Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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Corrections Amendment (Adult Parole Board) Bill 2018

 Corrections Amendment (Adult Parole
           Board) Bill 2018

                        Introduction Print


                               Clause Notes
Clause 1   sets out the purposes of the Bill, which are to amend the
           Corrections Act 1986 to provide for the appointment of
           members of the Adult Parole Board who are victims of crime or
           who represent the interests of all victims of crime; and to further
           provide for the constitution of a division of the Adult Parole

Clause 2   provides for the Bill to commence on a day or days to be
           proclaimed or no later than 21 August 2019.

Clause 3   inserts new section 61(2)(db) into the Corrections Act 1986 to
           provide that one or more persons appointed by the Governor in
           Council to the Adult Parole Board may be victims of crime or
           persons who represent the interests of all victims of crime.

Clause 4   substitutes section 64(2) of the Corrections Act 1986 to
           require that a division of the Adult Parole Board consists of at
           least 4 members, of whom at least one must be a Judge, retired
           Judge, Associate Judge, Magistrate or retired Magistrate; and at
           least one member must be victims of crime or who represent
           the interests of all victims of crime, as mentioned in the new
           section 61(2)(db).
           The clause also inserts new section 64(2A) into the Corrections
           Act 1986 requiring that the chairperson of a division of the Adult
           Parole Board must be a member mentioned in section 64(2)(a),
           that is, a Judge, retired Judge, Associate Judge, Magistrate or
           retired Magistrate.

581PM45                               1       BILL LC INTRODUCTION 4/9/2018



Clause 5 amends section 66(5) of the Corrections Act 1986 to provide that meetings of a division of the Adult Parole Board must be attended by at least 3 members, not 2 as currently. Clause 6 provides for the automatic repeal of the amending Act on 21 August 2020. The repeal of the Act does not affect the continuing operation of the amendment made by it (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 2




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