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West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Bill 2019

      West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic
               Management) Act 2019
                           No.           of 2019

                     TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                               Page

Part 1--Preliminary                                                     1
 1       Purposes                                                       1
 2       Commencement                                                   2
 3       Definitions                                                    3
 4       Objects of Act                                                12
 5       Relationship with the power of the Crown to make an
         agreement or enter into a contract                            12
 6       Declaration this Act is transport legislation                 13
 7       Functions and powers of the Secretary                         13
 8       West Gate Tunnel Corporation                                  14
 9       West Gate Tunnel operator                                     15
 10      Power of delegation                                           16
 11      Act binds the Crown                                           16
Part 2--The West Gate Tunnel Agreement                                  17
Division 1--West Gate Tunnel Agreement                                  17
 12      Tabling in Parliament                                         17
 13      Amendment of West Gate Tunnel Agreement                       17
 14      Modification of West Gate Tunnel Agreement                    18
 15      Revocation                                                    19
 16      Effect of revocation of amending agreement                    19
Division 2--Giving effect to the West Gate Tunnel Agreement             20
 17      Act to prevail over West Gate Tunnel Agreement                20
 18      Enforcement of West Gate Tunnel Agreement                     20
Part 3--Tolls                                                           22
Division 1--Preliminary                                                 22
 19      Declaration of relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation          22
 20      Authorised persons                                            22
Division 2--Fixing, charging and administration of tolls                22
 21      Relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may fix, charge and
         collect tolls                                                 22




Clause Page 22 Fixing of tolls and toll administration fees 22 Division 3--Charge and collection of tolls 24 23 Commencement of tolling 24 24 Liability to pay toll and toll administration fees 24 25 Toll administration fee not payable for certain vehicles 25 26 Operator not liable if effective statement made 25 27 Cancellation of authorised person's acceptance of statement as effective 27 28 Offence to provide false or misleading information 28 29 Charging of tolls 28 30 Tolling device is not surveillance device 28 31 Minimum debt recovery requirements 29 Division 4--Tolling offences and registration of vehicles 29 32 Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone 29 33 Registration of vehicles 32 34 Ongoing registration agreements 32 35 Temporary registration 33 36 Information to be given in relation to ongoing registration or temporary registration 34 37 Cancellation or suspension of registration 35 38 Offence to tamper with tolling devices 37 39 Offence to fraudulently induce registration 37 Division 5--Tolling enforcement 37 40 Payment of prescribed administrative amount 37 41 Relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation or authorised person may notify enforcement agency of non-payment of toll 38 42 Disputes in relation to payment of tolls 39 43 Enforcement officers 40 44 Identification of enforcement officers 40 45 Power to serve an infringement notice 41 46 Toll administration infringement notice 42 47 Infringement penalty 42 48 Additional effect of expiation 42 49 Effect of conviction for non-payment of penalty 43 50 Application of Infringements Act 2006, Fines Reform Act 2014 and Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 procedure 43 51 Operator onus offence 44 52 Extension of time if no actual notice for offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone 44 53 Granting extension of time 45 54 The Consolidated Fund 50 ii



Clause Page Division 6--Evidentiary provisions 51 55 Proof that vehicle driven in a toll zone 51 56 Evidentiary certificates 51 57 Evidentiary certificates relating to tolls 53 58 Evidentiary certificate issued by relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation 53 Division 7--Disclosure and keeping of records 54 59 VicRoads may disclose certain information 54 60 Relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation to keep proper records 56 61 Destruction of records 57 Division 8--Link roaming agreements 58 62 Definitions 58 63 Roaming fees 59 64 Determination of net incremental marginal cost 59 Division 9--Effect of certain provisions of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 60 65 Designation of project contractor 60 66 Declaration or revocation of declaration as a road 60 Part 4--Administration, legal proceedings and enforcement 62 Division 1--Use of statutory powers and functions for the West Gate Tunnel Project 62 67 Governor in Council may require bodies to act 62 68 Powers of certain bodies extended 62 Division 2--Emergency management 63 69 Emergency management 63 Division 3--No liability for obstruction of rivers 63 70 No liability for obstruction of rivers 63 Division 4--Service of documents 64 71 Service of documents 64 Division 5--Proceedings for offences 64 72 Proceedings for offences under Part 3 64 73 Extension of period for commencing prosecution for summary offences 65 Part 5--The Better Freight Outcomes Fund 66 74 Better Freight Outcomes Fund 66 iii



Clause Page 75 Payments into the Fund 66 76 Payments out of the Fund 66 Part 6--Regulations 68 77 Regulations 68 78 Repeal of transitional regulation making powers 70 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 71 Division 1--Accident Towing Services Act 2007 71 79 Definitions 71 80 Power to issue regular tow truck licences 72 81 Power to issue heavy tow truck licences 73 82 Issue of new licences and re-issue of certain limited licences 73 83 Period for which licence remains in force 74 84 Ministerial authorisation for the issue of regular tow truck licences 74 85 Ministerial authorisation for the issue of heavy tow truck licences 75 86 Transfer of tow truck licence to another person 77 87 Allocation offences in controlled areas 77 Division 2--Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 78 88 Application for registration of infringement penalty 78 89 Decision to go to Court 79 90 Statute law revision 80 Division 3--Criminal Procedure Act 2009 81 91 Definitions 81 Division 4--EastLink Project Act 2004 81 92 Definitions 81 93 Liability to pay toll charged 86 94 Operator not liable if effective tolling statement made 86 95 Charge of toll 86 96 New section 203A inserted 87 97 Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone 87 98 Section 206B substituted 88 99 Freeway Corporation may notify enforcement agency of non- payment of toll 89 100 Additional effect of expiation 90 101 Proof that vehicle driven on EastLink in a toll zone 90 102 Evidence of certificate or document from VicRoads 90 103 VicRoads may disclose certain information to Freeway Corporation 91 104 Proceedings for offences under Part 9 93 iv



Clause Page 105 Regulations 94 Division 5--Fines Reform Act 2014 95 106 Registration of infringement fine with Director 95 107 Extended period for registration 95 108 Ministers may enter into administrative services agreements 96 Division 6--Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 96 109 Road manager 96 110 Toll road authority 97 Division 7--Infringements Act 2006 97 111 Application of Division 97 112 Service of documents 97 Division 8--Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 98 113 Declaration of roads 98 Division 9--Magistrates' Court Act 1989 98 114 Certain agencies may give information for enforcement purposes 98 Division 10--Melbourne City Link Act 1995 98 115 Repeal of Division 6 of Part 2B 98 116 Definitions 98 117 Liability to pay toll and toll administration fees 104 118 Charge of toll 104 119 New section 72C inserted 105 120 Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone 105 121 Section 76 substituted 106 122 Relevant corporation or authorised person may notify enforcement agency of non-payment of toll 107 123 Proof that vehicle driven in toll zone 107 124 General evidentiary provisions 107 125 Roads Corporation may disclose certain information 108 126 New Division 6 of Part 4 inserted 110 127 Proceedings 113 128 Regulations 113 129 Statute law revision 114 Division 11--Road Management Act 2004 114 130 Definitions 114 131 Interpretation and application of Act 115 132 What is a public road? 116 133 Which road authority is the responsible road authority? 116 134 Contents of a road management plan 116 135 Interference with a road 117 v



Clause Page 136 Authorised officers 117 137 Principles concerning performance of road management functions 118 138 Right to recover for damage to road 118 139 New section 133C inserted 118 140 Section 134 substituted 119 141 New section 134AA inserted 122 142 Application of Schedule 7 in respect of the EastLink 124 143 Application of Schedule 7 in respect of the Peninsula Link Freeway 124 144 New sections 134F and 134G inserted 125 145 Schedule 1 amended 129 146 Schedule 7A amended 130 Division 12--Road Safety Act 1986 130 147 Definitions 130 148 New sections 65BA, 65BB, 65BC, 65BD and 65BE inserted 130 149 Definitions 134 150 Use of effective statement to avoid liability 134 151 Statute law revision 135 Division 13--Transport Integration Act 2010 135 152 Definitions 135 153 Delegation by Secretary 135 Division 14--Repeal of amending Part 136 154 Repeal of amending Part 136 ═════════════ Endnotes 137 1 General information 137 vi



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 [Assented to ] The Parliament of Victoria enacts: Part 1--Preliminary 1 Purposes The main purposes of this Act are-- (a) to provide for the amendment, modification and tabling of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement; and (b) to provide for the imposition, collection and enforcement of tolls in relation to the use of the West Gate Tunnel tollway; and 1



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (c) to establish the Better Freight Outcomes Fund into which the proceeds of infringement fines in respect of truck ban offences are to be paid; and (d) to amend the Road Management Act 2004 and the Road Safety Act 1986 to modify the operation of those Acts in relation to the West Gate Tunnel tollway; and (e) to amend the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 and the EastLink Project Act 2004-- (i) to further provide for the use and disclosure of registration and licensing information held by VicRoads for the purpose of recovering unpaid tolling fees; and (ii) to further provide for the imposition, collection and enforcement of tolls in relation to the use of a vehicle to which a trailer is attached in certain circumstances; and (f) to make consequential and related amendments to the Road Management Act 2004, the Road Safety Act 1986 and to make related amendments to certain other Acts. 2 Commencement (1) This Part and Part 2 of this Act come into operation on the day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. (2) Subject to subsection (3), the remaining provisions of this Act come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. 2



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (3) If a provision of this Act referred to in subsection (2) does not come into operation before 19 February 2020, it comes into operation on that day. 3 Definitions In this Act-- amending agreement means an amending agreement made under section 13; authorised person means a person authorised under section 20; business day means a day that is not-- (a) a Saturday or a Sunday; or (b) a day that is appointed as a public holiday or public half-holiday throughout the whole of Victoria under the Public Holidays Act 1993; Chief Commissioner of Police has the same meaning as Chief Commissioner has in the Victoria Police Act 2013; Children's Court registrar means a registrar within the meaning of Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005; corresponding body has the same meaning as it has in section 84BB of the Road Safety Act 1986; corresponding law has the same meaning as it has in section 84BB of the Road Safety Act 1986; Council has the same meaning as it has in the Local Government Act 1989; Department Head has the same meaning as it has in the Public Administration Act 2004; 3



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary effective, in relation to an illegal user statement, a known user statement or a sold vehicle statement, means a statement that is accepted by an authorised person under section 26 as an effective statement and that has not ceased to be an effective statement for the purposes of section 27; enforcement agency means-- (a) the Chief Commissioner of Police; or (b) a prescribed person; enforcement officer means-- (a) in the case of an infringement notice for an offence against section 60(1) or (3), a person authorised by the Minister under section 72(2); and (b) in any other case, a person authorised by an enforcement agency under section 43(1); extension of time means an extension of time granted under section 52(4); Head, Transport for Victoria has the same meaning as it has in section 3 of the Transport Integration Act 2010; illegal user statement, in relation to the use of a vehicle or trailer, means a statement in writing made by a person with respect to the vehicle or trailer to the effect that the person believes that at the relevant time the vehicle or trailer was a stolen vehicle or trailer or that the number plates displayed on the vehicle or trailer were stolen; infringement notice has the same meaning as it has in the Infringements Act 2006; 4



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary infringement penalty has the same meaning as it has in the Infringements Act 2006; known user statement, in relation to the use of a vehicle or trailer, means a statement in writing made by a person-- (a) to the effect that the person was not driving at the relevant time, or did not at that time have possession or control of, the vehicle or trailer or the vehicle to which the trailer was attached; and (b) containing sufficient information to identify and locate the person who the person making the statement last knew to have, before the relevant time, possession or control of the vehicle or trailer or the vehicle to which the trailer was attached; Magistrates' Court registrar means a registrar within the meaning of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989; minimum debt recovery requirements means the requirements specified by the Minister under section 31(1); modification means a change to the scope of, or technical standards applicable to, design and construction or operation or maintenance activities contained in the West Gate Tunnel Agreement in accordance with the terms of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement; nomination rejection statement means a statement in writing made by a person nominated in a known user statement, a sold vehicle statement or a tolling nomination statement as being the responsible person in respect of a vehicle or trailer to the effect that if nominated-- 5



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (a) in a known user statement, the person had not had possession or control of the vehicle or trailer at the relevant time, as stated in the known user statement; or (b) in a sold vehicle statement, the vehicle or trailer had not been sold or disposed of to the person, and that no interest in it had otherwise vested in the person, as stated in the sold vehicle statement; or (c) in a tolling nomination statement, that the person was not the responsible person in relation to the vehicle or trailer at the time of the tolling offence as stated in the tolling nomination statement; ongoing registration agreement means an agreement made in accordance with section 34; operator, in relation to a vehicle or trailer at the time the vehicle or trailer was driven in a toll zone, means each of the following-- (a) the registered operator of the vehicle or trailer at that time or the person recorded at that time on a register of vehicles maintained under a corresponding law as the person responsible for the vehicle or trailer; (b) if VicRoads under the regulations under the Road Safety Act 1986, or a corresponding body under a corresponding law, has received notice of transfer of registration of the vehicle or trailer, the person whose name is disclosed in the records kept by VicRoads or the corresponding body (as the case requires) as being 6



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary responsible for the vehicle or trailer at that time; (c) if the vehicle or trailer is not registered under the Road Safety Act 1986 or a corresponding law, the person whose name is disclosed in the records kept by VicRoads or the corresponding body as being responsible for the vehicle or trailer at that time; (d) if the vehicle or trailer displays a number plate-- (i) the person who, at the time at which the registration number borne by that number plate was last assigned by VicRoads or a corresponding body, was the registered operator of, or (if assigned by a corresponding body) the person recorded on a register of vehicles or trailers maintained under the corresponding law as the person responsible for, the vehicle or trailer to which that registration number was assigned, whether or not that vehicle or trailer is the same as the vehicle or trailer involved in the offence; or (ii) the person whose name is disclosed in the records kept by VicRoads or a corresponding body as being entitled, or last entitled, at that time to use or possess that number plate; (e) if the vehicle or trailer displays a general identification mark by means of a special identification plate issued 7



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary by VicRoads under the regulations under the Road Safety Act 1986 or by a corresponding body under a corresponding law, the person to whom the mark is assigned at that time; penalty reminder notice fee has the same meaning as it has in the Infringements Act 2006; police officer has the same meaning as it has in the Victoria Police Act 2013; project authority has the same meaning as it has in the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009; project contractor has the same meaning as it has in the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009; project document means any document of a class that is designated in the West Gate Tunnel Agreement as a project document; public authority means any body (including any trust) established by or under an Act for a public purpose, other than a Council; registered operator has the same meaning as it has in section 3(1) of the Road Safety Act 1986; registration means-- (a) a temporary registration; or (b) an ongoing registration; relevant agency means-- (a) the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation; or (b) the West Gate Tunnel operator; or (c) an enforcement agency; 8



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation means-- (a) for the purposes of Part 3, except sections 21 and 22, if-- (i) a person has been declared under Part 3 to be the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation, that person; or (ii) a declaration is not in force under Part 3, the West Gate Tunnel Corporation; and (b) for the purposes of a provision of this Act other than those referred to in paragraph (a), including sections 21 and 22, the West Gate Tunnel Corporation; responsible person, in relation to a vehicle or trailer, means-- (a) the operator of the vehicle or the trailer; or (b) the person nominated as the responsible person in relation to the vehicle or trailer in an effective known user statement or an effective sold vehicle statement; Secretary means the Secretary to the Department of Transport; sold vehicle statement, in relation to the use of a vehicle or trailer, means a statement in writing made by a person-- (a) to the effect that-- (i) the person had sold or otherwise disposed of the vehicle or trailer before the relevant time or that any interest in the vehicle or 9



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary trailer had otherwise ceased to be vested in the person before that time; and (ii) the person was not at that time driving, or had not at that time possession or control of, the vehicle or trailer; and (b) containing sufficient information to identify and locate the person to whom the vehicle or trailer was sold or disposed of, or in whom an interest in the vehicle or trailer was otherwise vested, and the date and, if relevant, the time of sale, disposal or vesting; special circumstances has the same meaning as it has in the Infringements Act 2006; temporary registration means the registration of a vehicle in accordance with section 35; toll means a toll fixed under Division 2 of Part 3; toll administration fee means a fee fixed under Division 2 of Part 3; toll zone means a zone specified under Division 2 of Part 3; tolling device means any system, equipment or thing prescribed as a device for the purposes of Part 3; tolling nomination statement means a tolling nomination statement made by an authorised tolling person under Part 6AA of the Road Safety Act 1986; tollway billing arrangement means an agreement or arrangement between a person and a tollway operator (or an agent of a tollway operator) relating to the payment of tolls for the use of a vehicle on a tollway; 10



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary tollway operator means a person, other than the West Gate Tunnel Corporation, who-- (a) operates a tollway under a law of this State, or another State or of a Territory, or under an agreement between that person and the State or another State or Territory; and (b) is empowered or entitled, under that law or agreement, to levy or impose a toll or charge for the use of the tollway; trailer has the same meaning as it has in the Road Safety Act 1986; trip means the driving of a vehicle on the West Gate Tunnel tollway in one toll zone or more than one toll zone and uninterrupted by exit from the road on which the zone is or zones are and subsequent re-entry to that road; vehicle has the same meaning as motor vehicle has in the Road Safety Act 1986; VicRoads means the Roads Corporation continued under section 80 of the Transport Integration Act 2010; West Gate Tunnel Agreement means the agreement for the West Gate Tunnel Project entered into by the Minister on 11 December 2017 and the Schedules and exhibits to that agreement as in force immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act, and includes that agreement and the Schedules and exhibits to that agreement as amended from time to time; West Gate Tunnel Corporation means the person for the time being declared to be the West Gate Tunnel Corporation under section 8; 11



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary West Gate Tunnel operator means the person for the time being declared to be the West Gate Tunnel operator under section 9; West Gate Tunnel Project means the project declared as the Western Distributor Project under section 10 of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 on 5 September 2016 and published in the Government Gazette on 15 September 2016; West Gate Tunnel Project area means the area of land designated as the project area by Order under section 95 of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 on 8 December 2017 and published in the Government Gazette on that date and as varied from time to time under section 96 of that Act; West Gate Tunnel tollway means the land in the West Gate Tunnel Project area that is declared to be a freeway under section 193 of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009. 4 Objects of Act The objects of this Act are to authorise and facilitate-- (a) the operation and management of the West Gate Tunnel tollway; and (b) the tolling of the use of vehicles on the West Gate Tunnel tollway by the West Gate Tunnel Corporation. 5 Relationship with the power of the Crown to make an agreement or enter into a contract Nothing in this Act limits or otherwise affects any power of the Crown to make an agreement or enter into a contract apart from this Act. 12



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary 6 Declaration this Act is transport legislation This Act is transport legislation within the meaning of the Transport Integration Act 2010. 7 Functions and powers of the Secretary (1) Subject to subsection (4), the Secretary has the following functions-- (a) on behalf of the Crown, to administer and manage contractual arrangements between the Crown and the West Gate Tunnel Corporation; (b) to make recommendations regarding those contractual arrangements to the Minister; (c) to manage the responsibilities of the Crown in relation to the operation of the West Gate Tunnel tollway; (d) to make recommendations to the Minister on public safety issues relating to the West Gate Tunnel tollway; (e) to manage, on behalf of the Crown, regulatory issues arising from the operation of the West Gate Tunnel tollway; (f) to undertake any other functions conferred on the Secretary in relation to the West Gate Tunnel tollway under this or any other Act. (2) The Secretary must comply with any directions of the Minister, including any direction relating to the provision of information or reports concerning the exercise of the Secretary's powers and the performance of the Secretary's functions. (3) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, declare that the Secretary is authorised to carry out a function under subsection (1). 13



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (4) The Secretary must not carry out a function under subsection (1) unless the Secretary has been authorised to do so in accordance with subsection (3). (5) The Secretary has all the powers that are necessary or convenient to perform the Secretary's functions under this section. 8 West Gate Tunnel Corporation (1) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, declare any person to be the West Gate Tunnel Corporation. (2) If the person who is, for the time being, the West Gate Tunnel Corporation agrees to the declaration of another person as the West Gate Tunnel Corporation in its place, the Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette declare that other person to be the West Gate Tunnel Corporation. (3) If the West Gate Tunnel Agreement is terminated or expires, the Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette-- (a) declare that the person who, immediately before the termination or expiry, was the West Gate Tunnel Corporation has ceased to be the West Gate Tunnel Corporation; and (b) declare a person specified in the Order to be the West Gate Tunnel Corporation. (4) An Order under this section takes effect on the day that it is published in the Government Gazette, or if a later day is specified in the Order, on that later day. 14



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (5) The person who is, for the time being, the West Gate Tunnel Corporation is not a public authority within the meaning of any Act or enactment by reason only that it is the West Gate Tunnel Corporation. 9 West Gate Tunnel operator (1) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, declare any person to be the West Gate Tunnel operator. (2) If the person who is, for the time being, the West Gate Tunnel operator agrees to the declaration of another person as the West Gate Tunnel operator, the Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, declare that other person to be the West Gate Tunnel operator for the purposes of this Act. (3) If the West Gate Tunnel Agreement is terminated or expires, the Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette-- (a) declare that the person who, immediately before the termination or expiry, was the West Gate Tunnel operator has ceased to be the West Gate Tunnel operator; and (b) declare a person specified in the Order to be the West Gate Tunnel operator for the purposes of this Act. (4) An Order under this section takes effect on the day that it is published in the Government Gazette, or if a later day is specified in the Order, on that later day. (5) The person who is, for the time being, the West Gate Tunnel operator is not a public authority within the meaning of any Act or enactment by reason only that it is the West Gate Tunnel operator. 15



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 1--Preliminary 10 Power of delegation (1) The West Gate Tunnel Corporation may by instrument delegate to the West Gate Tunnel operator all or any of the following-- (a) any of its functions or powers under Part 3 (except the power to fix or impose a toll or toll administration fee under section 21 or 22) or the regulations made under this Act in respect of tolling; (b) any of its functions or powers under the Road Management Act 2004 or regulations under that Act; (c) any of its functions or powers under the Road Safety Act 1986 or regulations under that Act; (d) any of its functions or powers under the Accident Towing Services Act 2007 or regulations under that Act; (e) any of its functions or powers under the regulations made under section 56 of the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983. (2) If the West Gate Tunnel Corporation delegates any function or power under this section, the West Gate Tunnel Corporation must publish a notice of that delegation in the Government Gazette. 11 Act binds the Crown This Act binds the Crown in right of Victoria and, so far as the legislative power of the Parliament permits, the Crown in all its other capacities. 16



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 2--The West Gate Tunnel Agreement Part 2--The West Gate Tunnel Agreement Division 1--West Gate Tunnel Agreement 12 Tabling in Parliament (1) The Minister must cause a copy of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement to be laid before each House of the Parliament. (2) The Minister must cause a copy of each amending agreement to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 6 sitting days of that House following the publication of the notice of making of the amending agreement. 13 Amendment of West Gate Tunnel Agreement (1) The parties to the West Gate Tunnel Agreement may, from time to time, by agreement in writing and with the consent of the Minister, amend all or any of the provisions of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement that affect those persons. (2) The Minister must cause to be published in the Government Gazette a notice of the making of an agreement under subsection (1). (3) The notice must-- (a) state that an agreement has been made; and (b) specify an address of a Government Internet site at which the agreement is published. (4) The Minister or a public entity designated by the Minister must cause an agreement that is the subject of a notice under subsection (2) to be published on the Government Internet site specified in the notice. 17



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 2--The West Gate Tunnel Agreement (5) An amendment under subsection (1) comes into operation-- (a) on the day the notice under subsection (2) is published in the Government Gazette; or (b) if a later day is specified in the agreement, on that later day. (6) In this section-- amend includes-- (a) a variation; or (b) an addition; or (c) a substitution; or (d) a cancellation; or (e) a revocation-- but does not include a modification. 14 Modification of West Gate Tunnel Agreement (1) The State may direct that changes be made to all or any of the provisions of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement that are necessary to make a modification. (2) The Minister must cause to be published in the Government Gazette a notice of a modification being made in accordance with subsection (1). (3) The notice must-- (a) state that a modification has been made; and (b) specify an address of a Government Internet site on which the modification is published. (4) The Minister or a public entity designated by the Minister must cause a modification that is the subject of a notice under subsection (2) to be published on the Government Internet site specified in the notice. 18



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 2--The West Gate Tunnel Agreement (5) A modification under subsection (1) comes into operation-- (a) when the notice under subsection (2) is published in the Government Gazette; or (b) if a later day is specified in the direction of a modification, on that later day. 15 Revocation (1) An amending agreement made after the commencement of this section may be revoked wholly or in part by a resolution of both Houses of the Parliament being passed within 6 sitting days of a copy of the amending agreement being laid before each House of the Parliament. (2) If an amending agreement is not laid before a House of the Parliament within the period required by section 12(2), the amending agreement is taken to be revoked on the day immediately following the end of that period. (3) The Minister must cause to be published in the Government Gazette a notice of the revocation of the amending agreement. 16 Effect of revocation of amending agreement If an amending agreement is revoked under section 15-- (a) a provision of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement that had been cancelled or revoked by the amending agreement, or by the part of the amending agreement that is revoked, is revived as from the beginning of the day on which the amending agreement or part was revoked; and 19



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 2--The West Gate Tunnel Agreement (b) a provision of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement that had been amended (otherwise than by cancellation or revocation) by the amending agreement, or by the part of the amending agreement that is revoked, takes effect without that amendment as from the beginning of the day on which the amending agreement, or part, was revoked as if the amendment had not been made. Division 2--Giving effect to the West Gate Tunnel Agreement 17 Act to prevail over West Gate Tunnel Agreement If a provision of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement is inconsistent with a provision of this Act, the provision of this Act prevails. 18 Enforcement of West Gate Tunnel Agreement (1) The West Gate Tunnel Agreement may be enforced only by or on behalf of the State or another party to the West Gate Tunnel Agreement or a successor or assignee of another party to the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. (2) Neither the State nor a public authority is liable for the acts or omissions of-- (a) any other party to the West Gate Tunnel Agreement; or (b) a licensee for the West Gate Tunnel Project within the meaning of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009; or (c) a lessee in relation to the West Gate Tunnel Project within the meaning of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009; or 20



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 2--The West Gate Tunnel Agreement (d) any employee or contractor of that other party, licensee or lessee. 21



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls Part 3--Tolls Division 1--Preliminary 19 Declaration of relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation (1) The West Gate Tunnel Corporation and the Minister, by notice published in the Government Gazette, may jointly declare that another person is the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation for the purposes of this Part other than Division 2. (2) A notice under subsection (1) takes effect one month after the day on which it is published in the Government Gazette or, if a later day is specified in the notice, on that later day. 20 Authorised persons The relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may, in writing, authorise a person to carry out functions under this Part. Division 2--Fixing, charging and administration of tolls 21 Relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may fix, charge and collect tolls The relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may fix, charge and collect tolls for the use of a vehicle in a toll zone and toll administration fees if it is done in accordance with this Act and the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. 22 Fixing of tolls and toll administration fees (1) The relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation in accordance with this Act and the West Gate Tunnel Agreement by notice published in the Government Gazette may-- 22



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (a) specify toll zones on the West Gate Tunnel tollway; and (b) fix tolls that are payable in respect of the use of vehicles in toll zones; and (c) in the case that the West Gate Tunnel Agreement expressly provides for the fixing of toll administration fees that are payable to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation and specification of the circumstances in which the fees are payable, fix toll administration fees and specify circumstances in which the fees are payable. (2) A notice under subsection (1) may specify different tolls and toll administration fees in respect of different cases or classes of cases including different zones or groups of zones, different classes of vehicle and the use of different vehicles at different times or any combination of these. (3) A notice under subsection (1) takes effect on the day that it is published in the Government Gazette or, if a later day is specified in the notice, on that later day. (4) A day fixed under subsection (3) in relation to the West Gate Tunnel tollway or a part of the West Gate Tunnel tollway must be on or after the day fixed under section 23 for the commencement of tolling on the West Gate Tunnel tollway or that part of the West Gate Tunnel tollway. (5) In any proceedings under this Part, the production of a Government Gazette purporting to contain a notice is evidence of the valid publication of the notice and of the fixing of the toll or toll administration fee in accordance with this Act and the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. 23



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls Division 3--Charge and collection of tolls 23 Commencement of tolling (1) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, fix a day for the commencement of tolling on the West Gate Tunnel tollway or part of the West Gate Tunnel tollway. (2) A day fixed under subsection (1) must be determined in accordance with this Act and the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. 24 Liability to pay toll and toll administration fees (1) Subject to this Part, a person who is the driver of a vehicle used in a toll zone is liable to pay to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation-- (a) the toll charged by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation for that use; and (b) the relevant toll administration fee charged by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation. (2) The following persons are taken to be the driver of a vehicle used in a toll zone for the purposes of subsection (1)-- (a) the operator of the vehicle; (b) in the case of a vehicle that is attached to a trailer and the operator of the vehicle cannot be identified by a tolling device, the operator of the trailer. (3) This section does not apply in respect of the use in a toll zone of a vehicle in accordance with a tollway billing arrangement. 24



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls 25 Toll administration fee not payable for certain vehicles A toll administration fee under section 24 is not payable in respect of a vehicle that-- (a) is registered with the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation; or (b) under the regulations is exempt from the payment of tolls. 26 Operator not liable if effective statement made (1) The operator of a vehicle or a trailer is not liable to pay a toll or toll administration fee under section 24 if the operator gives an authorised person-- (a) an illegal user statement; or (b) a known user statement; or (c) a sold vehicle statement-- and the authorised person accepts the statement as an effective statement in relation to the vehicle or the trailer for the purposes of this Part. (2) A statement under subsection (1) must be given to the authorised person within 28 days of a request for payment of a toll and toll administration fee being made of the operator of the vehicle or trailer. (3) An authorised person may accept an illegal user statement as an effective statement if the authorised person is satisfied of the matters, and any reasons set out in support of those matters, stated in the statement. 25



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (4) An authorised person may accept a known user statement or a sold vehicle statement as an effective statement if it contains the following information about the person nominated in the statement as the responsible person in relation to the vehicle or trailer concerned-- (a) in the case of an individual-- (i) the individual's full name and current home address; and (ii) either of the following-- (A) the individual's date of birth; or (B) the number of the licence or permit authorising the individual to drive and if the licence or permit was issued by a corresponding body, the name of that body; (b) in the case of a person other than an individual-- (i) the person's full name and current address; and (ii) if applicable, the person's Australian Business Number or Australian Company Number; (c) the reasons for nominating an individual under paragraph (a) or a person under paragraph (b); (d) any other prescribed information. (5) An authorised person may accept a known user statement or a sold vehicle statement that does not contain the information under subsection (4) as an effective statement if the authorised person is satisfied that it contains sufficient information for the nominated person to be identified and located. 26



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (6) In any proceedings for the recovery of a toll or relevant toll administration fee, an effective statement that is a known user statement or a sold vehicle statement is evidence that the person named in the statement was the driver of the vehicle or operator of the trailer at all the relevant times relating to the matter specified in the statement, if the proceedings are-- (a) against the person named in the statement; and (b) in respect of the matter named in the statement. 27 Cancellation of authorised person's acceptance of statement as effective (1) An authorised person may cancel the acceptance of a known user statement or a sold vehicle statement as an effective statement if-- (a) the person nominated in the statement as being the responsible person gives the authorised person within the prescribed period a nomination rejection statement; and (b) the authorised person is satisfied, having regard to the matters stated in the nomination rejection statement, that the nomination was incorrect. (2) If the acceptance of a statement as an effective statement is cancelled under subsection (1)-- (a) the statement ceases to be an effective statement for the purposes of this Part and cannot be used by an authorised person to make a tolling nomination statement; and (b) the operator who would, but for the statement, have continued to be the responsible person in relation to the vehicle 27



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls or the trailer becomes again the responsible person. 28 Offence to provide false or misleading information (1) A person must not in a relevant statement provide information that the person knows to be false or misleading. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) In this section relevant statement means an illegal user statement or a known user statement or a sold vehicle statement or a nomination rejection statement. 29 Charging of tolls (1) The relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may request the payment of a toll for the use of a vehicle in a toll zone and any relevant toll administration fee from-- (a) the operator of the vehicle; and (b) in the case that the vehicle is attached to a trailer and the operator of the vehicle cannot be identified by a tolling device, the operator of the trailer; and (c) the person nominated in a known user statement or a sold vehicle statement that is an effective statement. (2) A request for payment must-- (a) be in writing; and (b) identify separately each use for which a toll or a toll administration fee is payable. 30 Tolling device is not surveillance device A tolling device used in accordance with this Act and the West Gate Tunnel Agreement is not a surveillance device within the meaning of the Surveillance Devices Act 1999. 28



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls 31 Minimum debt recovery requirements (1) The Minister may specify the requirements to be met by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation when taking action to recover a toll or a toll administration fee from a responsible person. (2) The specified requirements must be published in the Government Gazette. Division 4--Tolling offences and registration of vehicles 32 Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone (1) A person must not drive a vehicle in a toll zone unless the vehicle is registered in respect of that toll zone by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation at that time. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (2) If during the course of one trip a person commits an offence against subsection (1), the person is guilty of only one offence against that subsection regardless of how many toll zones the person drives in during the course of the trip. (3) In a proceeding for an offence against subsection (1), it is a defence to the charge for the driver to prove that the driver believed on reasonable grounds, at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed, that the vehicle-- (a) was registered under this Part in respect of the relevant toll zone by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation; or (b) was covered by a tollway billing arrangement that was not suspended at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed. 29



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (4) A certificate purporting to be given by the tollway operator certifying that, at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed, the tollway billing arrangement was suspended, is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof that, at that time, the tollway billing arrangement was suspended. (5) In a proceeding for an offence against subsection (1), it is a defence to the charge for the driver to prove-- (a) that the driver received, or was issued, an invoice in respect of the trip that is the subject of the charge; and (b) that the invoice was paid in full (even though it may also have related to trips other than the trip that is the subject of the charge) in any manner, and within the time, permitted by the invoice. (6) Despite anything to the contrary in this Act or any other Act (other than the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities) during a 7-day period, unless another period is prescribed, then during that other period-- (a) only one criminal proceeding may be commenced in respect of an offence constituted by the driving of any one vehicle in a toll zone during the course of the 7-day period or other period (as the case requires); and 30



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (b) only one infringement notice may be issued in respect of an offence constituted by the driving of any one vehicle in a toll zone during the course of the 7-day period or other period (as the case requires)-- regardless of how many toll zones the vehicle is driven in during the course of the period and how many trips the vehicle makes during the course of the period and how many different individuals drive the vehicle during the course of the period. (7) For the purposes of subsection (6), a criminal proceeding commenced against, or an infringement notice served on, a person in respect of an offence against subsection (1) is to be disregarded if the charge or infringement notice is withdrawn. (8) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of-- (a) a vehicle that is exempted, in accordance with the regulations, from the requirement to be registered under this Part; and (b) a vehicle that under the regulations is exempt from the payment of tolls; and (c) a vehicle that is covered by a tollway billing arrangement that was not suspended at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed. (9) On a person being found guilty of an offence under subsection (1), any debt that arose under this Part as a result of the person driving in the toll zone in the vehicle that was the subject of the offence is extinguished. (10) In subsection (5), invoice means a request for the payment of a toll in respect of a trip and any associated toll administration fee. 31



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls 33 Registration of vehicles (1) The relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may register a vehicle in accordance with the regulations (if any)-- (a) for a specified period; or (b) until the happening of a specified event; or (c) for an unlimited period; or (d) in respect of all toll zones or a specified toll zone or toll zones. (2) A person may seek the registration under this Part of a vehicle or more than one vehicle by application made to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation in writing or orally or partly in writing and partly orally. (3) The relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may, in accordance with this Part, cancel or suspend the registration of a vehicle. 34 Ongoing registration agreements (1) Without limiting its discretion otherwise to do so, the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may refuse to register a vehicle if the vehicle is not the subject of an ongoing registration agreement that is wholly or partly in writing between the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation and the person seeking registration. (2) Without limiting the matters for which an ongoing registration agreement may provide, it may-- (a) be expressed as having force for a specified period or until the happening of a specified event or for an unlimited period; and (b) contain specified terms including conditions of use and procedures to be followed to settle disputes that arise under the agreement; and 32



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (c) specify the circumstances in which, and procedures by which, the agreement, or the registration under this Part of a vehicle that is subject of the agreement, may be cancelled or suspended. (3) The agreement by a relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation to register a vehicle under this Part is sufficient consideration on the part of the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation for an ongoing registration agreement. 35 Temporary registration (1) The relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may register a vehicle for a specified period of up to 14 days without an ongoing registration agreement being in force in respect of the vehicle. (2) A temporary registration is subject to the conditions of use notified to the person seeking the registration either orally or in writing or partly orally and partly in writing. (3) If a temporary registration is sought on a particular day for a period of 24 hours, the commencement of the temporary registration may be back-dated to a time not earlier than the beginning of the day that is 3 days before the day on which temporary registration is sought. (4) If a temporary registration is sought for a specified period (other than a period of 24 hours) and is sought-- (a) before the end of that specified period or within the period of 2 days immediately following the end of that specified period; or 33



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (b) not later than 6 days after the beginning of that specified period-- (whichever is the earlier), the commencement of registration may be back-dated to a time not earlier than the beginning of that specified period. (5) The agreement by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation to register a vehicle under this Part is sufficient consideration on the part of the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation for a temporary registration entered into under this section. 36 Information to be given in relation to ongoing registration or temporary registration (1) If the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation agrees to register a vehicle under this Part, it must give the following information to the person who sought the registration-- (a) confirmation that the vehicle has been, or will be at a specified time, registered or of the circumstances in which the vehicle becomes registered; (b) the whole or that part of the licence plate number of the vehicle that is stated to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation by that person; (c) an identifying number, or combination of letters and numbers, for the registration; (d) except in the case of a temporary registration, the conditions of use (if any); (e) except in the case of a temporary registration, information about how the registration may be cancelled or suspended; (f) in the case of a temporary registration-- (i) the period to which the temporary registration applies; or 34



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (ii) if the period to which the temporary registration applies cannot be determined at the time the information is given, information which enables the person to determine the period to which the temporary registration applies; (g) the toll zone or toll zones in respect of which the vehicle has been or will be registered. (2) The required information must be given-- (a) in the case of the information referred to in subsection (1)(a), (b), (c), (f) or (g), orally or in writing; or (b) in any other case, in writing. (3) The relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation must give any required information that it has not given to the person seeking registration before registering a vehicle, to that person-- (a) as soon as practicable after registering the vehicle; and (b) in the case of required information that must be given in writing, by sending a notice containing that required information to the person by post to an address nominated by that person within 5 business days after the date the registration is effected. Penalty: 100 penalty units. 37 Cancellation or suspension of registration (1) If the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation cancels or suspends the registration of a vehicle under this Part, it must do so-- (a) by any method stated for that purpose in an agreement relating to the vehicle; or 35



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (b) by giving notice of the cancellation or suspension in one of the following ways-- (i) by personal service of written notice on the person who sought the registration; (ii) by personal service of written notice at the last address given to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation by the person who sought the registration on a person who appears to be at least 16 years of age; (iii) by written notice posted to the last address given to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation by the person who sought the registration; (iv) by written notice posted to the address of the owner of the vehicle to which the registration applies; (v) if the person who sought the registration is a corporation-- (A) by personal service of written notice at the registered office of the corporation on a person who appears to be at least 16 years of age; or (B) by written notice posted to the registered office of the corporation. (2) A person is taken to have been given a notice of cancellation or suspension-- (a) under subsection (1)(b)(ii) on the next business day after the notice was served; or (b) under subsection (1)(b)(iii), (iv) or (v)(B) on the third business day after the envelope containing the notice was posted; or 36



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (c) under subsection (1)(b)(v)(A) on the day the notice was served. 38 Offence to tamper with tolling devices A person must not, without just cause, tamper or interfere with a tolling device or any part of a tolling device in a manner that in respect of the use of a toll zone by a vehicle in which that tolling device is or may be situated-- (a) causes incorrect information to be recorded or transmitted; or (b) prevents or interferes with the recording or transmission of information. Penalty: 10 penalty units. 39 Offence to fraudulently induce registration (1) A person must not by fraudulent or collusive means, or by false representation, induce the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation to register a vehicle under this Part. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (2) A person who seeks the right to drive a vehicle on the West Gate Tunnel tollway must not make a false representation to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation in seeking to do so. Penalty: 10 penalty units. Division 5--Tolling enforcement 40 Payment of prescribed administrative amount (1) Subject to subsection (2), if a charge against a person for an offence against section 32(1) is found proven, whether or not a conviction is recorded or a penalty imposed for that offence, the court must make an order requiring the person to pay to the relevant West Gate Tunnel 37



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls Corporation an amount that is the prescribed administrative amount, if any. (2) The court is not required to make an order under subsection (1) if having regard to the prescribed criteria (if any), the court is satisfied-- (a) that the person is experiencing acute financial hardship; or (b) that special circumstances apply to the person. (3) An amount required to be paid under an order made under subsection (1) must be taken to be a judgment debt due by the person to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation and payment of any amount remaining unpaid under the order is to be enforceable in the court by which it was made. 41 Relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation or authorised person may notify enforcement agency of non-payment of toll (1) If the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation or an authorised person believes on reasonable grounds that a person has committed an offence against section 32(1), the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation or the authorised person may do any or all of the following-- (a) send a request for payment of the toll and the toll administration fee payable in respect of the use of the vehicle in the toll zone to any person who appears to be liable to pay the toll and toll administration fee; or (b) if the toll and the toll administration fee have not been paid in accordance with the processes set out in the West Gate Tunnel Agreement, notify the enforcement agency of that belief and request the enforcement agency-- 38



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (i) to serve an infringement notice in accordance with this Part on-- (A) the operator of the vehicle involved in the offence; or (B) in the case of a vehicle that is attached to a trailer and the operator of the vehicle cannot be identified by a tolling device, the operator of the trailer; or (C) the person nominated by an authorised person in a tolling nomination statement; or (ii) to commence proceedings in respect of that offence in accordance with this Act. (2) Nothing in subsection (1) requires the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation or an authorised person to notify an enforcement agency of an offence against section 32(1). (3) If the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation or an authorised person believes, on reasonable grounds, that a vehicle that is not registered has been driven in a toll zone in contravention of this Part, the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation may notify the enforcement agency to send a notice of the requirement to be registered in respect of that toll zone to the operator of the vehicle or trailer concerned. 42 Disputes in relation to payment of tolls (1) If the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation or an authorised person has notified the enforcement agency under section 41(1)(b), the enforcement agency may send, by post, a request for payment of the toll and toll administration fee payable in respect of the use of the vehicle in the toll zone to 39



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls the operator of the vehicle or trailer to which the offence relates. (2) If the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation or an authorised person has notified the enforcement agency under section 41(3), the enforcement agency may send, by post, a notice of the requirement to be registered in respect of the toll zone to the operator of the vehicle or trailer concerned. (3) If a dispute resolution process set out in an ongoing registration agreement or established by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation relating to the registration, or non-registration, at a particular time of a vehicle under this Part is in progress, proceedings (other than civil proceedings) cannot be commenced under this Part relating to the contravention of section 32(1) at that time. 43 Enforcement officers (1) An enforcement agency may authorise a person to be an enforcement officer for the purposes of this Part. (2) An authorisation must be in writing and specify the terms and conditions on which the person is appointed. (3) A person must not be appointed as an enforcement officer under this section unless the person has completed appropriate training or qualifications as determined by the enforcement agency. 44 Identification of enforcement officers (1) An enforcement agency must issue an identity card to each person it authorises as an enforcement officer. 40



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (2) The identity card issued to a person must-- (a) contain a photograph of the person; and (b) state the full name of the person; and (c) state that the person is an enforcement officer for the purposes of this Part. (3) An enforcement officer must produce the enforcement officer's identity card for inspection at any time during the exercise of a power under this Part, if asked to do so. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (4) In any proceedings under this Act, an identity card purporting to be issued to a person by an enforcement agency under this section is evidence of the appointment of that person as an enforcement officer. 45 Power to serve an infringement notice (1) An enforcement officer may serve or cause to be served an infringement notice on any person whom the enforcement officer has reason to believe has committed an offence against section 32(1). (2) An offence referred to in subsection (1) for which an infringement notice may be served is an infringement offence within the meaning of the Infringements Act 2006. (3) In addition to and without limiting section 12 of the Infringements Act 2006, an infringement notice referred to in subsection (1) may be served by sending the infringement notice by post addressed to-- (a) the responsible person (within the meaning of Part 6AA of the Road Safety Act 1986) in relation to the vehicle involved in the offence; or 41



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (b) the person nominated in a tolling nomination statement that has been made by an authorised tolling person and accepted by an enforcement official as an effective statement under Part 6AA of the Road Safety Act 1986. (4) An enforcement officer may cause to be served together with an infringement notice a notice containing information about the requirements arising under this Act in relation to the use of a vehicle in a toll zone. 46 Toll administration infringement notice (1) If an enforcement officer has reason to believe that a relevant agency (other than the enforcement agency) has committed an offence against section 60(1) or (3), the enforcement officer may cause an infringement notice to be served on that relevant agency. (2) An offence referred to in subsection (1) for which an infringement notice may be served is an infringement offence within the meaning of the Infringements Act 2006. 47 Infringement penalty (1) The infringement penalty for an offence against section 32(1) is 1 penalty unit. (2) The infringement penalty for an offence against section 60(1) or (3) is 20 penalty units. 48 Additional effect of expiation In addition to and without limiting Division 5 of Part 2 of the Infringements Act 2006, if an infringement notice is not withdrawn and the person pays the penalty shown in the infringement notice-- (a) within the time stated in the notice; or 42



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (b) if the enforcement officer allows, at any time before the service of a summons in respect of the offence-- any debt that arose under this Part as a result of the person driving in the toll zone on the day of the offence in the vehicle that was the subject of the offence is extinguished. 49 Effect of conviction for non-payment of penalty If proceedings have been taken or continued for an alleged offence because the person has not paid the penalty specified in the infringement notice and a conviction is imposed by the court, the conviction must not be taken to be a conviction for any purpose except in relation to-- (a) the making of the conviction itself; and (b) subsequent proceedings that may be taken in respect of the conviction itself, including proceedings by way of appeal. 50 Application of Infringements Act 2006, Fines Reform Act 2014 and Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 procedure (1) The procedure set out in the Infringements Act 2006 or the Fines Reform Act 2014 or in Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 may be used instead of commencing a proceeding against-- (a) a person for an offence against section 32(1); or (b) a relevant agency (other than an enforcement agency) for an offence against section 60(1) or (3). 43



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (2) The Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 applies as if-- (a) an infringement notice under this Part were an infringement notice within the meaning of Schedule 3 to that Act; and (b) an offence against section 32(1) or section 60(1) or (3) were an offence that is the subject of an infringement notice within the meaning of that Schedule; and (c) the infringement penalty for the offence were the infringement penalty for the purposes of that Schedule. 51 Operator onus offence An offence against section 32(1) is an operator onus offence for the purposes of Part 6AA of the Road Safety Act 1986. 52 Extension of time if no actual notice for offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone (1) If an infringement notice for an offence against section 32(1) is not served by delivering it personally to the person to whom it was issued, and that person is not in fact aware that it had been issued, the person may apply to a Magistrates' Court registrar or a Children's Court registrar, as the case may be, to have an extension of time of 28 days to deal with the notice in accordance with this Act. (2) An application under subsection (1) must-- (a) be made within 14 days of the applicant becoming aware of the notice; and (b) be filed with the Magistrates' Court registrar or the Children's Court registrar, as the case may be; and 44



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (c) be accompanied by a sworn statement in writing or by a statutory declaration setting out the grounds on which the extension is sought. (3) If an application is made under subsection (1) to a Magistrates' Court registrar, the registrar must-- (a) refer the application to the Magistrates' Court constituted by a magistrate; and (b) cause a notice of the time and place of the hearing of the application to be given or sent to-- (i) the person who served the infringement notice on the applicant or caused it to be served; and (ii) the applicant. (4) A Magistrates' Court registrar or a Children's Court registrar, as the case may be, may grant an extension of time if satisfied that the person was not in fact aware, more than 14 days before making the application, that the infringement notice had been issued. 53 Granting extension of time (1) On an extension of time being granted-- (a) the infringement notice continues to have effect, unless withdrawn under section 18 of the Infringements Act 2006, despite the doing of any thing or the taking of any step in relation to it under Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 before the extension of time was granted, but if an enforcement order had been made in relation to it before the extension of time was granted and the person does not take a relevant action in relation to the notice 45



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls within the extended period, the notice ceases to have effect at the end of that period; and (b) the infringement notice continues to have effect, unless withdrawn under section 18 of the Infringements Act 2006, despite the doing of any thing or the taking of any step in relation to it under the Fines Reform Act 2014 before the extension of time was granted, but if a notice of final demand has been served in relation to it before the extension of time was granted and the person does not take a relevant action in relation to the notice within the extended period, the notice ceases to have effect at the end of that period; and (c) the period specified in the infringement notice as the period for payment of the infringement penalty does not apply and the extended period becomes the period in which payment of the infringement penalty must be made; and (d) any infringement fine or part of an infringement fine within the meaning of the Fines Reform Act 2014, any infringement penalty or part of an infringement penalty and penalty reminder notice fee under the Infringements Act 2006 or Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 that has been paid in relation to the infringement notice must be refunded (and the Consolidated Fund is, to the necessary extent, appropriated accordingly), if the person takes a relevant action in relation to the notice within the extended period; and 46



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (e) any of the procedures set out in the Fines Reform Act 2014 or Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 that are being used for the enforcement of an infringement fine or infringement penalty must be discontinued and any notice of final demand served or enforcement order made ceases to have effect if the person takes a relevant action in relation to the notice within the extended period. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person who is granted an extension of time takes a relevant action in relation to an infringement notice if the person-- (a) pays the whole of the penalty shown on the infringement notice; or (b) gives a statement under section 84BE of the Road Safety Act 1986 to an enforcement official within the meaning of Part 6AA of that Act; or (c) elects to have the matter heard and determined in the Magistrates' Court under Part 2 of the Infringements Act 2006, or if the person is a child, elects to have the matter heard and determined in the Children's Court; or (d) is offered a payment plan in accordance with the Infringements Act 2006 and the enforcement agency under that Act received the first payment under that plan from the person; or (e) makes a payment arrangement in accordance with the Fines Reform Act 2014 and the Director receives the first payment under that payment arrangement from the person; or 47



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (f) in the case of a person who applies under section 22 of the Infringements Act 2006 for an internal review, is notified of a decision in accordance with section 25(1)(b), (c) or (d) or (2) or (2A) of that Act. (3) If a Magistrates' Court registrar or a Children's Court registrar, as the case may be, grants an extension of time, an infringement notice may be withdrawn under section 18 of the Infringements Act 2006 even though the outstanding amount of an infringement penalty is registered with the Director under the Fines Reform Act 2014 or registered under Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005. (4) Despite anything to the contrary in section 52 and this section or the Infringements Act 2006, the 28 day extension period is suspended and no step may be taken in the enforcement of an infringement notice to which section 52 and this section applies if a person has-- (a) applied for an internal review under section 22 of the Infringements Act 2006 which has not been determined, until the application is determined and the applicant notified of the outcome; or (b) applied for a payment plan under section 46 of the Infringements Act 2006, until-- (i) the person is notified that their application for a payment plan has been refused; or (ii) in the case of a payment plan that has been offered, the payment plan is cancelled under section 49(2)(b) of the Infringements Act 2006; or 48



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (iii) in the case of a payment plan that has commenced-- (A) the payment plan is cancelled under section 49(2)(b) of the Infringements Act 2006; or (B) the infringement penalty in respect of that infringement notice is removed from the payment plan under section 49(2)(a) of the Infringements Act 2006; or (C) the person receives written notice under section 52(2) of the Infringements Act 2006 advising the person that the person is in default. (5) Despite anything to the contrary in section 52 and this section, the 28 day extension period is suspended and no step may be taken in the enforcement of an infringement notice to which section 52 and this section applies if a person has-- (a) applied for an enforcement review under section 32 of the Fines Reform Act 2014 which has not been determined, until the application is determined and the applicant notified of the outcome; or (b) applied for a payment arrangement under section 42 of the Fines Reform Act 2014, until-- (i) the person is notified that the person's application for a payment arrangement has been refused; or 49



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (ii) in the case of a proposed payment arrangement, the payment arrangement does not commence, in accordance with section 47 of the Fines Reform Act 2014; or (iii) in the case of a payment arrangement that has commenced-- (A) the payment arrangement is cancelled under section 49(2) of the Fines Reform Act 2014; or (B) the infringement fine in respect of that infringement notice is removed from the payment arrangement under section 48 of the Fines Reform Act 2014; or (C) the person receives written notice under section 56(2) of the Fines Reform Act 2014 advising the person that the person is in default. 54 The Consolidated Fund (1) Subject to section 75, any amount payable or received under this Act in respect of an infringement penalty and penalty reminder notice fee in relation to an infringement notice must be paid into the Consolidated Fund. (2) Subject to sections 75 and 76, any amount to be paid or refunded under this Act is payable out of the Consolidated Fund which is, by virtue of this section, appropriated to the necessary extent. 50



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls Division 6--Evidentiary provisions 55 Proof that vehicle driven in a toll zone Without prejudice to any other method of proving the relevant fact, if the fact that a vehicle was driven or a trailer was towed in a toll zone is relevant in proceedings for an offence against section 32(1) or for the recovery of a debt, evidence of that fact as indicated or determined by-- (a) a tolling device that was used in the prescribed manner; or (b) an image or message produced by a prescribed process-- is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof of that fact. 56 Evidentiary certificates (1) A certificate in the prescribed form purporting to be issued by VicRoads, the Head, Transport for Victoria or the Department of Transport or an authorised officer certifying that on a particular date a vehicle or trailer was registered under the Road Safety Act 1986 in the name of a particular person is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof that, on that date, the person was the operator of the vehicle or trailer. (2) A certificate or document that purports to have been issued under a corresponding law certifying that on a particular date a vehicle or trailer was registered under that law in the name of a particular person is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof that, on that date, the person was the operator of the vehicle or trailer. 51



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (3) A certificate containing the prescribed particulars purporting to be issued by VicRoads or the Department of Transport or an authorised officer certifying that on a particular date-- (a) a particular registration number was assigned to a particular vehicle or trailer; or (b) a particular person was entitled, or last entitled, to use or possess a number plate bearing a particular registration number-- is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof that on that date that registration number was assigned to that vehicle or trailer or that person was entitled, or last entitled, to use or possess that number plate. (4) A certificate or document that purports to have been issued under any corresponding law certifying that on a particular date-- (a) a particular registration number was assigned under the corresponding law to a particular vehicle or trailer; or (b) a particular person was entitled, or last entitled, under the corresponding law to use or possess a number plate bearing a particular registration number-- is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof that on that date that registration number was assigned to that vehicle or trailer or that person was entitled, or last entitled, to use or possess that number plate, as the case requires. (5) For the purposes of this section an authorised officer is a person who is authorised or who is the holder of a position authorised for the purposes of this section by VicRoads. 52



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls 57 Evidentiary certificates relating to tolls A certificate in the prescribed form purporting to be issued by the enforcement agency certifying as to any matter related to a toll that appears in or may be calculated from the records kept by the enforcement agency is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof of the matter. 58 Evidentiary certificate issued by relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation A certificate in the prescribed form purporting to be issued by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation, or a person authorised by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation, certifying any of the following matters is admissible in evidence in any proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof of the matters stated in the certificate-- (a) that a specified vehicle was, or was not, registered in respect of a specified toll zone at a specified time; (b) that the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation was, or was not, a party to an agreement relating to the use of a specified vehicle in a toll zone at a specified time; (c) that an agreement between a person and the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation relating to the use of a specified vehicle in a toll zone-- (i) existed, or did not exist, at a specified time; or (ii) contained, or did not contain, specified terms; 53



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (d) that a specified vehicle was, or was not, covered by a tollway billing arrangement at a specified time; (e) that a tolling device was used in the prescribed manner; (f) that an image or message was produced by a prescribed process; (g) as to any other matter that appears in, or that can be determined or calculated from, the records kept by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation. Division 7--Disclosure and keeping of records 59 VicRoads may disclose certain information (1) VicRoads or a relevant person may disclose information about a vehicle or trailer registered under Part 2 of the Road Safety Act 1986 for the purposes of this Part-- (a) to an enforcement agency; or (b) to a person who is employed by, or who is engaged to provide services for, VicRoads, a relevant person or an enforcement agency. (2) VicRoads or a relevant person may disclose information about a vehicle or trailer registered under Part 2 of the Road Safety Act 1986 for the purpose of sending a request to a responsible person for the payment of a toll or a toll administration fee-- (a) to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation; or (b) to a person who is employed by, or who is engaged to provide services for, the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation. 54



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (3) VicRoads or a relevant person may disclose the driver licence information of a responsible person for the purpose of taking action for the recovery of a toll or a toll administration fee from the responsible person in accordance with arrangements that comply with the minimum debt recovery requirements-- (a) to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation; or (b) to a person who is employed by, or who is engaged to provide services for, the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation. (4) Despite section 90N of the Road Safety Act 1986, VicRoads or a relevant person may disclose information under subsection (1) even if VicRoads or the relevant person has not entered into an information protection agreement with the enforcement agency or the person. (5) Sections 90N and 90Q(2) and (3) of the Road Safety Act 1986 apply to a disclosure of information under subsection (2) or (3) as if it were a disclosure of information authorised under Part 7B of that Act. (6) In this section-- driver licence information means any of the following information held by VicRoads for the purpose of its licensing functions under Part 3 of the Road Safety Act 1986-- (a) a person's name; (b) a driver licence number; (c) a date of birth; (d) a telephone number; (e) an email address; (f) a residential address; 55



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls information protection agreement has the same meaning as it has in section 90I of the Road Safety Act 1986; relevant person has the same meaning as it has in section 90I of the Road Safety Act 1986. 60 Relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation to keep proper records (1) The relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation must keep records that correctly record or enable the following to be determined or calculated-- (a) whether or not the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation has registered a vehicle and, if it has so registered a vehicle-- (i) the period of that registration; and (ii) the toll zone or toll zones in respect of which the vehicle is registered; and (iii) in the case of a temporary registration, the conditions of use notified to the person who sought the temporary registration and the manner in which those conditions were notified to that person; (b) whether, and if so what, information has been given to a person who sought registration of a vehicle; (c) any cancellation or suspension by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation of a registration and the date and time on which that cancellation or suspension came into operation; (d) whether or not an ongoing registration agreement existed or exists between the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation and a person and, if so, the period for which that ongoing registration agreement had or has 56



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls force and the terms of that ongoing registration agreement; (e) any toll, fee or charge that has been paid, or that is due, to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation under this Part and any amount that stands to the credit of a person in respect of any vehicle registered; (f) whether or not a vehicle is exempted from the requirement to be registered and any conditions of that exemption. Penalty: 100 penalty units. (2) A person authorised by the Minister may enter the offices of a relevant agency during ordinary business hours to inspect its records required by, or created for the purposes of, this Part. (3) A relevant agency must not prevent a person authorised by the Minister from carrying out an inspection under subsection (2). Penalty: 100 penalty units. 61 Destruction of records (1) Subject to subsection (2), the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation must cause any records it holds in relation to the non-payment of a toll to be destroyed within 2 years after the creation of the records or within any shorter or longer prescribed period. Penalty: 100 penalty units. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to records that-- (a) do not identify any person or vehicle or trailer; or (b) are required for legal proceedings, being proceedings which commenced before the date on which the records would otherwise be required to be destroyed. 57



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls Division 8--Link roaming agreements 62 Definitions In this Division-- Link roaming agreement means an agreement between the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation and the relevant corporation relating to the use in a Link toll zone of a class or classes of vehicles that are registered with the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation; Link roaming service means a service relating to the billing and payment of amounts for tolls and charges relating to the use in a Link toll zone of a class or classes of vehicles that are registered with the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation; Link toll zone means a toll zone within the meaning of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995; net incremental marginal cost, in relation to a Link roaming service, means-- (a) the additional cost to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation of providing the Link roaming service (net of any savings) calculated in accordance with a determination referred to in section 64(1); or (b) the amount that is determined to be the net incremental marginal cost to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation of providing the Link roaming service as referred to in section 64(2); or 58



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (c) if neither paragraph (a) nor (b) applies, the additional cost to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation of providing the Link roaming service (net of any savings); relevant corporation has the same meaning as it has in section 3 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995. 63 Roaming fees (1) For the duration of the concession period (within the meaning of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement), the fee or charge that may be imposed by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation on the relevant corporation under a Link roaming agreement for the provision of a Link roaming service must not exceed the amount that represents the net incremental marginal cost to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation of providing that Link roaming service. (2) Any agreement or arrangement existing on or after the commencement of this section that is inconsistent with subsection (1) is void to the extent of the inconsistency. 64 Determination of net incremental marginal cost (1) The Secretary may, by notice published in the Government Gazette, determine the method and criteria to be used for calculating the additional cost to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation of providing a Link roaming service. (2) The Secretary, on the joint application of the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation and the relevant corporation, may, by notice published in the Government Gazette, determine an amount to be the net incremental marginal cost to the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation of providing a Link roaming service. 59



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (3) A determination of an amount to be the net incremental marginal cost may provide for the amount to be a variable amount to be determined in accordance with an agreement existing at the date of the determination between the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation and the relevant corporation. (4) The Secretary must not make a determination of an amount to be the net incremental marginal cost unless the Secretary is satisfied that the amount to be determined has been agreed to by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation and the relevant corporation. (5) On the publication in the Government Gazette of any determination under this section, any existing determination under this section is revoked. Division 9--Effect of certain provisions of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 65 Designation of project contractor A project contractor may be designated under section 7 of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 in relation to the West Gate Tunnel Project even though it was the State rather than the project authority that entered into the West Gate Tunnel Agreement with the project contractor. 66 Declaration or revocation of declaration as a road (1) The revocation under section 194 of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 of a declaration under section 193 of that Act in respect of part of the land in the West Gate Tunnel tollway is not to be taken to affect any toll zone specified in relation to that part of the land which is the subject of that part of the declaration that has not been revoked. 60



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 3--Tolls (2) On the revocation of a declaration under section 193 of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 in respect of a part of the West Gate Tunnel tollway, any reference to the West Gate Tunnel tollway in a notice of a toll zone specified under this Part to the extent that it relates to any period on or after the revocation is taken not to include any land that was the subject of the revocation. (3) If the declaration of the West Gate Tunnel tollway as a road is revoked and remade under sections 193 and 194 of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009, any notices in relation to toll zones existing before the revocation are to continue in effect. 61



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 4--Administration, legal proceedings and enforcement Part 4--Administration, legal proceedings and enforcement Division 1--Use of statutory powers and functions for the West Gate Tunnel Project 67 Governor in Council may require bodies to act (1) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may require a Department Head, a public authority or a Council-- (a) to carry out functions in relation to the West Gate Tunnel Project area or anything done or to be done in that area; and (b) to carry out those functions within a period specified in the Order. (2) If a function relates to the giving of statutory approval, a requirement under subsection (1) cannot fix a shorter time or time limit to that prescribed by or under an Act. (3) The Department Head, public authority or Council must comply with a requirement under subsection (1). (4) A requirement under subsection (1) applies despite anything to the contrary in any other Act or law other than the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. 68 Powers of certain bodies extended A Minister, a Department Head, a public authority or a Council is taken to have any powers that are necessary to enable the Minister, the Department Head, the public authority or the Council-- 62



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 4--Administration, legal proceedings and enforcement (a) to comply with any direction under or requirement of this Act or the regulations; or (b) to do any other thing that is necessary or convenient to be done for the purposes of the West Gate Tunnel Project. Division 2--Emergency management 69 Emergency management (1) The West Gate Tunnel Corporation is taken to be a government agency for the purposes of Part 5 of the Emergency Management Act 1986. (2) Subsection (1) does not prevent the West Gate Tunnel Corporation from receiving compensation under section 24 of the Emergency Management Act 1986 for the taking and use of the West Gate Tunnel Corporation's property under that section. Division 3--No liability for obstruction of rivers 70 No liability for obstruction of rivers No action lies against the West Gate Tunnel Corporation, or a licensee or lessee under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 for the West Gate Tunnel Project, for or in respect of any obstruction to the navigation of any river occasioned or alleged to be occasioned by-- (a) the West Gate Tunnel tollway or its associated structures or facilities; or (b) any construction work carried out in connection with the West Gate Tunnel Project. 63



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 4--Administration, legal proceedings and enforcement Division 4--Service of documents 71 Service of documents (1) If a notice or other document is required or permitted to be served on any person under this Act or the regulations, the notice or other document may, unless the contrary intention appears, be served in or out of Victoria-- (a) by delivering it personally to the person; or (b) by leaving it at the usual or last known place of residence or business of the person with a person apparently over the age of 16 years and apparently residing at that place or (in the case of a place of business) apparently in charge of or employed at that place; or (c) by sending it by post, addressed to the person at the usual or last known place of residence or business of that person; or (d) if the person has given an address to an enforcement agency or the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation that is not the person's place of residence or business, by sending it by post addressed to the person at that address. (2) This section does not apply to the service of infringement notices for offences against section 32(1) or section 60(1) or (3) or the service of notices in relation to the cancellation or suspension of registration under section 37. Division 5--Proceedings for offences 72 Proceedings for offences under Part 3 (1) A proceeding for an offence under Part 3 may only be commenced by-- (a) a police officer; or 64



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 4--Administration, legal proceedings and enforcement (b) an enforcement agency; or (c) a person authorised by the Minister. (2) The Minister may authorise a person to commence a proceeding for an offence against Part 3. 73 Extension of period for commencing prosecution for summary offences Despite section 7 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009, proceedings for an offence against section 32(1) may be commenced not more than 15 months after the commission of the alleged offence. 65



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 5--The Better Freight Outcomes Fund Part 5--The Better Freight Outcomes Fund 74 Better Freight Outcomes Fund There must be established in the Public Account as part of the Trust Fund an account to be known as the Better Freight Outcomes Fund. 75 Payments into the Fund There must be paid into the Better Freight Outcomes Fund-- (a) all money directed or authorised to be paid into the Fund by or under this or any other Act; and (b) all infringement penalties and penalty reminder notice fees that have been paid in relation to an infringement notice issued in respect of an offence against section 65BA(1) of the Road Safety Act 1986. 76 Payments out of the Fund There must be paid out of the Better Freight Outcomes Fund-- (a) amounts authorised by the Minister in consultation with the Treasurer to fund the cost of all or any of-- (i) transport programs for any local community the Minister considers may be affected by increased use of roads by heavy vehicles as a result of the West Gate Tunnel project; and (ii) transport projects for any local community the Minister considers may be affected by increased use of roads by heavy vehicles as a result of the West Gate Tunnel project; and 66



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 5--The Better Freight Outcomes Fund (b) all money directed or authorised to be paid out of the Fund by or under this or any other Act; and (c) amounts authorised by the Minister to fund the cost of administering the Better Freight Outcomes Fund. 67



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 6--Regulations Part 6--Regulations 77 Regulations (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for or with respect to-- (a) prescribing requirements with respect to placing notices on or in the vicinity of the West Gate Tunnel tollway outside a toll zone and prescribing the information to be provided by those notices; (b) prescribing as a tolling device any system, equipment or thing (including any equipment or thing to be placed in or on a vehicle) for recording the use of a vehicle or a trailer in a toll zone; (c) prescribing the manner in which the tolling devices are to be installed, set up, tested, operated, used, maintained or repaired; (d) prescribing the manner in which information from the tolling devices is to be processed, stored, transferred, produced, re-configured, used to produce reports, images or other forms of information, destroyed or otherwise handled; (e) exempting from the payment of tolls and toll administration fees vehicles or classes of vehicle that under the West Gate Tunnel Agreement may be exempted from the payment of tolls and toll administration fees; (f) the registration of vehicles and the exemption by the relevant West Gate Tunnel Corporation of vehicles from the requirement to be registered; (g) prescribing methods of recording the payment of tolls; 68



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 6--Regulations (h) prescribing the period in which records in relation to the non-payment of a toll are to be destroyed; (i) prescribing fees; (j) prescribing a period of time for the purposes of section 32(6); (k) prescribing an amount for the purposes of section 40(1); (l) prescribing criteria for the purposes of section 40(2); (m) generally any other matter or thing required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed or necessary to be prescribed to give effect to this Act. (2) The regulations-- (a) may be of general or limited application; and (b) may differ according to differences in time, place or circumstances; and (c) may confer a discretionary authority or impose a duty on a specified person or class of person; and (d) may exempt specified persons or things or classes of persons or things from complying with all or any of the regulations, whether unconditionally or on specified conditions and either wholly or to such an extent as is specified. (3) A power conferred by this Act to make regulations prescribing fees may be exercised by providing for all or any of the following matters-- (a) specific fees; (b) maximum fees; (c) minimum fees; 69



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 6--Regulations (d) the payment of fees either generally or under specified conditions or in specified circumstances; (e) the payment of fees by a specified manner of payment. (4) The Governor in Council may make regulations containing provisions of a transitional nature, including matters of an application and savings nature, arising as a result of the enactment of this Act, including any repeals and amendments made as a result of the enactment of this Act. (5) Regulations made under subsection (4) may have a retrospective effect to a day on or after the commencement of this section. (6) To the extent that regulations made under subsection (4) have a retrospective effect, the regulations do not operate so as-- (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person, the rights of that person existing before the date of the regulations coming into operation; or (b) to impose liabilities on any person in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of the regulations coming into operation. (7) Regulations made under subsection (4) have effect despite anything to the contrary in any Act (other than this Act or the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities or in any subordinate instrument). 78 Repeal of transitional regulation making powers Section 77(4), (5), (6) and (7) are repealed on the first anniversary of the commencement of section 77. 70



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part Division 1--Accident Towing Services Act 2007 79 Definitions (1) In section 3(1) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, in the definition of designated road, after paragraph (ca) insert-- "(cb) the West Gate Tunnel tollway;". (2) In section 3(1) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, in the definition of limited tow truck licence, for "section 10(2) or 10(3) or a heavy tow truck licence issued under section 11(2) or 11(3)" substitute "section 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4) or a heavy tow truck licence issued under section 11(2), 11(3) or 11(4)". (3) In section 3(1) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, in the definition of VicRoads, for "2010." substitute "2010;". (4) In section 3(1) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007 insert the following definitions-- "relevant West Gate Tunnel agency means the West Gate Tunnel Corporation or the West Gate Tunnel operator within the meaning of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019; West Gate Tunnel Corporation has the same meaning as it has in the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019; 71



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part West Gate Tunnel tollway has the same meaning as it has in the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019.". 80 Power to issue regular tow truck licences (1) In section 10(1) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, for "(2) and (3)" substitute "(2), (3) and (4)". (2) After section 10(3) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007 insert-- "(4) In the case of a licence authorised by the Minister to be issued under section 14(2)(f), VicRoads may license the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency or contractor (as the case requires) to operate a tow truck that is specified in the licence on the West Gate Tunnel tollway or on any other designated road specified in the licence, in the course of conducting an accident towing service business-- (a) to provide accident towing services to vehicles of any gross vehicle mass that the tow truck is capable of towing; and (b) from the depot specified in the licence; and (c) on the whole or any part of the West Gate Tunnel tollway, as specified in the licence, or on any other designated road that is specified in the licence.". 72



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 81 Power to issue heavy tow truck licences After section 11(3) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007 insert-- "(4) In the case of a licence authorised by the Minister to be issued under section 15(2)(f), VicRoads may license the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency or contractor (as the case requires) to operate a tow truck that is specified in the licence, in the course of conducting an accident towing service business-- (a) to provide accident towing services to vehicles that the tow truck is capable of towing that have a gross vehicle mass of 4 tonnes or more; and (b) from the depot specified in the licence; and (c) on the whole or any part of the West Gate Tunnel tollway, as specified in the licence, or on any other designated road that is specified in the licence.". 82 Issue of new licences and re-issue of certain limited licences In section 12(2) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007-- (a) for "or 13(3)" substitute ", 13(3) or 13(4)"; (b) for "section 10(2) or 10(3), or 11(2) or 11(3)" substitute "section 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4), or 11(2), 11(3) or 11(4)". 73



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 83 Period for which licence remains in force After section 13(3) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007 insert-- "(4) If a limited tow truck licence held by a relevant West Gate Tunnel agency or a contractor ceases to be held by the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency or contractor, the licence ceases to be in force.". 84 Ministerial authorisation for the issue of regular tow truck licences (1) In section 14(2)(d) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007-- (a) after "to enable the relevant agency" insert "or person contracted to the relevant agency"; (b) after "within the meaning of that Act" insert "or under any other agreement between the State and the relevant agency that makes provision with respect to towing services on the Link road or the Extension road or any other designated road". (2) In section 14(2)(e) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007-- (a) after "to enable the Freeway Corporation" insert "or person contracted to the Freeway Corporation"; (b) for "within the meaning of that Act." substitute "within the meaning of that Act or under any other agreement between the State and the Freeway Corporation that makes provision with respect to towing services on the EastLink or any other designated road; or". 74



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (3) After section 14(2)(e) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007 insert-- "(f) in the case of the West Gate Tunnel tollway, the licences are to be issued to-- (i) a relevant West Gate Tunnel agency; or (ii) a person who is contracted by the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency to provide accident towing services for the whole or a part of the West Gate Tunnel tollway-- and the Minister is of the opinion that the issue of the licences is necessary to enable the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency or person contracted to the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency to perform its obligations, exercise its rights or carry out its functions under this Act or the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 or regulations made under this Act or that Act or the West Gate Tunnel Agreement within the meaning of that Act or under any other agreement between the State and the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency that makes provision with respect to towing services on the West Gate Tunnel tollway or any other designated road.". (4) In section 14(5) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, for "(2)(d) or (2)(e)" substitute "(2)(d), (2)(e) or (2)(f)". 85 Ministerial authorisation for the issue of heavy tow truck licences (1) In section 15(2)(d) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007-- (a) after "to enable the relevant agency" insert "or person contracted to the relevant agency"; 75



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (b) after "within the meaning of that Act" insert "or under any other agreement between the State and the relevant agency that makes provision with respect to towing services on the Link road or the Extension road or any other designated road". (2) In section 15(2)(e) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007-- (a) after "to enable the Freeway Corporation" insert "or person contracted to the Freeway Corporation"; (b) for "within the meaning of that Act." substitute "within the meaning of that Act or under any other agreement between the State and the Freeway Corporation that makes provision with respect to towing services on the EastLink or any other designated road; or". (3) After section 15(2)(e) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007 insert-- "(f) in the case of the West Gate Tunnel tollway, the licences are to be issued to-- (i) a relevant West Gate Tunnel agency; or (ii) a person who is contracted by the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency to provide accident towing services for the whole or a part of the West Gate Tunnel tollway-- and the Minister is of the opinion that the issue of the licences is necessary to enable the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency or person contracted to the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency to perform its obligations, exercise its rights or carry out its functions under this Act or the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) 76



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part Act 2019 or regulations made under this Act or that Act or the West Gate Tunnel Agreement within the meaning of that Act or under any other agreement between the State and the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency that makes provision with respect to towing services on the West Gate Tunnel tollway or any other designated road.". (4) In section 15(4) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, for "(2)(d) or (2)(e)" substitute "(2)(d), (2)(e) or (2)(f)". 86 Transfer of tow truck licence to another person (1) In section 29(2)(d) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, for "Corporation." substitute "Corporation; and". (2) After section 29(2)(d) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007 insert-- "(e) in the case of a licence issued under section 10(4) or 11(4), is a relevant West Gate Tunnel agency or a person who is contracted to provide accident towing services to the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency.". 87 Allocation offences in controlled areas (1) In section 42(3)(b)(i) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, for "on the Link road or Extension road, the tow truck driver is authorised by the relevant corporation (within the meaning of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995)" substitute "on the Link road or Extension road or a designated road, the tow truck driver is authorised by the relevant corporation (within the meaning of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995) or a person who is contracted by a relevant agency to provide accident towing services for the whole or a part of the Link road or Extension road". 77



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (2) In section 42(3)(b)(ii) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, for "on EastLink, the tow truck driver is authorised by the Freeway Corporation within the meaning of the EastLink Project Act 2004" substitute "on EastLink or a designated road, the tow truck driver is authorised by the Freeway Corporation within the meaning of the EastLink Project Act 2004 or a person contracted to provide accident towing services for the whole or a part of EastLink". (3) After section 42(3)(b)(iia) of the Accident Towing Services Act 2007 insert-- "(iib) in the case of a road accident scene that is on the West Gate Tunnel tollway or a designated road, the tow truck driver is authorised by the relevant West Gate Tunnel agency or a person contracted to provide accident towing services for the whole or a part of the West Gate Tunnel tollway to attend road accident scenes on that road; or". Division 2--Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 88 Application for registration of infringement penalty (1) In clause 3(2)(m) of Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, for "in the offence." substitute "in the offence; and". (2) After clause 3(2)(m) of Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 insert-- "(n) if the infringement notice was issued in respect of an offence under section 32(1) of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019, the child was at the time of the alleged offence the responsible person (within the meaning of Part 6AA of the Road Safety Act 1986) in 78



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part relation to the vehicle involved in the offence.". 89 Decision to go to Court (1) In clause 17(1)(e) of Part 4 of Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, for "or the EastLink Project Act 2004" substitute ", the EastLink Project Act 2004 or the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019". (2) For clause 17(1)(f) of Part 4 of Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 substitute-- "(f) if a nomination of a kind specified in paragraph (e) is made and subsequently cancelled under section 84BF(1) of the Road Safety Act 1986 so that liability reverts to the person who made the nomination-- (i) for an offence committed under the Road Safety Act 1986, within 6 months after the date of cancellation of the nomination or 12 months after the date of the alleged offence (whichever is the earlier); or (ii) for an offence committed under section 204 of the EastLink Project Act 2004, section 73 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 or section 32 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019, within 6 months after the date of cancellation of the nomination or 15 months after the date of the alleged offence (whichever is the earlier); or". (3) In clause 17(1)(g) of Part 4 of Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, for "12 months" substitute "15 months". 79



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (4) In clause 17(1)(h) of Part 4 of Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005-- (a) for "12 months" substitute "15 months"; (b) for "earlier)." substitute "earlier); or". (5) After clause 17(1)(h) of Part 4 of Schedule 3 to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 insert-- "(i) subject to paragraph (e), if the offence is against section 32(1) of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019, within 6 months after the date of service of the infringement notice under section 45(1) of that Act or 15 months after the date of the alleged offence (whichever is the earlier).". 90 Statute law revision (1) In section 3(1) of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, in the definition of Category B serious youth offence, after "following sections" insert "of". (2) In section 356(9) of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, after "operation of" insert "section". (3) In section 362(1)(g)(ii) of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, for "so." substitute "so; and". (4) In the heading to Part 1 of Chapter 7A of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, for "1" substitute "7A.1". 80



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part Division 3--Criminal Procedure Act 2009 91 Definitions In section 3 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009, in the definition of traffic camera offence-- (a) in paragraph (c), for "that Act;" substitute "that Act; or"; (b) after paragraph (c) insert-- "(d) an offence under the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 that is detected by a tolling device or process prescribed for the purposes of Part 3 of that Act;". Division 4--EastLink Project Act 2004 92 Definitions (1) In section 3(1) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for the definition of illegal user statement substitute-- "illegal user statement, in relation to the use of a vehicle or trailer, means a statement in writing made by a person with respect to the vehicle or trailer to the effect that the person believes that at the relevant time the vehicle or trailer was a stolen vehicle or trailer or that the number plates displayed on the vehicle or trailer were stolen;". (2) In section 3(1) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for the definition of known user statement substitute-- "known user statement, in relation to the use of a vehicle or trailer, means a statement in writing made by a person-- 81



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (a) to the effect that the person was not driving at the relevant time, or did not at that time have possession or control of, the vehicle or trailer or the vehicle to which the trailer was attached; and (b) containing sufficient information to identify and locate the person who the person making the statement last knew to have, before the relevant time, possession or control of the vehicle or trailer or the vehicle to which the trailer was attached;". (3) In section 3(1) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for the definition of nomination rejection statement substitute-- "nomination rejection statement means a statement in writing made by a person nominated in a known user statement, a sold vehicle statement or a tolling nomination statement as being the responsible person in respect of a vehicle or trailer to the effect that if nominated-- (a) in a known user statement, the person had not had possession or control of the vehicle or trailer at the relevant time, as stated in the known user statement; and (b) in a sold vehicle statement, the vehicle or trailer had not been sold or disposed of to the person, and that no interest in it had otherwise vested in the person, as stated in the sold vehicle statement; and (c) in a tolling nomination statement, the person was not the responsible person in relation to the vehicle or trailer at the time of the tolling offence as stated in the tolling nomination statement;". 82



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (4) In section 3(1) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for the definition of operator substitute-- "operator, in relation to a vehicle or trailer at the time the vehicle or trailer was driven in a toll zone, means each of the following-- (a) the registered operator of the vehicle or trailer at that time or the person recorded at that time on a register of vehicles or trailers maintained under a corresponding law as the person responsible for the vehicle or trailer; (b) if VicRoads under the regulations under the Road Safety Act 1986, or a corresponding body under a corresponding law, has received notice of transfer of registration of the vehicle or trailer, the person whose name is disclosed in the records kept by VicRoads or the corresponding body (as the case requires) as being responsible for the vehicle or trailer at that time; (c) if the vehicle or trailer is not registered under the Road Safety Act 1986 or a corresponding law, the person whose name is disclosed in the records kept by VicRoads or the corresponding body as being responsible for the vehicle or trailer at that time; (d) if the vehicle or trailer displays a number plate-- (i) the person who, at the time at which the registration number borne by that number plate was last assigned by VicRoads or a corresponding body, was the 83



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part registered operator of, or (if assigned by a corresponding body) the person recorded on a register of vehicles or trailers maintained under the corresponding law as the person responsible for, the vehicle or trailer to which that registration number was assigned, whether or not that vehicle or trailer is the same as the vehicle or trailer involved in the offence; or (ii) the person whose name is disclosed in the records kept by VicRoads or a corresponding body as being entitled, or last entitled, at that time to use or possess that number plate; (e) if the vehicle or trailer displays a general identification mark by means of a special identification plate issued by VicRoads under the regulations under the Road Safety Act 1986 or by a corresponding body under a corresponding law, the person to whom the mark is assigned at that time;". (5) In section 3(1) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for the definition of responsible person substitute-- "responsible person, in relation to a vehicle or trailer, means-- (a) the operator of the vehicle or the trailer; or 84



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (b) the person nominated as the responsible person in relation to the vehicle or trailer in an effective known user statement or an effective sold vehicle statement;". (6) In section 3(1) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for the definition of sold vehicle statement substitute-- "sold vehicle statement, in relation to the use of a vehicle or trailer, means a statement in writing made by a person-- (a) to the effect that-- (i) the person had sold or otherwise disposed of the vehicle or trailer before the relevant time or that any interest in the vehicle or trailer had otherwise ceased to be vested in the person before that time; and (ii) the person was not at that time driving, or had not at that time possession or control of, the vehicle or trailer; and (b) containing sufficient information to identify and locate the person to whom the vehicle or trailer was sold or disposed of, or in whom an interest in the vehicle or trailer was otherwise vested, and the date and, if relevant, the time of sale, disposal or vesting;". 85



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (7) In section 3(1) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 insert the following definitions-- "special circumstances has the same meaning as it has in the Infringements Act 2006; trailer has the same meaning as it has in the Road Safety Act 1986;". 93 Liability to pay toll charged In section 197(2) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for "the person who was the operator of a vehicle at the time it was driven in a toll zone" substitute "the operator of the vehicle, or in the case of a vehicle that is attached to a trailer and the operator of the vehicle cannot be identified by a tolling device, the operator of the trailer,". 94 Operator not liable if effective tolling statement made (1) In section 199(1) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for "vehicle is not liable under section 197 to pay a toll or toll administration fee for the use of the vehicle" substitute "vehicle or trailer is not liable under section 197 to pay a toll or toll administration fee for the use of the vehicle or the trailer". (2) In section 199(6) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for "driving the vehicle" substitute "the driver of the vehicle or the operator of the trailer". 95 Charge of toll (1) In section 200(1)(b) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for "statement." substitute "statement; and". 86



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (2) After section 200(1)(b) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 insert-- "(c) in the case that the vehicle is attached to a trailer and the operator of the vehicle cannot be identified by a tolling device, the operator of the trailer.". 96 New section 203A inserted After section 203 of the EastLink Project Act 2004 insert-- "203A Minimum debt recovery requirements (1) The Minister may specify the requirements to be met by the Freeway Corporation when taking action to recover a toll or a toll administration fee from a responsible person. (2) The specified requirements must be published in the Government Gazette.". 97 Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone (1) For section 204(7) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 substitute-- "(7) Despite anything to the contrary in this Act or any other Act (other than the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities) during a 7-day period, unless another period is prescribed, then during that other period-- (a) only one criminal proceeding may be commenced in respect of an offence constituted by the driving of any one vehicle in a toll zone during the course of the 7-day period or other period (as the case requires); and 87



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (b) only one infringement notice may be issued in respect of an offence constituted by the driving of any one vehicle in a toll zone during the course of the 7-day period or other period (as the case requires)-- regardless of how many toll zones the vehicle is driven in during the course of the period and how many trips the vehicle makes during the course of the period and how many different individuals drive the vehicle during the course of the period.". (2) In section 204(12) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 omit "on the day of the offence". 98 Section 206B substituted For section 206B of the EastLink Project Act 2004 substitute-- "206B Payment of prescribed administrative amount (1) Subject to subsection (2), if a charge against a person for an offence against section 204 is found proven, whether or not a conviction is recorded or a penalty imposed for that offence, the court must make an order requiring the person to pay to the Freeway Corporation an amount that is the prescribed administrative amount, if any. (2) The court is not required to make an order under subsection (1), if having regard to the prescribed criteria (if any) the court is satisfied-- (a) that the person is experiencing acute financial hardship; or (b) that special circumstances apply to the person. 88



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (3) An amount required to be paid under an order made under subsection (1) must be taken to be a judgment debt due by the person to the Freeway Corporation and payment of any amount remaining unpaid under the order is to be enforceable in the court by which it was made.". 99 Freeway Corporation may notify enforcement agency of non-payment of toll (1) For section 207(1) and (2) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 substitute-- "(1) If the Freeway Corporation or an authorised person believes on reasonable grounds that a person has committed an offence against section 204, the Freeway Corporation or the authorised person may do any or all of the following-- (a) send a request for payment of the toll and toll administration fee payable in respect of the use of the vehicle in the toll zone to any person who appears to be liable to pay the toll and toll administration fee; (b) if the toll and toll administration fees have not been paid in accordance with the processes set out in the Agreement, notify the enforcement agency of that belief and request the enforcement agency-- (i) to serve an infringement notice in accordance with this Division on the operator of the vehicle or trailer involved in the offence; or 89



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (ii) to serve an infringement notice in accordance with this Division on the person nominated by an authorised person in a tolling nomination statement; or (iii) to commence proceedings in respect of that offence in accordance with this Act.". (2) In section 207(5) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for "subsection (2)" substitute "subsection (1)". 100 Additional effect of expiation In section 215 of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for "section 204" substitute "section 197". 101 Proof that vehicle driven on EastLink in a toll zone In section 220 of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for "vehicle was driven" substitute "vehicle was driven or a trailer was towed". 102 Evidence of certificate or document from VicRoads In section 221 of the EastLink Project Act 2004-- (a) in subsection (1)-- (i) for "Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure or an authorised person certifying that on a particular date a vehicle" substitute "Department of Transport or an authorised person certifying that on a particular date a vehicle or a trailer"; (ii) for "the vehicle" substitute "the vehicle or the trailer"; 90



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (b) in subsection (2)-- (i) for "a vehicle" substitute "a vehicle or a trailer"; (ii) for "the vehicle" substitute "the vehicle or the trailer"; (c) in subsection (3)-- (i) for "Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure" substitute "Department of Transport"; (ii) in paragraph (a), for "vehicle" substitute "vehicle or trailer"; (iii) for "that vehicle" substitute "that vehicle or trailer". 103 VicRoads may disclose certain information to Freeway Corporation (1) In the heading to section 223 of the EastLink Project Act 2004 omit "to Freeway Corporation". (2) For section 223(1) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 substitute-- "(1) VicRoads or a relevant person may disclose information about a vehicle or trailer registered under Part 2 of the Road Safety Act 1986, for the purposes of this Part-- (a) to an enforcement agency; or (b) to a person who is employed by, or who is engaged to provide services for, VicRoads, a relevant person or an enforcement agency. 91



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (1A) VicRoads or a relevant person may disclose information about a vehicle or trailer registered under Part 2 of the Road Safety Act 1986, for the purpose of sending a request to a responsible person for the payment of a toll or a toll administration fee-- (a) to the Freeway Corporation; or (b) to a person who is employed by, or who is engaged to provide services for, the Freeway Corporation. (1B) VicRoads or a relevant person may disclose the driver licence information of a responsible person, for the purpose of taking action for the recovery of a toll or a toll administration fee from the responsible person in accordance with arrangements that comply with the minimum debt recovery requirements-- (a) to the Freeway Corporation; or (b) to a person who is employed by, or who is engaged to provide services for, the Freeway Corporation. (1C) Despite section 90N of the Road Safety Act 1986, VicRoads or a relevant person may disclose information under subsection (1) even if VicRoads or the relevant person has not entered into an information protection agreement with the enforcement agency or the person.". (3) In section 223(2) of the EastLink Project Act 2004, for "this section as if it were a disclosure" substitute "subsection (1A) or (1B) as if it were a disclosure of information authorised". 92



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (4) After section 223(2) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 insert-- "(3) In this section-- driver licence information means any of the following information held by VicRoads for the purpose of its licensing functions under Part 3 of the Road Safety Act 1986-- (a) a person's name; (b) a driver licence number; (c) a date of birth; (d) a telephone number; (e) an email address; (f) a residential address; information protection agreement has the same meaning as it has in section 90I of the Road Safety Act 1986; minimum debt recovery requirements means the requirements specified by the Minister under section 203A(1); relevant person has the same meaning as it has in section 90I of the Road Safety Act 1986.". 104 Proceedings for offences under Part 9 After section 251(2) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 insert-- "(3) Despite section 7 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009, a proceeding for an offence under section 204(1) may be commenced not more than 15 months after the commission of the alleged offence.". 93



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 105 Regulations (1) After section 258(1)(fa) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 insert-- "(fb) prescribing fees; (fc) prescribing a period of time for the purposes of section 204(7); (fd) prescribing an amount for the purposes of section 206B; (fe) prescribing criteria for the purposes of section 206B(2); (ff) prescribing the period in which records in relation to the non-payment of a toll are be destroyed;". (2) For section 258(2) of the EastLink Project Act 2004 substitute-- "(2) The regulations-- (a) may be of general or limited application; (b) may differ according to differences in time, place or circumstances; (c) may confer a discretionary authority or impose a duty on a specified person or class of person; (d) may exempt specified persons or things or classes of persons or things from complying with all or any of the regulations, whether unconditionally or on specified conditions and either wholly or to such an extent as is specified. 94



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (3) A power conferred by this Act to make regulations prescribing fees may be exercised by providing for all or any of the following matters-- (a) specific fees; (b) maximum fees; (c) minimum fees; (d) the payment of fees either generally or under specified conditions or in specified circumstances; (e) the payment of fees by a specified manner of payment.". Division 5--Fines Reform Act 2014 106 Registration of infringement fine with Director (1) In section 16(2)(i) of the Fines Reform Act 2014, for "the offence." substitute "the offence;". (2) After section 16(2)(i) of the Fines Reform Act 2014 insert-- "(j) if the infringement notice was issued in respect of an offence against section 32(1) of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019, the person was at the time of the infringement offence the responsible person in relation to the vehicle involved in the offence.". 107 Extended period for registration (1) In section 17(i) of the Fines Reform Act 2014, for "or the EastLink Project Act 2004" substitute ", the EastLink Project Act 2004 or the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019". 95



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (2) After section 17(l) of the Fines Reform Act 2014 insert-- "(la) subject to paragraph (i), in the case of an alleged offence against section 32(1) of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019, no more than 6 months after the date of service of the infringement notice;". 108 Ministers may enter into administrative services agreements (1) In section 173B(1)(e) of the Fines Reform Act 2014, for "paragraph (c)." substitute "paragraph (c); or". (2) After section 173B(1)(e) of the Fines Reform Act 2014 insert-- "(f) Victoria Police under Part 3 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 that are of a similar nature to the functions of Victoria Police referred to in paragraph (c).". Division 6--Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 109 Road manager (1) After section 18(1)(a)(vi) of the Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 insert-- "(vii) the West Gate Tunnel tollway;". (2) In section 18(4) of the Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013, for the definition of Peninsula Link Freeway substitute-- "Peninsula Link Freeway has the same meaning as in the Road Management Act 2004; 96



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part West Gate Tunnel tollway has the same meaning as in the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019.". 110 Toll road authority After section 28(b) of the Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 insert-- "(ba) the West Gate Tunnel Corporation within the meaning of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019;". Division 7--Infringements Act 2006 111 Application of Division (1) In section 21(2)(e) of the Infringements Act 2006, for "Act 2004." substitute "Act 2004;". (2) After section 21(2)(e) of the Infringements Act 2006 insert-- "(f) section 52 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019.". 112 Service of documents (1) In section 162(4)(e)(ii) of the Infringements Act 2006, for "the vehicle." substitute "the vehicle; or". (2) After section 162(4)(e) of the Infringements Act 2006 insert-- "(f) if the infringement notice was issued in respect of an offence against section 32(1) of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019-- (i) to the last address of the operator of the vehicle within the meaning of that Act; or 97



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (ii) if a statement has been supplied under section 26 of that Act, to the last address of the person alleged in the statement to have been the driver of the vehicle or trailer.". Division 8--Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 113 Declaration of roads After section 193(4) of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert-- "(5) This section does not affect the grant or operation of a lease or licence of any part of any land within the project area that is declared to be a road despite anything to the contrary in Schedule 5 of the Road Management Act 2004.". Division 9--Magistrates' Court Act 1989 114 Certain agencies may give information for enforcement purposes In section 99A(1) of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, for "person or body listed in section 90A(1)" substitute "relevant agency within the meaning of section 69". Division 10--Melbourne City Link Act 1995 115 Repeal of Division 6 of Part 2B Division 6 of Part 2B of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 is repealed. 116 Definitions (1) In section 69 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for the definition of illegal user statement substitute-- 98



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part "illegal user statement, in relation to the use of a vehicle or trailer, means a statement in writing made by a person with respect to the vehicle or trailer to the effect that the person believes that at the relevant time the vehicle or trailer was a stolen vehicle or trailer or that the number plates displayed on the vehicle or trailer were stolen;". (2) In section 69 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for the definition of known user statement substitute-- "known user statement, in relation to the use of a vehicle or trailer, means a statement in writing made by a person-- (a) to the effect that the person was not driving at the relevant time, or did not at that time have possession or control of, the vehicle or trailer or the vehicle to which the trailer was attached; and (b) containing sufficient information to identify and locate the person who the person making the statement last knew to have, before the relevant time, possession or control of the vehicle or trailer or the vehicle to which the trailer was attached;". (3) In section 69 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for the definition of nomination rejection statement substitute-- "nomination rejection statement means a statement in writing made by a person nominated in a known user statement, a sold vehicle statement or a tolling nomination statement as being the responsible person in respect of a vehicle or trailer to the effect that if nominated-- 99



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (a) in a known user statement, the person had not had possession or control of the vehicle or trailer at the relevant time, as stated in the known user statement; or (b) in a sold vehicle statement, the vehicle or trailer had not been sold or disposed of to the person, and that no interest in it had otherwise vested in the person, as stated in the sold vehicle statement; or (c) in a tolling nomination statement, that the person was not the responsible person in relation to the vehicle or trailer at the time of the tolling offence as stated in the tolling nomination statement;". (4) In section 69 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for the definition of operator substitute-- "operator, in relation to a vehicle or trailer at the time the vehicle or trailer was driven in a toll zone, means each of the following-- (a) the registered operator of the vehicle or trailer at that time or the person recorded at that time on a register of vehicles or trailers maintained under a corresponding law as the person responsible for the vehicle or trailer; (b) if the Roads Corporation under the regulations under the Road Safety Act 1986, or a corresponding body under a corresponding law, has received notice of transfer of registration of the vehicle or trailer, the person whose name is disclosed in the records kept by the Roads Corporation or the corresponding body (as the case 100



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part requires) as being responsible for the vehicle or trailer at that time; (c) if the vehicle or trailer is not registered under the Road Safety Act 1986 or a corresponding law, the person whose name is disclosed in the records kept by the Roads Corporation or the corresponding body as being responsible for the vehicle or trailer at that time; (d) if the vehicle or trailer displays a number plate-- (i) the person who, at the time at which the registration number borne by that number plate was last assigned by the Roads Corporation or a corresponding body, was the registered operator of, or (if assigned by a corresponding body) the person recorded on a register of vehicles or trailers maintained under the corresponding law as the person responsible for, the vehicle or trailer to which that registration number was assigned, whether or not that vehicle or trailer is the same as the vehicle or trailer involved in the offence; or (ii) the person whose name is disclosed in the records kept by the Roads Corporation or a corresponding body as being entitled, or last entitled, at that time to use or possess that number plate; 101



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (e) if the vehicle or trailer displays a general identification mark by means of a special identification plate issued by the Roads Corporation under the regulations under the Road Safety Act 1986 or by a corresponding body under a corresponding law, the person to whom the mark is assigned at that time;". (5) In section 69 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for the definition of responsible person substitute-- "responsible person, in relation to a vehicle or a trailer, means-- (a) the operator of the vehicle or the trailer; or (b) the person nominated as the responsible person in relation to the vehicle or the trailer in an effective known user statement or an effective sold vehicle statement;". (6) In section 69 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for the definition of sold vehicle statement substitute-- "sold vehicle statement, in relation to the use of a vehicle or trailer, means a statement in writing made by a person-- (a) to the effect that-- (i) the person had sold or otherwise disposed of the vehicle or trailer before the relevant time or that any interest in the vehicle or trailer had otherwise ceased to be vested in the person before that time; and 102



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (ii) the person was not at that time driving, or had not at that time possession or control of, the vehicle or trailer; and (b) containing sufficient information to identify and locate the person to whom the vehicle or trailer was sold or disposed of, or in whom an interest in the vehicle or trailer was otherwise vested, and the date and, if relevant, the time of sale, disposal or vesting;". (7) In section 69 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, in the definition of tollway operator, for "is in force" substitute "is in force or the West Gate Tunnel Corporation within the meaning of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 unless a West Gate Tunnel roaming agreement (within the meaning of section 93AD) is in force". (8) In section 69 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 insert the following definitions-- "special circumstances has the same meaning as it has in the Infringements Act 2006; tolling device means any system, equipment or thing prescribed as a tolling device for the purposes of this Part; trailer has the same meaning as it has in the Road Safety Act 1986;". 103



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 117 Liability to pay toll and toll administration fees (1) For section 72(2) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 substitute-- "(2) Subject to subsection (3), the operator of a vehicle or, in the case of a vehicle that is attached to a trailer and the operator of the vehicle cannot be identified by a tolling device, the operator of the trailer, is taken to be the driver of that vehicle for the purposes of subsection (1).". (2) In section 72(3) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, after "vehicle" (where first and second occurring) insert "or trailer". (3) In section 72(4) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for "driving the vehicle" substitute "the driver of the vehicle or the operator of the trailer". 118 Charge of toll (1) In section 72B(1)(b) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for "statement." substitute "statement; and". (2) After section 72B(1)(b) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 insert-- "(c) in the case that the vehicle is attached to a trailer and the operator of the vehicle cannot be identified by a tolling device, the operator of the trailer.". 104



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 119 New section 72C inserted After section 72B of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 insert-- "72C Minimum debt recovery requirements (1) The Minister may specify the requirements to be met by the relevant corporation when taking action to recover a toll or a toll administration fee from a responsible person. (2) The specified requirements must be published in the Government Gazette.". 120 Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone (1) For section 73(4) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 substitute-- "(4) Despite anything to the contrary in this Act or any other Act (other than the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities) during a 7-day period, unless another period is prescribed, then during that other period-- (a) only one criminal proceeding may be commenced in respect of an offence constituted by the driving of any one vehicle in a toll zone during the course of the 7-day period or other period (as the case requires); and (b) only one infringement notice may be issued in respect of an offence constituted by the driving of any one vehicle in a toll zone during the course of the 7-day period or other period (as the case requires)-- regardless of how many toll zones the vehicle is driven in during the course of the period and how many trips the vehicle makes during the course of the period and how 105



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part many different individuals drive the vehicle during the course of the period.". (2) In section 73(8) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 omit "on the day of the offence". 121 Section 76 substituted For section 76 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 substitute-- "76 Payment of prescribed administrative amount (1) Subject to subsection (2), if a charge against a person for an offence against section 73 is found proven, whether or not a conviction is recorded or a penalty imposed for that offence, the court must make an order requiring the person to pay to the relevant corporation an amount that is the prescribed administrative amount, if any. (2) The court is not required to make an order under subsection (1) if having regard to the prescribed criteria (if any) the court is satisfied-- (a) that the person is experiencing acute financial hardship; or (b) that special circumstances apply to the person. (3) An amount required to be paid under an order made under subsection (1) must be taken to be a judgment debt due by the person to the relevant corporation and payment of any amount remaining unpaid under the order is to be enforceable in the court by which it was made.". 106



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 122 Relevant corporation or authorised person may notify enforcement agency of non-payment of toll In section 77(1)(b) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for "notify the enforcement agency" substitute "if the toll and toll administration fee have not been paid in accordance with the processes set out in the Agreement or the Extension Agreement, notify the enforcement agency". 123 Proof that vehicle driven in toll zone In section 88 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, after "vehicle was driven" insert "or a trailer was towed". 124 General evidentiary provisions (1) In section 89(2) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995-- (a) for "Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure or an authorised person certifying that on a particular date a vehicle " substitute "Department of Transport or an authorised person certifying that on a particular date a vehicle or a trailer"; (b) after "the vehicle" insert "or trailer". (2) In section 89 (3) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995-- (a) after "a vehicle" insert "or a trailer"; (b) after "the vehicle" insert "or trailer". (3) In section 89(3A) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995-- (a) for "Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure" substitute "Department of Transport"; 107



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (b) after "vehicle" (where twice occurring) insert "or trailer". (4) In section 89(3B) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, after "vehicle" (where twice occurring) insert "or trailer". 125 Roads Corporation may disclose certain information (1) For section 90(1) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 substitute-- "(1) The Roads Corporation or a relevant person may disclose information about a vehicle or trailer registered under Part 2 of the Road Safety Act 1986, for the purposes of this Part-- (a) to an enforcement agency; or (b) to a person who is employed by, or who is engaged to provide services for, the Roads Corporation, a relevant person or an enforcement agency. (1A) The Roads Corporation or a relevant person may disclose information about a vehicle or trailer registered under Part 2 of the Road Safety Act 1986, for the purpose of sending a request to a responsible person for the payment of a toll or a toll administration fee-- (a) to the relevant corporation; or (b) to a person who is employed by, or who is engaged to provide services for, the relevant corporation. (1B) The Roads Corporation or a relevant person may disclose the driver licence information of a responsible person, for the purpose of taking action for the recovery of a toll or a toll administration fee from the responsible 108



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part person in accordance with arrangements that comply with the minimum debt recovery requirements-- (a) to the relevant corporation; or (b) to a person who is employed by, or who is engaged to provide services for, the relevant corporation.". (2) In section 90(2) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for "(1)(a) or (1)(c)" substitute "(1)". (3) In section 90(3) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, for "under subsection (1)(b) as if it were a disclosure of information" substitute "under subsection (1A) or (1B) as if it were a disclosure of information authorised". (4) After section 90(3) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 insert-- "(4) In this section-- driver licence information means any of the following information held by the Roads Corporation for the purpose of its licensing functions under Part 3 of the Road Safety Act 1986-- (a) a person's name; (b) a driver licence number; (c) a date of birth; (d) a telephone number; (e) an email address; (f) a residential address; information protection agreement has the same meaning as it has in section 90I of the Road Safety Act 1986; 109



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part minimum debt recovery requirements means the requirements specified by the Minister under section 72C(1); relevant person has the same meaning as it has in section 90I of the Road Safety Act 1986.". 126 New Division 6 of Part 4 inserted After Division 5 of Part 4 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 insert-- "Division 6--West Gate Tunnel roaming agreements 93AD Definitions In this Division-- net incremental marginal cost, in relation to a West Gate Tunnel roaming service, means-- (a) the additional cost to the relevant corporation of providing the West Gate Tunnel roaming service (net of any savings) calculated in accordance with a determination referred to in section 93AF(1); or (b) the amount that is determined to be the net incremental marginal cost to the relevant corporation of providing the West Gate Tunnel roaming service as referred to in section 93AF(2); or (c) if neither paragraph (a) nor paragraph (b) applies, the additional cost to the relevant corporation of providing the West Gate Tunnel roaming service (net of any savings); 110



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part Secretary means the Secretary to the Department of Transport; West Gate Tunnel Agreement has the same meaning as in the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019; West Gate Tunnel Corporation has the same meaning as in the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019; West Gate Tunnel roaming agreement means an agreement between the relevant corporation and the West Gate Tunnel Corporation relating to the use in a West Gate Tunnel toll zone of a class or classes of vehicles that are registered with the relevant corporation; West Gate Tunnel roaming service means a service relating to the billing and payment of amounts for tolls and charges relating to the use in a West Gate Tunnel toll zone of a class or classes of vehicles that are registered with the relevant corporation; West Gate Tunnel toll zone means a toll zone within the meaning of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019. 93AE Roaming fees (1) For the duration of the Concession Period (within the meaning of the West Gate Tunnel Agreement), the fee or charge that may be imposed by the relevant corporation on the West Gate Tunnel Corporation under a West Gate Tunnel roaming agreement for the provision of a West Gate Tunnel roaming 111



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part service must not exceed the amount that represents the net incremental marginal cost to the relevant corporation of providing that West Gate Tunnel roaming service. (2) Any agreement or arrangement existing on or after the commencement of this section that is inconsistent with subsection (1) is void to the extent of the inconsistency. 93AF Determination of net incremental marginal cost (1) The Secretary may, by notice published in the Government Gazette, determine the method and criteria to be used for calculating the additional cost to the relevant corporation of providing a West Gate Tunnel roaming service. (2) The Secretary, on the joint application of the relevant corporation and the West Gate Tunnel Corporation, may, by notice published in the Government Gazette, determine an amount to be the net incremental marginal cost to the relevant corporation of providing a West Gate Tunnel roaming service. (3) A determination of an amount to be the net incremental marginal cost may provide for the amount to be a variable amount to be determined in accordance with an agreement existing at the date of the determination between the relevant corporation and the West Gate Tunnel Corporation. (4) The Secretary must not make a determination of an amount to be the net incremental marginal cost unless the Secretary is satisfied that the amount to be determined has been agreed to by the 112



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part relevant corporation and the West Gate Tunnel Corporation. (5) On the publication in the Government Gazette of any determination under this section, any existing determination under this section is revoked.". 127 Proceedings After section 116(1A) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 insert-- "(2) Despite section 7 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009, a proceeding for an offence against section 73(1) may be commenced not more than 15 months after the commission of the alleged offence.". 128 Regulations (1) After section 118(1)(f) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 insert-- "(fa) prescribing fees; (fb) prescribing a period of time for the purposes of section 73(4); (fc) prescribing criteria for the purposes of section 76(2); (fd) prescribing the period in which records in relation to the non-payment of a toll are to be destroyed;". (2) For section 118(2) of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 substitute-- "(2) The regulations-- (a) may be of general or limited application; (b) may differ according to differences in time, place or circumstances; 113



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (c) may confer a discretionary authority or impose a duty on a specified person or class of person; (d) may exempt specified persons or things or classes of persons or things from complying with all or any of the regulations, whether unconditionally or on specified conditions and either wholly or to such an extent as is specified. (3) A power conferred by this Act to make regulations prescribing fees may be exercised by providing for all or any of the following matters-- (a) specific fees; (b) maximum fees; (c) minimum fees; (d) the payment of fees either generally or under specified conditions or in specified circumstances; (e) the payment of fees by a specified manner of payment.". 129 Statute law revision In section 3 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, the definition of IBAC is repealed. Division 11--Road Management Act 2004 130 Definitions (1) In section 3(1) of the Road Management Act 2004, in the definition of State road authority, for "or Peninsula Link Freeway Corporation" substitute ", the Peninsula Link Freeway Corporation or the West Gate Tunnel Corporation". 114



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (2) In section 3(1) of the Road Management Act 2004 insert the following definitions-- "West Gate Tunnel Agreement has the same meaning as it has in section 3 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019; West Gate Tunnel Corporation has the same meaning as it has in section 3 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019; West Gate Tunnel operator has the same meaning as it has in section 3 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019; West Gate Tunnel tollway has the same meaning as it has in section 3 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019;". 131 Interpretation and application of Act After section 5(8C) of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(8D) This Act is subject to the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 and the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. (8E) The West Gate Tunnel Corporation and the West Gate Tunnel operator or their delegates must not exercise any power or carry out any duty under this Act in a manner that is not consistent with the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 or the West Gate Tunnel Agreement.". 115



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 132 What is a public road? After section 17(1)(db) of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(dc) the West Gate Tunnel tollway; or". 133 Which road authority is the responsible road authority? (1) In section 37(1) of the Road Management Act 2004, for "(1B) and (2)" substitute "(1B), (1C), (1D), (1E) and (2)". (2) After section 37(1B) of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(1C) The Link corporation is the responsible road authority for the Link road. (1D) The Extension corporation is the responsible road authority for the Extension road. (1E) The West Gate Tunnel Corporation is the responsible road authority for the West Gate Tunnel tollway.". 134 Contents of a road management plan After section 52(2B) of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(2C) A road management plan relating to the West Gate Tunnel tollway-- (a) must be consistent with the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 and the West Gate Tunnel Agreement; and (b) must facilitate the performance of obligations and duties under the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 and the West Gate Tunnel Agreement.". 116



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 135 Interference with a road After section 63(2)(ba) of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(bb) the person conducts the works authorised by, and conducted in accordance with, the Agreement; or (bc) the person conducts the works authorised by, and conducted in accordance with, the Extension Agreement; or (bd) the person conducts the works authorised by, and conducted in accordance with, the EastLink Agreement; or (be) the person conducts the works authorised by, and conducted in accordance with, the West Gate Tunnel Agreement; or". 136 Authorised officers (1) In section 71(4)(a) of the Road Management Act 2004, for "requested; or" substitute "requested; and". (2) In section 71(5)(a) of the Road Management Act 2004, for "requested; or" substitute "requested; and". (3) After section 71(5B) of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(5C) An authorised officer appointed under subsection (1) may exercise the powers of an authorised officer in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway as if VicRoads were the responsible road authority if-- (a) the West Gate Tunnel Corporation has so requested; and (b) there is a written arrangement with the West Gate Tunnel Corporation.". 117



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 137 Principles concerning performance of road management functions After section 101(3) of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(4) Subsection (1) applies to the West Gate Tunnel Corporation as if the reference to the principles specified in section 83 of the Wrongs Act 1958 were excluded. (5) Subsection (1) applies to the Link corporation as if the reference to the principles specified in section 83 of the Wrongs Act 1958 were excluded. (6) Subsection (1) applies to the Extension corporation as if the reference to the principles specified in section 83 of the Wrongs Act 1958 were excluded.". 138 Right to recover for damage to road After section 112(3)(bb) of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(bc) the West Gate Tunnel Corporation in respect of damage to a road arising because of the operation or effect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway; or". 139 New section 133C inserted After section 133B of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "133C Application of regulations to West Gate Tunnel tollway (1) Regulations which may be made under this Act in respect of a freeway may be made in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway in accordance with this section. 118



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (2) For the purposes of this section-- (a) a reference in section 132 to a road is to be construed as a reference to the West Gate Tunnel tollway; and (b) a power which may be conferred on a road authority to recover damages is to be taken to enable power to be conferred on the West Gate Tunnel Corporation to recover damages; and (c) a reference to the property of a road authority is to be construed as a reference to the property of the West Gate Tunnel Corporation; and (d) a discretionary power which may be conferred on a road authority may be conferred on the West Gate Tunnel Corporation.". 140 Section 134 substituted For section 134 of the Road Management Act 2004 substitute-- "134 Application of Act in respect of the Link road and Extension road (1) This Act applies in respect of the Link road and the Extension road in accordance with this section and section 134AA. (2) Subject to this section, the Link corporation is, in respect of the Link road and the Extension corporation is, in respect of the Extension road, the coordinating road authority for the purposes of sections 19, 48(3) and 63(1) and clauses 7, 12 and 13 and Part 2 of Schedule 7. 119



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (3) Subject to subsection (2) and section 134AA, VicRoads has the powers and functions of a coordinating road authority in respect of the Link road if so requested by the Link corporation and in respect of the Extension road if so requested by the Extension corporation. (4) The functions and powers of an authorised officer appointed by VicRoads extend in respect of the Link road if so requested by the Link corporation in accordance with an arrangement between the Link corporation and VicRoads. (5) The functions and powers of an authorised officer appointed by VicRoads extend in respect of the Extension road if so requested by the Extension corporation in accordance with an arrangement between the Extension corporation and VicRoads. (6) A direction to the Link corporation or the Extension corporation under section 22 must not be inconsistent with the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 or the Agreement or the Extension Agreement (as the case requires). (7) A Code of Practice under section 28 in its application to the Link corporation or the Extension corporation must not be inconsistent with the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 or the Agreement or the Extension Agreement (as the case requires). (8) A determination under section 41 must not be inconsistent with the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 or the Agreement or the Extension Agreement. 120



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (9) Section 66 does not apply to the Link road or the Extension road if the placing of the structure, device, hoarding, advertisement, sign or bill is permitted under the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 or the Agreement or the Extension Agreement (as the case requires). (10) Section 96 applies to the Link road and the Extension road as if VicRoads were the relevant road authority. (11) Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 36, 38(1)(d), 39, 105(3), 118, 119, 120, 123 and 127 and clauses 2 and 3 of Schedule 2 and clauses 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12 of Schedule 5 do not apply to the Link road or the Extension road or the Link corporation or the Extension corporation. (12) Clauses 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Schedule 4 apply to the Link corporation in respect of the Link road as if the Link corporation were the responsible State road authority. (13) Clauses 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Schedule 4 apply to the Extension corporation in respect of the Extension road as if the Extension corporation were the responsible State road authority. (14) Clause 10(1) of Schedule 5 applies to the Link road or the Extension road as if the reference to infrastructure did not include road-related infrastructure installed in accordance with the Agreement or the Extension Agreement (as the case requires). 121



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (15) The power to-- (a) cause to be removed, destroyed or blocked a means of access to a freeway constructed, formed or laid out without the consent of the road authority; and (b) cause to be erected and maintained, fences, posts or other obstructions along a freeway or along or across an entrance, approach or means of access to a freeway for the purpose of preventing access to a freeway-- which is conferred on VicRoads in relation to a freeway is conferred on the Link corporation in respect of the Link road and the Extension corporation in respect of the Extension road.". 141 New section 134AA inserted After section 134 of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- '134AA Application of Schedule 7 in respect of the Link road and the Extension road (1) Schedule 7 applies in respect of the Link road and the Extension road as modified by this section. (2) Clause 8 applies as if after subclause (4) there were inserted-- "(5) Subclause (1) does not apply to the carrying out of routine maintenance and inspection work. (6) For the purposes of this clause, work is not routine maintenance and inspection work if it requires traffic management measures in order to be conducted safely.". 122



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (3) Clause 14 applies as if after subclause (1) there were inserted-- "(1A) The Link corporation and the Extension corporation must have regard to the principles specified in this clause in the provision of road infrastructure.". (4) Clause 14 applies as if for subclause (2) there were substituted-- "(2) The Link road and the Extension road must be managed as far as is reasonably practicable in such a way as to minimise any adverse effects on-- (a) the use of the Link road or the Extension road by members of the public; and (b) the provision of services by a Utility.". (5) Clause 14(3) applies as if after paragraph (g) there were inserted-- "(h) minimise any damage to non-road infrastructure; (i) minimise any risk to the property of Utilities; (j) ensure that the non-road infrastructure is reinstated as nearly as practicable to the condition existing before the works necessary for the provision of the road infrastructure were conducted.". (6) Clause 16(5) applies as if the reference to the works and infrastructure management principles were a reference to clause 14(2). 123



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (7) Clause 16 applies as if after subclause (8) there were inserted-- "(8A) Conditions to which a consent is given under this clause may require an applicant to compensate the Link corporation or the Extension corporation for economic loss, subject to compliance with any prescribed requirements for the negotiation and resolution of disputes in relation to compensation, but must not require the applicant to pay any form of penalty.". (8) Clause 17 applies as if after subclause (4) there were inserted-- "(4A) A Code of Practice applying to the Link road or the Extension road must not be inconsistent with the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 or the Agreement or the Extension Agreement (as the case requires).".'. 142 Application of Schedule 7 in respect of the EastLink In section 134B(7) of the Road Management Act 2004-- (a) for "must not" substitute "may"; (b) for "or to pay any form of penalty" substitute ", subject to compliance with any prescribed requirements for negotiation and resolution of disputes in relation to compensation, but must not require the applicant to pay any form of penalty". 143 Application of Schedule 7 in respect of the Peninsula Link Freeway In section 134E(7) of the Road Management Act 2004-- (a) for "must not" substitute "may"; 124



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (b) for "or to pay any form of penalty" substitute ", subject to compliance with any prescribed requirements for negotiation and resolution of disputes in relation to compensation, but must not require the applicant to pay any form of penalty". 144 New sections 134F and 134G inserted After section 134E of the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- '134F Application of Act in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway and the West Gate Tunnel Corporation (1) This Act applies in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway in accordance with this section and section 134G. (2) Subject to this section, the West Gate Tunnel Corporation is, in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway, the coordinating road authority for the purposes of sections 19, 48(3) and 63(1) and clauses 7, 12 and 13 and Part 2 of Schedule 7. (3) Subject to subsection (2) and section 134G, VicRoads has the powers and functions of a coordinating road authority in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway if so requested by the West Gate Tunnel Corporation. (4) The functions and powers of an authorised officer appointed by VicRoads extend in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway if so requested by the West Gate Tunnel Corporation in accordance with an arrangement between the West Gate Tunnel Corporation and VicRoads. 125



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (5) A direction to the West Gate Tunnel Corporation under section 22 must not be inconsistent with the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 or the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. (6) A Code of Practice under section 28 in its application to the West Gate Tunnel Corporation must not be inconsistent with the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 or the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. (7) A determination under section 41 must not be inconsistent with the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 or the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. (8) Section 66 does not apply to the West Gate Tunnel tollway if the placing of the structure, device, hoarding, advertisement, sign or bill is permitted under the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 or the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. (9) Section 96 applies to the West Gate Tunnel tollway as if VicRoads were the relevant road authority. (10) Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 36, 38(1)(d), 39, 105(3), 118, 119, 120, 123 and 127 and clauses 2 and 3 of Schedule 2 and clauses 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12 of Schedule 5 do not apply to the West Gate Tunnel tollway or the West Gate Tunnel Corporation. 126



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (11) Clauses 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Schedule 4 apply to the West Gate Tunnel Corporation in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway as if the West Gate Tunnel Corporation were the responsible State road authority. (12) Clause 10(1) of Schedule 5 applies to the West Gate Tunnel tollway as if the reference to infrastructure did not include road-related infrastructure installed in accordance with the West Gate Tunnel Agreement. (13) The power to-- (a) cause to be removed, destroyed or blocked, a means of access to a freeway constructed, formed or laid out without the consent of the road authority; and (b) cause to be erected and maintained, fences, posts or other obstructions along a freeway or along or across an entrance, approach or means of access to a freeway for the purpose of preventing access to a freeway-- which is conferred on VicRoads in relation to a freeway is conferred on the West Gate Tunnel Corporation in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway. 134G Application of Schedule 7 in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway (1) Schedule 7 applies in respect of the West Gate Tunnel tollway as modified by this section. 127



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (2) Clause 8 applies as if after subclause (4) there were inserted-- "(5) Subclause (1) does not apply to the carrying out of routine maintenance and inspection work. (6) For the purposes of this clause, work is not routine maintenance and inspection work if it requires traffic management measures in order to be conducted safely.". (3) Clause 14 applies as if after subclause (1) there were inserted-- "(1A) The West Gate Tunnel Corporation must have regard to the principles specified in this clause in the provision of road infrastructure.". (4) Clause 14 applies as if for subclause (2) there were substituted-- "(2) The West Gate Tunnel tollway must be managed as far as is reasonably practicable in such a way as to minimise any adverse effects on-- (a) the use of the West Gate Tunnel tollway by members of the public; and (b) the provision of services by a utility.". (5) Clause 14(3) applies as if after paragraph (g) there were inserted-- "(h) minimise any damage to non-road infrastructure; (i) minimise any risk to the property of Utilities; 128



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (j) ensure that the non-road infrastructure is reinstated as nearly as practicable to the condition existing before the works necessary for the provision of the road infrastructure were conducted.". (6) Clause 16(5) applies as if the reference to the works and infrastructure management principles were a reference to clause 14(2). (7) Clause 16 applies as if after subclause (8) there were inserted-- "(8A) Conditions to which a consent is given under this clause may require an applicant to compensate the West Gate Tunnel Corporation for economic loss, subject to compliance with any prescribed requirements for negotiation and resolution of disputes in relation to compensation, but must not require the applicant to pay any form of penalty.". (8) Clause 17 applies as if after subclause (4) there were inserted-- "(4A) A Code of Practice applying to the West Gate Tunnel Project must not be inconsistent with the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 or the West Gate Tunnel Agreement.".'. 145 Schedule 1 amended After clause 1(ha) of Schedule 1 to the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(hb) in relation to the West Gate Tunnel tollway, details of any toll zones specified under section 22 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019;". 129



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part 146 Schedule 7A amended After clause 3(1)(c) of Schedule 7A to the Road Management Act 2004 insert-- "(ca) in the case of the West Gate Tunnel tollway--by the West Gate Tunnel Corporation; and". Division 12--Road Safety Act 1986 147 Definitions In section 3(1) of the Road Safety Act 1986 insert the following definition-- "no-truck zone means a road or a road related area that is specified in a declaration made under section 65BE;". 148 New sections 65BA, 65BB, 65BC, 65BD and 65BE inserted After section 65B of the Road Safety Act 1986 insert-- "65BA Driving of heavy vehicle in a no-truck zone (1) A person must not drive a heavy vehicle in a no-truck zone, except in accordance with subsection (2). Penalty: 20 penalty units. (2) A person may drive a heavy vehicle in a no-truck zone if the heavy vehicle is-- (a) a bus; or (b) a prescribed class of heavy vehicle; or (c) being driven for the purpose of performing construction or maintenance works within a no-truck zone; or 130



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (d) being driven in the course of making a delivery of goods to a place or from a place within a no-truck zone; or (e) being driven to a place or from a place within a no-truck zone for the purpose of the repair or sale of the heavy vehicle. 65BB Extended liability for driving of heavy vehicle in a no-truck zone (1) Subject to subsection (2), if a driver of a heavy vehicle commits an offence against section 65BA(1), the following persons also commit an offence against section 65BA(1)-- (a) an employer of the driver of the heavy vehicle; (b) an operator or registered operator of the heavy vehicle; (c) the person who contracted with the driver of the heavy vehicle for provision of services for the consignment of goods for transport by road. (2) A person referred to in subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) does not commit an offence against section 65BA(1) if the person took reasonable steps that include-- (a) the person did not know, and could not reasonably be expected to have known, of the conduct of the driver of the heavy vehicle that constituted the commission of the offence; and 131



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (b) either-- (i) the person had taken all steps to prevent that conduct from occurring; or (ii) there were no steps that the person could reasonably be expected to have taken to prevent the conduct from occurring. (3) Without limiting subsection (2), in determining whether a person referred to in subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) has taken reasonable steps, a court may have regard to-- (a) the circumstances of the offence; and (b) without limiting paragraph (a), the measures available and measures taken for all or any of the following-- (i) to manage, reduce or eliminate the risk of the offence being committed; (ii) to exercise supervision or control over the driver involved in the commission of the offence; (iii) to exercise supervision or control over activities leading to the commission of the offence; (iv) to include compliance assurance conditions in relevant commercial arrangements; (v) to provide information, instruction, training and supervision to employees to ensure compliance with section 65BA; 132



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (vi) to maintain work systems to enable compliance with section 65BA; and (c) the personal expertise and experience that the person had or ought to have had. 65BC Prosecution (1) If more than one person is liable to be found guilty of an offence against section 65BA(1), proceedings may be taken against all or any persons liable to be found guilty of the offence. (2) Proceedings may be taken against all or any persons liable to be found guilty of the offence-- (a) regardless of whether or not proceedings have been commenced against any person; and (b) if proceedings have commenced against a person, regardless of whether or not those proceedings have finished; and (c) if proceedings have finished against a person, regardless of the outcome of those proceedings. 65BD Exclusion of double jeopardy A person may be punished only once for an act that constitutes an offence against section 65BA(1). 65BE Declaration of area of land to be no-truck zone (1) The Minister, by notice published in the Government Gazette, may declare an area of land specified in the declaration to be a no-truck zone. 133



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (2) A declaration under this section-- (a) may be of general or limited application; or (b) may differ according to differences in time, place or circumstance. (3) The Minister, by notice published in the Government Gazette, may amend or revoke a declaration made under this section.". 149 Definitions (1) In section 84BB of the Road Safety Act 1986, in the definition of authorised tolling person-- (a) in paragraph (b), after "Act;" insert "or"; (b) after paragraph (b) insert-- "(c) a person authorised in writing under section 20 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 to carry out functions under Part 3 of that Act;". (2) In section 84BB of the Road Safety Act 1986, in the definition of tolling offence, for "2004;" substitute "2004 or section 32(1) of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019;". 150 Use of effective statement to avoid liability In section 84BE(4A) of the Road Safety Act 1986-- (a) for "Part 4 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995 or Part 9 of the EastLink Project Act 2004" substitute "Part 4 of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, Part 9 of the EastLink Project Act 2004 or Part 3 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019"; 134



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part (b) in paragraph (b), for "or the EastLink Project Act 2004" substitute ", the EastLink Project Act 2004 or the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019". 151 Statute law revision (1) In section 67(1) of the Road Safety Act 1986, for "an registrar" substitute "a registrar". (2) In section 67(3) of the Road Safety Act 1986, for "an registrar" substitute "a registrar". Division 13--Transport Integration Act 2010 152 Definitions (1) In section 3 of the Transport Integration Act 2010, in the definition of interface body, after paragraph (d) insert-- "(da) in respect of the Victorian Planning Authority Act 2017, the Victorian Planning Authority established under that Act;". (2) In section 3 of the Transport Integration Act 2010, in the definition of transport legislation, after paragraph (q) insert-- "(qaa) West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019;". 153 Delegation by Secretary After section 39(1) of the Transport Integration Act 2010 insert-- "(1A) The Secretary must not delegate a function of the Secretary under section 7 of the West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 unless the Secretary is authorised to carry out that function.". 135



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Part 7--Consequential amendments to other Acts and repeal of amending Part Division 14--Repeal of amending Part 154 Repeal of amending Part This Part is repealed on 19 February 2021. Note The repeal of this Part does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). ═════════════ 136



West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 No. of 2019 Endnotes Endnotes 1 General information See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information. Minister's second reading speech-- Legislative Assembly: Legislative Council: The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to provide for the operation of the West Gate Tunnel, to consequentially amend the Accident Towing Services Act 2007, the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, the Criminal Procedure Act 2009, the EastLink Project Act 2004, the Fines Reform Act 2014, the Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013, the Infringements Act 2006, the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009, the Melbourne City Link Act 1995, the Road Management Act 2004, the Road Safety Act 1986, and the Transport Integration Act 2010 and for other purposes." By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 137




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