S. 83(1) amended by Nos 90/1989 s. 4(a), 76/1998 s. 3(1)(v).
(1) The Secretary may appoint as authorised officers—
S. 83(1)(a) amended by Nos 46/1998 s. 7(Sch. 1), 76/1998 s. 3(1)(v).
(a) any specified employee or a specified class of employees employed by the Secretary, or in the Department or in the Public Service or (with the consent of the Minister administering that Department) in any Department of the Government of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory; or
S. 83(1)(aa) inserted by No. 61/1993 s. 36(d).
(aa) a specified member of staff or specified class of members of staff of the Victorian Plantations Corporation; or
S. 83(1)(ab) inserted by No. 38/1995 s. 12(b).
(ab) for the purposes of this Part, a specified member of staff or specified class of members of staff of the Royal Botanic Gardens Board; or
S. 83(1)(ab) inserted by No. 106/1995 s. 51(a), substituted ass. 83(1)(ac) by No. 48/2004 s. 129.
(ac) for the purposes of this Part, a specified member of staff or a specified class of members of staff of the Zoological Parks and Gardens Board; or
S. 83(1)(ad) inserted by No. 48/2004 s. 129, repealed by No. 24/2024 s. 37.
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S. 83(1)(ae) inserted by No. 19/2018 s. 75(1).
(ae) a specified employee or a specified class of employee of Parks Victoria; or
S. 83(1)(af) inserted by No. 42/2021 s. 39(1).
(af) a specified employee or a specified class of employee of the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority; or
(b) any specified person or any specified class of persons.
S. 83(1A) inserted by No. 19/2018 s. 75(2).
(1A) Without limiting subsection (1), Parks Victoria may appoint as authorised officers any employee or class of employee of Parks Victoria for any or all of relevant Parks Victoria land.
S. 83(1B) inserted by No. 42/2021 s. 39(2).
(1B) Without limiting subsection (1), the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority may appoint as authorised officers any employee or class of employee of the Authority for any or all land managed by the Authority.
S. 83(2) substituted by No. 90/1989 s. 4(b).
(2) An authorised officer may be appointed under subsection (1)—
S. 83(2)(a) substituted by No. 87/1997 s. 44.
(a) for the purposes of all or any relevant laws; and
(b) for the whole or part of Victoria.
S. 83(3) amended by No. 76/1998 s. 3(1)(v), repealed by No. 70/1998 s. 15(a), new s. 83(3) inserted by No. 19/2018 s. 75(3), amended by No. 42/2021 s. 39(3).
(3) An authorised officer may be appointed under subsection (1A) or (1B) for a specified relevant law or any specified power, function or duty of a specified relevant law.
S. 83(4) amended by No. 76/1998 s. 3(1)(v).
(4) The Secretary is an authorised officer for the purposes of each relevant law.
S. 83(5) amended by Nos 90/1989 s. 4(c), 76/1998 s. 3(1)(v), 19/2018 s. 75(4).
(5) The Secretary must give to each authorised officer appointed under subsection (1) a certificate of appointment stating the relevant law for the purposes of which the person is appointed an authorised officer, whether the person is appointed for the whole or a part of Victoria and, if for a part of Victoria, specifying the part of Victoria for which the person is appointed.
S. 83(6) inserted by No. 19/2018 s. 75(5).
(6) Parks Victoria must give to each authorised officer appointed under subsection (1A) a certificate of appointment stating the relevant law for the purposes of which the person is appointed as an authorised officer and the land or area in respect of which the person is appointed.
S. 83(7) inserted by No. 42/2021 s. 39(4).
(7) The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority must give to each authorised officer appointed under subsection (1B) a certificate of appointment stating the relevant law for the purposes of which the person is appointed as an authorised officer and the land or area in respect of which the person is appointed.
Note to s. 83 inserted by No. 24/2014 s. 80, substituted as Notes by No. 68/2016 s. 176.
1 The Game Management Authority Act 2014 also provides for the appointment of authorised officers for the purposes of all or any relevant laws—see Part 3 of that Act.
2 The Victorian Fisheries Authority Act 2016 also provides for the appointment of authorised officers for the purposes of all or any relevant laws—see Part 3 of that Act.