Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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Electricity Safety Amendment (Bushfire
          Mitigation) Bill 2013

                          Introduction Print


The Bill amends the Electricity Safety Act 1998 for the mitigation of
bushfire risk arising from electric lines and electricity networks and for other

                                Clause Notes

                       PART 1--PRELIMINARY
Clause 1    states the main purposes of the Bill.

Clause 2    provides for the commencement of the Bill. The Bill comes
            into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. The default
            commencement date for the Bill is 29 June 2015. The 29 June
            2015 commencement date is more than 12 months from the likely
            date that the Bill, if passed, would receive the Royal Assent to
            allow sufficient time to undertake consultation about the
            prescribed information for the purposes of the amendments to
            section 113A(3) of the Electricity Safety Act 1998.

Clause 3    states that references in the Bill to the "Principal Act" are
            references to the Electricity Safety Act 1998.

Clause 4    amends and inserts definitions in section 3 of the Principal Act.
            Subclause (a) inserts a definition of Council. This Bill updates
            the references to "municipal council" in the Principal Act to
            Council. The amendment made by subclause (b) relates to this
            Subclause (b) amends the definition of public land.

571363                                 1      BILL LA INTRODUCTION 12/11/2013



Subclause (c) amends the definition of responsible person. This amendment is consequential to amendments to section 84. Subclause (d) amends the definition of urban area to mean an area of land that is predominantly subdivided into allotments or lots each of which, in the case of land used or to be used for residential purposes, is not greater than 0·1 hectares, rather than 0·4 hectares as is currently the case (in addition to other criteria). Clause 5 amends section 46(1)(a)(vi) of the Principal Act. This is consequential to the new definition of Council inserted by clause 4 and does not affect the operation of the section. Clause 6 inserts new headings. Subclause 1 inserts a new heading "Subdivision 1--Persons responsible for maintaining lines" before section 84 of the Principal Act. Subclause 2 inserts a new heading "Subdivision 2--Other matters" before section 85 of the Principal Act. Clause 7 substitutes section 84 of the Principal Act with new sections 84, 84A, 84B, 84C and 84D. New sections 84 to 84D are intended to modernise and replace existing section 84 of the Principal Act, which sets out the requirements to keep trees clear of electric lines. The new sections also have the effect of making several changes to the persons who are required to keep trees clear of electric lines. The effect of the Bill is that a distribution company will be responsible for tree clearing that was previously the responsibility of-- · a public land manager that was not a municipal council; and · VicRoads. New section 84 provides that a distribution company is responsible for keeping a tree clear of an electric line within its distribution area unless another person under Subdivision 1 is responsible for maintaining the electric line or keeping the tree clear of the electric line. New section 84A(1) provides that an occupier of land above or below the surface of which there is a private electric line is responsible for the maintenance of that electric line. 2



New section 84A(2) provides that an occupier of land on which there is a low voltage electric line which solely services that land is responsible for keeping trees (situated on that land) clear of that electric line. New section 84B(1) provides that an occupier of land that is continguous to land on which there is a private electric line is responsible for keeping trees situated on the occupier's land clear of that electric line. New section 84B(2) provides that the occupier may enter onto the land on which there is the private electric line to keep a tree clear of the electric line. New section 84C provides that a Council responsible for the management of public land in an area of land declared under section 81 is responsible for keeping trees (situated on that land) clear of an electric line that is not a private electric line. New section 84D provides that a person (other than a distribution company) who owns or operates an electric line, or installs or uses an electric line under an Act of the Commonwealth, is responsible for keeping trees clear of the electric line. Clause 8 amends the references to section 84 in the Principal Act as a consequence of the insertion of new sections 84, 84A, 84B, 84C and 84D. In addition, it repeals section 90A(2) of the Principal Act to remove a redundant provision. Clause 9 amends section 86B of the Principal Act. This is consequential to the new definition of Council inserted by clause 4 and does not affect the operation of the section. Clause 10 repeals section 105A of the Principal Act to remove the provision that a bushfire mitigation plan lapses on 30 June in the year after the year in which an electricity safety management scheme was accepted by Energy Safe Victoria. Section 105A is no longer required as a result of the amendment made by clause 12 to section 113A(1) of the Principal Act which requires the preparation of plans for mitigation of bushfires every 5 years rather than annually. 3



Clause 11 inserts new section 112 of the Principal Act. New section 112 provides that a major electricity company is not required to submit a revised bushfire mitigation plan when it submits a revised electricity safety management scheme unless the reason for the revision relates to the bushfire mitigation plan. Clause 12 makes amendments to 113A of the Principal Act. Clause 12(1) substitutes section 113A(1) of the Principal Act to require a major electricity company to prepare and submit to Energy Safe Victoria a bushfire mitigation plan every 5 years, rather than annually. Clause 12(2) amends section 113A(3) of the Principal Act to require a major electricity company to make prescribed information about its accepted bushfire mitigation plan available for inspection on its website and at its office. Clause 13 amends section 113D(2) of the Principal Act to remove references to sections 107, 109 and 110. The effect of these amendments are listed below-- · The reference to section 107 of the Principal Act, which provides for the revision of an electricity safety management scheme, is removed. The removal of this reference will mean that section 107 will also apply to the revision of a bushfire mitigation plan. · The reference to section 109 of the Principal Act is removed. This will mean that Energy Safe Victoria may request the revision of a bushfire mitigation plan as well as a revision of an electricity safety management scheme. · The reference to section 110 of the Principal Act is removed. Section 110 requires a major electricity company to submit a revised electricity safety management scheme further to a request made by Energy Safe Victoria under section 109 of the Principal Act. Following this amendment a major electricity company will be required to submit a revised bushfire mitigation plan further to a request made by Energy Safe Victoria. 4



Clause 14 substitutes section 113E of the Principal Act. This is related to the amendments made to section 113A(1) of the Principal Act to require a major electricity company to prepare and submit to Energy Safe Victoria a bushfire mitigation plan every 5 years. The intended effect of new section 113E is that if a major electricity company is required to revise its bushfire mitigation plan the company does not need to revise its electricity safety management scheme. Clause 15 provides for the automatic repeal of this amending Act on 29 June 2016. The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by this Act (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 5




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