not a prescribed minor term, condition, limitation or restriction. Penalty: 100 penalty units or 12 months imprisonment or both. 20 69SE Offence to fail to prohibit access to premises (1) A licensed grower must not permit any other person to enter the area of land where alkaloid poppies are being cultivated unless 25 that other person is-- (a) an employee of the licensed grower who is employed to undertake an activity authorised under the poppy cultivation licence; or 30 (b) a licensed processor; or 571330B.I-10/12/2013 54 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (c) a party to a contract registered in the alkaloid poppy register with the relevant licensed grower or an employee of the relevant licensed 5 processor. Penalty: 100 penalty units. (2) A licensed processor must not permit any other person to enter the specified premises unless that other person is an employee of 10 the licensed processor who is employed-- (a) to carry out an activity in the business conducted by a licensed processor under the poppy processing licence; or (b) to undertake an activity authorised 15 under the poppy processing licence. Penalty: 100 penalty units. (3) A licensed grower must not permit any other person to enter the area of land where alkaloid poppies are being cultivated unless 20 that other person is accompanied at all times-- (a) by the licensed grower; or (b) by an employee of the licensed grower who is employed to undertake an 25 activity authorised under the poppy cultivation licence; or (c) by an inspector. Penalty: 100 penalty units. (4) A licensed processor must not permit any 30 other person to enter the specified premises unless the other person is accompanied at all times-- 571330B.I-10/12/2013 55 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (a) by the licensed processor; or (b) by an employee of the licensed processor who is employed to undertake an activity authorised under 5 the poppy processing licence; or (c) by an inspector. Penalty: 100 penalty units. 69SF Offence to fail to carry and produce identification certificate 10 (1) An employee of a licensed grower or a licensed processor who has been issued with an employee identification certificate must carry the certificate with him or her during the performance of any activity authorised 15 under the relevant licence. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) An employee of a licensed grower or a licensed processor must produce his or her employee identification certificate on the 20 request of an inspector. Penalty: 60 penalty units. 69SG Offence to employ disqualified persons under licence (1) A licensed grower must not employ a 25 disqualified person in the business conducted under the poppy cultivation licence. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) A licensed processor must not employ a disqualified person in the business conducted 30 under the poppy processing licence. Penalty: 60 penalty units. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 56 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69SH Offence for disqualified person to be employed by licensed grower or licensed processor (1) A disqualified person must not accept 5 employment to carry out activities in the business conducted by a licensed grower under a poppy cultivation licence. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) A disqualified person must not accept 10 employment to carry out activities in the business conducted by a licensed processor under a poppy processing licence. Penalty: 60 penalty units. 69SI Employee must comply with terms and 15 conditions of licence (1) A licensed grower must take reasonable steps to prevent an employee of the licensed grower contravening the terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions of the poppy 20 cultivation licence and the applicable requirements of this Part in carrying out an activity authorised by the licence. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) A licensed processor must take reasonable 25 steps to prevent an employee of the licensed processor contravening the terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions of the licence and the applicable requirements of this Part in carrying out an activity authorised by the 30 licence. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (3) A licensed grower must take reasonable steps to provide each employee of the licensed grower carrying out an activity 35 authorised under the poppy cultivation 571330B.I-10/12/2013 57 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 licence with sufficient and appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to be able to carry out that activity in accordance with the licence. 5 Penalty: 60 penalty units. (4) A licensed processor must take reasonable steps to provide each employee of the licensed processor carrying out an activity authorised under the poppy processing 10 licence with sufficient and appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to be able to carry out that activity in accordance with the licence. Penalty: 60 penalty units. 15 (5) An employee must cooperate with the licensed grower in relation to any direction given, or action taken, by the licensed grower or by any person authorised by the licensed grower, in order to comply with 20 subsection (1) or (3). Penalty: 60 penalty units. (6) An employee must cooperate with the licensed processor in relation to any direction given, or action taken, by the 25 licensed processor or by any person authorised by the licensed processor, in order to comply with subsection (2) or (4). Penalty: 60 penalty units. 69SJ Criminal liability of licensed grower or 30 licensed processor--failure to exercise due diligence (1) If an employee of a licensed grower or a licensed processor commits an offence against this Part, the relevant licensed grower 35 or licensed processor also commits an 571330B.I-10/12/2013 58 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 offence against this Part, if the licensed grower or the licensed processor failed to exercise due diligence to prevent the commission of the offence by the employee. 5 (2) A licensed grower or a licensed processor referred to in subsection (1) is liable to a penalty not exceeding the maximum penalty that applies to the offence against this Part committed by the employee. 10 (3) In determining whether a licensed grower or a licensed processor failed to exercise due diligence, a court may have regard to-- (a) whether or not the licensed grower or the licensed processor permitted or 15 authorised the act or omission of the employee in the course of his or her employment that constituted the offence against this Part; and (b) what steps the licensed grower or the 20 licensed processor took, or could reasonably have taken, to prevent the commission of the offence by the employee. (4) Without limiting any other defence available 25 to a licensed grower or a licensed processor, the relevant licensed grower or licensed processor may rely on a defence that would be available to the employee of the licensed grower or the licensed processor if (as the 30 case requires)-- (a) the employee were charged with the offence with which the licensed grower or the licensed processor is charged; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 59 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (b) in doing so, the licensed grower or the licensed processor bears the same burden of proof that the employee would bear. 5 (5) A licensed grower or a licensed processor may commit an offence against this Part whether or not the employee of the licensed grower or the licensed processor, as the case requires, has been prosecuted for, or found 10 guilty of, an offence against this Part. 69SK Offence to fail to provide an identification certificate for employees (1) A licensed grower must issue to each employee authorised in respect of the poppy 15 cultivation licence an employee identification certificate that contains the information required under section 69OF(2). Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) A licensed processor must issue to each 20 employee authorised in respect of the poppy processing licence an employee identification certificate that contains the information required under section 69PF(2). Penalty: 60 penalty units. 25 69SL Offence to hinder or obstruct inspector (1) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, hinder or obstruct an inspector in the exercise of a power under this Part. Penalty: 100 penalty units. 30 (2) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, fail to comply with any direction, requirement or order of an inspector under this Part. Penalty: 100 penalty units. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 60 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69SM Offence to remove detained or seized alkaloid poppies or poppy straw A person must not, while a detention or seizure notice remains in effect, remove the 5 whole or any part of an alkaloid poppy, poppy straw or material derived from an alkaloid poppy or poppy straw to which the notice relates, without the authorisation of the Secretary or an inspector. 10 Penalty: 100 penalty units. Division 7--Alkaloid Poppy Register 69T Alkaloid poppy register (1) The Secretary must establish and maintain the alkaloid poppy register. 15 (2) The alkaloid poppy register is to contain the following information in respect of each registrable contract-- (a) the name of each party to the contract; (b) the location of the specified premises; 20 (c) the date the contract was entered into by the parties; (d) any other relevant information provided by an applicant or licensed grower or licensed processor to an inspector or the 25 Secretary; (e) the details of the relevant poppy cultivation licence or poppy processing licence; (f) any relevant information collected or 30 received by an inspector to determine the compliance of a licensed grower or a licensed processor with this Part; (g) any other prescribed information. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 61 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69TA Request to register a contract (1) The Secretary, if requested to do so by a licensed grower, may register a contract between the licensed grower and a licensed 5 processor in the alkaloid poppy register if the contract-- (a) is a valid contract; and (b) includes details of the specified premises and area of land where it is 10 proposed to cultivate alkaloid poppies; and (c) specifies the period of the contract; and (d) includes any other prescribed particulars (if any). 15 (2) If a licensed grower makes a request under subsection (1), the Secretary must, within 7 days-- (a) register the contract; or (b) refuse to register the contract. 20 (3) On making a decision under subsection (2) the Secretary must-- (a) notify the licensed grower and the licensed processor who are the parties to the contract of that decision; and 25 (b) provide reasons for the decision if the decision was a refusal under subsection (2)(b). 69TB Access to the alkaloid poppy register restricted 30 (1) The Secretary must ensure that the alkaloid poppy register, or any part of the alkaloid poppy register, is only accessed by a prescribed person, or class of prescribed 571330B.I-10/12/2013 62 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 person, who is authorised to do so by the Secretary. (2) The Secretary must ensure that personal information in the alkaloid poppy register is 5 only disclosed in accordance with this Act. 69TC Person with access to alkaloid poppy register not to disclose personal information from it (1) Unless a disclosure is authorised under this 10 section, a person authorised to have access to the alkaloid poppy register or any part of the alkaloid poppy register must not disclose to any person the following information in the alkaloid poppy register-- 15 (a) any personal information; (b) the location of specified premises; (c) commercial in confidence information. Penalty: 100 penalty units or 12 months imprisonment or both. 20 (2) The Secretary or a person authorised to have access to the alkaloid poppy register or any part of the alkaloid poppy register may disclose personal information in the alkaloid poppy register to a Department or public 25 statutory authority-- (a) for the purpose of law enforcement; or (b) as required by or under any Act or law; or (c) if the Secretary or a person authorised 30 to have access to the alkaloid poppy register believes on reasonable grounds that to do so is necessary to enable the proper administration of the Act. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 63 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69TD Delegation The Secretary, by instrument, may delegate any powers or functions of the Secretary under this Part, other than this power of 5 delegation, to a person or class of persons employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004. Division 8--Review by VCAT 69U Refusal of licence or renewal of licence on 10 grounds of protected information (1) If the Chief Commissioner of Police opposes the issuing or renewal of a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence wholly or partly on the basis of protected 15 information, to the extent that the Chief Commissioner's reasons for that decision relate to protected information-- (a) the Chief Commissioner of Police must inform the Secretary in writing; and 20 (b) the requirement under section 69OB(4)(b), 69OI(5)(b), 69PB(4)(b) or 69PI(5)(b) to provide reasons for the decision do not apply; and (c) the Secretary and the applicant are not 25 entitled to be provided with those reasons. (2) If a person is not entitled under subsection (1) to some or all of the reasons for a decision under section 69OA(3)(c), 30 69OH(3)(c), 69PA(3)(c) or 69PH(3)(c)-- 571330B.I-10/12/2013 64 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (a) the Chief Commissioner of Police must create a written record of the reasons for the decision; and (b) the Secretary must notify the applicant 5 that the application has been denied on the basis of protected information; and (c) the Secretary must inform the applicant that-- (i) the Chief Commissioner of Police 10 has created a written record of the reasons for the decision that relate to the protected information; and (ii) the reasons are not able to be disclosed to the applicant; and 15 (iii) he or she is entitled to seek review of the Secretary's decision by VCAT; and (d) if the applicant seeks review of the decision by VCAT, the Chief 20 Commissioner of Police must provide the reasons to VCAT. (3) Section 8 of the Administrative Law Act 1978 does not apply to a decision to which this section applies. 25 69UA Review by VCAT (1) A person may apply to VCAT for review of a decision of the Secretary-- (a) to refuse to issue a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence to 30 that person; or 571330B.I-10/12/2013 65 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (b) to refuse to issue to that person or to renew a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence wholly or partly on the basis of protected 5 information; or (c) to refuse to renew a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence held by that person; or (d) to refuse to register a contract between 10 a licensed grower and a licensed processor in the alkaloid poppy register; or (e) to suspend, cancel or amend a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy 15 processing licence held by that person. (2) An application for review under subsection (1) must be made within 28 days after the later of-- (a) the day on which the decision is made; 20 or (b) if, under the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, the person requests a statement of reasons for the decision, the day on 25 which the statement of reasons is given to the person or the person is informed under section 46(5) of that Act that a statement of reasons will not be given. 69UB VCAT to inquire on grounds for refusal 30 If VCAT receives an application for review under section 69UA(1)(a), (c) or (e), VCAT must enquire of the Secretary whether the grounds for the refusal, suspension, cancellation or amendment were based on 35 any protected information. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 66 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 69UC Appointment of special counsel (1) VCAT must appoint a special counsel to represent the interests of the applicant-- (a) if in response to a request under 5 section 69UB, the Secretary informs VCAT in writing that a decision was based on protected information; or (b) on receipt of an application for review under section 69UA(1)(b). 10 (2) A special counsel must be a barrister within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2004 who, in the opinion of VCAT, has the appropriate skills and ability to represent the interests of the party at the hearing. 15 (3) At any time before the special counsel attends the hearing or obtains any confidential affidavit in relation to the application for the purpose of obtaining information or instructions from the party or 20 representative in relation to the proceeding the special counsel may communicate with-- (a) the party whose interests he or she is representing; or (b) any representative of that party. 25 (4) Subject to section 69UE(3), at any time after the special counsel commences to attend the hearing or obtains any confidential affidavit in relation to the application, the special counsel-- 30 (a) must not take instructions from the party whose interests he or she is representing, or from any representative of that party; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 67 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (b) must not communicate any other information in relation to the hearing to that party or a representative of that party without leave of VCAT, except to 5 communicate any order made by VCAT at or in relation to the hearing. (5) A special counsel may be required to sign a confidentiality undertaking to VCAT. 69UD Procedure for hearing--protected 10 information (1) If, in response to a request under section 69UB, the Secretary informs VCAT in writing that the decision was based on protected information or the application for 15 review was made under section 69UA(1)(b), VCAT must, at the hearing of the application, first determine whether or not the information is protected information. (2) For the purposes of making a determination 20 under subsection (1), VCAT may hold a hearing or any part of it in private. (3) If VCAT determines to hold a hearing or part of a hearing in private under subsection (2)-- 25 (a) only the Chief Commissioner of Police and the special counsel are entitled to be present; and (b) each party that is entitled to be present has a right to make submissions as to-- 30 (i) whether evidence supporting the grounds for refusal to issue or to renew the relevant licence, the cancellation or the suspension of the relevant licence amounts to 35 protected information; and 571330B.I-10/12/2013 68 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (ii) the weight that should be given to that evidence; and (iii) the character of the applicant, being evidence indicating whether 5 the applicant is a fit and proper person to hold a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence; and (iv) whether, in all the circumstances, 10 the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy processing licence should be renewed or issued to the applicant. (4) After hearing the evidence of the Chief 15 Commissioner of Police and the special counsel under subsection (3), VCAT must decide whether or not any of the evidence adduced amounts to protected information. (5) If VCAT decides that none of the evidence 20 adduced under subsection (3) amounts to protected information, VCAT must admit the applicant to the proceeding and subsection (3) ceases to apply to the conduct of the hearing. 25 69UE Decision of VCAT where protected information exists (1) Without limiting any other power of VCAT conferred by or under this Part or any other Act, if VCAT decides that any of the 30 evidence adduced under section 69UD(3) is protected information, that subsection continues to apply to the hearing of the proceeding to the extent that it relates to that protected information. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 69 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (2) In making a determination in a proceeding to which subsection (1) applies, VCAT must decide-- (a) what weight to give the protected 5 information and any other evidence adduced; and (b) whether, in all the circumstances, the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy processing licence should be issued to 10 the applicant, renewed or reinstated (as the case may be). (3) If VCAT decides that any of the evidence adduced under section 69UD(3) is protected information-- 15 (a) VCAT must take all steps and precautions to prevent release of that information; and (b) if the special counsel wishes to seek further instructions from the applicant 20 on one or more occasions in relation to that protected information, the special counsel may do so only by submitting written questions for the approval of VCAT after hearing any submissions 25 from the Chief Commissioner of Police on their content. (4) Despite section 117 of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, any order issued by VCAT in relation to a 30 decision under this section must only state-- (a) whether the decision of the Secretary is upheld or overturned; and (b) if the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy processing licence is not issued, 35 reinstated or renewed (as the case requires), that the applicant or each 571330B.I-10/12/2013 70 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 relevant person in relation to the application has failed to meet the fit and proper person requirements. (5) For the avoidance of doubt, VCAT may 5 publish reasons for its decision to the extent that those reasons do not relate to protected information. 69UF General provisions for hearing matters involving protected information 10 (1) For the purposes of a hearing to which section 69UD or 69UE applies, VCAT must be constituted by a presidential member. (2) At any time before a final determination has been made by VCAT on a matter to which 15 section 69UD or 69UE applies-- (a) the Secretary may change his or her decision and renew or issue or reinstate the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy processing licence; and 20 (b) if the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy processing licence is renewed or issued or reinstated (as the case requires), the proceeding terminates immediately. 25 (3) The following provisions do not apply to a proceeding for as long as section 69UD or 69UE applies-- (a) Subdivision 1 of Division 3 of Part 3 and sections 49 and 101 of the 30 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998; (b) section 8 of the Administrative Law Act 1978. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 71 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (4) Subsection (3) does not apply to any extent that the proceedings do not involve protected information. Division 9--Regulations 5 69V Regulations (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for or with respect to the following-- (a) the cultivation of alkaloid poppies; 10 (b) the processing of poppy straw; (c) classes of persons that are disqualified persons; (d) prescribing fees or levies to recover any compliance or administrative costs; 15 (e) prescribing terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions to which licences issued under this Part will be subject; (f) particulars to be included in any 20 application for the issue, renewal or amendment of a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence; (g) restricting, limiting or prohibiting premises, vehicles or machines used or 25 intended to be used in connection with the cultivation and destruction of alkaloid poppies or the processing or destruction of poppy straw; (h) limiting or prohibiting transport of 30 poppy straw, including in relation to specific geographical areas or regions in Victoria; 571330B.I-10/12/2013 72 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (i) the distance required to separate alkaloid poppies and poppy straw at a specified premises from any other place; 5 (j) matters to be considered by the Secretary in relation to the suitability of specified premises for the cultivation of alkaloid poppies or processing of poppy straw; 10 (k) fencing of specified premises and standard of fencing required to separate alkaloid poppies and poppy straw from a public place or any other premises; (l) requirements of signage at specified 15 premises and information to be displayed at a specified premises, or on equipment or vehicles used for or in connection with the growing or harvesting of alkaloid poppies or the 20 processing of poppy straw; (m) the manner in which searches, detentions and seizures under this Part are to be carried out; (n) records to be kept in relation to alkaloid 25 poppy cultivation or poppy straw processing; (o) prescribing a penalty of not more than 100 penalty units for any contravention of or failure to comply with the 30 regulations made under this Part. (2) Regulations made under this Part may-- (a) be of general or limited application; (b) differ according to differences in time, place or circumstances; 571330B.I-10/12/2013 73 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2--Poppy Cultivation and Processing s. 4 (c) apply to different classes of person and licences; (d) provide for different fees for different activities or classes of activity or 5 different cases or classes of cases; (e) provide for waiver or reduction of fees; (f) in the case of applications for the issue or renewal of licences, specify fees that reflect the cost of administration of, and 10 the provision of, inspection services in connection with this Part; (g) confer powers or discretions or impose duties on the Secretary or an inspector; (h) exempt specified persons or things or 15 classes of person or classes of thing from complying with all or any of the regulations-- (i) whether unconditionally or on specified conditions; and 20 (ii) either wholly or to such an extent as is specified; and (iii) leave any matter to be required to be undertaken in a manner approved by the Secretary. 25 __________________". __________________ 571330B.I-10/12/2013 74 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3--Other Amendments s. 5 PART 3--OTHER AMENDMENTS 5 List of licences and permits In section 118(1) of the Principal Act, for "34 or 56" substitute "34, 56 or Part IVB". 5 6 Evidentiary In section 119(ea) of the Principal Act-- (a) after "Part IVA" insert "or a holder of a licence under Part IVB"; (b) after "Department of" insert "Environment 10 and". 7 General regulations After section 132(zcd) of the Principal Act insert-- "(zce) any matter or thing required to be prescribed 15 for the purposes of Part IVB;". __________________ 571330B.I-10/12/2013 75 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4--Repeal of Amending Act s. 8 PART 4--REPEAL OF AMENDING ACT 8 Repeal of amending Act This Act is repealed on 1 December 2015. Note 5 The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 571330B.I-10/12/2013 76 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing) Amendment Bill 2013 Endnotes ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 571330B.I-10/12/2013 77 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 10/12/2013




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