Victorian Current Acts
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Division 1--Purposes and commencement
1. Purposes
2. Commencement
Division 2--Interpretation
3. Definitions
4. What is a waste, recycling or resource recovery service?
5. Objective
6. Principles of waste reduction, recycling and resource recovery
7. Effect of this Division
8. Circular economy hierarchy
9. Principle of equity
10. Principle of shared responsibility
11. Integrated decision-making
12. Principles of transparency and accountability
13. Risk management, proportionality and the precautionary principle
Division 3--Application
14. Application to the Crown
Division 1--Administration
15. Head, Recycling Victoria
16. Functions of the Head, Recycling Victoria
17. Powers of the Head, Recycling Victoria
18. Head, Recycling Victoria subject to general direction of the Minister
19. Staff
20. Delegation by the Head, Recycling Victoria
21. Strategic plan
22. Annual report
Division 2--Exemptions by Head, Recycling Victoria
23. Power of the Head, Recycling Victoria to exempt
24. Application for exemption
25. Amendment or revocation of exemption
26. Application for amendment of exemption
27. Notice of exemption given to class of person
28. Person to whom exemption applies must notify Head, Recycling Victoria if unable to comply with any condition
29. Person to whom exemption applies must comply with any condition
Division 3--Inquiries by Head, Recycling Victoria
30. Inquiries by Head, Recycling Victoria
31. Conduct of an inquiry
32. Final report of Head, Recycling Victoria following inquiry
Division 3A--Market strategies and reporting
32A. Submission of market strategies
32B. Publication of market strategy
32C. Market report
Division 4--Declared regions
33. Head, Recycling Victoria may declare regions
34. Procedure for declaring regions
35. When declaration takes effect
Division 5--Engagement
36. Charter of Engagement
Division 6--Advisory committees
37. Advisory committees
Division 7--Recycling Victoria Fund
37AA. Recycling Victoria Fund
37AB. Payments into and from the Container Deposit Scheme account
37AC. Payments into and from the Waste to Energy Scheme account
Division 1--Preliminary
37A. Objectives of a VRIP
37B. Matters included in a VRIP
Division 2--Inaugural VRIP
37C. Head, Recycling Victoria to prepare inaugural VRIP
37D. Draft inaugural VRIP
37E. Consultation on draft inaugural VRIP
37F. First revised draft inaugural VRIP
37G. Second revised draft inaugural VRIP
37H. Approval of inaugural VRIP
37I. Gazettal and publication of inaugural VRIP
Division 3--Further VRIPs
37J. Head, Recycling Victoria to prepare VRIP
37K. Draft VRIP
37L. Consultation on draft VRIP
37M. First revised draft VRIP
37N. Second revised draft VRIP
37O. Approval of VRIP
37P. Gazettal and publication of VRIP
Division 4--Amendments to VRIP
37Q. Head, Recycling Victoria to prepare amendments to VRIP
37R. Draft amendments
37S. Consultation on draft amendments
37T. Revised draft amendments
37U. Approval of amendments
37V. Gazettal and publication of amendments
37W. Waiver of certain requirements in this Division
Division 5--Review of VRIP
37X. Review of VRIP
Division 6--Miscellaneous
37Y. Annual VRIP progress report
Division 1--Reporting requirements of regular reporting entities and occasional reporting entities
38. Regular reporting entity must give certain information to Head, Recycling Victoria
39. Direction to provide additional information—regular reporting entity
40. Collection and retention of information by occasional reporting entity
41. Direction to give information—occasional reporting entity
42. Direction to provide additional information—occasional reporting entity
43. Guidelines in relation to form and manner of information
Division 2--Exemption from reporting requirements
44. General exemption from reporting requirements
45. Exemption for individual reporting entity from reporting requirements
46. Renewal of exemption for individual reporting entity
47. Amendment or revocation of exemption on initiative of Head, Recycling Victoria
48. Application for amendment of exemption
49. Reporting entity to whom exemption applies must notify Head, Recycling Victoria if unable to comply with any condition
Division 3--Information sharing and reporting
50. Head, Recycling Victoria may collect, use, disclose or publish information
51. Centralised data and information system
52. Publication of information and reports
53. Preparation of reports by Head, Recycling Victoria
54. Minister may direct Head, Recycling Victoria to prepare a report
55. Unauthorised disclosure of confidential information
56. Procurement agreements between the Head, Recycling Victoria and councils and Alpine Resorts Victoria
57. Head, Recycling Victoria may provide councils or Alpine Resorts Victoria with procurement advice and support
58. Procurement guidelines
59. Matters the Head, Recycling Victoria must take into account
Division 1--Mandatory service provision by councils
60. Councils and Alpine Resorts Victoria to provide municipal residual waste and municipal recycling services
Division 2--Mandatory sorting by entities
61. Entities to sort waste and recycling materials
Division 3--Service standards
62. Preparation of service standards
63. Making of service standards
64. Review of service standards
65. Notice of proposal to make, amend or revoke service standards
66. Minister must consider advice
67. Minister may make, amend or revoke a service standard
68. Minister may request review of service standards
69. Offence to refuse or fail to comply with applicable service standards
70. Agreements must incorporate relevant service standards
71. Offence to refuse or fail to incorporate relevant service standards
72. Head, Recycling Victoria may issue notice requiring information
73. Offence to fail to comply with notice
74. Duty of providers of essential waste, recycling or resource recovery services to minimise risk of failure, disruption or hinderance of service
Division 4--Risk, consequence and contingency plans
74A. Definition of responsible entity
74B. Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan (CERCC Plan)
74C. Notification and publication
74D. Responsible entity must comply with CERCC Plan
74E. Review of CERCC Plans
74F. Responsible Entity Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plans (RERCC Plans)
74G. Statement of assurance
74H. Responsible entity must comply with RERCC Plan
74I. Review of RERCC Plans
74J. Information gathering
74K. Guidelines in relation to risk, consequence and contingency planning
Division 1--Preliminary
74L. Definitions
74M. Thermal waste to energy processes
74N. Permitted waste
Division 2--Waste to energy licence required for thermal waste to energy processes
74O. Operation of thermal waste to energy facility without a waste to energy licence
74P. Failure to comply with a condition of a waste to energy licence
74Q. Operation of thermal waste to energy facility using banned waste
Division 3--Cap licences
74R. Head, Recycling Victoria may invite expressions of interest for cap licences or increase of allocated cap amount
74S. Applications for cap licences
74T. Issue of cap licences
74U. Cap limit
74V. Conditions on cap licences
Division 4--Existing operator licences
74W. Definitions
74X. Existing operator may apply for existing operator licence
74Y. Issue of existing operator licences
74Z. Conditions on existing operator licences
74ZA. Operator may hold both a cap licence and an existing operator licence
Division 5--Amendment, suspension, revocation and transfer of waste to energy licences
74ZB. Amendment of waste to energy licences
74ZC. Head, Recycling Victoria may decrease allocated cap amount
74ZD. Suspension of waste to energy licences
74ZE. Immediate suspension
74ZF. Revocation of waste to energy licences
74ZG. Immediate revocation
74ZH. Disqualification of person from applying for waste to energy licences
74ZI. Transfer of waste to energy licences
Division 6--Miscellaneous
74ZJ. Fit and proper persons
74ZK. Extension of submission period
74ZL. Guidelines in relation to the waste to energy scheme
74ZM. Transitional provisions—existing operators
Division 1--Preliminary
75. Definitions
Division 2--Administration of container deposit scheme
76. Functions of the Head, Recycling Victoria—container deposit scheme
77. Powers of the Head, Recycling Victoria
78. Delegation
Division 3--Scheme Coordinator
79. Functions of Scheme Coordinator
80. Scheme Coordinator agreement
81. Content of Scheme Coordinator agreement
82. Appointment of Scheme Coordinator
83. Ministerial directions to Scheme Coordinator
84. Head, Recycling Victoria may give directions to Scheme Coordinator
85. Directions to Scheme Coordinator must be published
86. Scheme Coordinator must comply with direction
87. Annual assessment report
Division 4--Network operators
88. Functions of network operators
89. Network operator agreements
90. Content of network operator agreements
91. Appointment of network operators
92. Ministerial directions to network operators
93. Head, Recycling Victoria may give directions to network operators
94. Directions to network operators must be published
95. Network operator must comply with direction
96. Network arrangement payments
97. Payments to collection point operators
Division 5--First suppliers
98. Determination of first supplier
Division 6--Approval of suitable eligible containers
99. Application for approval as suitable eligible container
100. Offence to dispose of suitable eligible containers at landfill site
101. Landfill disposal exemptions
102. Person must notify the Head, Recycling Victoria if unable to comply with exemption
Division 8--Container deposit scheme protocols
103. Material recovery facilities protocol
104. Local government refund sharing protocol
Division 9--Refund markings
105. Offence not to have refund markings on suitable eligible containers
Division 10--Enforcement and offences
106. Offence to refuse delivery of or refund for container
107. Delivery to an automated collection point
108. Refund declarations and proof of identity
109. Offence to claim refund for containers not subject to container deposit scheme
110. Offence to supply beverage without supply arrangement with Scheme Coordinator and container approval
111. Enforcement of Scheme Coordinator agreements and network operator agreements
Division 11--Miscellaneous
112. Guidelines
113. Competition and Consumer Act and Competition Code
Division 1--General offences
114. Offence to fail to keep records and information
115. Offence to give false or misleading information
116. Offence to conceal information
Division 2--Information gathering notices
117. Head, Recycling Victoria may serve information gathering notice
118. Form of information gathering notice
119. Extension of time under information gathering notice
120. Court orders
Division 3--Show cause notices
121. Show cause notices
122. Representations about show cause notice
123. Ending show cause process without further action
124. Further action after show cause process
Division 4--Improvement notices
125. Improvement notice
126. Offence to fail to comply with improvement notice
Division 5--Prohibition notices
127. Prohibition notice
128. Offence to fail to comply with prohibition notice
Division 6--Court orders
129. Court orders
Division 7--Enforceable undertakings
130. Head, Recycling Victoria may accept enforceable undertaking
131. Enforcement
132. No criminal proceedings while enforceable undertaking in effect
133. Proceedings following withdrawal of enforceable undertaking
134. No further proceedings if enforceable undertaking is complied with
135. Contempt of court
Division 8--Adverse publicity orders
136. Adverse publicity order
Division 9--Civil penalties
137. Civil penalties
138. Civil penalty order
139. Proceeding for civil penalty order after criminal proceeding
140. Criminal proceeding during proceeding for civil penalty order
141. Criminal proceeding after proceeding for civil penalty order
142. Evidence admitted during proceeding for civil penalty order
143. Conduct contravening more than one civil penalty provision
144. Multiple contraventions of civil penalty provisions
145. Multiple proceedings for civil penalty order to be heard together
146. Jurisdictional limit of Magistrates' Court does not apply to civil penalty order
147. Recovery of pecuniary penalty
Division 9A--Monetary benefit orders
147A. Monetary benefit order
147B. Head, Recycling Victoria may issue protocol for determining monetary benefit
Division 10--Infringement notices
148. Power to issue infringement notice
Division 11--Authorised officers
149. Appointment by Head, Recycling Victoria of authorised officers
150. Identification of authorised officers
151. Directions in respect of authorised officers
152. Authorised officer may request name and address
153. Authorised officer may give directions
154. Other authorised officers may assist
155. Offence to obstruct authorised officer
156. Offence to assault or threaten authorised officer
157. Offence to impersonate
Division 12--Powers of entry and inspection
158. Authorised officer may enter and inspect any place or premises
159. Announcement on entry
160. Persons assisting authorised officer
161. Powers on entry
162. Authorised officer may require production of documents
163. Authorised officer may require information or answers
164. Report to be given about entry and inspection of place or premises
Division 13--Search warrants
165. Authorised officer may apply for search warrant
166. Issue of warrant
167. What may a search warrant authorise?
168. Announcement before entry with warrant
169. Copy of warrant to be given to occupier
Division 14--Return and forfeiture of seized things
170. Return of seized things
171. Forfeiture of seized things
Division 15--Audits
172. Appointment of auditors
173. Functions of an auditor
Division 16--Miscellaneous
174. Persons who may prosecute
175. Written statement of authorised officers to be evidence
176. Conduct of employee, agent or officer taken to be conduct of body corporate
177. Criminal liability of officers of bodies corporate—accessorial liability
Division 1--VCAT review
178. Which decisions are reviewable
179. Reviews by VCAT
Division 2--Supplementary provisions
180. Power of Minister to delegate
181. Minister may issue guidelines
182. Review of operation of Act
183. Regulations
Division 1--General
184. Definitions
185. Application of Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984
186. Abolition of WRR Groups
187. Transfer of executive officers and Chief Executive Officer of WRR Group
188. Transfer of WRR Group staff
189. Superseded references
190. Declared regions
191A. Transitional provisions—Environment Legislation Amendment (Circular Economy and Other Matters) Act 2023
Division 2--Environment Legislation Amendment (Circular Economy and Other Matters) Act 2023
191B. Validation of Scheme Coordinator agreement
191C. Validation of network operator agreements
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