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  Parliamentary Committees Amendment Bill 2013

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                             Page
  1    Purpose                                                        1
  2    Commencement                                                   1
  3    Amendment of section 5--Establishment of Joint House
       Committees                                                     2
  4    Repeal of section 7--Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee      2
  5    Section 8 substituted--Economic Development, Infrastructure
       and Outer Suburban/Interface Services Committee                2
       8        Economic Development, Infrastructure and Outer
                Suburban/Interface Services Committee                 2
  6    Section 12 substituted--Law Reform, Drugs and Crime
       Prevention Committee                                           3
       12       Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee      3
  7    Repeal of section 13--Outer Suburban/Interface Services and
       Development Committee                                          4
  8    Part 8 substituted--Parliamentary Committees Amendment
       Act 2013                                                       4
         AMENDMENT ACT 2013                                               4
         65      Definitions                                              4
         66      Savings and transitional provisions                      5
  9      Repeal of amending Act                                           6

ENDNOTES                                                                  7

571415B.I-19/3/2013                   i       BILL LA INTRODUCTION 19/3/2013



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Introduced in the Assembly Parliamentary Committees Amendment Bill 2013 A Bill for an Act to amend the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 and for other purposes. The Parliament of Victoria enacts: 1 Purpose The purpose of this Act is to amend the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 to merge 4 existing Joint House Committees into 2 new 5 Joint House Committees. 2 Commencement This Act comes into operation on 1 August 2013. 571415B.I-19/3/2013 1 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 19/3/2013



Parliamentary Committees Amendment Bill 2013 s. 3 3 Amendment of section 5--Establishment of Joint House Committees See: In section 5 of the Parliamentary Committees Act No. 110/2003. Act 2003-- Reprint No. 1 5 as at (a) paragraphs (a) and (g) are repealed; 26 July 2006 and (b) for paragraph (b) substitute-- amending Act Nos "(b) the Economic Development, 43/2006, 4/2007, 7/2011, Infrastructure and Outer 8/2011, Suburban/Interface Services 66/2011, 10 70/2011, Committee;"; 6/2012, 13/2012, (c) for paragraph (f) substitute-- 82/2012 and 85/2012. "(f) the Law Reform, Drugs and Crime LawToday: www. Prevention Committee;". legislation. 4 Repeal of section 7--Drugs and Crime Prevention 15 Committee Section 7 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 is repealed. 5 Section 8 substituted--Economic Development, Infrastructure and Outer Suburban/Interface 20 Services Committee For section 8 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 substitute-- "8 Economic Development, Infrastructure and Outer Suburban/Interface Services 25 Committee (1) The functions of the Economic Development, Infrastructure and Outer Suburban/Interface Services Committee are, if so required or permitted under this Act, to 30 inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with-- 571415B.I-19/3/2013 2 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 19/3/2013



Parliamentary Committees Amendment Bill 2013 s. 6 (a) economic development, industrial affairs or infrastructure; (b) the provision of services to new urban regions; 5 (c) the development or expansion of new urban regions. (2) In subsection (1), urban regions means any part of Victoria developed for urban purposes that is not within regional Victoria 10 as defined in section 16(2).". 6 Section 12 substituted--Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee For section 12 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 substitute-- 15 "12 Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee (1) The functions of the Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee are, if so required or permitted under this Act, to 20 inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with-- (a) legal, constitutional or parliamentary reform; 25 (b) the administration of justice; (c) law reform; (d) the use of drugs, including the manufacture, supply or distribution of drugs; 30 (e) the level or causes of crime or violent behaviour. 571415B.I-19/3/2013 3 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 19/3/2013



Parliamentary Committees Amendment Bill 2013 s. 7 (2) It is not a function of the Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee to inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing concerned 5 with-- (a) the joint standing orders of the Parliament; (b) the standing orders or rules of practice of the Council or the Assembly.". 10 7 Repeal of section 13--Outer Suburban/Interface Services and Development Committee Section 13 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 is repealed. 8 Part 8 substituted--Parliamentary Committees 15 Amendment Act 2013 For Part 8 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 substitute-- "PART 8--PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES AMENDMENT ACT 2013 20 65 Definitions In this Part-- Amendment Act means the Parliamentary Committees Amendment Act 2013; commencement date means 1 August 2013; 25 former committee means a committee established under this Act as in force immediately before the commencement date specified in column 1 of the Table; successor committee, in relation to a former 30 committee, means the committee specified in column 2 of the Table opposite the former committee. 571415B.I-19/3/2013 4 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 19/3/2013



Parliamentary Committees Amendment Bill 2013 s. 8 Table Column 1 Column 2 Former committee Successor committee Drugs and Crime Law Reform, Drugs and Prevention Committee Crime Prevention Committee Economic Development Economic Development, and Infrastructure Infrastructure and Outer Committee Suburban/Interface Services Committee Law Reform Committee Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee Outer Suburban/Interface Economic Development, Services and Infrastructure and Outer Development Committee Suburban/Interface Services Committee 66 Savings and transitional provisions (1) Despite the amendment of this Act by the Amendment Act-- 5 (a) a successor committee is deemed to be the same body as the former committee; (b) except as expressly provided in this section, all persons, things and circumstances appointed or created by 10 or under this Act or existing or continuing under this Act immediately before the commencement date continue under and subject to this Act to have the same status, operation and 15 effect as they respectively would have had if this Act had not been amended by the Amendment Act. 571415B.I-19/3/2013 5 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 19/3/2013



Parliamentary Committees Amendment Bill 2013 s. 9 (2) On the commencement date-- (a) a member of a former committee ceases to be a member of the former committee and does not become a 5 member of the successor committee unless he or she has been appointed to be a member of the successor committee; (b) a sub-committee of a former committee 10 ceases to exist. (3) Despite subsection (1)-- (a) a resolution by a former Committee to use an audio or audio visual link under section 25(5); or 15 (b) an invitation to a member of the Council or the Assembly or to a member of the public under section 26(1) to be present at a meeting of a former Committee; or 20 (c) a requirement under section 28(1) by a former Committee to attend or produce a document or thing; or (d) the empowerment of a specified member or members of a former 25 Committee under section 28(5)-- ceases to have any effect on the commencement date.". 9 Repeal of amending Act This Act is repealed on 1 August 2014. 30 Note The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 571415B.I-19/3/2013 6 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 19/3/2013



Parliamentary Committees Amendment Bill 2013 Endnotes ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 571415B.I-19/3/2013 7 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 19/3/2013




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