Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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Post Compulsory Education Acts (Amendment)

                          Circulation Print


This Bill makes miscellaneous amendments to various Acts relating to post
compulsory education in Victoria.

The Bill amends the Tertiary Education Act 1993 (the Act) to strengthen
the provisions in that Act regulating universities and other providers of
higher education in Victoria to meet nationally agreed standards.

It amends the Deakin University Act 1974 to remove the requirement for
the university to maintain a campus at Clayton.

It also amends the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to
empower the Authority to charge the prescribed fees (if any) for applications
for the registration of persons and bodies authorised to issue recognised

                               Clause Notes
Clause 1    sets out the main purpose of the Bill.

Clause 2    provides for the commencement of the Bill. Clauses 1, 2 and 11
            will commence on the day after Royal Assent and the remaining
            provisions come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed
            or on 1 June 2002 if not proclaimed sooner.

Clause 3    makes a consequential amendment to the Tertiary Education
            Act 1993 (the Act) in the definition of "prescribed institution" to
            refer to the institutions in the new section 10(1B) to be inserted
            by clause 6(2).
             · makes amendments to the provisions relating to the
Clause 4
               endorsement of courses for students from overseas under
               section 6 of the Act;

541183                                          BILL LA CIRCULATION 4/5/2001



· section 6(1) is amended to allow the Minister to endorse as suitable for overseas students a course of study offered by a university with approval or deemed approval to operate as a university under the proposed section 10 that is accredited by that university or a course of study that is authorised to be conducted under section 11(1)(e)(ii); · further criteria for endorsement of higher education courses offered to overseas students are included in line with nationally agreed principles; · extends the term for endorsement to up to 5 years; · provides that the Minister may suspend or cancel an endorsement after conducting a review in accordance with the new section 11A. · amends the definitions relating to higher education; Clause 5 · extends the definition of "higher education awards" to include the awards of diploma and advanced diploma where these awards come from appropriate higher education courses; · includes an interpretation provision that provides for the Part to apply to courses offered in or from Victoria through the use of telecommunication devices by a person, body or organisation operating in or from Victoria. It also includes an interpretation provision that provides for the Part to apply to Universities operating in or from Victoria by telecommunication devices; · restricts the definition of a recognised university to one established by the Commonwealth, a State or the Australian Capital Territory or the Northern Territory. · makes amendments to the provisions requiring the Minister's Clause 6 approval for universities to operate in Victoria; · section 10(1) of the Act is amended to provide that all institutions operating as universities, except the Victorian universities set out in the existing Schedule to the Act, will require the approval of the Minister to do so; · the proposed new section 10(1B) provides for the deemed approval of universities established under an Act of a 2



Commonwealth, State, the Australian Capital Territory or the Northern Territory; · further criteria for approval are included in line with nationally agreed principles; · provides that the Minister may suspend, revoke or impose conditions on an approval after conducting a review in accordance with the new section 11A; · the section is also amended to provide that Orders relating to approvals for overseas Universities and certain Territories which are now required to be subject to the approval process and the new deemed approvals will not be subject to the tabling and disallowance provisions in the existing section 10 of the Act. · makes amendments to the provisions for granting Clause 7 accreditation of courses in higher education and for granting authorisation to conduct such courses; · further criteria for authorisation and accreditation are included in line with nationally agreed principles; · provides that the Minister may suspend, revoke or impose conditions on an accreditation or authorisation after conducting a review in accordance with the new section 11A. · inserts new sections 11A-11D in the Act; Clause 8 · new section 11A provides for the review of operations of universities operating in Victoria with the approval or deemed approval of the Minister and for the review of the operations of other institutions and private providers of higher education courses that are endorsed, accredited or authorised under the Act; · new sections 11B-11D provide for the appointment, identification and powers of authorised officers. Section 11B enables the Minister to appoint a person employed under the Public Sector Management and Employment Act 1998 in the administration of the Tertiary Education Act 1993 an authorised officer for the purposes of the Act. 3



Clause 9 amends the delegation powers of the Minister to allow the new review powers under section 11A to be delegated to a member of a body established under section 4 or an executive of the public service. · saves existing guidelines under sections 6, 10 and 11 for Clause 10 6 months to allow time for new guidelines to be made after the commencement of the new provisions; · provides that Universities established under an Act of the Commonwealth, a State, the Australian Capital Territory or the Northern Territory and that were operating as such in Victoria before the commencement of the new section 10(1B) will deemed to be approved to operate in Victoria from that date. Clause 11 makes a minor amendment to section 5(ab) of the Deakin University Act 1974 to remove the requirement for the university to maintain a campus at Clayton. Clause 12 amends the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to empower the Authority to charge any fees that are prescribed for applications for the registration of persons and bodies authorised to issue recognised qualifications. 4




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