(1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for or with respect to the following—
(a) the cultivation of alkaloid poppies;
(b) the processing of poppy straw;
(c) classes of persons that are disqualified persons;
(d) prescribing fees or levies to recover any compliance or administrative costs;
(e) prescribing terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions to which licences issued under this Part will be subject;
(f) particulars to be included in any application for the issue, renewal or amendment of a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing licence;
(g) restricting, limiting or prohibiting premises, vehicles or machines used or intended to be used in connection with the cultivation and destruction of alkaloid poppies or the processing or destruction of poppy straw;
(h) limiting or prohibiting transport of poppy straw, including in relation to specific geographical areas or regions in Victoria;
(i) the distance required to separate alkaloid poppies and poppy straw at a specified premises from any other place;
(j) matters to be considered by the Secretary in relation to the suitability of specified premises for the cultivation of alkaloid poppies or processing of poppy straw;
(k) fencing of specified premises and standard of fencing required to separate alkaloid poppies and poppy straw from a public place or any other premises;
(l) requirements of signage at specified premises and information to be displayed at a specified premises, or on equipment or vehicles used for or in connection with the growing or harvesting of alkaloid poppies or the processing of poppy straw;
(m) the manner in which searches, detentions and seizures under this Part are to be carried out;
(n) records to be kept in relation to alkaloid poppy cultivation or poppy straw processing;
(o) prescribing a penalty of not more than 100 penalty units for any contravention of or failure to comply with the regulations made under this Part.
(2) Regulations made under this Part may—
(a) be of general or limited application;
(b) differ according to differences in time, place or circumstances;
(c) apply to different classes of person and licences;
(d) provide for different fees for different activities or classes of activity or different cases or classes of cases;
(e) provide for waiver or reduction of fees;
(f) in the case of applications for the issue or renewal of licences, specify fees that reflect the cost of administration of, and the provision of, inspection services in connection with this Part;
(g) confer powers or discretions or impose duties on the Secretary or an inspector;
(h) exempt specified persons or things or classes of person or classes of thing from complying with all or any of the regulations—
(i) whether unconditionally or on specified conditions; and
(ii) either wholly or to such an extent as is specified; and
(iii) leave any matter to be required to be undertaken in a manner approved by the Secretary.
Pt 5 (Heading and ss 63– 69) repealed by No. 10002 s. 6(1)(c)(d).
* * * * *
Pt 6
(Heading and ss 70–101) substituted as Pt 5 (Heading and
ss 70– 80) and Pt 6 (Heading and ss 81– 90) by No. 10002
s. 7(1).
Pt 5 (Heading) amended by No. 52/2006 s. 7.
Part V—Drugs of dependence and related matters
S. 70 substituted by No. 10002 s. 7(1).