S. 218(1) amended by No. 52/2013 s. 15(2).
(1) The purpose of a conciliation conference is to enable the parties to the application, with the assistance of the convenor or convenors—
(a) to identify the issues in dispute; and
(b) to consider alternatives; and
(c) to try to reach an agreement as to the action to be taken in the best interests of the child.
S. 218(2) amended by No. 52/2013 s. 15(2).
(2) The role of a convenor or the convenors of a conciliation conference is—
(a) to chair the conference; and
(b) to advise on and determine the process to be followed for the conference; and
(c) to provide to the Court a written report of the conclusions reached at the conference.
S. 219 repealed by No. 52/2013 s. 16.
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S. 220 (Heading) amended by No. 52/2013 s. 17(1).
S. 220 amended by No. 52/2013 s. 17(2).