(1) When performing a function or duty or exercising a power under this Part, the Head, Recycling Victoria must take the following into account—
(a) a procurement process should be as streamlined as possible;
(b) the provision of waste, recycling or resource recovery services should be consistent, high quality and localised;
(c) the provision of waste, recycling or resource recovery services should provide value for money and efficient use of resources;
(d) the provision of waste, recycling or resource recovery services should be continually improving;
(e) a procurement process should be transparent and fair and provide accountability;
(f) any prescribed matter.
(2) When performing a function or duty or
exercising a power under this Part, the Head, Recycling Victoria may take into
account any matter that the Head, Recycling Victoria reasonably considers
Part 5—Waste and recycling services
Division 1—Mandatory service provision by councils
S. 60 (Heading) amended by No. 9/2022 s. 31(1).