Victorian Current Acts
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1. Purposes
2. Commencement
3. Definitions
3A. Meaning of terrorism record
3B. Meaning of terrorism risk information
4. References to prisons to include transition centres
5. Act to bind Crown
Division 1--Custody of the Secretary or the Chief Commissioner of Police
6. Order of imprisonment
6A. When is a person in the legal custody of the Secretary?
6B. When does legal custody of the Secretary cease?
6C. Persons not regarded to be in the Secretary's legal custody
6D. When is a person in the legal custody of the Chief Commissioner of Police?
6E. When does legal custody of the Chief Commissioner cease?
6EA. Prisoner may request delayed release
6F. Powers of court or tribunal not to be affected
Division 2--Custody of the Commissioner
6G. When is a person in the legal custody of the Commissioner?
6H. When does legal custody of the Commissioner cease?
6I. Powers of court or tribunal not affected
Division 2A--Arrangements for detention of persons subject to certain orders
6J. Arrangements for detention of person subject to Commonwealth continuing detention order or Commonwealth interim detention order
6K. Persons detained under arrangement to be managed under this Act
6L. Validation
7. Functions of Secretary
8. Delegation
8A. Commissioner
8AB. Delegation by Commissioner
Division 1--Correctional services agreements
8B. Minister may enter into correctional services agreements
8C. Matters to be included in agreement
8CA. Minister may grant lease or licence over reserved Crown land
8D. Agreement to run with land
8E. Rights of access
8F. Emergency powers
8G. Building work
Division 2--Management agreements
9. Management agreements
Division 3--Agreements with the Chief Commissioner of Police
9AA. Agreements with the Chief Commissioner
9AB. Matters to be included in agreement
9AC. Rights of access
Division 4--General provisions relating to agreements
9A. Authorisation of certain staff
9B. Police inquiry and report
9C. Status of staff
9CA. Staff—police gaols
9CAA. Transport functions
9CB. Use of reasonable force by staff—police gaols
9D. Employment of monitors
9E. Minimum standards
9F. Application of FOI
10. Establishment of prisons
11. Police gaols
11A. Establishment of transition centres
12. Employment under the Public Administration Act
12A. Authority to exercise powers, functions and duties of community corrections officer or Regional Manager
13. Volunteers
Division 1--General
14. Definitions
Division 2--Work
15. Authorized persons may act as prison officers
16. Secretary may authorize medical practitioner to act as principal medical officer or medical officer
17. Powers of Secretary
18. Prison officer subject to direction of principal of training institutions
19. Officers subject to certain directions
20. Duties relating to security and welfare
21. Duties of Governor
22. Reports to Governor
22A. Powers of Governor
23. Control of prisoners
23A. Use of firearms by police exercising powers of a prison officer
Division 1--Management and security of prisons
24. Delegation by Governor
25. Secretary may nominate person to act as Governor
26. Management of prisons in Governor's temporary absence
27. Dogs
28. Photographing and fingerprinting
29. Medical tests and samples
29A. Prisoners may be tested for drug or alcohol use
30. Electronic monitoring of prisoners
30A. Victim may be given certain copies of orders and information about a prisoner
30B. Application to be included on victims register
30C. Inclusion on the victims register
30D. Secretary may refuse to include nominee details for person included on victims register
30E. Annual report
30F. Secretary may prepare guidelines
30G. Release of information to "family members"
30H. Confidentiality of information
30I. Offence to publish information disclosed under section 30A in electronic or print media
31. Children
31A. Offence for prisoner to possess etc. certain items in prison
32. Offences relating to prison security
32A. Offences relating to operation or possession of remotely piloted aircraft or helicopter
32B. Governor may give authorisation
Division 2--Access to prisons
33. Definitions
34. Visits by judges or magistrates
35. Appointment of independent prison visitors
37. Visits by relatives or friends
38. Contact visiting and residential visiting
39. Exclusion of visitors for security reasons
40. Visits by lawyers and their assistants
41. Visits by the police
42. Visitors to give prescribed information
43. Governor may refuse or terminate visits for security reasons
43A. Access to prison for taking DNA profile sample
Division 3--Search and seizure
44. Formal searches
45. Search
46. Seizure
Division 4--Prisoners rights
47. Prisoners rights
Division 4A--Letters and parcels to and from prisoners
47AA. Definitions
47A. Suspected dangerous letters and parcels may be disposed of
47B. Certain confidential letters and parcels may be inspected
47C. All other letters and parcels may be opened and read
47CA. Certain letters and other items may be copied and disposed of
47D. When letters and parcels may be stopped and censored
47DA. Offence for prisoner to send distressing or traumatic letters and parcels
47DB. Governor may place parcels in storage
47E. Letter and parcel register
Division 5--Change of name applications by prisoners
47F. Application
47G. Definitions
47H. Applications for change of name by or on behalf of a prisoner
47I. Approval by Secretary
47J. Approval to be notified in writing
47K. Registration of change of name
47L. Registrar may correct Register
47M. Information-sharing between the Secretary and the Victorian Registrar
Division 6--Approval of making of acknowledgement of sex applications--prisoners
47N. Offence to make acknowledgement of sex application without approval
47O. Application by prisoner or other person for approval of Secretary
47P. Approval by Secretary of the making of acknowledgement of sex application
47Q. Copy of approval or refusal of Secretary
47R. Request for information from the Victorian Registrar
48. Definitions
49. Disciplinary officers
50. Prison offences
51. Governor's action where charge laid
52. Secretary may nominate Governor to hear charge
53. Governor's hearing
54A. Power of Secretary to withdraw privileges
Division 1--Definitions
55. Definitions
Division 1A--Escort officers
55A. Powers of Secretary in relation to escort officers
55B. Escort officers subject to direction of court or tribunal
55C. Functions and powers of escort officers in relation to prisoners
55D. Authorisation of instruments of restraint
55E. Use of reasonable force
55EA. Issue of firearms to escort officers
55EB. Discharge of firearms
55EC. Discharge of non-lethal firearm
55F. Report to Secretary
55G. Functions and powers of escort officers in relation to persons surrendering to court
55H. How are things seized by an escort officer to be dealt with?
55I. Powers of police officers and police custody officers
55J. Additional powers of escort officers
Division 1B--Security officers
55K. Functions of security officers
55L. Powers of security officers
55M. Seizure of things—how dealt with, reporting and recording
55N. Report of use of force or application of instrument of restraint
55O. No liability
55P. Protective services officer may exercise powers of security officer under this Division
Division 2--Transfer of prisoners
56. Transfers between prisons
56AA. Transfers to and from police gaols
56AB. Legal custody of prisoners and detainees transferred to institutions and designated mental health services
56AC. Transfers to and from transition centres
Division 2A--Absence to give evidence at foreign proceedings
56A. Arrangements with Commonwealth
Division 2B--Police custody transfer orders
56B. Application for police custody transfer order
56C. Application to be determined on the papers and information to be in custody of the Court
56D. Court may make police custody transfer order
56E. Information to be provided on return of person to legal custody of Secretary
56F. Revocation of police custody transfer order
Division 3--Custodial community permits
57. Custodial community permits
57A. Corrections administration permit
57B. Rehabilitation and transition permit
57C. Fine default permit
57D. Provisions applying to all custodial community permits
58. Breach of custodial community permit
58A. Powers of Secretary with respect to custodial community permits
58B. Visitors to give prescribed information
58C. Governor may refuse or terminate visits for security reasons
58D. Offence to give item to prisoner
Division 3A--Emergency management days
58E. Emergency management days
Division 5--Parole
61. Establishment of Board
61A. Chairperson and deputy chairpersons
62. Deputy members
63. Terms of office
64. Divisions
65. Chairing of meetings
66. Meetings
66A. Secretary of Adult Parole Board
67. Secretary of the Board or member may act on behalf of Board
68. Evidentiary
69. Functions of Board
70. Secretary to supply assistance to Board
71. Evidence
71A. Power of Board to compel production of documents and other things or attendance of witnesses
71B. Variation or revocation of notice to produce or notice to attend
71C. Service of notice to produce or notice to attend
71D. Power of Board to compel attendance of witnesses does not affect power of Board to direct prisoners on parole to attend for interview
71E. Appearance by audio visual link
71F. Notice to attend issued to person in custody
71G. Power to take evidence on oath or affirmation
71H. Offence to fail to comply with a notice to produce or attend
71I. Offence to fail to take oath, make affirmation or answer question
71J. Costs of attending meeting of the Board
71K. Protection of participants at Board meeting
72. Reports
73. Officers subject to Board's directions
73A. Safety and protection of the community paramount in parole decisions
74. Release on parole after service of non-parole period
74AAA. Conditions for making parole order for prisoner who murdered police officer
74AA. Conditions for making a parole order for Julian Knight
74AB. Conditions for making a parole order for Craig Minogue
74AC. Conditions for making a parole order for Paul Denyer
74AABA. Conditions for making a parole order for person imprisoned for certain fatal offences
74AAB. Parole decisions made by Serious Violent Offender or Sexual Offender Parole Division
74AAC. Parole decisions where terrorism risk information provided to Board
74AAD. Board must specify no-return period in certain circumstances
74AAE. Restricted prisoners
74AAF. Restricted prisoner reports
74AAG. Restricted prisoner declarations
74A. Victim submissions
74B. How does the Board deal with victim submissions?
75. Young offenders—sentence and non-parole period
76. Persons on parole deemed still under sentence
76A. Secretary may direct that prisoner be tested for alcohol or drug use
77. Cancellation of parole
77A. Revocation of cancellation
77B. Return of prisoner to prison on cancellation of parole
77C. Power to direct that time on parole is time served
77D. Board may arrange for examination of prisoner
78. Prisoners may be released on parole more than once
78A. Offence to breach a term or condition of parole
78B. Arrest and detention for breach of parole order
78C. Consideration by Board of breach of terms and conditions of parole
78D. Application of certain provisions of the Crimes Act 1958 and the Bail Act 1977
78E. Time in detention is time served
Division 5A--Safety powers that may be exercised in supervision of prisoners on parole
78F. Definitions for Division 5A
78G. When may the powers under this Division be exercised?
78H. General powers
78I. Search
78J. Seizure
78K. Warning that search or seizure is to occur and that reasonable force may be used
78L. Report of use of force or application of restraint
78M. Register of seized things
78N. Things seized must be photographed or otherwise recorded
78O. Specified officer must provide receipt for seized thing
78P. Prisoner on parole to submit to testing
78Q. Secretary to approve test procedures
78R. Taking of samples of drug and alcohol
78S. Reports, returns and records
78T. No liability
Division 6--Change of name applications by prisoners released on parole
79. Application of Division
79A. Definitions
79B. Applications for change of name by or on behalf of a prisoner on parole
79C. Approval by Board
79D. Approval to be notified in writing
79E. Registration of change of name
79F. Registrar may correct Register
79G. Lapse of application on cancellation of parole
79H. Information-sharing between the Secretary and the Victorian Registrar
Division 6A--Approval of making of acknowledgement of sex applications--prisoners on parole
79HA. Definition
79HB. Offence to make acknowledgement of sex application without approval
79HC. Application by prisoner on parole or other person for approval of Board
79HD. Approval by Board of the making of acknowledgement of sex application
79HE. Copy of approval or refusal of Board
79HF. Lapse of application on cancellation of parole
Division 7--Warrants
79I. Execution of warrants
79J. Recall and cancellation of warrants
79K. Duplicate warrants
Division 8--Removal of electronic monitoring devices and equipment
79L. Who may remove electronic monitoring devices and equipment
79M. Commissioner may authorise employee to exercise powers of officer
80. Definitions
81. Interstate laws
82. Custodial interstate community permit
83. Effect of permit
84. Variation or revocation of permit
84A. Breach of permit
84B. Notice to participating State and transit States
84C. Effect of permit issued under interstate law
84D. Apprehension of prisoner who escapes or fails to return etc.
84E. Escape from custody—penalty
84EA. Liability for prisoners on leave
Division 1--Prison industry sites and prison industries
84F. Appointment of prison industry sites
84G. Secretary may carry on business for prison industries
84H. Secretary may direct prisoners and offenders to work
Division 1--Definitions
85. Definitions
Division 2--Establishment of community corrections centres and regional centres
86. Community corrections centres
87. Regions
88. Regional centres
Division 3--Officers
89. Officers subject to Regional Manager's directions
90. Powers and duties of officers
92. Additional duties of Regional Manager
Division 4--Discipline of offenders
93. Additional directions by community corrections officers
94. Regional Manager may deal with acts of misconduct
Division 5--Community corrections programmes
95. Approval of community corrections programmes
Division 6--Management and administration of locations
96. Officer subject to directions of Principal of training institution
97. Secretary may nominate person to act as Regional Manager
98. Management of region in Regional Manager's temporary absence
99. Photographing
99A. Offenders may be tested to assess whether under the influence of alcohol or any drug
100. Search
101. Seizure
102. Delegation
103. Access to community corrections centres and locations
104. Offender subject to Secretary's directions
Division 6A--Removal of electronic monitoring devices and equipment
104AAA. Who may remove electronic monitoring devices and equipment
104AAB. Commissioner may authorise employee to exercise powers of officer
Division 7--Sentencing Advisory Council to report on offenders subject to community correction orders
104AA. Annual report
Division 1--Preliminary
104A. Definitions
104AB. Powers limited to certain police gaols
Division 2--Management powers in police gaols
104AC. Management of visitors in police gaols
104AD. Detained persons to give certain information
104AE. Orders to detained persons
104AF. Power to take photographs of detained persons
104AG. Offence to disobey a lawful order
104AH. Power to restrain detained persons
Division 3--Search and seizure powers in police gaols
104B. Formal searches in police gaols
104C. Search powers
104D. Seizure
Division 4--Transport and supervision of persons by police custody officers
104DA. Police custody officers to transport persons at Chief Commissioner's direction
104DB. Functions and powers of police custody officers in relation to persons they transport or supervise
104DC. Transport or supervision authorised under other enactments and instruments
Division 5--General
104DD. Use of reasonable force by police custody officers
104DE. Dealing with seized items
104DF. General power to authorise transfers of detained persons
Division 1--Preliminary matters
104E. Definitions
Division 2--Monitored people at community corrections centres
104F. Application of this Division
104G. Obligations of the officer in charge of the centre
104H. Monitored person must comply with certain directions
104I. Officers may use force to enforce directions in certain circumstances
104J. Officers to give reports if required
104K. Photographing
Division 3--Provisions applying to monitored people receiving visits from officers
104L. Application of this Division
104M. Officers to give reports if required
Division 4--Obligations of regional managers
104N. Regional Manager to ensure that officers have access to certain information
Division 1--Introductory
104O. Definitions
104P. Application
104Q. Meaning of criminal act
104R. Meaning of victim
Division 2--Awards of damages to prisoners
104S. Agreements must be approved by court
104T. Determination of amounts for medical and legal costs
104U. Matters to be considered by court
Division 3--Payment of money to prisoner compensation quarantine fund
104V. Damages awarded to prisoner to be paid to prisoner compensation quarantine fund
104W. Prisoner compensation quarantine funds
Division 4--Notice of prisoner compensation quarantine fund
104X. Victim may ask to be notified of award of damages to prisoner
104Y. Notice to victims published
104Z. Notice to victims directly
104ZA. Applications for information
104ZB. Disclosure of information by Secretary authorised
104ZC. Confidentiality of information
104ZD. Offence to disclose information
104ZE. Notice to Secretary by victim
104ZF. Notice to Secretary by creditors
Division 5--Payments out of prisoner compensation quarantine fund
104ZG. Payments out of fund where legal proceedings notified
104ZH. Payments out of fund where notice from creditor received
104ZI. Restriction not to affect payment of administration costs
104ZJ. Payments out of fund where no notice given
104ZK. Payments taken to be payments at direction of prisoner
104ZL. When are legal proceedings finally determined
Division 6--General
104ZM. Offence to provide false or misleading information
104ZN. Annual report
104ZO. Definition
104ZP. Application of Part
104ZQ. When is compensation payable?
104ZR. Compensation for personal injuries
104ZS. Compensation for loss of or damage to property
104ZT. Jurisdiction
104ZU. Authority to represent Crown
104ZV. Compensation otherwise payable
104ZW. Payments
104ZX. Definitions
104ZY. Authorisation to use or disclose information
104ZYA. Information exchange with other parole decision‑making bodies
104ZZ. Authorisation to disclose information given to Adult Parole Board
104ZZAA.Authorisation to disclose certain information related to certain matters before the Board
104ZZA. Offence to use or disclose personal or confidential information unless authorised
104ZZB. Use or disclosure of information for research purposes
105. Proceedings for offences
105A. Offences by bodies corporate
106. Judicial notice of signatures
107. Construction of references
108. Apprehension of escaped prisoners
108A. Return of prisoner unlawfully released
109. Grants by Minister
110. Disclosure of certain information is not breach of section 4 of Judicial Proceedings Reports Act 1958
111. Sheriff's power not affected
111A. Supreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction
112. Regulations
112A. Additional regulation-making powers—firearms
112B. Validation of regulations
112C. Validation of actions and decisions
112D. Validation—Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2015
113. Act to apply to prison sentences etc. before date of commencement
114. Transitional provisions—legal custody
115. Transitional provisions—Criminal Justice Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002
115A. Transitional provisions—change of name applications
115B. Transitional provision—Corrections and Other Justice Legislation (Amendment) Act 2006
116. Transitional provision—victims register
117. Transitional provision—Corrections Amendment Act 2008
118. Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Further Amendment Act 2009
119. Transitional provision—Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2010
120. Transitional provision—Sentencing Legislation Amendment (Abolition of Home Detention) Act 2011
121. Transitional provision—Corrections Amendment Act 2013
122. Transitional provisions—Justice Legislation Amendment (Cancellation of Parole and Other Matters) Act 2013
123. Transitional provisions—Corrections Amendment (Breach of Parole) Act 2013
124. Transitional provisions—Corrections Amendment (Parole Reform) Act 2013
125. Transitional provisions—Corrections Legislation Amendment Act 2014
126. Transitional provision—Corrections Legislation Amendment Act 2015
127. Transitional—Justice Legislation Amendment (Parole Reform and Other Matters) Act 2016
127A. Transitional—Corrections Amendment (Parole) Act 2018
128. Transitional—Corrections Legislation Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2017
129. Transitional—Justice Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2018
130. Transitional provisions—Serious Offenders Act 2018
131. Transitional—Justice Legislation Amendment (Serious Offenders and Other Matters) Act 2019
132. Transitional—Corrections Amendment (Parole Reform) Act 2023
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