Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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    City of Melbourne Amendment
 (Environmental Upgrade Agreements)
               Bill 2012

                        Introduction Print


                              Clause Notes
Clause 1   sets out the purpose of the Bill, which is to amend the City of
           Melbourne Act 2001 to further provide for environmental
           upgrade agreements and to make other miscellaneous
           An environmental upgrade agreement is a tripartite agreement
           between the Melbourne City Council, the owner of a non-
           residential building in the City of Melbourne and a lending body.
           Under such an agreement, the lending body advances funds to the
           building owner to finance approved environmental upgrades and
           the Council levies an environmental upgrade charge to recover
           the funds and repay the lending body.

Clause 2   provides for the commencement of the Bill. Claues 1, 2 and 5
           come into operation on the day after Royal Assent.
           The remaining provisions come into operation when proclaimed
           or on 1 July 2012, if not proclaimed by that date.

Clause 3   inserts a definition of "capital improved value" in section 27L of
           the City of Melbourne Act 2001. Capital improved value is
           defined to have the same meaning as in section 2(1) of the
           Valuation of Land Act 1960.

571185                               1       BILL LA INTRODUCTION 7/2/2012



Clause 4 amends section 27N of the City of Melbourne Act 2001. Subclause (1) substitutes a new section 27N(1)(a) to prohibit the Melbourne City Council from entering into an environmental upgrade agreement until 28 days after it has received the signed statutory declaration from the building owner in accordance with new subsection (4) (as inserted by subclause (3)). Subclause (2) inserts a new section 27N(1)(d) to prohibit the Melbourne City Council from entering into an environmental upgrade agreement unless the total amount owing in respect of taxes, rates, charges and mortgages when added to the proposed environmental upgrade charge, does not exceed the capital improved value of the property prior to the upgrade works. Subclause (3) substitutes new subsections (3) to (6) in section 27N. New subsection (3) describes the specific information that the building owner must provide in a notice to the Council about debts owing on the land. This includes details of all registered and unregistered mortgages plus all taxes, rates and charges imposed by or under an Act. New subsection (4) requires the building owner to give the Council a signed statutory declaration. The statutory declaration must state that the owner has notified all existing mortgage holders of the proposed environmental upgrade charge and that the details provided by the owner about taxes, rates, charges and mortgages is accurate and complete. New subsection (5) describes how the amount owing on a mortgage is to be calculated when a mortgage is held over multiple properties. New subsection (6) defines "existing mortgagee" to include the holders of both registered and unregistered mortgages. 2



Clause 5 amends section 5(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 to allow section 220Q(i), (j), (k), (l) (m) and (n) of the Local Government Act 1989 to apply to the Melbourne City Council. This removes an inconsistency with section 6A of the City of Melbourne Act 2001. Clause 6 repeals the Bill on 1 July 2013. This repeal does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by this amending Bill (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 3




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