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   Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998
                                 Act No.

                     TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                      1
  1.     Purposes                                                        1
  2.     Commencement                                                    2
  3.     Definitions                                                     2

  4.     Establishment                                                   3
  5.     Authority not to represent the Crown                            3
  6.     Objectives                                                      3
  7.     Functions                                                       4
  8.     Powers of the Authority                                         4
  9.     Schedule 1                                                      5
  10.    Delegation                                                      5
  11.    Borrowing and investment by Authority                           5
  12.    Duties of directors                                             5
  13.    Minister or Authority may bring proceedings                     6

PART 3--CORPORATE PLAN AND REPORTS                                       7
  14.    Corporate plan                                                  7
  15.    Statement of corporate intent: contents                         8
  16.    Corporate plan to be followed                                   9
  17.    Nothing void merely because of non-compliance                   9
  18.    Board to give notice of significant events                      9
  19.    Annual report                                                   9
  20.    Review by Secretary                                            10

PART 4--TRANSITIONAL                                                    11
  21.    Determination of staff to be transferred                       11
  22.    Transfer of staff                                              11
  23.    Future terms and conditions of transferred employees           12
  24.    Transitional provision--Functions and powers of Governors,
         prison officers, etc.                                          12
  25.    Exemption from police inquiry and report                       13




Clause Page PART 5--AMENDMENT OF CORRECTIONS ACT 1986 14 26. Principal Act 14 27. Definitions 14 28. Interpretation 14 29. Delegation 15 30. Repeal of section 9C 15 31. New Part inserted 15 PART 2B--ROLE OF PUBLIC CORRECTIONAL SERVICES AUTHORITY 15 9H. Definitions 15 9I. Orders conferring functions 16 9J. Directions of Minister 16 9K. Functions of Authority 17 9L. Authority as administrator 17 9M. Authorisation of Authority staff 17 9N. Police inquiry and report 18 9O. Appointment of monitors 19 9P. Minimum standards 19 32. Section 12 substituted 20 12. Principal medical officers 20 33. Repeal of section 16 20 34. Photographing and fingerprinting 20 35. Secrecy 20 36. Search 21 37. Prisoners rights 21 38. Prison offences 21 39. Transfer by Secretary 22 40. New section inserted 22 62A. Appointment of the Secretary to the Adult Parole Board 22 41. Section 70 substituted 22 70. Assistance to the Board 22 42. Reports 23 PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS 24 43. Amendment of Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 24 __________________ SCHEDULE 1--Provisions applying to Authority 25 NOTES 32 ii 532055B.I1-21/4/98



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to establish the Public Correctional Services Authority and to amend the Corrections Act 1986 and the Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 and for other purposes. Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Purposes The main purposes of this Act are-- (a) to establish the Public Correctional Services 5 Authority; and 1 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 2 Act No. (b) to amend the Corrections Act 1986 to provide for the role of the Public Correctional Services Authority in relation to the provision of correctional services. 5 2. Commencement (1) This Part and section 21 come into operation on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. (2) Subject to sub-section (3), the remaining 10 provisions of this Act come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. (3) If a provision referred to in sub-section (2) does not come into operation before 1 January 1999, it comes into operation on that day. 15 3. Definitions In this Act-- "Authority" means the Public Correctional Services Authority established under Part 2; "transferred employee" means a person who, by 20 virtue of section 22, is deemed to be employed by the Authority. _______________ 2 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 4 Act No. PART 2--PUBLIC CORRECTIONAL SERVICES AUTHORITY 4. Establishment (1) The Public Correctional Services Authority is 5 established. (2) The Authority-- (a) is a body corporate with perpetual succession; (b) has an official seal; 10 (c) may acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property; (d) may sue and be sued in its corporate name; (e) may do and suffer all acts and things that a body corporate may by law do and suffer. 15 (3) The official seal of the Authority must be kept in the custody that the Authority directs and must not be used except as authorised by the Authority. (4) All courts must take judicial notice of the seal of the Authority affixed to a document and must 20 presume that it was properly affixed. 5. Authority not to represent the Crown The Authority is a public authority but does not represent the Crown. 6. Objectives 25 The objectives of the Authority are-- (a) to protect the community through the provision of correctional services; (b) to supervise and manage the prisoners and other persons under its control in a safe, 30 secure, humane and just manner; 3 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 7 Act No. (c) to perform its functions efficiently, effectively and economically. 7. Functions The functions of the Authority are-- 5 (a) to provide any correctional services required to be provided by it under Part 2B of the Corrections Act 1986; (b) if required under the Corrections Act 1986, to act as an administrator of a correctional 10 service; (c) any other functions conferred on it by or under this or any other Act. 8. Powers of the Authority (1) The Authority has power to do anything that is 15 necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection with the carrying out of its functions. (2) Without limiting sub-section (1), the Authority may-- (a) enter into agreements or arrangements with 20 any person or body for the provision of goods or services to the Authority; (b) with the written consent of the Minister, given either generally or in relation to a specific agreement, enter into agreements or 25 arrangements with any person or body for the provision of goods or services by the Authority, either within or outside Victoria; (c) may take and hold indemnities; (d) purchase, lease or otherwise acquire real or 30 personal property for the purpose of performing its functions; 4 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 9 Act No. (e) sell, exchange or lease or otherwise dispose of any property acquired by, or granted to the Authority. 9. Schedule 1 5 Schedule 1 applies to the Authority. 10. Delegation (1) The Authority may, by instrument under its official seal, delegate any function or power of the Authority under this Act, other than this power of 10 delegation, to-- (a) a director of the Authority; (b) the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority; (c) an employee or class of employees of the Authority; or 15 (d) with the written consent of the Minister, any other person or body. (2) The consent of the Minister under this section may be specific or general. 11. Borrowing and investment by Authority 20 The Authority has the powers conferred on it by the Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987. 12. Duties of directors (1) A director of the Authority must at all times act 25 honestly in the performance of the functions of his or her office. (2) A director of the Authority must at all times exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence in the performance of his or her functions. 30 (3) A director, or former director, of the Authority must not make improper use of information acquired by virtue of his or her position as a 5 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 13 Act No. director to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for himself or herself or for any other person or to cause detriment to the Authority. (4) A director of the Authority must not make 5 improper use of his or her position as a director to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for himself or herself or for any other person or to cause detriment to the Authority. (5) This section has effect in addition to, and not in 10 derogation of, any Act or law relating to the criminal or civil liability of a member of the governing body of a corporation and does not prevent the institution of any criminal or civil proceedings in respect of such a liability. 15 13. Minister or Authority may bring proceedings If a person contravenes section 12 in relation to the Authority, the Authority or the Minister, in the name of the Authority, may recover from the person as a debt due to the Authority by action in 20 a court of competent jurisdiction either or both of the following-- (a) if that person, or any other person, made a profit as a result of the contravention, an amount equal to that profit; 25 (b) if the Authority has suffered loss or damage as a result of the contravention, an amount equal to that loss or damage. _______________ 6 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 14 Act No. PART 3--CORPORATE PLAN AND REPORTS 14. Corporate plan (1) The board of the Authority must prepare a corporate plan for each financial year. 5 (2) The board must give a copy of the proposed plan to the Minister on or before a date nominated by the Minister in each year. (3) The proposed corporate plan must be in or to the effect of a form approved by the Minister and 10 must include-- (a) a statement of corporate intent in accordance with section 15; (b) a business plan containing such information as the Minister requires; 15 (c) financial statements containing such information as the Minister requires. (4) The board must consider any comments on the proposed plan that are made to it by the Minister within 2 months after the plan was submitted to 20 the Minister. (5) The board must consult in good faith with the Minister following communication to it of the comments, must make such changes to the plan as are agreed between the Minister and the board and 25 must deliver the completed plan to the Minister on or before 31 March in each year. (6) The plan, or any part of the plan, must not be published or made available except for the purposes of this Part without the prior approval of 30 the board and the Minister. (7) The plan may be modified at any time by the board with the agreement of the Minister. 7 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 15 Act No. (8) If the board, by written notice to the Minister, proposes a modification of the plan, the board may, within 28 days, make the modification unless the Minister, by written notice to the board, 5 directs the board not to make it. (9) The Minister may, from time to time, by written notice to the board, direct the board to include in, or omit from, a statement of corporate intent, a business plan or a financial statement of a 10 specified kind, any specified matters. (10) Before giving a direction under this section, the Minister must consult with the board as to the matters to be referred to in the notice. (11) The board must comply with a direction under this 15 section. (12) At any particular time, the statement of corporate intent, the business plan or the financial statements for the Authority are the statements and plan last completed, with any modifications or 20 deletions made in accordance with this Part. 15. Statement of corporate intent: contents Each statement of corporate intent must specify for the Authority, in respect of the financial year to which it relates and each of the 2 following 25 financial years, the following information-- (a) the business goals of the Authority; (b) the main undertakings of the Authority; (c) the nature and scope of the activities to be undertaken by the Authority; 30 (d) measures by which the performance of the Authority may be judged in relation to its stated objectives; 8 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 16 Act No. (e) the kind of information to be provided to the Minister by the Authority during the course of those financial years; (f) such other matters as may be agreed on by 5 the Minister and the board of the Authority from time to time. 16. Corporate plan to be followed The Authority must act only in accordance with its corporate plan, as existing from time to time, 10 unless it has first obtained the written approval of the Minister to do otherwise. 17. Nothing void merely because of non-compliance Nothing done by the Authority is void or unenforceable merely because the Authority has 15 failed to comply with section 14, 15 or 16. 18. Board to give notice of significant events If the board of the Authority forms the opinion that matters have arisen-- (a) that may prevent, or significantly affect, 20 achievement of the objectives of the Authority under the corporate plan; or (b) that may prevent, or significantly affect achievement of the targets under the plan-- the board must immediately notify the Minister of 25 its opinion and the reasons for the opinion. 19. Annual report The Authority, in its annual report for a financial year under Part 7 of the Financial Management Act 1994, must include-- 30 (a) a copy of any Order made by the Governor in Council under section 9I of the Corrections Act 1986; and 9 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 20 Act No. (b) a copy of any written direction of the Minister under section 9J of the Corrections Act 1986 during that year together with a statement of its response to the direction. 5 20. Review by Secretary The Secretary to the Department of Justice must cause a review to be made of the performance and operations of the Authority and must provide his or her report and recommendations arising from 10 that review to the Minister on or before 30 June 2001. _______________ 10 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 21 Act No. PART 4--TRANSITIONAL 21. Determination of staff to be transferred The Minister administering the Corrections Act 1986 must designate in writing the persons who 5 are officers and employees appointed or employed under the Public Sector Management Act 1992 for the purposes of the Corrections Act 1986, who are to become employees of the Authority by virtue of section 22. 10 22. Transfer of staff (1) On and from the commencement of this section, a person designated under section 21-- (a) is deemed to have been employed by the Authority under clause 7(1) of Schedule 1; 15 and (b) is entitled to be employed on terms and conditions determined in accordance with clause 7(2) of Schedule 1 that are no less favourable than those on which he or she 20 was appointed or employed immediately before that commencement; and (c) retains any entitlement to long service leave, annual leave, sick leave or maternity leave accrued or accruing to that person 25 immediately before that commencement; and (d) ceases to be an officer or employee appointed or employed under the Public Sector Management Act 1992. (2) The service of a transferred employee as an 30 employee with the Authority is to be regarded for all purposes as having been continuous with that transferred employee's service as an officer or 11 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 23 Act No. employee under the Public Sector Management Act 1992. (3) If a transferred employee was, immediately before the commencement of this section, an officer 5 within the meaning of the State Superannuation Act 1988, or a corresponding previous enactment, he or she continues, subject to that Act, to be an officer within the meaning of that Act while being employed by the Authority. 10 23. Future terms and conditions of transferred employees Nothing in section 22 prevents-- (a) any of the terms and conditions of employment of a transferred employee from being altered by or under any law, award or 15 agreement with effect from any time after the commencement of that section; or (b) a transferred employee from resigning, or the termination of a transferred employee's employment, at any time after that 20 commencement in accordance with the then existing terms and conditions of the transferred employee's employment by the Authority. 24. Transitional provision--Functions and powers of 25 Governors, prison officers, etc. (1) If a transferred employee was, immediately before the commencement of section 22, appointed or employed as a Governor, a prison officer, a Regional Manager or a community corrections 30 officer (as the case may be), the transferred employee is deemed to be authorised under section 9M of the Corrections Act 1986 to exercise all of the functions and powers of a Governor, a prison officer, a Regional Manager or 35 a community corrections officer (as the case may 12 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 25 Act No. be), under the Corrections Act 1986 or the regulations made under that Act, or any other Act, or the regulations made under any other Act. (2) The Secretary, in accordance with section 9M(6) 5 or (7) of the Corrections Act 1986, may revoke any authority deemed to be given to a transferred employee under sub-section (1). 25. Exemption from police inquiry and report Despite anything to the contrary in section 9N(1) 10 of the Corrections Act 1986, the Secretary is not required to make a request under that section in respect of a transferred employee. _______________ 13 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 26 Act No. PART 5--AMENDMENT OF CORRECTIONS ACT 1986 26. Principal Act No. 117/1986. In this Part, the Corrections Act 1986 is called Reprint No. 3 the Principal Act. as at 1 June 1997. Further amended by No. 65/1997. 5 27. Definitions In section 3 of the Principal Act-- (a) the definitions of "community corrections officer", "Governor", "medical officer", "prison officer" and "Regional Manager" are 10 repealed; (b) for the definition of "principal medical officer" substitute-- ' "principal medical officer" means a registered medical practitioner 15 authorised by the Secretary under section 12 to act as a principal medical officer;'; (c) after the definition of "prison industry site" insert-- 20 ' "registered medical practitioner" means a registered medical practitioner within the meaning of the Medical Practice Act 1994;'. 28. Interpretation 25 At the end of section 3 of the Principal Act insert-- "(2) A reference in a provision of this Act or the regulations, or in any other Act or the regulations under that Act to-- 14 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 29 Act No. (a) a Governor; or (b) a prison officer; or (c) a Regional Manager; or (d) a community corrections officer-- 5 under this Act is deemed to be a reference to a person authorised under section 9A or 9M to exercise all or any of the functions or powers of a Governor, a prison officer, a Regional Manager or a community 10 corrections officer (as the case requires) under that provision.". 29. Delegation In section 8(1) of the Principal Act, after paragraph (b) insert-- 15 "; or (c) under an Order under Part 2B--". 30. Repeal of section 9C Section 9C of the Principal Act is repealed. 31. New Part inserted 20 After Part 2A of the Principal Act insert-- 'PART 2B--ROLE OF PUBLIC CORRECTIONAL SERVICES AUTHORITY 9H. Definitions In this Part-- 25 "Authority" means the Public Correctional Services Authority established under Part 2 of the Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998; 15 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 31 Act No. "correctional services" does not include any correctional services provided under an agreement under section 8B or 9 of this Act. 5 9I. Orders conferring functions (1) The Governor in Council may by Order published in the Government Gazette-- (a) require the Authority to provide specified correctional services; and 10 (b) specify any conditions that are to apply to the provision of those correctional services. (2) An Order under sub-section (1) may contain any provision leaving any matter to be 15 determined, approved or dispensed with by the Secretary or the Commissioner. (3) An Order under sub-section (1) may require the Authority to report to the Secretary on its operations under the Order at the times and 20 in the manner specified in the Order or the times and in the manner determined by the Secretary. (4) The Governor in Council may at any time amend or revoke any Order made under this 25 section. 9J. Directions of Minister (1) The Minister may, from time to time, give the Authority written directions in relation to the performance of the functions or the 30 exercise of the powers of the Authority under this Act or the regulations, or under any other Act or the regulations under that Act. 16 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 31 Act No. (2) The Authority must comply with any direction given under sub-section (1). 9K. Functions of Authority In addition to any of its other functions, the 5 Authority has the functions conferred on it by Order under this Part. 9L. Authority as administrator Nothing in this Part prevents the appointment of the Authority as an 10 administrator under section 8F. 9M. Authorisation of Authority staff (1) The Secretary may, by instrument, authorise the Authority or a person employed by the Authority to exercise all or any of the 15 functions or powers under this Act or the regulations or under any other Act or the regulations under that Act of-- (a) the Secretary; or (b) an officer within the meaning of Part 5; 20 or (c) an officer within the meaning of Part 9. (2) An authority may be given subject to any conditions or limitations that are stated in it. (3) The Authority or a person employed by it is 25 incapable of exercising any function or power referred to in sub-section (1) except in accordance with an authority given under that sub-section. (4) The Secretary may refuse to give an 30 authority to any person if he or she considers that it is in the public interest not to give it. (5) Without limiting sub-section (4), the Secretary may refuse to give an authority-- 17 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 31 Act No. (a) to any person who has not undertaken a relevant course of training or instruction accredited by the Secretary for the purposes of this Part; or 5 (b) to any person whom the Secretary considers not to be a fit and proper person to be so authorised for any reason including criminal record, character or educational standard. 10 (6) After giving the person a reasonable opportunity to be heard, the Secretary may at any time revoke an authority given by him or her to that person if he or she considers that it is in the public interest to do so. 15 (7) Without limiting sub-section (6), the Secretary may revoke an authority given by him or her if-- (a) in the opinion of the Secretary it ought not to have been given having regard to 20 sub-sections (4) and (5); or (b) the person has failed to comply with any provision of this Act or the regulations or with any direction given to him or her under this Act or the 25 regulations. 9N. Police inquiry and report (1) Before the Secretary authorises under section 9M(1) a person employed by the Authority to exercise any functions or powers, the 30 Secretary must request the Chief Commissioner of Police to inquire into and report to him or her on the character, honesty and integrity of that person. (2) The Chief Commissioner of Police must 35 cause appropriate enquiries to be made in 18 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 31 Act No. response to a request made under sub-section (1) and report the results of those enquiries to the Secretary. 9O. Appointment of monitors 5 (1) Subject to the Public Sector Management Act 1992, there may be appointed such monitors as are necessary for the purposes of this Part. (2) Monitors appointed for the purposes of this 10 Part are responsible to the Secretary for assessment and review of the provision of correctional services by the Authority under this Part and have any other functions that may be prescribed or specified by the 15 Secretary. (3) A monitor referred to in sub-section (2) must make an annual report in writing to the Secretary on his or her operations. That report is to form part of the Department's 20 annual report under the Financial Management Act 1994. (4) The Authority must give a monitor free and unfettered access at all times-- (a) to all premises, places or vehicles under 25 the management or control of the Authority in accordance with an Order made under this Part and to all persons detained or employed there; and (b) to all documents in the possession of 30 the Authority as a provider of services under this Act. 9P. Minimum standards (1) The Secretary must cause a written statement to be prepared setting out minimum 35 standards in relation to the provision of 19 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 32 Act No. correctional services by the Authority under an Order made under section 9I. (2) The Secretary may from time to time amend the statement prepared by him or her. 5 (3) The Authority must comply with any standards applying to it under this section.'. 32. Section 12 substituted For section 12 of the Principal Act substitute-- "12. Principal medical officers 10 The Secretary may, by instrument, authorise a registered medical practitioner, nominated by the Secretary to the Department of Human Services, to act as a principal medical officer for the purposes of this Act.". 15 33. Repeal of section 16 Section 16 of the Principal Act is repealed. 34. Photographing and fingerprinting In section 28 of the Principal Act, for "an officer" (wherever occurring) substitute "a prison 20 officer". 35. Secrecy (1) In section 30(1) of the Principal Act, in the definition of "confidential information", for paragraph (g) substitute-- 25 "(g) information concerning the investigation of a breach or possible breach of the law by-- (i) a prisoner; or (ii) an officer within the meaning of Part 5; or 30 (iii) a person authorised under section 9A or 9M to exercise functions or powers; or". 20 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 36 Act No. (2) In section 30(1) of the Principal Act, in the definition of "position"-- (a) in paragraph (c), omit "or a medical officer"; (b) in paragraph (d), after "9A" insert "or 9M". 5 36. Search In section 45(1) of the Principal Act, for paragraph (b) substitute-- "(b) search and examine-- (i) a prisoner; or 10 (ii) a visitor to the prison (except a judge of the Supreme Court or County Court, or a magistrate); or (iii) an officer within the meaning of Part 5; or 15 (iv) a person authorised under section 9A or 9M to exercise functions or powers; or (v) any other person in the prison; or". 37. Prisoners rights In section 47(1)(g) of the Principal Act, for "the 20 medical officer" substitute "a registered medical practitioner". 38. Prison offences (1) In section 50(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) after "an officer" insert "within the meaning 25 of Part 5"; (b) for "the officer" substitute ", he or she". (2) In section 50(2) of the Principal Act, for "officer's" substitute "disciplinary officer's". 21 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 39 Act No. 39. Transfer by Secretary In section 56(3) of the Principal Act-- (a) for "other officer" substitute "any other person"; 5 (b) for "person" substitute "prisoner". 40. New section inserted After section 62 of the Principal Act insert-- "62A. Appointment of the Secretary to the Adult Parole Board 10 (1) Subject to the Public Sector Management Act 1992 there may be appointed a Secretary to the Adult Parole Board. (2) Any person who, immediately before the commencement of section 40 of the Public 15 Correctional Services Authority Act 1998, held the position of Secretary to the Adult Parole Board continues subject to the Public Sector Management Act 1992 to hold that position for the purposes of this Act.". 20 41. Section 70 substituted For section 70 of the Principal Act substitute-- "70. Assistance to the Board The Secretary must provide such assistance as is required by the Board for-- 25 (a) the supervision of persons released on parole; and (b) the performance of the Board's other functions.". 22 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 42 Act No. 42. Reports In section 72(7) of the Principal Act, for "an officer in the Office of Corrections" substitute "the Secretary or a Governor of a prison". 5 _______________ 23 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 s. 43 Act No. PART 6--MISCELLANEOUS 43. Amendment of Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 In Schedule 1 to the Borrowing and Investment 5 Powers Act 1987, after item 16 insert-- "17 Public 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 20, and Correctional 21". Services Authority __________________ 24 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 Sch. 1 Act No. SCHEDULE 1 PROVISIONS APPLYING TO AUTHORITY 1. Board of directors (1) There shall be a board of directors of the Authority 5 consisting of a not less than 5, and not more than 7 directors appointed in accordance with this Schedule. (2) The board of directors of the Authority-- (a) is responsible for the management of the affairs of the Authority; and 10 (b) may exercise the powers of the Authority. 2. Constitution of board The board of the Authority shall consist of-- (a) a chairperson; (b) a deputy chairperson; 15 (c) subject to clause 1, such number of other directors as are appointed by the Governor in Council in accordance with this Schedule. 3. Appointment of directors (1) The chairperson, deputy chairperson and other directors of 20 the Authority shall be appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister. (2) The persons recommended for appointment must be persons with appropriate commercial, managerial or correctional services expertise. 25 (3) The Public Sector Management Act 1992 does not apply to a director of the Authority in respect of the office of director. 4. Terms and conditions of appointment (1) A director of the Authority shall be appointed for such term, 30 not exceeding 3 years, as is specified in the instrument of appointment, but is eligible for re-appointment. (2) A director of the Authority holds office, subject to this Act, on such terms and conditions (including remuneration) as are determined by the Minister. 25 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 Sch. 1 Act No. 5. Acting appointments (1) When-- (a) the office of chairperson of the board of the Authority is vacant; or 5 (b) the chairperson of the board of the Authority is absent from Victoria or is, for any reason, unable to attend meetings of the board or otherwise unable to perform the duties of the office-- the deputy chairperson of the board must act as chairperson. 10 (2) While the deputy chairperson of the board of the Authority is acting as chairperson, the deputy chairperson has and may exercise all the powers, and must perform all the duties of the chairperson. (3) The Minister may appoint a director of the Authority to act 15 as deputy chairperson of the board of the Authority-- (a) during a vacancy in the office of deputy chairperson; or (b) during any period, or during all periods, when the deputy chairperson is acting as chairperson or is 20 unable, for any reason, to attend meetings of the board. (4) The Governor in Council may appoint a person to act as a director (other than the chairperson or deputy chairperson) of the Authority-- 25 (a) during a vacancy in the office of such a director; or (b) during any period, or during all periods, when such a director is acting as deputy chairperson or is unable, for any reason, to attend meetings of the board. 6. Chief executive officer 30 (1) The Authority, with the approval of the Minister, may appoint a person as the chief executive officer of the Authority. (2) The chief executive officer of the Authority holds office on a full-time basis and on such terms and conditions as are 35 determined by the Authority, with the approval of the Minister, and specified in the instrument of appointment. 26 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 Sch. 1 Act No. (3) The Authority, with the approval of the Minister, may remove the chief executive officer of the Authority from office. (4) Subject to the directions of the board, the chief executive 5 officer is responsible for the day to day management and control of the affairs of the Authority. 7. Staff (1) The Authority may employ such employees as are necessary for the performance of its functions. 10 (2) The terms and conditions of employment of employees of the Authority are as determined by the Authority in accordance with any guidelines from time to time specified by the Minister. 8. Vacancies, resignations, removal from office 15 (1) The office of a director of the Authority becomes vacant if the director-- (a) without the board's approval, fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings of the board; or (b) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any 20 law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her creditors or makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit; or (c) is convicted of an indictable offence or an offence 25 which, if committed in Victoria, would be an indictable offence. (2) A director of the Authority may resign by writing delivered to the Minister. (3) The Governor in Council may remove a director, or all 30 directors, of the Authority from office. (4) If a director of the Authority-- (a) is convicted of an offence relating to his or her duties as a director; or (b) fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with 35 clause 12-- the director must be removed from office by the Governor in Council. 9. Validity of decisions 27 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 Act No. (1) An act or decision of the board of the Authority is not invalid merely because of-- (a) a defect or irregularity in, or in connection with, the appointment of a director of the Authority; or 5 (b) a vacancy in the membership of the board, including a vacancy arising from the failure to appoint an original director. (2) Anything done by or in relation to a person purporting to act as chairperson, deputy chairperson or as a director is not 10 invalid merely because-- (a) the occasion for the appointment had not arisen; or (b) there was a defect or irregularity in relation to the appointment; or (c) the appointment had ceased to have effect; or 15 (d) the occasion for the person to act had not arisen or had ceased. 10. Proceedings of board (1) Subject to sub-clauses (2) and (3), meetings of the board of the Authority shall be held at such times and places as the 20 chairperson determines. (2) The board must meet at least 9 times in each calendar year. (3) The chairperson of the Authority may at any time convene a meeting but must do so when requested by a director of the Authority. 25 (4) If a meeting is requested by a director, the chairperson of the Authority must cause written notice of the meeting, setting out the purpose of the meeting, to be sent at least 5 business days prior to the date of the meeting, to all directors. 30 (5) The chairperson, or in the absence of the chairperson, the deputy chairperson must preside at a meeting of the Authority at which he or she is present. (6) If neither the chairperson nor the deputy chairperson is present at a meeting, the members present may elect one of 35 their number to preside at the meeting. (7) A majority of the directors for the time being of the Authority constitute a quorum of the board of the Authority. 28 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 Sch. 1 Act No. (8) A question arising at a meeting of the board of the Authority shall be determined by a majority of votes of directors of the Authority present and voting on that question and, if voting is equal, the person presiding has a casting, as well as a 5 deliberative, vote. (9) The board of the Authority must ensure that minutes are kept of each of its meetings. (10) Subject to this Act, the board of the Authority may regulate its own proceedings. 10 11. Resolutions without meetings (1) If-- (a) the Authority has taken reasonable steps to give notice to each director setting out the terms of a proposed resolution; and 15 (b) a majority of directors for the time being of the board sign a document containing a statement that they are in favour of the resolution in the terms set out in the document-- a resolution in those terms is deemed to have been passed at 20 a meeting of the board held on the day on which the document is signed or, if the directors referred to in paragraph (b) do not sign it on the same day, on the day on which the last of those directors signs the document. (2) For the purposes of sub-clause (1), 2 or more separate 25 documents containing a statement in identical terms, each of which is signed by one or more directors, are deemed to constitute one document. (3) If a resolution is deemed by this clause to have been passed at a meeting of the board, each member must as soon as 30 practicable be advised of the matter and be given a copy of the resolution. (4) The majority of directors referred to in sub-clause (1)(b) must not include a director who, because of clause 12, is not entitled to vote on the resolution. 35 12. Disclosure of interests (1) If-- (a) a director of the Authority has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being considered, or 29 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 Act No. about to be considered, by the board of the Authority; and (b) the interest could conflict with the proper performance of the director's duties in relation to the 5 consideration of the matter-- the director, as soon as practicable after the relevant facts come to the director's knowledge, must disclose the nature of the interest at a meeting of the board. (2) A disclosure under sub-clause (1) must be recorded in the 10 minutes of the meeting and, unless the Minister or the board otherwise determines, the director-- (a) must not be present during any deliberation of the board in relation to the matter; and (b) must not take part in any decision of the board in 15 relation to the matter. (3) For the purpose of the making of a determination by the board of the Authority under sub-clause (2) in relation to a director who has made a disclosure under sub-clause (1), a director who has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the 20 matter to which the disclosure relates-- (a) must not be present during any deliberation of the board for the purpose of making the determination; and (b) must not take part in the making by the board of the 25 determination. 13. Committees (1) The board may-- (a) establish any committees it considers necessary and define the constitution and functions of each 30 committee so established; (b) determine the procedure of each committee; (c) change the constitution or functions of a committee; (d) dissolve a committee. (2) A person may be a member of a committee established by 35 the board even though he or she is not a member of the board. 30 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 Sch. 1 Act No. (3) A member of a committee established by the board is entitled to receive any fees or travelling or other expenses determined by the board. 5 31 532055B.I1-21/4/98



Public Correctional Services Authority Act 1998 Notes Act No. NOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 32 532055B.I1-21/4/98




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