Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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Crimes Amendment (Ramming of Police Vehicles) Bill 2017

     Crimes Amendment (Ramming of
         Police Vehicles) Bill 2017

                        Introduction Print


                               Clause Notes
Clause 1   sets out the purpose of the Bill, which is to amend Crimes
           Act 1958 to create an offence of ramming a police vehicle.

Clause 2   provides for the Bill to commence on the day after the day on
           which the Bill receives Royal Assent.

Clause 3   inserts a new section 247M into the Crimes Act 1958 detailing
           that a person must not, without lawful excuse, ram a police
           vehicle using another vehicle.

Clause 4   inserts a new section 10AD into the Sentencing Act 1991 so that
           a custodial sentence of not less than 2 years must be imposed for
           the offence of ramming a police vehicle unless a special reason
           exists or the offender is less than 18 years of age at the time of
           the offence.

Clause 5   confirms Parliament's intention that a sentence of not less
           than 2 years should be imposed for an offence covered by
           section 10AE.

Clause 6   unless exceptional circumstances exist a term of imprisonment
           imposed for an offence against section 247M of the Crimes
           Act 1958 must be served cumulatively.

Clause 7   provides for the Act to be repealed on the first anniversary of its

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