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  Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments)
                       Act 2005
                                  Act No.

                        TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                  Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                        1
  1.     Purpose                                                           1
  2.     Commencement                                                      2

PART 2--AMENDMENT OF APPEAL COSTS ACT 1998                                 3
  3.     Application for indemnity certificate if criminal proceeding
         adjourned                                                         3

PART 3--AMENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION ACT 1975                                 4
  4.     Commissions of Judges                                             4
  5.     Salaries, allowances and pensions of Judges of the Supreme
         Court                                                             4
  6.     As to pensions of Judges of the Supreme Court and their
         spouses and children                                              5
  7.     Judges not to hold any other place of profit                      5

PART 4--AMENDMENT OF COUNTY COURT ACT 1958                                 6
  8.     Salaries and allowances of the Chief Judge and other judges       6
  9.     Provision for pensions to County Court judges and their
         widows                                                            6
  10.    Power to make rules of practice                                   7
  11.    Council of Judges                                                 7

(JUDICIAL CONDUCT) ACT 2005                                                8
  12.    Commissions of Judges                                             8

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Clause Page PART 6--AMENDMENT OF CRIMES ACT 1958 9 13. Forensic procedure following the commission of forensic sample offence 9 14. Retention of information following finding of guilt 10 15. New section 604 inserted 11 604. Transitional provision--Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 11 PART 7--AMENDMENT OF EVIDENCE ACT 1958 12 16. List of persons who may witness statutory declarations 12 17. Affidavits in Victoria how sworn and taken 12 PART 8--AMENDMENT OF PUBLIC NOTARIES ACT 2001 13 18. Application for certificate of eligibility 13 PART 9--AMENDMENT OF SERIOUS SEX OFFENDERS MONITORING ACT 2005 14 19. Amendment to Schedule 14 PART 10--AMENDMENT OF SEX OFFENDERS REGISTRATION ACT 2004 15 20. Amendment to Schedule 1--Class 1 Offences 15 PART 11--AMENDMENT OF VICTORIAN CIVIL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL ACT 1998 16 21. Definition 16 22. Short-term Vice Presidents 16 23. Vacation of office 17 24. Member or former member may not represent a party 17 25. Reconstitution of Tribunal 17 26. New section 162 inserted 18 162. Transitional provision--Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 18 27. Questions of law 18 PART 12--AMENDMENT OF WORKING WITH CHILDREN ACT 2005 19 28. Teachers 19 ENDNOTES 20 ii 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to amend the Appeal Costs Act 1998, the Constitution Act 1975, the County Court Act 1958, the Courts Legislation (Judicial Conduct) Act 2005, the Crimes Act 1958, the Evidence Act 1958, the Public Notaries Act 2001, the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005, the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 and the Working with Children Act 2005 and for other purposes. Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Purpose The purpose of this Act is to make miscellaneous amendments to-- 1 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 1--Preliminary s. 2 (a) the Appeal Costs Act 1998; and (b) the Constitution Act 1975; and (c) the County Court Act 1958; and (d) the Courts Legislation (Judicial Conduct) Act 2005; and 5 (e) the Crimes Act 1958; and (f) the Evidence Act 1958; and (g) the Public Notaries Act 2001; and (h) the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005; and 10 (i) the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004; and (j) the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998; and (k) the Working with Children Act 2005. 15 2. Commencement (1) This Act, other than sections 6 and 20, comes into operation on the day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. (2) Section 6 is deemed to have come into operation 20 on 1 May 2005. (3) Section 20 is deemed to have come into operation on 1 August 2005. __________________ 2 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 2--Amendment of Appeal Costs Act 1998 s. 3 See: PART 2--AMENDMENT OF APPEAL COSTS ACT 1998 Act No. 87/1998 3. Application for indemnity certificate if criminal and amending proceeding adjourned Act Nos 35/2002, In section 17(3) of the Appeal Costs Act 1998, 34/2004, 108/2004 and after "approved form" insert "and on proof being 5 18/2005. provided by that party of the costs that have been LawToday: www.dms. incurred". dpc.vic. __________________ 3 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 3--Amendment of Constitution Act 1975 s. 4 See: PART 3--AMENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION ACT 1975 Act No. 8750. 4. Commissions of Judges Reprint No. 17 as at 1 May 2005 (1) In section 77(4)(a) of the Constitution Act 1975, and for "has not made an election under section 80A" amending Act Nos substitute "did not make an election under 5 2/2003, section 80A before the commencement of 16/2005, 20/2005, section 3 of the Courts Legislation (Judicial 25/2005, Appointments and Other Amendments) Act 30/2005 and 38/2005 2005". LawToday: www.dms. (2) In section 77(4)(b) of the Constitution Act 1975, 10 dpc.vic. for "that section who has made an election under section 80A" substitute "section 4 of the Courts Amendment Act 1986 who made an election under section 80A before the commencement of section 3 of the Courts Legislation (Judicial 15 Appointments and Other Amendments) Act 2005". (3) In section 77(4)(c) of the Constitution Act 1975, for "that section" substitute "section 4 of the Courts Amendment Act 1986". 20 5. Salaries, allowances and pensions of Judges of the Supreme Court In section 82(9) of the Constitution Act 1975, for "has made an election under section 80A" substitute "made an election under section 80A 25 before the commencement of section 3 of the Courts Legislation (Judicial Appointments and Other Amendments) Act 2005". 4 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 3--Amendment of Constitution Act 1975 s. 6 6. As to pensions of Judges of the Supreme Court and their spouses and children After section 83(1B) of the Constitution Act 1975 insert-- "(1C) A Judge of the Court who-- 5 (a) was appointed as a Judge of the Court before the commencement of section 16 of the Judicial Remuneration Tribunal Act 1995; and (b) has served for not less than 10 years in 10 the office of Judge of the Court; and (c) has attained the age of 60 years-- may retire from his or her office before attaining the age of 65 years and then on attaining the age of 65 years shall be entitled 15 to a pension payable fortnightly at the rate per annum of 60 per centum of the annual salary for the time being applicable to the office that he or she held immediately before his or her retirement.". 20 7. Judges not to hold any other place of profit In section 84(5) of the Constitution Act 1975, for "has made an election under section 80A" substitute "made an election under section 80A before the commencement of section 3 of the 25 Courts Legislation (Judicial Appointments and Other Amendments) Act 2005". __________________ 5 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Amendment of County Court Act 1958 s. 8 See: PART 4--AMENDMENT OF COUNTY COURT ACT 1958 Act No. 6230. 8. Salaries and allowances of the Chief Judge and Reprint No. 11 as at other judges 1 July 2004 and In section 10(9) of the County Court Act 1958, amending Act Nos for "has made an election under section 13A" 5 107/1986, substitute "made an election under section 13A 108/2004, 3/2005, before the commencement of section 7 of the 16/2005, Courts Legislation (Judicial Appointments and 18/2005 and 30/2005. Other Amendments) Act 2005". LawToday: www.dms. 9. Provision for pensions to County Court judges and 10 dpc.vic. their widows In section 14(1) of the County Court Act 1958-- (a) in paragraph (a), for "has not made an election under section 13A" substitute "did not make an election under section 13A 15 before the commencement of section 7 of the Courts Legislation (Judicial Appointments and Other Amendments) Act 2005"; (b) in paragraph (b), for "that section who has 20 made an election under section 13A" substitute "section 8 of the Courts Amendment Act 1986 who made an election under section 13A before the commencement of section 7 of the Courts 25 Legislation (Judicial Appointments and Other Amendments) Act 2005". (c) in paragraph (c), for "that section" substitute "section 8 of the Courts Amendment Act 1986". 30 6 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 4--Amendment of County Court Act 1958 s. 10 10. Power to make rules of practice In section 78(1) and (2) of the County Court Act 1958, for "have made an election under section 13A(1) or has been appointed under section 13A(3A)" substitute "made an election 5 under section 13A(1), or were appointed under section 13A(3A), before the commencement of section 7 of the Courts Legislation (Judicial Appointments and Other Amendments) Act 2005". 10 11. Council of Judges In section 87(3) of the County Court Act 1958, for "has made an election under section 13A(1) or has been appointed under section 13A(3A)" substitute "made an election under section 15 13A(1), or were appointed under section 13A(3A), before the commencement of section 7 of the Courts Legislation (Judicial Appointments and Other Amendments) Act 2005". 20 __________________ 7 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 5--Amendment to Courts Legislation (Judicial Conduct) Act 2005 s. 12 See: PART 5--AMENDMENT TO COURTS LEGISLATION Act No. (JUDICIAL CONDUCT) ACT 2005 16/2005. LawToday: www.dms. 12. Commissions of Judges dpc.vic. In section 5(2) of the Courts Legislation (Judicial Conduct) Act 2005, in the proposed 5 new section 77(4)(aa) of the Constitution Act 1975, after "by" insert "or". __________________ 8 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Crimes Act 1958 s. 13 See: PART 6--AMENDMENT OF CRIMES ACT 1958 Act No. 6231. 13. Forensic procedure following the commission of Reprint No. 18 as at forensic sample offence 1 July 2005 and (1) In section 464ZF of the Crimes Act 1958-- amending Act Nos (a) in sub-section (2), for "expiration of any 5 16/2004, appeal period or the final determination of an 18/2005, 56/2005 and appeal" substitute "final determination of an 66/2005. appeal against conviction or sentence or the LawToday: www.dms. expiration of any appeal period"; dpc.vic. (b) in sub-section (2AA), for "expiration of any 10 appeal period or the final determination of an appeal" substitute "final determination of an appeal against conviction or sentence or the expiration of any appeal period"; (c) in sub-section (6)-- 15 (i) after "relation to the" insert "conviction for the"; (ii) after "an appeal" (where twice occurring) insert "against conviction". (2) After section 464ZF(6) of the Crimes Act 1958 20 insert-- "(6A) If leave to appeal against a conviction for a forensic sample offence is sought after the expiry of the appeal period in relation to the conviction, an order made by a court under 25 sub-section (2) before leave to appeal is sought, if not executed before that leave is sought, must not be executed unless-- (a) leave to appeal against the conviction is refused; or 30 (b) leave to appeal against the conviction is granted and the appeal is finally 9 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Crimes Act 1958 s. 14 determined and the conviction for the forensic sample offence is upheld. (6B) If an order made by a court under sub- section (2) has been executed after the expiration of the appeal period in relation to 5 the conviction for the forensic sample offence and leave to appeal against the conviction is granted after the expiry of that period-- (a) any sample and any related material 10 and information taken may be retained by a member of the police force pending the final determination of the appeal against conviction; and (b) if, on appeal, the conviction for the 15 forensic sample offence is quashed, the Chief Commissioner of Police must without delay destroy, or cause to be destroyed, any sample taken and any related material and information.". 20 14. Retention of information following finding of guilt In section 464ZFB of the Crimes Act 1958-- (a) in sub-section (1), for "expiry of the appeal period in respect of the offence or the final determination of an appeal" substitute "final 25 determination of an appeal against conviction or sentence or the expiry of any appeal period in respect of the offence"; (b) in sub-section (2A)-- (i) after "respect of the" insert "conviction 30 for the"; (ii) after "appeal" (where secondly and thirdly occurring) insert "against conviction". 10 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 6--Amendment of Crimes Act 1958 s. 15 15. New section 604 inserted After section 603 of the Crimes Act 1958 insert-- "604. Transitional provision--Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) 5 Act 2005 The amendments made to this Act by sections 13 and 14 of the Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 only apply to appeals for which the notice of 10 appeal or notice of application for leave to appeal is given after the commencement of those sections.". __________________ 11 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 7--Amendment of Evidence Act 1958 s. 16 See: PART 7--AMENDMENT OF EVIDENCE ACT 1958 Act No. 6246. 16. List of persons who may witness statutory Reprint No. 14 as at declarations 6 June 2002 and In section 107A(1)(i) of the Evidence Act 1958 amending for "Part XV of the Patents Act 1952" substitute 5 Act Nos 20/2004, "Chapter 20 of the Patents Act 1990". 60/2004, 72/2004, 17. Affidavits in Victoria how sworn and taken 108/2004, 15/2005, In section 123C(1)(gd) of the Evidence Act 1958 18/2005 and 75/2005. for "Part XV of the Patents Act 1952" substitute LawToday: "Chapter 20 of the Patents Act 1990". 10 www.dms. dpc.vic. __________________ 12 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 8--Amendment of Public Notaries Act 2001 s. 18 See: PART 8--AMENDMENT OF PUBLIC NOTARIES ACT 2001 Act No. 52/2001 18. Application for certificate of eligibility and amending In section 5(3) of the Public Notaries Act 2001, Act Nos 10/2004 and for "2·9 fee units" substitute "29 fee units". 18/2005 LawToday: www.dms. dpc.vic. __________________ 13 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 9--Amendment of Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005 s. 19 See: PART 9--AMENDMENT OF SERIOUS SEX OFFENDERS Act No. MONITORING ACT 2005 1/2005 and amending 19. Amendment to Schedule Act Nos 34/2005 and After item 37 of the Schedule to the Serious Sex 69/2005. Offenders Monitoring Act 2005 insert-- 5 LawToday: www.dms. "37A. An offence against section 271.4 (trafficking in dpc.vic. children) or section 271.7 (domestic trafficking in children) of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth in circumstances where the purpose of the 10 exploitation is to provide sexual services within the meaning of that section.". __________________ 14 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 10--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 20 See: PART 10--AMENDMENT OF SEX OFFENDERS Act No. REGISTRATION ACT 2004 56/2004. Reprint No. 1 as at 20. Amendment to Schedule 1--Class 1 Offences 1 October 2005 In Schedule 1 to the Sex Offenders Registration and Act 2004, for "6A. An offence" substitute "6AA. 5 amending Act Nos An offence". 18/2005, 34/2005, 57/2005 and 69/2005. LawToday: www.dms. dpc.vic. __________________ 15 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 11--Amendment of Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act s. 21 1998 See: PART 11--AMENDMENT OF VICTORIAN CIVIL AND Act No. ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL ACT 1998 53/1998. Reprint No. 3 as at 21. Definition 1 July 2003 and In section 3 of the Victorian Civil and amending Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 insert the 5 Act Nos 18/2003, following definition-- 30/2003, 75/2003, ' "acting judge", in relation to the Supreme Court 10/2004, or County Court, means a Judge appointed as 12/2004 (as amended by an acting judge, in the case of the Supreme 39/2004), Court, under section 80D of the 53/2004, 10 99/2004, Constitution Act 1975, or, in the case of the 108/2004, County Court, under section 11 of the 16/2005, 18/2005, County Court Act 1958;'. 49/2005, 52/2005, 22. Short-term Vice Presidents 61/2005 and 71/2005. (1) In section 11A(1) of the Victorian Civil and 15 LawToday: www.dms. Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, after "Court" dpc.vic. insert "or acting judges of the Supreme Court or County Court". (2) In section 11A(2), (3) and (4) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, 20 after "judge" (wherever occurring) insert "or an acting judge". (3) In section 11A(2) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, for "3 months" substitute "6 months". 25 (4) After section 11A(2) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 insert-- "(2A) In appointing a reserve judge or an acting judge as a Vice-President, the Minister may from time to time require that judge to 30 undertake the duties of a Vice President on a full-time or part-time basis, including a sessional basis.". 16 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 11--Amendment of Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act s. 23 1998 (5) In section 11A(3) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, after "Chief Judge" insert "or the Chief Justice, as the case requires". (6) In section 11A(5) of the Victorian Civil and 5 Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, for "judge" substitute "or acting judge". 23. Vacation of office (1) In section 21(1) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, after 10 "reserve judge" insert "or acting judge". (2) After section 21(2) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 insert-- "(3) Without limiting sub-section (2), the office of an ordinary member or a senior member, 15 if that member is a magistrate, becomes vacant if the member ceases to hold the office of magistrate.". 24. Member or former member may not represent a party 20 In section 25A(b) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, after "assigned" insert ", except with the approval of the President". 25. Reconstitution of Tribunal 25 (1) In section 108(4) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, for "require the matter to be referred to the President" substitute "make a request to the President that the Tribunal be reconstituted". 30 17 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 11--Amendment of Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act s. 26 28 1998 (2) For section 108(5) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 substitute-- "(5) If a request is made to the President under sub-section (4), the President may allow or reject the request for reconstitution, with or 5 without allowing the parties to make written or oral submissions.". 26. New section 162 inserted After section 161 of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 insert-- 10 "162. Transitional provision--Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 The amendments made to Schedule 1 by section 27 of the Justice Legislation 15 (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 only apply to proceedings commenced after the commencement of that section.". 27. Questions of law (1) In clause 66(1)(a) of Schedule 1 to the Victorian 20 Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, for "if the parties agree" substitute "unless the parties that are present at the hearing of the proceeding disagree". (2) After clause 66(2) of Schedule 1 to the Victorian 25 Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 insert-- "(3) For the purpose of this clause, the determination of a question of law in a proceeding under a planning 30 enactment is deemed to be an order for the purposes of section 120.". __________________ 18 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Part 12--Amendment of Working with Children Act 2005 s. 28 See: PART 12--AMENDMENT OF WORKING WITH CHILDREN Act No. ACT 2005 57/2005. LawToday: www.dms. 28. Teachers dpc.vic. In section 30(1) of the Working with Children Act 2005-- 5 (a) for "registered under section 11 of" substitute "a registered teacher under"; (b) omit "as a teacher". 19 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005



Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 Act No. Endnotes ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 20 551386B.I1-15/11/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 15/11/2005




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