Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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Parliamentary Committees Amendment
              Bill 2013

                        Introduction Print


The Parliamentary Committees Amendment Bill 2013 amends the
Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 to merge four existing Joint House
Committees into two new Joint House Committees.

                               Clause Notes
Clause 1   states the purpose of the Bill.

Clause 2   is the commencement provision. The proposed Act will
           commence operation on 1 August 2013.

Clause 3   amends section 5 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003
                    repealing paragraphs (a) and (g);
                    substituting the current paragraph (b) with a new
                    paragraph that establishes the Economic Development,
                    Infrastructure and Outer Suburban/Interface Services
                    substituting the current paragraph (f) with a new
                    paragraph that establishes the Law Reform, Drugs and
                    Crime Prevention Committee.

Clause 4   repeals section 7 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003.
           The effect of clause 3(a) and this clause is to abolish the Drugs
           and Crime Prevention Committee. The functions of the Drugs
           and Crime Prevention Committee will be performed by the Law

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Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee established by clause 3(c). Clause 5 amends the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 by substituting a new section 8 that provides for the functions of the Economic Development, Infrastructure and Outer Suburban/Interface Services Committee. Clause 6 amends the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 by substituting a new section 12 that provides for the functions of the Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee. Clause 7 repeals section 13 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003. The effect of clause 3(a) and this clause is to abolish the Outer Suburban/Interface Services and Development Committee. The functions of the Outer Suburban/Interface Services and Development Committee will be performed by the Economic Development, Infrastructure and Outer Suburban/Interface Services Committee established under clause 3(b). Clause 8 amends the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 by substituting a new Part 8. New section 65 provides various definitions for the purpose of the new Part 8 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003. New section 66 provides savings and transitional provisions. New section 66(1)(a) deems a successor committee to be the same body as the former committee. Section 13 of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 will allow for referrals to a successor committee before the Bill commences. New section 66(1)(b) provides for the continuation of all appointments and circumstances that existed before the Bill commenced (except where expressly provided in the new section 66). New section 66(2)(a) provides that a member of a former committee does not automatically become a member of a successor committee unless specifically appointed to be a member of a successor committee. Section 13 of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 will allow the Houses of Parliament to appoint members to the successor committees before the commencement date of the Bill. 2



New section 66(2)(b) provides that a sub-committee of a former committee ceases to exist. New section 66(3) provides that the following will cease to have effect from 1 August 2013-- a resolution by a former committee under section 25(5) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 to use an audio or audio visual link; an invitation from a former committee under section 26(1) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 to attend a meeting; a requirement from a former committee under section 28(1) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 to attend or produce a document or thing; and the empowerment of a specified member or members of a former committee under section 28(5) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003. Clause 9 provides for the automatic repeal of this amendment Bill on the first anniversary of its commencement. The repeal of this Bill will not affect in any way the operation of the amendments made by this Bill (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 3




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