Victorian Bills Explanatory Memoranda

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                                                               Victorian Qualifications Authority
                                                                       (Amendment) Bill
Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents

                                                                             Circulation Print

                                                                  EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM

                                                    Clause 1   sets out main purpose of the Act, which is to make amendments
                                                               to the Victorian Qualifications Act 2000.

                                                    Clause 2   provides that sections 1, 2 and 12 of the Act will come into
                                                               operation on the day after the Act receives the Royal Assent and
                                                               the remaining sections will come into operation on 1 January

                                                    Clause 3   inserts a definition of "higher education award" into the
                                                               Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to mirror the
                                                               meaning of that term as used in the Tertiary Education Act

                                                    Clause 4   amends the wording of section 6(1)(d) and (e) of the Victorian
                                                               Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to reflect the role of the
                                                               Authority in awarding qualifications.

                                                    Clause 5   inserts section 8(4) into the Victorian Qualifications Authority
                                                               Act 2000 include a provision that was in the former Board of
                                                               Studies Act 1993 and which provided that the Minister may not
                                                               provide the Authority with direction in relation to any particular
                                                               student about the award or issue of qualifications.

                                                    Clause 6   substitutes a new section 10(3) in the Victorian Qualifications
                                                               Authority Act 2000 dealing with remunerating members of the
                                                               Victorian Qualifications Authority) to provide the same terms
                                                               and conditions and payments that apply to the Victorian
                                                               Curriculum and Assessment Authority and Victorian Learning
                                                               and Employment Skills Commission.

                                                    Clause 7   substitutes a new section 16(3) in the Victorian Qualifications
                                                               Authority Act 2000 to enable the Victorian Qualifications
                                                               Authority to delegate by instrument under its common seal
                                                               certain powers to registered education and training organisations
                                                               that have been approved by the Authority as fit and competent to
                                                               exercise those powers.

                                                    551105                                        BILL LA CIRCULATION 17/9/2003



Clause 8 amends section 20(2) of the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to provide that the Victorian Qualifications Authority may amend the register of providers to extend their scope of Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents registration. Clause 9 makes a consequential amendment to repeal section 21(5) of the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000. Clause 10 amends section 23 of the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to provide that existing registered providers can apply to have their scope of registration amended. It also inserts a new section 23(4A) that allows the Authority to consider the fitness of a provider in addition to the existing matters in section 23(4). Clause 11 inserts a new section 23A in the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to describe the circumstances in which the Authority can delegate the powers of accreditation or extension of scope of registration to a registered education and training organisation. Clause 12 inserts a new section 24A in the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to enable the Authority to cancel or alter a statement or other document that it has issued if it receives advice from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority that the records of a student's assessment have been altered. The section also allows the Authority to issue a new statement. Clause 13 amends section 27 of the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to enable the Authority to have regard to the suitability of a course for students from overseas when approving a person or body to provide that course. Clause 14 is a consequential amendment repealing section 34(1)(a) that empowered the Governor in Council to make regulations make about fees. Clause 15 inserts section 35A in the Victorian Qualifications Authority Act 2000 to provide for the setting of fees by Ministerial Order. 2




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